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Who Has Surpassed $1,500 in Sales at PC and How Have You Done It?

In summary, participants in this conversation have been discussing their sales numbers and goals for the month. Many have exceeded their initial goals, with some reaching the $3,000 or $6,000 mark. Others are still working towards their goals and using various strategies, such as advertising the Cyber Monday sale and reaching out to potential customers. Some are also excited about the upcoming free gifts and trips they can earn through their sales.
I had hoped to be able to do a little more than I have but I've surpassed the $1,500 so I'm thrilled about that. To date, I'm at $1,810.19 and I have a show tomorrow and another that I plan to close on Tuesday the 30th. I've also been advertising the Cyber Monday sale that PC is offering so I hope to get some sales from that as well. My Black Friday didn't do as well as I had hoped but I've just posted that I will extend it until tomorrow night. Not sure how much this will help, but every little bit would be good, right? I'm still relatively new, so my customer base hasn't really had the chance to build a lot. I'm hoping by June to be able to do much better and hopefully reach the second level at least and possibly the top one!

How has everyone else done? Who has already reached the $3,000 or $6,000 mark?
I'm not going to make it to $6K. I'm at $3600ish and holding steady, going to talk up the free shipping for Monday and see what happens... =)
I currently have $555 submitted, and I have another $330 in my Black Friday Sale. My second show didn't close on time earlier this month, so I missed the apron. I plan to do some calling tomorrow to those who opened my Black Friday email, and those who RSVP'd "yes" on my Facebook event to see if they want to order something. My reminder email did also mention Cyber Monday, so maybe I'll get something from that.
I hit $3000 but I would not have if I had not have two great booths this month! $3000 is generally my goal.
IF (and that may be a big IF) everyone does what they are supposed to do and closes by Monday I have 3200 sitting in the computer right now and I haven't turned a single thing in yet for this month. I"m crossing my fingers that all of my hosts do what they are told by me!
Go Steph Go Steph!!! get those hosts whipped into shape...lol
I have 3300.00 submitted!!! got my apron...too pretty to wear...lol
Have another $2,000 show sitting in the computer getting ready to finish up..Just did a small bridal shower today that was at $500. And have at least 2 book shows out there that hopefully will close up by tuesday! So, if everything goes right for me, too, I should hit the $6,000 mark!!! Desperately needed for the December 8th paycheck!! Screaming right now, though, because I have enough pts for the Toronto trip, have 2 consultants who have qualified, and 2 new ones who just signed up...but these two new ones haven't done a thing yet, and I need them to qualify by Dec. 31st for the trip...ughhhhhhhh
I admit I was happy to hit the $1500 and call it a day :)
I am a little less than $100 away from $1,500. I have a customer who wants to order a bunch of Christmas gifts on Cyber Monday, so that should push me over. I have had so much going on with family that I am just not motivated right now. I want the products, but probably won't go make a ton of phone calls for them.
Passed 6K! Love FREE stuff!
  • #10
Over $7,700.00 right now with another show or two to put in before Dec. 1/10. Bring on the FREE stuff!
  • #11
I'm $8 away from $2400...That includes one show that is ready to submit. I am leaving it open, because I figure I can add a gift from me to her order to get me to $2400 (and a higher commission) if I don't get more sales.I have about $120 in orders for family members... Mom wants the host special, but I can't get it for her unless we get to $150... if I could just get another $30 order, I'd submit it this month, and not worry about the $8 gift for the host.If I don't get to $150, I will submit my family's orders in December, and still hope and pray I can get enough to make it a show :)
  • #12
magentablue said:
I'm $8 away from $2400...

That includes one show that is ready to submit. I am leaving it open, because I figure I can add a gift from me to her order to get me to $2400 (and a higher commission) if I don't get more sales.

I have about $120 in orders for family members... Mom wants the host special, but I can't get it for her unless we get to $150... if I could just get another $30 order, I'd submit it this month, and not worry about the $8 gift for the host.

