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Who Do You Have Guests Write Their Checks To....

In summary, the conversation was about how different consultants handle checks from guests at their shows. Some have guests write checks to the host, while others have them write checks to the consultant. The main concern was how to avoid bounced checks and the preference for using debit/credit card payments. It was also mentioned that some consultants charge a fee for bounced checks and try to cash them at the guest's bank.
I would like to get an idea on how all of you handle checks from guests.
For the last 4 years I have had all guests write checks to their Hosts. This way I felt that the guests were more comfortable writing a check to someone they know and it helps me from getting bounced checks since, more than likely, the will not bounce a check with family/friends but may with someone they don't know. I have not had any bounced checks doing it this way. When I did first started my PC business I had quite a few and lost money! So, that is why I changed to having them written to the Host. The main reasoning for this question is because I had a host cancel her show and went with another consultant because she didn't like having checks written to her and she had said she had never had a consultant do it this way. I have never had this happen in my 5 years so was a bit upset and surprised. She didn't even give me a chance to explain before she called and booked a show with someone else (I had given a host packet to her at the show she booked from and had not coached her yet). I would of gladly of taken checks written to me if she would have only called and asked before making such a big move. I know sometimes this is a pain for some hosts that have their main bank out of town and I have always been happy to accommodate them (with my fingers crossed).

Thanks for your input.
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I have guests at the show write checks to me, and also any outside orders before the show. After the show, I ask the host to have payments made to her, and then she can write me one check for the total, or use a debit or CC #.....makes it easier to close her show. I have only had 3 bounced checks in 5 years though, so it hasn't been a big deal for me. The only reason I have guests make payment to the host after the show is for the ease of closing.
I do the same as Becky so I didn't vote. Before and during the show, they can write the check to me. After the show, I tell the host to have them write it to her. I close all my shows over the phone and get a cc or debit card from the host. I charge all outstanding orders to her card since she has the money for them. I've never had a check bounce (knock on wood!). I do this so that there is no running around, trying to meet up with the host to get the checks, then having to go back to the back, etc.

For catalog shows, I strongly encourage checks wrote to the host so we can just do it all over the phone. I have had some hosts mail me their orders with the checks but I'm always leary about that.

I have had two cases in which I changed this. One was a host who wanted to put the whole show (or what he could) on his cc so he could get the points for it. The show was over $1000 and I got a few checks myself at the show. The other case was a host who already had a cc payment returned. I had her make all checks to me after the show and got cash from her. I met her before I closed the show. Those are rare cases and the way I mentioned above has worked for over a year with me.
I didn't vote b/c this is what I do--all checks at the show are to me, all checks for outside orders are to the host.But mostly I encourage debit and credit card payments so we don't even have to deal with checks. Much easier. Oh, and I don't lose money on bounced checks. I charge the customer the fee that my bank charges me. And I always get my money.
I have checks written to me. If I am doing an out of state catalog show I ask the host to encourage people to use debit/credit cards.
I have checks written to me. I try and cash the checks at thier bank. One I get more exposure and too I don't have to pay an fees if there is no money. I haven't had to deal with a bounced check or no funds.
I have them written to me unless it is an out of town or out of state catalog show and then I have them write them to the host. I hold all checks until I am finished with the show and deposit them when I am ready to submit the show, luckily, I have only had one bad check and the girl called me ahead of time to alert me that it may bounce and she gave me her money the same day I got the notice and since it did not over draw my account I was not charged any fees.
DebbieJ said:
I didn't vote b/c this is what I do--all checks at the show are to me, all checks for outside orders are to the host.

But mostly I encourage debit and credit card payments so we don't even have to deal with checks. Much easier. Oh, and I don't lose money on bounced checks. I charge the customer the fee that my bank charges me. And I always get my money.

Ditto what Deb said.
If you deposit the checks right away, you should know before the products are delivered to your host if one of the guest's checks has bounced. Then you can contact the guest to get it resolved and/or contact the host and pick up the guest's order. That way if the guest flakes, you can return the products for a refund.
  • #10
Wow, I'm really surprised at how many of you have the checks made out to you, the consultant. I may re-think the way I do it, but for now, I'll continue to have guests write checks to the host.
  • #11
DebbieJ said:
I didn't vote b/c this is what I do--all checks at the show are to me, all checks for outside orders are to the host.

But mostly I encourage debit and credit card payments so we don't even have to deal with checks. Much easier. Oh, and I don't lose money on bounced checks. I charge the customer the fee that my bank charges me. And I always get my money.

I ditto this, too.

I only take a debit card from the host for Catalog shows, too - she has to have all the checks made out to her and submit her debit/credit card to me to close it. No checks. I hate checks!
  • #12
I always have the checks made out to me. One of these days it's going to bite me in the behind, but so far I have only had a couple of checks bounce and people always made good on them. Now that I said that I'm sure it's going to come back to haunt me! *off to go knock on some wood!*
  • #13
I also have the checks written to me. I was thinking about doing saying credit cards or check cards are preferred since I have a had 4 bad checks since Nov. 1 just bounced, the other one said she had to close her account due to someone stealing her #, another one was totally shocked that it bounced she said she got a huge bonus put into her account, and I had one that it said Return to Maker.
  • #14
To me...to me....to me!!!

