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Director Any Thoughts on Recognition for 2011?

In summary, the directors are getting together to discuss what everyone is thinking of doing for recognition in 2011. Any ideas?
Gold Member
The Directors I meet with are getting together to discuss what everyone is thinking of doing for recognition in 2011? Any ideas?
This is the first thing I started in 2010:
2010 Incentives
  • Level 1 – If you are active 10 of the 12 months: You’ll earn a $100 Visa Gift Card from me.
  • Level 2 – If you are active 12 of the 12 months: You’ll earn a $125 Visa Gift Card(s) from me.
  • Level 3 – If you earn 15,000 points*: You’ll earn a $150 Visa Gift Card(s) from me.
  • Level 4 – If you earn 20,000 points*: You’ll earn a $200 Visa Gift Card(s) from me.
  • Level 5 – If you earn 30,000 points*: You’ll earn a $300 Visa Gift Card(s) from me.
  • Level 6 – If you earn 40,000 points*: You’ll earn a $400 Visa Gift Card(s) from me.
  • Level 7 – If you earn 50,000 points* or more, but didn’t qualify for a trip: You’ll earn a $500 Visa Gift Card(s) from me.
  • Bronze Level – If you earn 52,000 points with 4 recruits: In addition to the trip to Toronto offered by Pampered Chef, you’ll earn a $500 Visa Gift Card(s) from me.
  • Silver Level – If you earn 80,000 points with 6 recruits: In addition to the trip to Maui offered by Pampered Chef, you’ll earn a $750 Visa Gift Card(s) from me.
  • Gold Level – If you earn 110,000 points with 8 recruits –or– 120,000 points with 0 recruits: In addition to the trip to Maui offered by Pampered Chef, you’ll earn a $1,000 Visa Gift Card(s) from me.

I was doing meetings with another director & we were doing:
  • Ribbons for various accomplishments (TheRibbonPlace.com)
  • Popcorn buckets for $1,250+ in sales
  • 1 Balloon for every recruit that month
  • She gives charms for every $1,000 show

When the military moved me away from my team, I thought she was giving up the meetings, and I couldn't do ribbons, balloons, popcorn buckets, etc. So I changed it to:
  • High month gets $15PCD (Pampered Chef Dollars)
  • High show gets $15 PCD
  • Blue Dot Drawing (every blue dot that matches a show closed counts)
    [*]Minimum $15PCD drawing
    [*]25 Blue Dots = $25PCD
    [*]50 Blue Dots = $50PCD
    [*]100 Blue Dots = $100PCD​
  • Last month was our highest month ever, so I did a drawing for all the active consultants (with at least $150 in sales) - they got 1 entry for every $100 in commissionable sales. The winner got a set of the Personalized Logo Decals (for their car) from Merrill. She was super happy!
  • Now that we've hit the 30 recruits for the year mark, I put out another incentive ... if they can get to 50 recruits for 2010 by New Year's Eve, I'll do a $50PCD drawing and one of them will win. They get an entry for every 2010 recruit, a bonus entry if the person is active in Dec & another bonus entry if the person has qualified by midnight New Year's Eve.

(Now she's back to doing meetings & trying to give out everything including charms to my team ... we had SEVEN $1,000+ shows last month out of my team members. I'm not looking forward to seeing the bill for the recognition she's still doing!)

The director above me offers:
  • $15PCD for promoting to SC
  • $25PCD for promoting to TL
  • $50PCD for promoting to D

The Director 2 steps above me offers:
  • A bead for a Brighton Bracelet for every month that you are green by the 15th - for SC & above only!
  • If you promote to Director in 2010, she gives you the whole director's bracelet with all the 2010 beads.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hope that gives you some ideas! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #3
any other ideas?
Now with the career changes announced, one of my goals is to have MORE consultants active each month! Any given month, I have 11-15 active out of 29. I'd love to get the number active to at least 75%.

What we reward gets repeated...

