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Why Did Only One Person Show Up to My Pampered Chef Party?

extra... business comes with it. Host a show for your host in order to get extra business. Sometimes things don't go as planned and that's okay. Just keep your chin up and stay positive. My second show was like that. We ended up with $27 in commissionable sales (2 guests showed up, that was both of their orders COMBINED)! So I sent the host out on a mission with a catalog and some order forms. The show closed at $602 a couple of weeks later (gave everyone some time for payday to roll around).

I just had the worst show ever. The host invited over 36 people to her show and... ONLY ONE PERSON SHOWED UP.... I'm so mad.

What went wrong? I asked her last week to send a reminder to all the guests. She told me that she did it and she should have an guest list on approx 10 people... WOW 1 person...

I had the worst headache when I got up this morning.

Did anybody have that happen to them?

Seriously it cant happen again because I'll quit Pampered Chef.
I DID A SHOW FOR 1 GUEST AND 1 HOST... (Still have to get over that experience)

I dont even think it will be 200.00$ (minimum for a show in Canada)

Help please!

Yes, I had one host who had 9 RSVPs and 2 showed. It happens. It's the law of averages or something. Just hang in there!
Unfortunately, it happens. But keep your chin up - shows at the opposite end of the spectrum happen as well.
Last Monday (the day of the show) my host called, very uspet. She had had several last minute cancellations and told me that only 7 or 8 people would be coming. I told her not to worry, those unable to attend could still order and we'd still have a great time.
Boy am I glad that I took extra paperwork with me!! 16 people showed up and the show it just about to close with $1350 in sales. :D
There will be valleys, but peaks too. Hang in there!
Don't let it get you down! I have had a few with only 1 or 2 and it's not the end of the world even if they barely qualify! Lucky for me I got bookings out of them though so at least it was something postive!
I had a show last month where the host said there were going to be 8- 10 people and only one person showed up. It ended up being a $300 show. So I wouldn't quit just because one person shows up. It basically end up being like a catalogue show because they have to get more outside orders to make it a show.
1 guest show
AlexaPC said:

I just had the worst show ever. The host invited over 36 people to her show and... ONLY ONE PERSON SHOWED UP.... I'm so mad.

What went wrong? I asked her last week to send a reminder to all the guests. She told me that she did it and she should have an guest list on approx 10 people... WOW 1 person...

I had the worst headache when I got up this morning.

Did anybody have that happen to them?

Seriously it cant happen again because I'll quit Pampered Chef.
I DID A SHOW FOR 1 GUEST AND 1 HOST... (Still have to get over that experience)

I dont even think it will be 200.00$ (minimum for a show in Canada)

Help please!

Alexandra, don't stress it. I too had a 1 host 1 guest show. Basically I was there personal Chef for the night. Oh well:confused: it Happens. I told the host go back and CALL EVERYBODY she invited 62 or so she said. Sho closed at just under $300. From then on I mail the invites myself. That way I KNOW the guests were invited. Host should personally invite & then I MAIL the invites. my very next show (that I mailed the invites) was just under $1000:D
So stay positive and don't give up. It will work. Sometimes you get host's that don't take it seriously. Your next one will be Dynomite!!! Laurel
Alexandra, I had an open house that no one came to.... it happens... I still have over $1500 in sales for the month and it's not over!!! It all works out!! Hang in there!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Thank you so much for all your encouragements! I'll sleep better tonight. Hopefully she gets outside orders ! Good night!Alexa
My second show was like that. We ended up with $27 in commissionable sales (2 guests showed up, that was both of their orders COMBINED)! So I sent the host out on a mission with a catalog and some order forms. The show closed at $602 a couple of weeks later (gave everyone some time for payday to roll around).

Send your host out to get outside orders from all of those people who didn't show up. If you happen to find a few customers, you can throw those on there, too, and just have it ship to you or directly to them if they allow that where you are. And have that host ask all of those people that she'll be getting orders from to do HER a favor and host a show so that SHE can get whatever the special happens to be for the month they hold it. You might even get a few bookings that way. :D

I know that it can be very disheartening, but don't judge how things will turn out based on just that 1 guest. We all have a "first show" and a "first bad show." You got to get rid of both of them in one shot and can look onward and upward from here. :)
  • #10
I, too, have had those 2 people shows. One girl was over an hour and 15 minutes away - had 15-20 people say they were coming and 2 showed up - one was her mom who order 1 item. I left with their orders at $42 and she ended up getting a bunch of outside orders and closed over $600 in sales. So you just never know. Another friend in the summer invited 36 people and only 2 showed - we were able to squeak past $300 with outside orders. I always feel bad for the hosts but tell them to call everyone who said they were coming and lay a guilt trip on them:) I understand some people forgetting but come on - 15 of them? You'll definitely have highs and lows but usually it falls somewhere in the middle!

