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Boost Your Bookings with These Exciting Incentives - Pampered Chef Tips

one is when the guest books the show and they get a $10 gift certificate, and the other is when the guest books a show and they get a $20 gift certificate.
Hi everybody! This is my first post on this board. I have been lurking around for a while now and finally decided just to join so I could post too. I have been with Pampered Chef since July, so I'm still pretty new. Anyway, I was trying to get some ideas for booking incentives. It seems like a saw a flyer on here before about getting 3 bookings and getting receiving a free cookbook, but I don't see it now. Does anyone give incentives to the host or the guest to book?
Welcome Kim!
Occasionally, I will offer booking incentives, but not as much now that the host already gets a product for 60% off! I promote it as a booking incentive to my hosts. ("And, if you have a show in October, I will give you the choice of purchasing either the Meat Lifters, Carving Set, or Roasting Pan for 60% off!)

I will offer an incentive to try to get bookings within the next two weeks from the date of the host's show. I tell the guests that if they book one of those "express" dates, then I will give them a gift (something under $20) for holding that date.

Another thing I do is offer my email customers (through my email newsletter), 4 "Bonus dates" at the beginning of each month. If they book one of those bonus dates, I will give them a free gift (this month, I'm giving away the Patriotic Stoneware Mold).

Some consultants will do a "pick-a-date" for the guests. If they book at the beginning of the month (within the first two weeks), they will give them a product (up to $20) for the price of the date they pick for their show. So, for example, if someone books a show on the 1st, they get the item for $1, if they book the 10th, the get the item for $10. It encourages guests to book early in the month.

There are lots of great ideas here on how to get bookings, and incentives to give! Just look around, and you'll find some great information!
I give lots of different booking incentives. For my first show, I did a drawing - anyone who agreed to book a show was entered to win a free piece of stoneware (I used the small bar pan). In order to qualify, they have to give me a specific date and I bring the free piece with me when I do their show (eliminates people who pick a date just to get the free piece and then cancel on me!) At that show, I got three bookings. The bar pan cost a little bit, but it's worth it with the hundreds of dollars in potential sales. The second show I did was a BIG show with over 25 people (and the first one I did for someone who wasn't a friend or family) and I did the same drawing for a large round stone. (I had 3 of them - my own, one someone bought me and then the one that came with my SS kit so it didn't cost me anything). At that show, I had 3 bookings, plus the host told me she wanted to book another show in the spring when the new stuff comes out. I thought stoneware would be a good incentive during Stoneware month because of the discounts for me. It has worked well for me. I'm just not sure what I'll be doing for next month yet!

Sometimes, at a small show, I give free shipping to anyone who books a show, plus an extra $3 in host credit - that gives the host incentive to encourage her guests to book - they are more likely to do it for HER than for me. This can get expensive, but like I said, can be worth it.

That is what I love about my PC business - I can do WHATEVER I want!
You guys have a lot of great ideas! I am new to the company. I haven't even held my first show yet. I have been planning on doing something for any referrals that I receive. Some people may not want to have a show right now but may know someone who does. So, I thought if I gave them a gift for each referral, they may help get my name out. I am going to have a list of products that they may choose from. They may choose one gift for each referral. On the day that the show is held, I will order the gift. I hope this works. I really need to get some bookings!

IncentivesI do two types of incentives, one for the current host and one for potential hosts.

Potential hosts: I generally don't give away products to potential hosts, but I offer to pay for postage and send out the invitations, and if they have over 40 invitations, I'll send a flyer-type invitation rather than a post card. This incentive really serves 3 purposes: first, it saves a lot of time and some money for the host, which I have found a lot of hosts appreciate; second, I'm in control of the invitations, so I'm sure they are sent. Third, I enter all the guests' names into PP before the show - I take my laptop to the show and it saves time entering everyone's name and address.

For the current host, at my show I tell the guests that if there are 3 bookings, the current host will receive an extra $20 in product when the third host holds her show. I just add it to the host's order, so it's not really $20, but the reason I do this is incentive is two-fold. First and most important, it gets the host involved in bookings, and second, if the host is going to 3 shows, her wallet is going to be tapped by the third one, so it encourages her to buy from the last show (and in some cases, re-book).

I started this in August and have seen great results. My show average and number of bookings per show have definitely increased! :D


Related to Boost Your Bookings with These Exciting Incentives - Pampered Chef Tips

1. What are booking incentives?

Booking incentives are rewards or bonuses offered by Pampered Chef to hosts who schedule and hold a party with a consultant. These incentives can include discounted products, free items, or special offers.

2. How can I earn booking incentives?

To earn booking incentives, you must schedule a party with a Pampered Chef consultant and hold the party on the agreed-upon date. The incentives will be awarded once the party reaches a certain amount of sales or bookings.

3. Are booking incentives available for all types of parties?

Booking incentives are available for all types of parties, including in-person parties, online parties, and catalog parties. However, the specific incentives may vary depending on the type of party.

4. Can I combine booking incentives with other offers or discounts?

In most cases, booking incentives cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. However, if there are multiple incentives available, you may be able to choose the one that works best for you.

5. What happens if my party does not reach the sales or booking goal for the booking incentive?

If your party does not reach the required sales or booking goal for the booking incentive, you may still be eligible for other rewards or bonuses. Your consultant will be able to provide more information on alternative options.

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