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Constantly Changing Directors: My Experience with Frequent Leadership Turnover

In summary, Kristi has won a HO tour and is getting boxes of cookware. She is jealous of Amanda who has won the HO tour before her.
Here I am complaining, but does anyone else seem to get a new director all the time? This month alone, I have gone through 3!!!!!!!!!!!! 3!!!!!!!! I have never heard from one. Whats going on?
What's the story with your upline/recruiter?

If my director dropped out, I'd be one person away from Home Office Direct. Not much chance for going through directors there! ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I haven't heard from my recruiter since I signed up. Its very frustrating because I really want to improve and I have no one to talk with!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would contact the HO or go all the way up to your NED.
ChefJesssica said:
I haven't heard from my recruiter since I signed up. Its very frustrating because I really want to improve and I have no one to talk with!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can talk to us!!! If it wasn't for this site, I probably would have quit a long time ago. I had no support in the beginning except for everyone here!! I always learn way more here than I ever have at a Cluster Meeting.
My director took a class at conference, about helping build directors and they said something about these sites and how they hold consultants back and that they should encourage their consultants to take a challange and not get on here for a month. I said ah yeah right!I told her that I am doing really well I sold $3,900 last month w/ 2 recruits in a week. Then I told her I would miss my fellow cheffers even if I haven't been able to meet in person, except for a few!
pamperedalf said:
My director took a class at conference, about helping build directors and they said something about these sites and how they hold consultants back and that they should encourage their consultants to take a challange and not get on here for a month.

Holding us back?!?!? :eek: How do they figure that? :confused: I've gotten tons of great information and creative ideas to use from here. It's been about the only PC connection I've had since my upline is out of state.
I agree, I LOVE this site and contribute part of my success to it!:D

Amanda, queen of the shoppers? Does that mean you won the HO tour?? :D Please, fill us in! If you did win, what did you pick??:D
My exec. dir. has made a few comments as well. They that some spend more time on these boards getting ideas than doing customer care calls and working the biz. Which could be true!But I make my phone calls, I mail out my invites, I split 80% of the host orders up for them. In my opinion I am not the one who sits on the computer all day and has no shows. oh well it kind of irritated me because I am working the biz and recruiting and now it seems that it's not good enough. Give up chef success, I went through withdrawls at conference, but internet at the hotel was outrageous.
  • #10
Kristi, I did win!!!! I called ho not too long ago I have 18 boxes coming valued at $2,800. It still is a huge blur, I grabbed lots of cookware, and stoneware. I will take pics and list all the stuff when I get it.:)
Probably next Monday it will come!
  • #11
That is SO AWESOME! I just read the other post, that is so great! I'm SO jealous!! Seriously, I almost have everything so I don't know what I would do with it all but the high you got from winning must be so overwhelming!:D
Congratulations again, I can't wait to see pictures!:D
  • #12
I have shared flyers I've gotten on here with my upline--they are impressed and I tell them where I got them---My director would but she lives in the country with a dial up connection--she says a pain to get on---

I do understand especially the new recruits (had one) who spend several hours on here browsing and getting ideas--but no shows--not making calls--I tell my girls if they are on here they need to make calls --browsing is busywork (but I love it!!!)--I too think I am addicted!!:D
  • #13
pamperedalf said:
Kristi, I did win!!!! I called ho not too long ago I have 18 boxes coming valued at $2,800. It still is a huge blur, I grabbed lots of cookware, and stoneware. I will take pics and list all the stuff when I get it.:)
Probably next Monday it will come!

Congratulations!! That is so wonderful!! If I had gone, I would have been in Wave 2 and I would have gotten to see you! Oh well. Maybe next year!
  • #14
My director doesn't agree with any consultants being on here b/c first- the site is in no way affiliated with pampered chef and second- she says she saw someone on here a while back that was selling there ruby ring.

I don't know where i would be without this site. Before i got on here i never played any kind of games at my shows b/c i had no ideas.

when i have questions after 9 pm i can't call my director so i post them on here and usually within few minutes i get an answer.

