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When is the Deadline to Reach $15K Sales for the Conference Pin?

In summary, " and nothing before it:My Director told me that when she made $15,000 in sales, she got a pin at conference. I was wondering if anyone knew the deadline for that? I'm $1965 away and I know I'm going to make it, I just don't know when.I believe it was May 31st. However, you may want to check with HO. But I think it runs on the TPC earning schedule.
Silver Member
My Director told me that when she made $15,000 in sales, she got a pin at conference. I was wondering if anyone knew the deadline for that? I'm $1965 away and I know I'm going to make it, I just don't know when.
I believe it was May 31st. However, you may want to check with HO. But I think it runs on the TPC earning schedule.
You only get the pin if you go to confrence???:( :(

Oh well...guess I wont be getting a pin
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I think chefKearns is right. I got one last year & was surprised! I didn't know what it was for:rolleyes:
Yes, for any consultant (not just those accomplishing the $15,000 in sales), you get a pin at conference for sales during the TPC earning period (June 1st-May 31st). There are different levels....for $15,000-$29,999, $30,000-$47,999 and over $48,000. People pin these (and the other pins for things like HWC and RUFTH) on their badges at Conference. YOu also get ribbons for various things, like being a FD, Director, other director levels, Career Club for sales and/or recruiting, TPC, being a conference presenter, etc. It's pretty amazing to see people with TONS of ribbons hanging from their badges. There are also pins for being on track for the trips. You get a pin if you've recruited in the TPC period too!

It's so cool! I can't wait for conference!
Yeah, I get a pin for $15,000 I submitted 5mins. before deadline! I can't wait till conference I am already so psyched, that I don't know what is going to happen to me at confernce.:D :D
pamperedbecky said:
Yes, for any consultant (not just those accomplishing the $15,000 in sales), you get a pin at conference for sales during the TPC earning period (June 1st-May 31st). There are different levels....for $15,000-$29,999, $30,000-$47,999 and over $48,000.
Actually it's for $15,000; $50,000, $100,000, $200,000, $300,000...

They have a special lunch for those who have achieved the $50,000 and above levels called Career Club and you get an extra special gift - everyone gets a gift at lunch that day but career club gets a little more - last year (25th anniversary) was a bit disapointing. Everyone got a poster but career club got the poster in a frame (with clear plastic not glass). It's still cool though! The lunch is a little nicer and the top dogs are there too.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
I guess I'll get the $15K pin at next year's conference. Oh, well, something to look forward to I suppose.
Like Beth said--the career club luncheon is awesome! It's a nice catered meal; instead of cafeteria style:p The food was great--but the best part for me was last year I got my picture taken with Doris:D That was so cool, just to walk right up to her & say hi. She was sooo nice & took a picture with me. That was my best moment of my first conference!
  • #10
Ginger428 said:
You only get the pin if you go to confrence???:( :(

Oh well...guess I wont be getting a pin

I made $15,000 on May 3, well I submitted a fundraiser in the amount of $4,482.50 that took me over to $17,428.

We had our cluster meeting tonight and my director gave me a charm/pin that the HO sent her today.(perfect timing) I have only been doing this for 9 months and 13 days. I LOVE THIS JOB!!!:D

Thanks for listening

  • #11
whiteyteresa said:
I made $15,000 on May 3, well I submitted a fundraiser in the amount of $4,482.50 that took me over to $17,428.

We had our cluster meeting tonight and my director gave me a charm/pin that the HO sent her today.(perfect timing) I have only been doing this for 9 months and 13 days. I LOVE THIS JOB!!!:D

Thanks for listening


Thanks for the Info!:D...& WAY TO GO on your Fundraiser
  • #12
Any chance of anything for newbies?I just finished SS Month 3 - is there anything that they give Super Starters - I don't want my badge to be naked!!!
  • #13
I received a Hat Pin when I qualified but nothing when I finished my 3rd month
  • #14
BethCooks4U said:
Actually it's for $15,000; $50,000, $100,000, $200,000, $300,000...

They have a special lunch for those who have achieved the $50,000 and above levels called Career Club and you get an extra special gift


I believe Becky was right about the pins. I have received pins in the past for $30,000 and $48,000 (this is in the TPC year). Then of course you receive a ribbon for career club for the levels you listed above. For those of you who have never been to conference, the difference is that the pins are for sales that TPC year and the ribbon for career club is based on career sales. Your ribbon of course is the same no matter whether you are at $50,000 or $500,000 but you get to sit closer to the front the higher up you are!

And, no there is anything they give super starters for their badge. You will have a ribbon that denotes your level (Consultant, Future Director, etc)

As far as what you get for qualifying, that is up to your Director to recognize you. The company recognition of a silver whisk is when you reach your $15,000 in commissionable sales. The pin at conference is for $15,000 or more in the TPC year. So, you can get a $15,000 pin or higher at every conference.
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Thanks Marlene!
  • #16
loreedfk said:
I just finished SS Month 3 - is there anything that they give Super Starters - I don't want my badge to be naked!!!

I'm assuming since you just finished SSM3 that this is your first Conference. You will get a pin that says "1st Time Conference Attendee" so that EVERYONE knows it's your first time. It's really fun :)
  • #17
Cool - at least I get something!!!!
  • #18
whiteyteresa said:
I made $15,000 on May 3, well I submitted a fundraiser in the amount of $4,482.50 that took me over to $17,428.

We had our cluster meeting tonight and my director gave me a charm/pin that the HO sent her today.(perfect timing) I have only been doing this for 9 months and 13 days. I LOVE THIS JOB!!!:D

Thanks for listening


Congrats Teresa! I too will get a pin at conference. I did it in a little over 4 months, and what a milestone we have reached! Don't you love the raise??!!
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  • #19
Do you get a notice from HO as to when to adjust PP?

Related to When is the Deadline to Reach $15K Sales for the Conference Pin?

1. What is the deadline for achieving the $15K sales pin?

The deadline for achieving the $15K sales pin is December 31st of each calendar year. This is a yearly goal that all Pampered Chef consultants strive to reach.

2. Do online sales count towards the $15K sales pin?

Yes, online sales do count towards the $15K sales pin. As long as the sales are made through your personal Pampered Chef website, they will be included in your total sales for the year.

3. Can I combine my sales with another consultant to reach the $15K sales pin?

No, the $15K sales pin must be achieved individually. Sales cannot be combined with another consultant's in order to reach the goal.

4. What happens if I do not reach the $15K sales pin by the deadline?

If you do not reach the $15K sales pin by the deadline, you will not receive the pin for that year. However, you can still work towards achieving it in the following year.

5. Is the $15K sales pin a one-time achievement or do I need to reach it every year?

The $15K sales pin is a yearly goal, so it needs to be reached every year in order to receive the pin. However, if you have previously achieved it, you will still be recognized for your previous accomplishment.

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