Another D and I were batting around ideas for recognition for 2011. A few years ago, at our team spring kick-off, I did end-of-the year recognition and gave each charm bracelets with beads meaning different things. They seemed to like them.

This is what I'm thinking for 2011... I'm going to give each a bracelet at our Back to Biz meeting in January with their 1st charm. Then they will get additional charms for recruiting, promoting, top sales, $1250+, etc. And each month they are active, they will get an additional bead, with the *active* bead changing each month. Then maybe I will add an additional charm for any incentives I feel like running throughout the year...

I'm attaching here what I brainstormed and I'd love some feedback. I'm thinking I could load up on charms at the beginning of the year and be good to go for the whole year... just getting new bracelets as needed for my enormously growing TEAM (I have HIGH expectations for 2011!!!!) And like I said, I'm just brainstorming at this point... :D

PS: The charms I found at swjsouthwest.com but would get them from a local store here if possible.


  • 2011 TEAM Recognition.doc
    712.5 KB · Views: 344
This sounds great Colleen. How will they add the beads. I'm not clear on that part. Thanks I just may steal this. I've done charms in the past but it's been a while and I was looking for something for 2011.
I love how detailed Sheila's plan is, but I don't want to have to spend so much dang money. Her results speak for themselves, but I would like to find a less expensive way to achieve the same or similar results. I'm sure all of her success is not due to the incentive program.

For going GREEN, which seems to be my teams main struggle I make a big deal of them in the team newsletter. Only 1 of my team members attends the meetings. So, recognizing at meetings is difficult. I like standing applause for $150-$1249 in sales and then a larger recognition for $1250+ in sales monthly. I don't have any TL or above on my team, so I haven't been thinking about recruiting or promoting incentives. What PC gives is AWESOME! I want to honor and recognize their achievements; however, I really just want to keep it simple. Know what I mean?

I guess I haven't really helped anyone. LOL! I just wanted to share my thoughts on it.
ChefKearns, I understand what you mean. That is what is great about this business. I have seen very simple recognition net excellent results so do what you can. I have kept my recognition the same and very simple. Because I have consultants that span about 250 miles apart, my meetings are sparse as well. And usually, I do not present an award unless they are at a team meeting...I do have to do some changing and get more consistent this year, however.

Thank you for sharing thoughts. Sharing your thoughts can help others, plus it helps you by writing it out!:chef:
Chef Kearns said:
I love how detailed Sheila's plan is, but I don't want to have to spend so much dang money. Her results speak for themselves, but I would like to find a less expensive way to achieve the same or similar results. I'm sure all of her success is not due to the incentive program.

For going GREEN, which seems to be my teams main struggle I make a big deal of them in the team newsletter. Only 1 of my team members attends the meetings. So, recognizing at meetings is difficult. I like standing applause for $150-$1249 in sales and then a larger recognition for $1250+ in sales monthly. I don't have any TL or above on my team, so I haven't been thinking about recruiting or promoting incentives. What PC gives is AWESOME! I want to honor and recognize their achievements; however, I really just want to keep it simple. Know what I mean?

I guess I haven't really helped anyone. LOL! I just wanted to share my thoughts on it.

I totally know what you mean.

I guess I'm trying, like you, to think of a way to honor them without it being about more money, or something that is costing me a lot of money.

Or something where it is complicated to keep track. I am not the most organized person, and large flowcharts and trying to keep track of different things other than the info already given by PC makes my head hurt.

I want a simple way to honor and celebrate their achievements. I'm still coming up with a plan, though....
My upline doesn't spend a penny on recognition, especially for those of us who live too far to attend and especially for leaders. ...well maybe a $1. She has a basket of things whe's picked up at the dollar store and gives those things out for various reasons at her meeting. Then she gives out tickets at each meeting for various things and at the end of the year they do an auction with those tickets. [I tried that this year but as I have previously posted I don't have a competitive team and really don't know how to run an auction - I did however do a silent auction and they did seem to like that.]