If I don't get to $150, I will submit my family's orders in December, and still hope and pray I can get enough to make it a show :)

The next commission level is $2500 not $2400 (well, unless you're in Canada - I don't know the levels there).
  • #13
Oops, I'm at almost $2500 then :blush:That's good though, it means more commission for me! :D
Sell another $705.06 and
increase to 24%
commission this month!
I have a $697 show ready to submit.
  • #14
I just pushed over the $3000 mark to $3007. I have cyber monday and a show monday night yet. I'm not too hopeful for the $6K level, but hey, you never know!
  • #15
I'm $129 away from $6,000 and have several parties left to close out. I Love FREEBIES!!!
  • #16
I'm at 8400. so far I have a 513.00 to still close so had a GREAT month
  • #17
Made the 6 k- Gotta have the freebies. Cyber Monday could prove to be interesting. Let's hope that everyone spends some of their money on Pampered Chef.
  • #18
I am $86 away from $1500... Oh, I cry. :(
  • #19
I hit the 6K level, I am right there with all of you, free, free, free!!!!!! I love it!!!!
  • #20
I'm at $1652.09! Yeah I'll take it. A little bit of free is better than no free stuff!
  • #21
lindseystar said:
I am $86 away from $1500... Oh, I cry. :(

Get on the phone, you can do it!
  • #22
Great month here as well. I am at $10,300.00 right now with a $400.00 catty show in the puter and a cooking show tonight. I *may* have another catty show turned in before tomorrow, but if not it will go on Dec. I dooo love SAT months!
  • #23
beckyjsmith said:
Great month here as well. I am at $10,300.00 right now with a $400.00 catty show in the puter and a cooking show tonight. I *may* have another catty show turned in before tomorrow, but if not it will go on Dec. I dooo love SAT months!

Holy cow!! How many shows was that?
  • #24
I only actually did 8 cooking shows this month. I had 5 catty shows plus a mystery host show that ended up with a little over 3000 in commissionable sales. I was THRILLED with that!!
  • #25
beckyjsmith said:
I only actually did 8 cooking shows this month. I had 5 catty shows plus a mystery host show that ended up with a little over 3000 in commissionable sales. I was THRILLED with that!!

Wow!! Way to go!
  • #26
Steph - talk about being on pins and needles and down to the wire. How nerve wracking!!!

I hit $3,000 last week.

I wish they had a level between $3,000 and $6,000. I can hit the $3,000 but have no hope of $6,000. If they had $4,500 (or something else above the top commission level) then it would be a more reasonable stretch. But I love my freebies!!! And usually there isn't much if anything at the $6,000 level that I really wish I had. PC is so good about putting the essential new products in the $1,500 and $3,000 levels. I define essential as being needed for shows and being the most popular new products to display.
  • #27
I am at $8706.65 have a $437.00 black Friday show to submit this month yet and looks like I got another online lead order yesterday, not big but hey every bit helps! Supposed to have a show tonight, but we are having a lovely ground blizzard and the show is 45 minutes away and weather there is worse then it is here! I wasn't counting on that one closing this month anyway!

I reached my goal for the $6000 level so I'm excited...the paycheck will be awesome too!:D
  • #29
Just hit $1509 with a surprise from my mom!
She was having a small dinner party with some friends and made dinner in the DCB. Someone asked about it and they ended up with all my mom's PC stuff out of the cabinets and drawers and onto the table after dinner. She took orders for me and the next thing I know she called me with $231 in orders! I put it in as a cooking show because she made food AND she showed products even though there was no demo. It got me over the level and I'm SOOO happy!
  • Thread starter
  • #30
ShelbyMichalek said:
Just hit $1509 with a surprise from my mom!
She was having a small dinner party with some friends and made dinner in the DCB. Someone asked about it and they ended up with all my mom's PC stuff out of the cabinets and drawers and onto the table after dinner. She took orders for me and the next thing I know she called me with $231 in orders! I put it in as a cooking show because she made food AND she showed products even though there was no demo. It got me over the level and I'm SOOO happy!

How exciting is that!!! So glad for you!!!

I just did some figuring and I'm $833.76 from the $3,000 mark with two shows to close tomorrow! I'm praying that I can make that goal between these two shows!!! :balloon:
  • #31
I have a sale that will probably go through today... and then I'm less than $250 from the $3000 mark... so on the phone I'll go after work! ARUGH, so close!!!
  • #32
chefsteph07 said:
IF (and that may be a big IF) everyone does what they are supposed to do and closes by Monday I have 3200 sitting in the computer right now and I haven't turned a single thing in yet for this month. I"m crossing my fingers that all of my hosts do what they are told by me!

All of my hosts did what they were supposed to and I ended up with $3800! Woo hoo! And I didn't do a show until after the 15th! I"m thrilled! :sing:
  • #33
Becca_in_MD said:
Steph - talk about being on pins and needles and down to the wire. How nerve wracking!!!

I hit $3,000 last week.