I tell all my recruits about this site b/c it's been so helpful to me
  • #15
pamperedalf said:
Kristi, I did win!!!! I called ho not too long ago I have 18 boxes coming valued at $2,800. It still is a huge blur, I grabbed lots of cookware, and stoneware. I will take pics and list all the stuff when I get it.:)
Probably next Monday it will come!

WAY TO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THATS FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D
  • #16
My director who never calls called me to ask why my sales were so awesome in April, my biggest month. I said that I was getting great ideas on Chef Success. She didn't sound too thrilled, and I do think I am "working" when I am on here (Hey I could be surfing my Mommy boards instead and not even thinking PC) but she is whining all the way to the bank with her overrides from my increased sales.
  • #17
Call me crazy...if you will......but are we not in business for ourself but not by ourself? Wouldn't Chef Success then count as helping us not be by ourself?

I consider 15 minutes of Chef Success as part of my Power Hour!
  • #18
erinyourpclady said:
Call me crazy...if you will......but are we not in business for ourself but not by ourself? Wouldn't Chef Success then count as helping us not be by ourself?

I consider 15 minutes of Chef Success as part of my Power Hour!

Yeah I agree with you. When I signed up my Director assured me it was my business the way I wanted to run it. I told her that some months, I would barely squeeze out the minimum $200 in sales so I wouldn't have to go inactive and she was fine with it. I told her that I didn't have the time it took to devote to Pampered Chef to make it anymore than my hobby business. (I have a full time job and don't plan on leaving it anytime soon) And that I would get out of it what I wanted to put into it. If I put nothing into it, I expected to get nothing out of it. If I want to spend my personal time on a website, reading posts - then really it's my business. This opportunity shouldn't be sold as a "many sizes" type business, if they're going to be that negative about what you should or should not be doing.

And I don't mean to sound snotty, but don't most of the people who have "workshops" at conference, also have CDs/DVDs for sale? If so, that might make them have a little more vested interest in your buying those materials rather than coming on a website like this.

Ok I'm done. I shouldn't read this stuff in a bad mood.
  • #19
My director thinks that this site is a great resource! I do have to watch my time, but when I need motivation or need advice, I can get it here, too.

I'm very fortunate to have a director like mine, but if I hadn't been on this site I would have been lost at conference!!
  • #20
Anne, I missed you while you were at conference! It was so quiet on the bored without you to talk to LOL!!
  • #21
Hey Gill, I am so hurt, you didn't miss all of us? :( :p LOL. I did keep seeing this one girl she was real small (he kept getting up and asking questions after the classes and had to pull the mic down to her level) in a few of my classes and running around through the hallways that was from Alaska.
  • #22
I met someone too from Alaska and couldn't help but to think "Man, I wish that was Gillian".

Don't feel bad Jennifer, I haven't been on here in over a week and she didn't miss me either!
  • #23
Hey Andrea,I missed you at conference and here. I wanted to go meet you at the pub, but they said it was a 15 min cab ride from the Sheraton, and no way I was walking so I gave up. I tried to find you at conference, but that was like finding a needle in a haystack!
  • #24
I am sorry ladies! I missed you all! It just always seems like Anne and I reply to the same threads in the same order so I am alway right behind her on all the posts. No one was posting anything and the board was SO SLOW. When I went to check the boards my usual 10 times a day (LOL) nothing much had changed!!

My director just promoted to senior director and I am not sure many people went to conference from up here. She is shorter with long curly brown hair. Her name is Jana Washatka (look for her EVERY DARN MONTH in the CN!) Was that who you guys kept seeing??
  • #25
Sure, sure Gillian. Your just saying that! We know where we stand! LOL:)
  • #26

I think this is the first year (in five) that Jana and I were not in the same conference (at least I think we are talking about the same person). Everytime she'd walk the stage for something and they flashed her name and state on the screen I would think if she can do such a remarkable job in Alaska, there is should be nothing stopping me!
  • #27
No, I don't think it was, this girl had long straight hair and looked pretty darn young. Maybe early 20's? But she definately kept mentioning that she was from Alaska.
  • #28
It is pittiful that she makes so much money and gets so many booking 60 miles from me!! She lives far enough away from me that we don't compete, but close enough that I know it can be done here. She lives in Anchorage, which is much bigger of a city, but my city is the fastest growing in the state! My new goal is to get more knowledge from her. She has to be doing something right!! Her cluster meeting is Monday, and I never go because I have to get a babysitter and drive the 60 miles. She will be super pumped from conference I am sure though!!
  • #29

If you can find the babysitter, I'd recommend going to her meetings. I used to drive 2 hours (one way) to my cluster meetings (after going through a series of less than pleasant hospitality Directors).