I have no clue what I'll do this year. I have learned that they do like the ribbons and postcards I have given/sent in the past and they do like charms so I'm thinking I'll go in that direction again. I also used to do a drawing each week - they got tickets for various things (sales, shows, recruits, bringing a guest, being there, etc). The prize was usually around $5 but sometimes more. They were inspirational items, logo items, business supplies... Unless someone suggests something else I want to try I'll probably go back to that too.
  • #10
I really like doing the PC Dollars and/or something from Merrill because it's something that helps them with their business. ;)

Oh, I also forgot to mention that they all get 500 Business Cards from Merrill when they qualify. They LOVE that! And it definitely helps them with their business!!! :D
  • #11
I had to come back to comment on the cost.

Since I'm new at being a Director, all the overrides are extra money that I'm not used to having in my budget. Therefore, I'm not taking anything away from my family. If the $15 PC Dollars encourages someone to have the highest show or the highest month, it's worth it to me! The better they do, the more likely it is that they will stick with PC!!! :D
  • #12
At the moment, I only do a certificate and they have to be at the meeting to get it. I'm liking that because it's easy. My upline does cluster bucks. And the requirements to earn even $1 are a minimum of 4 shows submitted and a minimum of $1k sales. I did a *Cooking on all 4 burners* this past year and the bar was too high... NO ONE hit it. I was brainstorming what I want to see happen and it's 2 things... being active each month and recruiting. The charms I will hand out at the meetings ready to go o their bracelets. For the beads, it's easy to string a wire through them to create a charm. I just need to do something expensive. They like the certificates but that doesn't motivate them to come to the meetings each month. They do like *proof* of their achievements though so maybe the charms will work... and most are under $1 so even if I had 30 active in a month, it's still reasonable.I have to think this through some more to see if I'm really committed to it.
  • #13
Sheila said:
I had to come back to comment on the cost.

Since I'm new at being a Director, all the overrides are extra money that I'm not used to having in my budget. Therefore, I'm not taking anything away from my family. If the $15 PC Dollars encourages someone to have the highest show or the highest month, it's worth it to me! The better they do, the more likely it is that they will stick with PC!!! :D

I agree with what you are saying Sheila... my only thought is two things: I personally need ALL of my PC income to live on (until I'm an exec :D) so I know it wouldn't work for me. If there are some on your TEAM in the same boat, where they need all the $$$ they can get, is this program duplicatable for them? If they see you handing out all this cash (so to speak), do they think, "Wow... I could never afford to do that?" It might cause them to stick with PC for the reward you are giving, but not want to promote because then they might feel they'd have to do something similar.

My D always says when it comes to recognition, we need to be able to do something if we have 5 people or 500 people. I always use that as a bar... could I afford to do this with a team of 10, 20, 50, 100?

Just a thought...
  • #14
finley1991 said:
I agree with what you are saying Sheila... my only thought is two things: I personally need ALL of my PC income to live on (until I'm an exec :D) so I know it wouldn't work for me. If there are some on your TEAM in the same boat, where they need all the $$$ they can get, is this program duplicatable for them? If they see you handing out all this cash (so to speak), do they think, "Wow... I could never afford to do that?" It might cause them to stick with PC for the reward you are giving, but not want to promote because then they might feel they'd have to do something similar.

My D always says when it comes to recognition, we need to be able to do something if we have 5 people or 500 people. I always use that as a bar... could I afford to do this with a team of 10, 20, 50, 100?

