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What worries me about Obama's policies?

In summary, Cathy does not like the idea of national healthcare because she does not think it is a good thing for the people or the country. She also does not think that unions, social programs, etc. have been successful in adjusting to the new needs. She also thinks that the lack of leadership experience is a problem.
  • #601
you are cracking yourself up, aren't you Dawn????

where in Raleigh are you? I used to live off of Six Forks Rd and then we moved to Cary and then here to the Richmond area...that was 14 years ago, so I imagine a little has changed by now!
  • #603
janetupnorth said:
...and, sometimes God's Will is not our own. If Obama is elected and things change (for what I believe will be MORE restrictive in religious and personal freedom), I will have to CHOOSE to celebrate that God says that in the end things will get rough and true believers will be persecuted and choose to believe that the end is closer! :)

Amen!! I agree 100% and people need to realize this i think! Some people think if Obama wins then it is because he is a saving grace to our country. Obama sins just like others (McCain) and God allows us to act on our own actions in life. He gives us the Rule book of life (The Bible) and man chooses to follow or not to follow his rules. I heard a great quote about the Bible from James MacDonald. His gradfather wrote in his Bible "This book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book"

I know this is a little off subject but in a way it is on subject too! :)
Last edited:
  • #604
chefmeg said:
you are cracking yourself up, aren't you Dawn????

where in Raleigh are you? I used to live off of Six Forks Rd and then we moved to Cary and then here to the Richmond area...that was 14 years ago, so I imagine a little has changed by now!

Wow Six Forks is crazy now!!! You should see Ralegh now! The crabtree area and the Six Forks area (noth six forks) is booming now! I love it here but I live in South raleigh area on the other side of garner near Wake Tech! I am not a huge Cary fan due to the 1,000 stop lights and crazy roads fan love the Cary mall because it is less crowded! LOL

I really like Richmond! My SIL lives in Herndon Va and my grandparents live in South Boston (2 different ends for you) but I like Richmond alot! It is so pretty!
  • #605
I don't think I have seen this one yet.

  • #608
janetupnorth said:

I am at a loss~why, really why, hasn't this just been cleared up? How could someone that really wants to change our country, like Obama says he does, not have to prove he was born here.....McCain was born overseas but to military parents and that is well documented. Why are WE....me and you and anyone that lives in this country, even allowing Obabma to think this is OK??? We should be raising the roof on this one!
  • #609
chefmeg said:
I am at a loss~why, really why, hasn't this just been cleared up? How could someone that really wants to change our country, like Obama says he does, not have to prove he was born here.....McCain was born overseas but to military parents and that is well documented. Why are WE....me and you and anyone that lives in this country, even allowing Obabma to think this is OK??? We should be raising the roof on this one!

It's quite simple actually. The MSM controls the airwaves...and they have been hypnotized by Obama - so although this is something that a DEMOCRAT is trying his best to bring to the attention of the country...it won't be because the MSM hushes it up and sweeps it under the rug. Obama has the upper hand, because he can say whatever he wants and the MSM reports it as gospel truth, without any true varification.
  • #610
Someday, I think Hillary will write a book about what happened to her to lose in the primaries. She needs to make some money to pay off all the debt she owes, and this would be a best seller.
  • #611
Notice to All Employees As of November 5, 2008 . . when President Obama is officially elected into office . . our company will instill a few new policies which are in keeping with his new . . . inspiring issues of change and fairness:1. All salespeople will be pooling their sales and bonuses into a common pool that will be divided equally between all of you. This will serve to give those of you who are underachieving a “fair shake.”