I wish they had a level between $3,000 and $6,000. I can hit the $3,000 but have no hope of $6,000. If they had $4,500 (or something else above the top commission level) then it would be a more reasonable stretch. But I love my freebies!!! And usually there isn't much if anything at the $6,000 level that I really wish I had. PC is so good about putting the essential new products in the $1,500 and $3,000 levels. I define essential as being needed for shows and being the most popular new products to display.

No kidding! I was literally closing shows all day yesterday...and I had 2 shows w/ credit cards that were declined, etc. I had a headache by last night and just wanted to be done already!

I agree w/ a level between 3k and 6k! But, it's ok, we get a really decent package at the 3k mark and I'll take whatever I can get!
  • #34
Well, I have three catalog shows and a cooking show to close today. Final at the moment is $12,074 Incredible month including DIRECTOR promotion! 19 shows/4 catalog shows.....I do live in the 48th poorest state in US so have to have lots of shows to get up there!

However, December will be a different animal! I am purposely taking three weeks off of parties to spend time with family as this has been such a crazy year! I have five shows....praying they are awesome!

  • #35
ChefCKHall said:
Well, I have three catalog shows and a cooking show to close today. Final at the moment is $12,074 Incredible month including DIRECTOR promotion! 19 shows/4 catalog shows.....I do live in the 48th poorest state in US so have to have lots of shows to get up there!

However, December will be a different animal! I am purposely taking three weeks off of parties to spend time with family as this has been such a crazy year! I have five shows....praying they are awesome!


AWESOME!!!!! Way to GO!!!!
  • #36
All 6 of my catalog shows are bombing. :( I'm definitely submitting one other catty show, but it's a small one. My sister's will close today, but it's also going to be small. And another friend's is at $400. I submitted a small show of my own earlier in the month. But I have those other catty shows where the hosts just aren't reachable right now. I don't know if they have a single order or not. As of a couple weeks ago, they hadn't done anything with them. I've tried to contact them several times but can't ever make actual contact with them to do host coaching. :(
  • #37
ChefCKHall said:
Well, I have three catalog shows and a cooking show to close today. Final at the moment is $12,074 Incredible month including DIRECTOR promotion! 19 shows/4 catalog shows.....I do live in the 48th poorest state in US so have to have lots of shows to get up there!

However, December will be a different animal! I am purposely taking three weeks off of parties to spend time with family as this has been such a crazy year! I have five shows....praying they are awesome!


OMG! Way to go!!! 5 shows in December is still awesome! You are an inspiration! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #38
WooHoo!!! Woke up with a phone call this morning from a friend wanting to order some Christmas gifts!!! Almost $100 and every little bit helps at this point!
  • #39
I'm $80 away. :( I don't think I'll buy something just so I can get stuff for free. Right? I wish I knew how much we were going to earn for free in products at the $1500 level so I could decide if it was worth it.
  • #40
What about gifts that you have to buy anyway... teacher, family, friends, etc? $80 is soooo close... Also, do you need any cash and carry for shows?Good luck! I say go for it!!!

Related to Who Has Surpassed $1,500 in Sales at PC and How Have You Done It?

1. How do I surpass $1,500 in sales at PC?

To surpass $1,500 in sales at Pampered Chef, it is important to consistently host and close shows, advertise sales and promotions, and actively reach out to potential customers. Building a strong customer base and offering excellent customer service can also contribute to reaching this goal.

2. What are some strategies for reaching the $1,500 mark?

Some strategies for reaching the $1,500 mark at Pampered Chef include hosting multiple shows each month, utilizing social media and other forms of advertising, offering incentives for customers to book shows or make purchases, and participating in company-wide sales and promotions.

3. Who has already reached the $3,000 or $6,000 mark at Pampered Chef?

There are many successful Pampered Chef consultants who have surpassed the $3,000 and $6,000 marks. These individuals have likely utilized a combination of the strategies mentioned above and have put in consistent effort and dedication to their business.

4. How can I continue to increase my sales after surpassing $1,500?

To continue increasing sales after surpassing $1,500, it is important to maintain a strong customer base and consistently reach out to potential customers. Hosting and closing shows, offering promotions, and staying up-to-date on product knowledge can also contribute to continued success.

5. How long does it typically take to reach the $1,500 mark at Pampered Chef?

The amount of time it takes to reach $1,500 in sales at Pampered Chef can vary depending on individual effort and dedication. Some consultants may reach this mark within a few months, while others may take longer. It is important to set realistic goals and consistently work towards them to reach this milestone.

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