Just a thought...
I agree Colleen. I love Sheila's incentives. I know I wouldn't be successful with them because I am simply not that organized. I wish I were!
I always have too many irons in the fire, so to speak.
Any time one of us comes up with a new idea, my director is the same... the first thing she asks is , "is it duplicatable?"
I used to attend hospitality meetings with Christie McDaneld before I promoted.For those who attended conference, she, along with Marna Ross was one of 2 4 category achievers. She is one of the most genuine people I have ever met.
She always had awesome ways of really making everyone feel special and successful without breaking her bank. She asked people to present part of the meeting material ahead of time ( thus ensuring they would be there,) uses stickers from Sticking to Business for recognition put with homemade postcards, and stocks up on chocolate roses at Valentine's, freezes them, and gives them for recruiting recognition.
All of those are inexpensive, they are special and unique, and you come away feeling not only a sense of accomplishment but that your accomplishment meant something.
Since I have never been able to go to one of Kathy's meetings, Chris's are the meetings I try to duplicate. And you can do those things with large and small groups.
  • #15
I have been getting consultants 250 business cards from Vista Print when they qualify and they love it. It costs me about $5 per set (because of shipping) so it's a deal for me and they're thrilled.
  • #16
The 2010 Incentive thing was just for this year. I'm currently evaluating the plan to see if I want to do the same or alter it a bit for 2011. I'm sure it could get expensive if I had 500 people under me. But if I have 200 or even 500 people submitting shows & I'm earning overrides on them - then I'm sure it will be beneficial for me to still offer something for productivity. The odds of 100% of the consultants earning one of the levels is pretty slim. Like this year, some are too new to even earn Level 1 or Level 2. I did start it when there were 3 in my downline & now there are 38 (one dropped off this month). Of the 40 who have joined our team, we've only lost 2 ... with a possible 3rd one in the works. So far, I think it's been pretty successful. If I'm only paying out to 3 or now possibly a 4th, it's still fairly cheap (not even 1 month's overrides) and they are super happy with having achieved the level. The 2 who have already reached level 5 & 6 are the two that I'm expecting to promote to Director soon. The one who's on their tail & will probably earn level 3 is also super close to promoting to Director under the new plan. So to get 3 Directors out of the incentive was DEFINITELY worth it to me! :D

I'm doing the 15PC$ for highest show, 15PC$ for highest month & then the blue dot drawing. The Blue Dot Drawing is based on productivity. So 1-24 shows = 15PC$, 25-49 shows = 25PC$, 50-74 shows = 50PCD, etc. I did the math & figured this incentive was definitely worth it! Considering I make $4.50 minimum commission off a show that they submit (not counting the $10 for every consultant active) - then 25 shows times the bare minimum of $4.50 commission per show = $112.50 - not counting the $10 per active consultant or the extra commission for higher shows that they are submitting, I'm giving away $25 of that & still making at least $87.50 - that's worth it to me! :D Down the road as I promote higher in the company, the number of monthly blue dots WILL increase. When they start winning 100PC$ or 200PC$ on a monthly drawing, I think that will be a HUGE incentive for them to be active each month for a chance to win! So in order to maintain my title, it benefits me to keep my downline happy & motivated. ;)

I really do wish the Hospitality Director would quit with all her incentives to my team too. I've asked her multiple times, but the request has fallen on deaf ears. :(
  • #17
Sheila said:
The 2010 Incentive thing was just for this year. I'm currently evaluating the plan to see if I want to do the same or alter it a bit for 2011. I'm sure it could get expensive if I had 500 people under me. But if I have 200 or even 500 people submitting shows & I'm earning overrides on them - then I'm sure it will be beneficial for me to still offer something for productivity. The odds of 100% of the consultants earning one of the levels is pretty slim. Like this year, some are too new to even earn Level 1 or Level 2. I did start it when there were 3 in my downline & now there are 38 (one dropped off this month). Of the 40 who have joined our team, we've only lost 2 ... with a possible 3rd one in the works. So far, I think it's been pretty successful. If I'm only paying out to 3 or now possibly a 4th, it's still fairly cheap (not even 1 month's overrides) and they are super happy with having achieved the level. The 2 who have already reached level 5 & 6 are the two that I'm expecting to promote to Director soon. The one who's on their tail & will probably earn level 3 is also super close to promoting to Director under the new plan. So to get 3 Directors out of the incentive was DEFINITELY worth it to me! :D