2. All low level workers will be pooling their wages, including overtime, into a common pool, dividing it equally amongst yourselves. This will help those who are “too busy for overtime” to reap the rewards from those who have more spare time and can work extra hours.
3. All top management will now be referred to as “the government.” We will not participate in this “pooling” experience because the law doesn't apply to us.
4. The “government” will give eloquent speeches to all employees every week, encouraging it's workers to continue to work hard “for the good of all.”
5. The employees will be thrilled with these new policies because it's “good to spread the wealth.” Those of you who have underachieved will finally get an opportunity; those of you who have worked hard and had success will feel more “patriotic.”
6. The last few people who were hired should clean out their desks. Don't feel bad, though, because President Obama will give you free healthcare, free handouts, free oil for heating your home, free foodstamps, and he'll let you stay in your home for as long as you want even if you can't pay your mortgage. If you appeal directly to our democratic congress, you might even get a free flatscreen TV and a coupon for free haircuts (shouldn't all Americans be entitled to nice looking hair?) !!!If for any reason you are not happy with the new policies . . . you may want to rethink your vote on November 4th.
  • #612
ChefBeckyD said:
It's quite simple actually. The MSM controls the airwaves...and they have been hypnotized by Obama - so although this is something that a DEMOCRAT is trying his best to bring to the attention of the country...it won't be because the MSM hushes it up and sweeps it under the rug. Obama has the upper hand, because he can say whatever he wants and the MSM reports it as gospel truth, without any true varification.

  • #613
  • #614
I just sent the Notice to Employees to my dad. He called me within seconds of receiving it thinking that I wanted him to redistribute the wealth. After I cleared things up, that it was a joke, I told him that, yes, I want him to redistribute his wealth to me but not to the rest of the USA! Seriously, he isn't wealthy. We were just joking. He's actually a farmer who gets subsidies, and he still doesn't want Obama elected.
  • #615
JAE said:
I just sent the Notice to Employees to my dad. He called me within seconds of receiving it thinking that I wanted him to redistribute the wealth. After I cleared things up, that it was a joke, I told him that, yes, I want him to redistribute his wealth to me but not to the rest of the USA! Seriously, he isn't wealthy. We were just joking. He's actually a farmer who gets subsidies, and he still doesn't want Obama elected.
We're farmers who get subsidies, too, and we don't want Obama elected either.
  • #616
JAE said:
I just sent the Notice to Employees to my dad. He called me within seconds of receiving it thinking that I wanted him to redistribute the wealth. After I cleared things up, that it was a joke, I told him that, yes, I want him to redistribute his wealth to me but not to the rest of the USA! Seriously, he isn't wealthy. We were just joking. He's actually a farmer who gets subsidies, and he still doesn't want Obama elected.

That's funny!

Here's another email about redistribution of wealth.

Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that

read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed. Once in the

restaurant my server had on a "Obama 08" tie, again I laughed as he

had given away his political preference--just imagine the

coincidence. When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and

explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of

wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I

was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in

need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my

sight. I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to

thank the server inside as I 've decided he could use the money more.

The homeless guy was grateful. At the end of my rather unscientific

redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful

for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I

gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient

needed money more. I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier

thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.
  • #616
  • #617
Stampaholic1961 said:
Notice to All Employees

As of November 5, 2008 . . when President Obama is officially elected into office . . our company will instill a few new policies which are in keeping with his new . . . inspiring issues of change and fairness:

1. All salespeople will be pooling their sales and bonuses into a common pool that will be divided equally between all of you. This will serve to give those of you who are underachieving a “fair shake.”

2. All low level workers will be pooling their wages, including overtime, into a common pool, dividing it equally amongst yourselves. This will help those who are “too busy for overtime” to reap the rewards from those who have more spare time and can work extra hours.

3. All top management will now be referred to as “the government.” We will not participate in this “pooling” experience because the law doesn't apply to us.

4. The “government” will give eloquent speeches to all employees every week, encouraging it's workers to continue to work hard “for the good of all.”

5. The employees will be thrilled with these new policies because it's “good to spread the wealth.” Those of you who have underachieved will finally get an opportunity; those of you who have worked hard and had success will feel more “patriotic.”

6. The last few people who were hired should clean out their desks. Don't feel bad, though, because President Obama will give you free healthcare, free handouts, free oil for heating your home, free foodstamps, and he'll let you stay in your home for as long as you want even if you can't pay your mortgage. If you appeal directly to our democratic congress, you might even get a free flatscreen TV and a coupon for free haircuts (shouldn't all Americans be entitled to nice looking hair?) !!!

If for any reason you are not happy with the new policies . . . you may want to rethink your vote on November 4th.