  • #11
My first show had 3 guests, then another only had 1. That 1 booked, and was the best hostess I have had, a great show 800, but one of her guests became the host for my 3300 show 4 months later!

You never know. Keep applying your consistent will against the Awesome Rewards this business provides!
  • #12
I had a show Wednesday and the only people there were the host and her mother. She knows what the minimum requirements are for a show. I still worked it like a full house.
Last week I had a show with 22 guests and $1700 in sales. To keep a positive outlook I like to look at my monthly show average rather than an individual show.
My show with no guests sent her own invitations. My show with 22 guests, I sent the invitations. From now on I will insist I send the invites.
  • #13
I have had quite a few disappointments through my one year with Pampered Chef. I just can't take on sending the invites so I emphasize a big number as well as the numbers of orders a host gets. I don't care if there is only one person at the show if she has 12 outside orders.
  • #14
My show today had 2 guests, but 3 bookings!!!! Sales is at $500 right now, and she is collecting orders over Thanksgiving.
  • #15
I had a hostess invite every member of the faculty and staff at the middle school where she worked. 110 people. I coached her until I was blue in the face.Five people showed, and there have been zero outside orders, so far. She's one of those really flaky hostesses, so I don't know if she's just not well-liked, or what the deal is, but she sure didn't get the response she wanted. I just made the very best of those five people who came, and will look forward to closing her show out in a couple of days. Then I'm going to follow-up as always with the guests and do my best to turn it into future bookings (or at least future business).Sometimes it just doesn't go like the hosts set us up to believe, does it?!
  • #16
Sometimes its just a bad night! I had one host invite 53 people and 3 showed. She scheduled it on Back to School night and had no idea! It happens. Hopefully, she'll get some outside orders for you!
  • #17
I started mailing out invites so I know how many are sent and can help them think of more people if they need help so I know for sure 40 people were invited. However, I do not do the reminder calls. I'm not too good on the phone. I have had good luck so far.
  • #18
AlexaPC said:

I just had the worst show ever. The host invited over 36 people to her show and... ONLY ONE PERSON SHOWED UP.... I'm so mad.

What went wrong? I asked her last week to send a reminder to all the guests. She told me that she did it and she should have an guest list on approx 10 people... WOW 1 person...

I had the worst headache when I got up this morning.

Did anybody have that happen to them?

Seriously it cant happen again because I'll quit Pampered Chef.
I DID A SHOW FOR 1 GUEST AND 1 HOST... (Still have to get over that experience)

I dont even think it will be 200.00$ (minimum for a show in Canada)

Help please!


I am really sorry that happened to you. I can COMPLETELY understand your frusterations. I know exactly how it feels. I first cooking show was on the 2nd of this month. My hostess had invited something like 40 people. Well, the day before the party, she called all of them since no one was R.S.V.P.ing. She got 18 confirmed "YES I AM GOING!" The day of the party I was so nervous about doing a show for that many.. lol. What if I messed up? No need, only 2 people showed besides the hostess. She was SO upset that it ended up that way. My best advice for you is to Host Coach her to getting outside orders now. Don't give up on her. ;) She might just surprise you and qualify the party only from outside orders. Mine was only $20 shy of the $150she needed with only two people there. Cheer up, there will be better days ahead!

  • #19
I ALWAYS do the invites. Once I let the hostess do it...disaster! that way i know that they were sent out on time. i email her a template in excel 3 weeks prior and request it back 2 weeks prior. I then turn around and to a mail merge for and print labels. Works out great.
  • #20
Tara1021 said:
I ALWAYS do the invites. Once I let the hostess do it...disaster! that way i know that they were sent out on time. i email her a template in excel 3 weeks prior and request it back 2 weeks prior. I then turn around and to a mail merge for and print labels. Works out great.

Tara would you be willing to share the spreadsheet and mail merge document you use with us?
  • #21
Hi Alexa!

I too had a show where 12 people were to show and only 2 showed up. We did the show anyway and my host (who is also my best friend) managed over $300 in guest sales! I didn't think I would get to the $200 either. Keep your chin up and don't quit!!!