I'm doing the 15PC$ for highest show, 15PC$ for highest month & then the blue dot drawing. The Blue Dot Drawing is based on productivity. So 1-24 shows = 15PC$, 25-49 shows = 25PC$, 50-74 shows = 50PCD, etc. I did the math & figured this incentive was definitely worth it! Considering I make $4.50 minimum commission off a show that they submit (not counting the $10 for every consultant active) - then 25 shows times the bare minimum of $4.50 commission per show = $112.50 - not counting the $10 per active consultant or the extra commission for higher shows that they are submitting, I'm giving away $25 of that & still making at least $87.50 - that's worth it to me! :D Down the road as I promote higher in the company, the number of monthly blue dots WILL increase. When they start winning 100PC$ or 200PC$ on a monthly drawing, I think that will be a HUGE incentive for them to be active each month for a chance to win! So in order to maintain my title, it benefits me to keep my downline happy & motivated. ;)

I really do wish the Hospitality Director would quit with all her incentives to my team too. I've asked her multiple times, but the request has fallen on deaf ears. :(
Oh gosh absolutely!!! Again.. if I were remotely organized I would consider it. I think it is fabulous. I just know me.:bugeye:
  • #18
Oh, I forgot to address the duplicatable thing ... I wouldn't expect my promoting Directors to do the 2010 incentive. I would still do that. If they wanted to pick up & do the high show, high month & Blue Dots, then yes. I think it would be cost effective. A minimum of 6 Consultants = $60 in activity bonus plus overrides on their shows. If they are handing out $45 in PC Dollars for the month and keeping their team motivated, that's worth it in my opinon.BUT, with any good savings/investment plan, it's always best to start early! It's always harder to take away from what you've adjusted to needing in a monthly budget. When it's new money that you are not accustomed to having, it's easier to part with it (kind of like taxes) and then enjoy what's left.I tried to educate my friend's daugher & her friend when they were 14 with financial literacy. I was explaining to them that RIGHT NOW was the best time to start a savings account. That they could put 1/3 or 1/2 of their babysitting money in an account & not miss it since they were new to babysitting. Later, when they got a job, they could put 1/4, 1/3 or 1/2 of their pay into savings - again ... money they are not used to having in their budget. Then I explained that everytime they got a raise as an adult, to put a % of that raise in savings too. That way, they could save some & enjoy some. The other little girl had this huge light bulb go off in her head and was super excited about starting off on the right foot as a teen and being financially literate in her adult life, always having something in savings to fall back on for emergencies, to buy a house, investments, etc. My friend's daughter has lived her whole life watching Mommy live paycheck-to-paycheck & admitted that there was no way that she could do that! Over the years, she's changed her attitude a bit. She'll be 23 next week, lives on her own, and has more as far as personal property, savings, etc than her parents have. She can afford to have nice things, go where she wants when she wants, etc. It took her longer to learn than I had hoped, but she's adjusting to giving herself less & less each raise & putting more & more back as the years go by. My nephew who's 2 months older than her is racing me to see who can become a millionaire first! I told him "I am a millionaire, I just haven't proven it to my bank account yet!" He wants to prove it to his bank account before I can prove it to my bank account. LOLOkay, so all of that was off topic, sorry for the hijack! For some reason I was thinking I had started this thread, but this is not the one I started. ;)
  • #19
Oh, and this month I made $1,298.65 more than I'd have made as a Consultant with no team overrides & no Home Office Leads. I handed out $15 for one who promoted to SC (I'll still do that after their recruiters promote to Director) and will be handing out $15 for high month, $15 for high show and $25 for the Blue Dot Drawing ... they had 42 shows on the calendar ... so close to getting a higher payout!

So $1,298.65 - $70 = $1,228.65 in my pocket. :D
  • #20
Colleen -
I am all over the bracelet promotion!!! I love it!! I see the bracelets/charms at SWJ, but where are you getting the beads that they will fit on the bracelet?

I may do a necklace though, because our s.c. and above were part of our SR. Exec's bracelet program this year.
  • #21
The beads I was just going to get at Michael's or a local bead store. I thought I'd choose a different one each month...
  • #22
almondfarm said:
Colleen -
I am all over the bracelet promotion!!! I love it!! I see the bracelets/charms at SWJ, but where are you getting the beads that they will fit on the bracelet?