I would rather deal with a $25 or $50 or even $100 bounced check than have the host bounce an $800 check to me:cry: :yuck: :eek: !! And I do not feel it is the hosts job to cash everyones checks etc.

I do however have a couple hosts today that are closing that are having their friends make out the checks to them (so we can close tonight for double points)!!!:)
  • #15
I have guests write them to me. It's not the host's job to cash/deposit checks; it's my job. We also want to make hosting as easy as possible, and that doesn't include dealing with checks. Besides, the guests aren't buying things from the host. They're purchasing from PC, through me. The host has nothing to do with the monetary portion of the transaction.
  • #16
I have checks made out to me for the various reasons already stated. I have, however, started announcing at my shows that the preferred method of payment is debit or credit card. I've redone the little sign I use at checkout to reflect this as well.
  • #17
I have only been doing this for a year and have always had the checks written to the host!! May change in the future!!
  • #18
When I started I had checks made out to the host because that's what my consultant always did when I was hosting. Then my director pointed out that on the rare occasion that you have a host flake and not close, you've worked that evening for nothing and the guests don't get their stuff. If the checks are made out to me, I can always let the host know that I will close the party on [date] and choose free product for them if I haven't heard from them by that date. Thankfully, I haven't had to do that. It's nice to know I could, though.

Plus, you know if the host just doesn't close, all of the guests will think the consultant made off with the money. Um, not that any of our customers would ever think such a thing. :rolleyes:
  • #19
I have the checks made out to me and always have for the same reasons everyone else has said. After the show I give the host a choice. Either they can be made to her and she can pay for all w/credit card or she can mail them to me.

I don't usually hold the checks. I cash them right away so I know if one bounces before the show closes or the host gets her products.
  • #20
The only time I've ever had customers write checks to the host was for my catalog party far, far away. The hostess put everything on her credit card and deposited the checks in her account to pay the bill. She got the "points" for using her card, and I got to avoid the hassle of out of state checks, so it was a win-win.It may seem a bit obsessive, but I verify the funds at every bank of every check ever submitted to me, and if the bank won't do it over the phone, I go there in person and cash the check, if possible. After two family members wrote checks that bounced, I figured that if my OWN FAMILY would do this to me, why wouldn't strangers.
  • #21
raebates said:
Plus, you know if the host just doesn't close, all of the guests will think the consultant made off with the money. Um, not that any of our customers would ever think such a thing. :rolleyes:

<snicker, snicker!!!>
  • #22
I hosted a show for another DS company. The Consultant was a neighbor of mine, just one street away. I never even thought about it, and she never told me how she did it, until the show. At the show, she had all the guests write checks to me, and asked me to give her a check, right then, for the total of those checks.
I totally HATED this! It made me very nervous that she might try and cash my check before I made it to the bank to deposit all those checks, and it would bounce. Made me determine then and there, to always have my customers write their checks to me, to save my hostesses that kind of stress!!
I understand about bounced checks, but, honestly, in my 10+ years as a Consultant, I think I can still count on one hand the number of bounced checks I've gotten!!

Just my opinion...

  • Thread starter
  • #23
I was told to do it this way when I started PC, but didn't and had checks bounced. So I started having them written to the hosts (as I was told to do in the first place) and never had a problem with bounced checks. But, yes I understand what everyone is saying about having the checks written to them and agree.
Maybe it was just the area I was in when I started the biz. Don't live there anymore.

Thanks everyone for your input.
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  • #24
I have the guest write checks to me... but like Debbi said I really encourage debt cards...... that way I don't' have to deal with bank deposits.
  • #25
I always have guests make checks to the Host. I figure they are less likely to write a bad check to their friend than to me.

I do so many other things for my Hosts (send invitations on my dime, make reminder calls) that I don't feel bad about this at all. Not planning to change any time soon.

One thing I have started doing in the past few months is rounding up for people who pay cash and don't have exact change. I no longer carry a coin purse.
  • #26
I have the checks made out to me. I figure that it's my business therefore my job to take care of payments. Also, that way the host isn't put in an embarrassing situation if one of her friends bounces a check.

Related to Who Do You Have Guests Write Their Checks To....

1. Who do I make the check out to when hosting a Pampered Chef party?

Guests should make their checks payable to the host of the party. This allows the host to easily collect and submit payments for any orders placed during the party.

2. Can I pay for my Pampered Chef order with a credit card instead of a check?

Yes, Pampered Chef accepts credit cards as a form of payment. You can provide your credit card information to the host when placing your order, or you can pay through the Pampered Chef website.

3. Do I have to write a separate check for each item I order?

No, you can write one check for the total amount of your order. Just make sure to include the host's name and the order number on the check.

4. Can I pay with cash instead of a check?

Yes, cash is also accepted as a form of payment for Pampered Chef orders. Just make sure to have the correct amount as change may not be available.

5. What if I want to order additional items after the party is over?

You can still order additional items after the party by contacting the host or placing an order through the Pampered Chef website. Payment can be made with a credit card, check, or cash.

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