It was SO worth going to a meeting where great ideas were exchanged. Maybe there is someone from your area you could ride with?

Where is Wasilla in relation to Anchorage (north, south, east, west)? The name sounds familiar. I'm wondering if I and my husband drove through (past) when we were in your great state.
  • #30
Wasilla is 40 miles north of Anchorage. You have to drive right through Wasilla to get to Fairbanks, and you might have even gone through to get to Canada. The problem is I live way up in the mountains, and she lives on the very end of anchorage, so it at least an hour or 75 minutes drive!! I know it would be worth it, but I just can't get motivated to go, much less buy the gas for that trip!! By the time I pay a babysitter it would be almost $100!
  • #31
I'm sure I've been through Wasilla. We drove what I'll call "the oval". We headed North, starting and ending in Anchorage.

Yikes, $100! That is an expensive trip. If you can find a way to cut the costs, go for it! I was luck in that the cluster meetings I drove 2 hours for were on Saturday mornings. Had to get up early but I didn't have to go home in the dark (or dodge moose -- just the occasional deer).
  • #32
Ginger428 said:
WAY TO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THATS FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D

  • #33
I really have no excuse for not going in the summer, but in the winter it is treacherous!!
  • #34
Gillian - I attend a workshop that your director and her director did together called Double Digit Recruiting. She was amazing! I got a ton of information to use out of it. I really hope that you can make some of the cluster meetings.

  • #35
I'd sell my ruby ring and most of the other "rewards" for reaching the much higher levels. With two small kids I don't need/want anything glass - no matter how beautiful it is. Perhaps once I get to that level I'll appreciate these finer items. But, hey, I don't see what someone selling their ring has to do with not liking this site.
  • #36
Did she run the double digit recruiting class? I am not surprised! I hear that she is an awesome recruiter. I was assigned to her because my recruiter dropped out. I have only met her two or three times. I was all talked into going to the meeting this Monday, but I just got an e-mail from her saying it will be pirate themed and you have to wear a puffy shirt, eye patch and pirate crap. So....now I am not thrilled about going!
  • #37
I think Jana's director was suppose to be running it, but I didn't really get anything out of what she said. Once she turned things over to Jana that is when I really started to take notes. My hospitality director and my director were in the workshop with me and seemed to get more out of what Jana said as well.
  • #38
gilliandanielle said:
Did she run the double digit recruiting class? I am not surprised! I hear that she is an awesome recruiter. I was assigned to her because my recruiter dropped out. I have only met her two or three times. I was all talked into going to the meeting this Monday, but I just got an e-mail from her saying it will be pirate themed and you have to wear a puffy shirt, eye patch and pirate crap. So....now I am not thrilled about going!

Hmmm. Now you HAVE to go so you can tell us all what that was about. :rolleyes: Maybe someone will want to use the "pirate idea" it at their next cluster meeting! At least it sounds like it will not be dull.
  • #39
It is something about a treasure hunt towards TPC. Here is what she said in the e-mail.

Consultants and their guests (potential recruits) are invited to our Pampered Chef Pirate Cluster mtg Monday, July 24th at 6:30pm. Dress in your favorite pirate puffy shirt, your eye patch, or whatever pirate garb you have. Please bring a Pampered Chef recipe to share and we won't have to make you walk the plank!

Now is the time to plan for the Golden treasures that await you when you earn an incentive trip.

Top Performance Cluster is achievable and your Director will reward you when you get 1/2 way. Your treasure map to success starts with attending Cluster meetings. At each meeting we will be giving you clues get you closer to your goal! X marks the spot! Mark your goal and uncover your treasure!

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