I may do a necklace though, because our s.c. and above were part of our SR. Exec's bracelet program this year.

I ordered from SWJ in Oct. and still don't have all my items! I've contacted CS 2xs with no response. Last part of order I got had broken pins in it and no response from cs regarding getting a refund or replacing them. Not sure I'd order from them again.
  • #23
flemings99 said:
I ordered from SWJ in Oct. and still don't have all my items! I've contacted CS 2xs with no response. Last part of order I got had broken pins in it and no response from cs regarding getting a refund or replacing them. Not sure I'd order from them again.

Thanks for the heads up! If I decide to go through with this, I will get my stuff from a local craft supply place.... that way I can pop over and get what I need when I need it!
  • #24
We have just been having fun with our recognitions - trying not to get into something that costs too much - as we want it to be duplicatable and not scare anyone off.

My director (now advanced, since I became a director) started monthly recognition using mardi gras beads - red for recruiting; green for going green; blue for blue dots on the calendar; purple for $1000 show; we have also done ribbons. Also one red rose when someone gets a new recruit -- when they become director they get a dozen!!
  • #25
Love the Rose idea!We've been doing balloons.
  • #26
I love the charm idea, and I love the mardi gras bead idea. I think they are both great visuals for teammates to see eachother's acheivements. You can buy in bulk and be set up for the entire year. Another Director and I have joint meetings and we did Cluster Cash last year. You earn CC for different things... highest sales, recruiting, sales promotions, etc. Every six months we hold an auction and they can spend their cluster cash on stuff we have... product, bags, promotional items, postcards, etc.
  • #27
This is a recognition idea that I will be using with my downline directors. My up line, Randy Petrey SED, gave us each a Brighton bracelet at National Conference 2010 with a charm with the initial of our first name. Each month we are green, we were sent a spacer for our bracelet. Since this will be not offered after March, I have decided to carry this on with my directors starting in January 2011.

I am having them go on www.brighton.com and "build a bracelet" letting me know what charms they would like to add to their bracelet. For Christmas, I gave them each a charm with their birthstone and one other charm I thought they would like.
  • #28
ilove2cookpc said:
I love the charm idea, and I love the mardi gras bead idea. I think they are both great visuals for teammates to see eachother's acheivements. You can buy in bulk and be set up for the entire year. Another Director and I have joint meetings and we did Cluster Cash last year. You earn CC for different things... highest sales, recruiting, sales promotions, etc. Every six months we hold an auction and they can spend their cluster cash on stuff we have... product, bags, promotional items, postcards, etc.

Tell me how you run the auction please. I haven't been to any PC auctions and I just can't visualize this. Thanks.
  • #29
Hey Colleen, I can't find these prices you have for SWJ. I like the idea, but want your price!
  • #30
chefsusieg said:
Hey Colleen, I can't find these prices you have for SWJ. I like the idea, but want your price!

Those were the prices listed on SWJ's website at the time that I checked.

I spent a lot of time evaluating my program and have decided against doing the charm bracelet. I'm going to stick with my certificates that I do each month. My teams monthly production doesn't justify me doing more than that at this time...
  • #31
I asked my team last night what they would be interested in for recognition this year. They all said they like what I already do and want me to continue...that was EASY!! I bring a basket with various items in it and for every $1000 in sales, they get to pick an item. I use the certificates for Top Sales, Top Show, Top show avg and Recruiting and I staple a pack of stickers to the back of it. I offer a FREE lunch and an "I Beat my Director" ribbon to anyone who beats my montly sales. I use the rose recognition for recruiting. I am so happy to not have to change anything :D.
  • #32
I love all your ideas, I am also trying to find something to do I bought the ribbons at conference but I don't find they really care about them so i am trying to find some different ideas that I can do. I love the charm idea. Thanks
  • #33
For anyone doing the bracelets, I ordered my bracelets plus a bead combination at pugster.com and they were $4.80 for the bracelet plus the first charm, they also have tons of beads for $1.99 right now and shipping was SUPER fast.
  • #34
Just an update. I decided to not do the bracelet promo for my team as I just can't justify the financial investment at this point.

