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Anyone Gone to Conference Very Pregnant??

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I'm dying to go to conference this year bc with the new career change I think I have a VERY good chance of walking the stage as a director!!! Except I'm going to be like 37.5wks pg??!!! I am a 14.5hour drive away and I don't think I'll be allowed to fly that late, right? Anyone have any ideas?? Think my dr will even go for it?? I'm sooo bummed that I might miss it :cry:
I'm going to Spring launch at 37 wks. I'm also going to Conference with a newborn (and a husband of course!) in tow. I wouldn't miss the chance to walk as a director even if I were that pregnant!!
there's been someone from my cluster pregnant the past 2 years, they were 6/7 months respectivly.. they had not problems. the both flew too...
I wa at conference 37.5 weeks pregnant this year. I live about 1 1/2 hours away from Chicago, which was right at the limit of how far my OB would let me travel at that point. I had a great time, but I will say that by the end of each day I was exhausted from all the walking & my feet/ankles swelled horribly!

I would do it again, but I'm not sure I would do it if I lived that far away. What has your OB said?
I would have been 36 weeks this year, and live in the Atlanta area. My doctor did not allow me to travel, even if I had driven (with lots of stops). At that point in your pregnancy, you're considered full term in that if labor starts, the doctor won't stop it. You probably wouldn't want to be that far away, in a strange hospital, with a strange doctor, delivering your baby. Plus, as miserable as you're likely to be at that point, you probably wouldn't enjoy the walking around.
Personally, I wouldn't take the chance.
Oh, and I have a director friend who went two years ago. She was due in early September, and delivered mid-August.
chefsteph07 said:
Personally, I wouldn't take the chance.

Me either. In the long term scheme of things, what's more important? Walking a stage, or delivering a healthy baby? (with your own ob-gyn, in the hospital of your choosing, with your family and friends there)
I think it's up to you, I would go, but it depends on you. If you have had other kids and gone past 38weeks then there is a good chance you will this time too, talk to your dr. Also I looked up for a friend last year about flying late in pregnancy and it turns out for the most part it is a myth that the airlines won't let you fly, it is really up to you and your dr.
  • #10
Will this be your first trip to conference? If so, there is a LOT of walking and I'd be afraid of how tired you would be that far along...I don't know, for my pregnancy, just thinking back, there is no WAY I would be going knowing what I know about it. I was so done w/ being pregnant and so tired that I quit my job 2 weeks before I was supposed to! :)
  • #11
i will be due in august and i am not going
  • #12
I know it seems disappointing, but I'm not sure even the airlines will let you fly that far along! I know with both of my pregnancies, my doctors didn't want me flying past 36 weeks. There really is a LOT of walking and I can't imagine doing it that pregnant!
  • #13
I wouldn't risk it either. You will be able to walk in 2012 if you earn Directorship and are unable to attend conference in 2011. Fourteen hours is quite a long way from home and at 37 weeks just about anything could happen. Conference is AWESOME, but there will be another one.
  • #14
And consider this...what if you didn't MAKE it to Chicago? 14.5 hrs is a LONG TRIP!! You'll have to split that up into at two days (I live about that far if I could drive straight through). WHat if you are on the highway in the middle of now where and go into labor??I wouldn't risk it just to walk across the stage. Plan for the following year. Then maybe you'll be walking as an Advanced ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Such a bummer...I have been at conference the past two years and I always said I'd never miss it! But being 37.5 wks I just can't imagine all the driving to get there. I delivered my son at 40wks exactly the day before my due date...but you never know. I'm just soo bummed I am going to miss it! I will definitely ask my ob, but I'm sure they're going to say no. :( Is it true though if I am unable to attend conference this year I would be able to walk next year??
  • #16
As long as you are still at least a Director you will. Like someone else said, you may promote to Advanced by then. :)
  • #17
I wanted to drive to Minneapolis in 2009 at 36 weeks pregnant..my OB told me no...it was roughly a 5 hour drive. I listened to her. She's pretty easy going about a lot of things, but that was one where she wasn't.If you're willing to go into labor that far away from home, without your family, etc. then do it, but otherwise know the time will come again to do it..that isn't meant to sound snarky but consider the possible options if you went to conference and went into labor. My friend just delivered a 36 week old girl, and 2 weeks of back/forth to the hospital while she was in NICU-imagine doing that while your family wasn't around :(

Related to Anyone Gone to Conference Very Pregnant??

1. Can I attend conference if I am very pregnant?

Yes, absolutely! We welcome all consultants to attend conference, regardless of their pregnancy status.

2. Are there any accommodations for pregnant attendees?

Yes, we have accommodations for pregnant attendees such as reserved seating in the main conference room and access to elevators for easy navigation.

3. Will there be any restrictions on activities or workshops for pregnant attendees?

We do not have any specific restrictions for pregnant attendees, but we recommend consulting with your doctor before participating in any physical activities or workshops.

4. Can I bring a support person to help me during conference if I am very pregnant?

Yes, you are welcome to bring a support person with you to conference. Please note that they will need to purchase their own ticket to attend.

5. Will there be any special meals or dietary options available for pregnant attendees?

We will do our best to accommodate any dietary restrictions or needs, including those related to pregnancy. Please let us know in advance so we can make appropriate arrangements.

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