I have this great little poster my Mum gave me many years ago when things were getting really tough for me and I have looked to it many many times. Perhaps tonight I will retreive it and scan it on my laptop to post here. It is a photo of a frog that is about to be swallowed by a large bird. The frog has both his hands around the bird's neck, and above the cartoon are the words "NEVER EVER GIVE UP"!

BTW, I lived in Ottawa this time last year. I worked for a property management company downtown. I just loooooooove Ottawa!! I also FINALLY got to skate the Rideau Canal for the first time back in February!! I would love to get back to Ottawa again some time soon!

  • #22
My show last night: Host invited 53 people. I thought I was going to have a HUGE show and ONLY 8 showed. The show is at $363 right now, with orders to come, hopefully.

It stinks because I'm only $3K away from an incentive, and I really thought I could do it. Not even close. Oh, well. I guess there're always next year.
  • #23
A lot depends not only on how you coach, but the personalities involved.

If your host is flaky, then chances are good that the guests will be, too.

Some people don't realize that this is a real business, and that we're in it to actually make money. So they don't respond to the hosts. Or, worse yet, they respond in the affirmative and then decide at the last minute that they don't feel like going.

I had a similar situation in November. The host didn't have addresses for a lot of her guests, so I sent her a bundle of invitations. Then her mom (with whom she lives) wanted to move the show from 2 to 4, so that "people will have their whole evening free." (Excuse me? If it's at 2, they'll have a chance to get home in time to make dinner, but not at 4!) Well, turns out that there was a family gathering in one branch of the family, and only 3 people showed up. They combined orders to use the PHD from the host this host booked from. Amazingly, it still came in at over $200.

But, yeah, it's disappointing when it happens.
  • #24
So how did your party end up? Did she come through with the outside orders?
  • #25
I did an show with other vendors....it was at the big beautiful house. WELL - I had ONE order. Yes, one. Cheese Grater & Grate Container!!! LOL. I made Buffalo Chicken Dip & SPiced Pumpkin Tartlets. It was a total loss, but hey - it happens! It will get better!!! :D
  • #26
My experiencewith my November show was a bit different but wierd. I heard from 2 of my host's family members that she would be having a huge show. She told me she had like 30+ people coming and I thought GREAT - this might be my $1000 show.

Well let me tell you - she first wanted the show to be at 6pm then changed it to 5pm. Ok no problem I get there at 4pm to get set-up. 5pm comes and goes, 6pm comes and goes. I think we finally started the show between 7 and 7:30 but what she failed to tell me is that this is not only a PC show but also her daughter's birthday party! WHAT!!!!!! I shouldn't complain too much because she did pull together a $700 show. However now I get notification that one of the credit cards has been declined for the $150 order. I have not had much luck contacting this guest. I really don't know what to do about this one. I am going to try and call her tomorrow. I emailed HO and asked them to run the card again but I am not sure if they did it.

Related to Why Did Only One Person Show Up to My Pampered Chef Party?

What Went Wrong...

As a Pampered Chef consultant, I have encountered several common questions about what to do when things don't go as planned in the kitchen. Here are the top 5 frequently asked questions about "What Went Wrong..." and their answers:

1. Why did my cake sink in the middle?

This is a common issue and could be caused by a few different factors. It could be due to over-mixing the batter, opening the oven door too often during baking, or using expired leavening agents. Make sure to follow the recipe instructions carefully and check your ingredients for freshness.

2. How do I fix a dish that is too salty?

If you accidentally added too much salt to a dish, there are a few ways to fix it. You can dilute the saltiness by adding more of the other ingredients, such as vegetables or broth. You can also add a pinch of sugar or a squeeze of lemon juice to balance out the saltiness. Alternatively, you can make a separate batch without salt and mix the two together.

3. My cookies spread too much, what can I do?

If your cookies are spreading too much during baking, it could be due to using too much butter or shortening, or not chilling the dough before baking. Make sure to measure your ingredients accurately and follow the recipe instructions for chilling the dough. You can also try using a silicone baking mat or parchment paper to prevent spreading.

4. How can I prevent my pie crust from getting soggy?

To prevent a soggy pie crust, try blind baking it before adding the filling. This means partially baking the crust before adding the filling, which helps to create a barrier between the crust and the filling. You can also brush the crust with an egg wash before adding the filling, which creates a seal and helps to prevent sogginess.

5. My sauce is too thin, what can I do to thicken it?

If your sauce is too thin, you can thicken it by adding a slurry of cornstarch and cold water. Mix equal parts cornstarch and water in a separate bowl, then slowly add it to the sauce while stirring constantly. You can also simmer the sauce for a longer period of time to reduce and thicken it naturally.

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