After attending our annual director retreat this past weekend and coming home UBER pumped up... I have decided that I will do the bracelet program for D's & above when I start promoting them. :)
  • #35
finley1991 said:
Just an update. I decided to not do the bracelet promo for my team as I just can't justify the financial investment at this point.

After attending our annual director retreat this past weekend and coming home UBER pumped up... I have decided that I will do the bracelet program for D's & above when I start promoting them. :)

Now that's positive thinking!! I especially like the "when I start promoting" ;) No room for "if's" in your vocabulary! I would love to hear all the great stuff you learned at your retreat!
  • #36
chefruthie said:
Now that's positive thinking!! I especially like the "when I start promoting" ;) No room for "if's" in your vocabulary! I would love to hear all the great stuff you learned at your retreat!

That was one thing that the NEDs said (there were 5 at our retreat). They all said they always phrased things as, "When you become a director...". And they said it very matter-of-factly... not WHEN you become a director... just when... and never IF!

I'll post my notes in other thread... :)

  • #37
2011 Team RecognitionWith a growing team we need our recognition to be duplicatable and not so expensive. I have one of my Directors that meets with me monthly with her team and we came up with a Candy Bar Recognition along with a few other things we are carrying over from last year. I will attach the sheet so you can use if you like!
Susie Gerrald


  • Candy Bar Recognition.doc
    39.5 KB · Views: 337
  • #38
chefsusieg said:
With a growing team we need our recognition to be duplicable and not so expensive. I have one of my Directors that meets with me monthly with her team and we came up with a Candy Bar Recognition along with a few other things we are carrying over from last year. I will attach the sheet so you can use if you like!
Susie Gerrald

These are cute. I think I'll use some for my SL goodie bags.

I've attached what my ED is using this year. We're going to try it with my cluster as well.

FYI--My order from SWJ back in OCT. 2010 still hasn't been completed & the few items I got some were broken and still no replacement for those either. Would NEVER order from them again!:mad:


  • 2011TicTacToeRecognition[1].doc
    86.5 KB · Views: 282
  • #39
I love the Tic Tac Toe recognition!!and we are missing stuff from SWJ from over a month now, not as long as Oct but still, they arent very reliable
  • #40
flemings99 said:
These are cute. I think I'll use some for my SL goodie bags.

I've attached what my ED is using this year. We're going to try it with my cluster as well.

FYI--My order from SWJ back in OCT. 2010 still hasn't been completed & the few items I got some were broken and still no replacement for those either. Would NEVER order from them again!:mad:

I love this! Thanks so much for sharing. I have a growing team and have been racking my brain to come up with a good recognition plan for them. I think I'll tweak this for me.
  • #41
pamperedlinda said:
I love this! Thanks so much for sharing. I have a growing team and have been racking my brain to come up with a good recognition plan for them. I think I'll tweak this for me.

I am thinking the same, Linda. Have I told you all much (in the sappiest sort of way)....that I :candyheart:LLLLLOOOOVVVVVEEEEE:candyheart: all of you!!
  • #42
Here's what I recently sent out to the team (via iContact & with a fancy background):

Sheila's 2011 Incentive Program

Look what YOU could earn!

I would love to see EVERYONE earn a trip this year with Pampered Chef. Therefore, I'm encouraging recruiting & promoting in my Incentive Plan for 2011.

You will earn PC Dollars for every month that you are active. Your "paid as" level for each month will determine how much you earn for the month. You can earn more for the month if you are GREEN by the 15th. This incentive will be paid in Jan 2012.

