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Boost Your Bridal Shower Sales with Cash Gifts - No Registry Needed

The summary is that people are doing a bridal shower but rather than having people shop from a registry, they are having them bring a monetary gift. From there, the bride will choose whatever she likes. Guests are also allowed to shop for themselves to help boost the show sales.
Silver Member
We are doing a bridal shower but rather than having people shop from a registry, we are having them bring a monetary gift. From there, the bride will choose whatever she likes. We are also allowing guests to shop for themselves to help boost the show sales.

Does anyone have an invite with this type of wording? There isn't a registry so we just want them to be clear in saying that we'd like them to bring a monetary gift...any ideas?
I had a gal try this once and the guests were insulted being told to give money and not gifts so I've never tried it again.
That would turn me off, as well. I think it is better to offer a wide price range selection of gifts that the individuals can purchase for the bride. It sounds more greedy to me asking them to just give cash, but oh, you can buy for yourself, as well.
Don't have them shop from the registry! If they do that the benefits are split between what was ordered on the registry and what people order at the shower. They get a lot more if it's all on the shower, especially in July. I never set up the registry until after the PC shower. I tell them to have the PC shower first then we'll set up the registry for any other showers and the wedding with what they still have on their list. I put their wish list on my website so people can look ahead of time or shop if they can't come. Then they just tell us what they want to get and I remove that from my website. It works out well.
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We don't have a registry in Canada so I can't set anything up, regardless.

I've done this a few times and it's always gone over really really well. I've just never had to make up an invite before, so I'm trying to figure out the wording.
Maybe say something along the lines of "We're "Pamperering" the Bride with a shopping spree! Bring a donation to her Pampered Chef Gift and help her stock her kitchen with everything she wants."

Or you could do "Don't worry about shopping before the shower.. shop AT the shower! Select from the Brides 'wish list' or from the Gift Certificate Tree" Then you could have a cupcake tree with different price ranges of gift certificates (through you) along with a list of products she wants.

Don't mention that they should shop for themselves - they'll do that or not on their own.
Pampered said:
We don't have a registry in Canada so I can't set anything up, regardless.

I've done this a few times and it's always gone over really really well. I've just never had to make up an invite before, so I'm trying to figure out the wording.

This is the only way I do a Pampered Chef bridal shower and have NEVER had anyone complain. Everyone is very happy to avoid the extra cost of wrapping paper that just gets put in the garbage and with the cost of a nice card starting at $4.00 it is better to put the $$ in an envelope. this is what my invite says -
You are invited to a Pampered Chef Bridal Shower
in honour of the upcoming wedding of Annie and William

on May 13th at 7 pm at Annie’s house
(39 - 6th Ave in town) Shh - she thinks it’s a kitchen show

No need to worry about choosing the right colour or giving a duplicated gift
or forgetting to purchase enough wrapping paper.
Just place the cash that you would have spent on the gift, card and paper into
an unmarked envelope and then deposit the envelope
into the “bridal shower gift bag” at the bridal shower

Annie will be presented with a gift certificate representing
the total deposits in the “bridal shower gift bag”.
Annie will then choose her bridal shower gifts from the Pampered Chef catalogue with the help and advice of family and friends.
Let’s help Annie outfit her new kitchen with high quality kitchen tools.

Please join us to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Annie and William

I print two invites to a coloured paper (I find out the bride's colours) and then if the host wants, I email her a copy and she then emails to out of town family and friends. They have replied to me the amount that they would like to include (I get a credit card number to cover this amount).

I print out the certificate ahead of the shower and then fill in the $$. I announce the $ 385.00 but mark on the sheet that the bride has $335 + 50 for taxes to equal the $385.
My showers range from $350 to $2000 total deposits in the “bridal shower gift bag” and guests have ordered for themselves as well. The bride is recorded as the host and the person that has done the organising is the co host. My last bridal shower was $ 385. deposited in gift bag and closed the shower with commission sales of $964.15.... $ 241 for my efforts and everyone is happy.
My bridal showers are very laid back with ALL the focus on the bride and I only put up a small card table with current monthly special for PC products on display.

I let the guest talk & visit and if they are playing games, I have supplied some prizes of small PC items.
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  • #8
Thanks Cathy that's great!

Related to Boost Your Bridal Shower Sales with Cash Gifts - No Registry Needed

1. What is the "Boost Your Bridal Shower Sales with Cash Gifts - No Registry Needed" program?

The "Boost Your Bridal Shower Sales with Cash Gifts - No Registry Needed" program is a special promotion offered by Pampered Chef that allows guests to contribute cash gifts towards the bride's purchases. It is an alternative to traditional bridal registries.

2. How does the program work?

To participate in the program, the bride must first create a Pampered Chef account and add items to her wishlist. Then, guests can choose to contribute cash gifts towards the bride's wishlist items. The bride can then use the accumulated cash gifts to make purchases from her wishlist.

3. Do guests have to contribute a specific amount of cash?

No, guests can contribute any amount they are comfortable with. There is no minimum or maximum amount for cash gifts.

4. Can the bride use the cash gifts for anything on her wishlist?

Yes, the bride can use the accumulated cash gifts towards any item on her wishlist, including discounted items and specials. However, the cash gifts cannot be used towards shipping or tax fees.

5. Is the "Boost Your Bridal Shower Sales with Cash Gifts" program available for all Pampered Chef products?

Yes, the program is available for all Pampered Chef products, including both kitchen and pantry items.

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