  • If you were "paid as" a Consultant, you'll earn $3 PCD* for that month or $5 PCD* if you were GREEN by the 15th of that month.
  • If you were "paid as" a Senior Consultant, you'll earn $5 PCD for that month or $7 PCD if you were GREEN by the 15th of that month.
  • If you were "paid as" a Team Leader, you'll earn $7 PCD for that month or $10 PCD if you were GREEN by the 15th of that month.
  • If you were "paid as" a Director, you'll earn $10 PCD for that month or $15 PCD if you were GREEN by the 15th of that month.
  • If you were "paid as" a Advanced Director, you'll earn $15 PCD for that month or $20 PCD if you were GREEN by the 15th of that month.

Extra bonuses will be paid for consistency in your activity. You can earn the highest level from below:

  • $75 in Merrill products* of your choice for being active 10 of the 12 months in 2011.
  • $125 in Merrill products* of your choice for being active 12 of the 12 months in 2011.

REMEMBER: You will also earn PC Dollars for 1st time promotions! This bonus is paid the month that you take the title for the first time. If you drop back down to a lower level and re-promote, you can not earn the bonus a 2nd or subsequent time.

  • Promote to Senior Consultant and earn $15 PCD.
  • Promote to Team Leader and earn $25 PCD.
  • Promote to Director and earn $50 PCD.
  • Promote to Advanced Director and earn $75 PCD.

And don't forget all the bonuses that you get from corporate too! You can earn:

  • PC Dollars AND Recruiting Incentives when your recruit qualifies in their first 90 days.
  • Overrides when you hold a Senior Consultant or higher title.
  • If you are a Consultant, Senior Consultant or Team Leader as of Jan 1, 2011 and have never earned an incentive trip with Pampered Chef, you can also earn extra incentive points towards the Taste of Travel Incentive Trip.
  • You can earn "paid as" incentive points towards an Irresistible Destinations Trip for each month that you are "paid as" a Director, Advanced Director or Senior Director.

I know that many of you have voiced your desire to promote to Director (or above). I promise you, you'll LOVE the overrides that you start seeing at the Director level!

We'll still have the PC Dollar awards each month for top show, top month and the Blue Dot drawings. If you are not putting your Blue Dots on your Consultant Connection Calendar, you should! You could win a great monthly bonus if your show is drawn!

* You do not have to recruit or promote to earn this benefit.

Related to Any Thoughts on Recognition for 2011?

1. What are some cost-effective ideas for recognition in 2011?

Some cost-effective ideas for recognition in 2011 could include creating a recognition board or wall, where employees' achievements and successes are displayed. Another idea could be creating a recognition newsletter or email, where employees are highlighted and praised for their contributions. Additionally, small tokens of appreciation such as gift cards or company-branded merchandise can also be effective forms of recognition.

2. How can we make recognition more personal and meaningful?

One way to make recognition more personal and meaningful is by involving employees in the recognition process. Encourage managers and team leaders to have one-on-one conversations with employees to discuss their achievements and contributions. This allows for a more personal and genuine form of recognition. Another idea is to customize recognition based on individual preferences or interests. For example, if an employee is a foodie, a gift certificate to a new restaurant could be a more meaningful form of recognition.

3. Are there any team-based recognition ideas?

Yes, there are many team-based recognition ideas that can promote teamwork and collaboration. One idea is to create a team recognition program, where teams are recognized for their collective achievements and successes. This can include team outings or events, as well as team-based rewards such as a catered lunch or team building activities. Another idea is to have a peer recognition program, where team members can nominate and recognize their colleagues for their contributions.

4. How often should recognition be given out?

Recognition should be given out regularly and consistently throughout the year. It's important to not only recognize big achievements, but also small daily contributions and efforts. This can help boost morale and motivation on a regular basis. Some companies have monthly or quarterly recognition programs, while others have a continuous recognition system where employees can be recognized at any time.

5. How can we ensure that recognition is fair and unbiased?

To ensure that recognition is fair and unbiased, it's important to have a clear and transparent criteria for recognition. This can be based on specific goals and objectives, as well as performance metrics. Additionally, involving multiple levels of management in the recognition process can also help prevent bias. It's also important to regularly review and evaluate the effectiveness of the recognition program to ensure that all employees have equal opportunities for recognition.

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