I'm rolling over laughing! Why can't people see this? Where do they think universal health care's money is coming from? Hello! Taxes! Those who are high up in PC should be concerned. "Us" who make less than $250,000 will be reaping the benefits of their hard work. We don't need a socialist nation.
  • #618
chefmeg said:
I am at a loss~why, really why, hasn't this just been cleared up? How could someone that really wants to change our country, like Obama says he does, not have to prove he was born here.....McCain was born overseas but to military parents and that is well documented. Why are WE....me and you and anyone that lives in this country, even allowing Obabma to think this is OK??? We should be raising the roof on this one!

I'm scratching my head- if they cover this up...what else will they cover up? Whol else will they shove under a bus to forward their agenda... all you who are voting for Obama... do not be decieved. I could care less if a Democrat gets elected into office- but I'll be darned if I'm going to let a socialist get into office... the division that politicians have caused to this nations citizens is appauling...

And the brainwashing that has happened in the MSM and with this campaign is frightening! I wonder if Hitler's critics were saying what we are saying, and if people that were for Hitler were calling them Hate Mongers, and Right wing whacko's???
  • #619
Stampaholic1961 said:
That's funny!

Here's another email about redistribution of wealth.

Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that

read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed. Once in the

restaurant my server had on a "Obama 08" tie, again I laughed as he

had given away his political preference--just imagine the

coincidence. When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and

explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of

wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I

was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in

need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my

sight. I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to

thank the server inside as I 've decided he could use the money more.

The homeless guy was grateful. At the end of my rather unscientific

redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful

for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I

gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient

needed money more. I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier

thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.

Thanks! This one's being passed on, as my husband is our county chair for McCain.
  • #619
You guys are out of control.
  • #620
Stampaholic1961 said:
Notice to All Employees

As of November 5, 2008 . . when President Obama is officially elected into office . . our company will instill a few new policies which are in keeping with his new . . . inspiring issues of change and fairness:

1. All salespeople will be pooling their sales and bonuses into a common pool that will be divided equally between all of you. This will serve to give those of you who are underachieving a “fair shake.”

2. All low level workers will be pooling their wages, including overtime, into a common pool, dividing it equally amongst yourselves. This will help those who are “too busy for overtime” to reap the rewards from those who have more spare time and can work extra hours.

3. All top management will now be referred to as “the government.” We will not participate in this “pooling” experience because the law doesn't apply to us.

4. The “government” will give eloquent speeches to all employees every week, encouraging it's workers to continue to work hard “for the good of all.”

5. The employees will be thrilled with these new policies because it's “good to spread the wealth.” Those of you who have underachieved will finally get an opportunity; those of you who have worked hard and had success will feel more “patriotic.”

6. The last few people who were hired should clean out their desks. Don't feel bad, though, because President Obama will give you free healthcare, free handouts, free oil for heating your home, free foodstamps, and he'll let you stay in your home for as long as you want even if you can't pay your mortgage. If you appeal directly to our democratic congress, you might even get a free flatscreen TV and a coupon for free haircuts (shouldn't all Americans be entitled to nice looking hair?) !!!

If for any reason you are not happy with the new policies . . . you may want to rethink your vote on November 4th.

That is AWESOME..Hey, I like FREE stuff! Why work for anything when I can just "get it"??? LOL LOL LOL I'm so sending this to my dh...
  • #621
ChefBeckyD said:
It's quite simple actually. The MSM controls the airwaves...and they have been hypnotized by Obama - so although this is something that a DEMOCRAT is trying his best to bring to the attention of the country...it won't be because the MSM hushes it up and sweeps it under the rug. Obama has the upper hand, because he can say whatever he wants and the MSM reports it as gospel truth, without any true varification.

I understand that MSM is covering alot up for Obama, but those of us that don't have our head up his butt should be screamong from the rooftops, demanding that this be investigated...it isn't too late, but next week it will be because if for some reason O is elected, and then this comes out~we are stuck with BIDEN!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #622
chefmeg said:
I understand that MSM is covering alot up for Obama, but those of us that don't have our head up his butt should be screamong from the rooftops, demanding that this be investigated...it isn't too late, but next week it will be because if for some reason O is elected, and then this comes out~we are stuck with BIDEN!!!!!!!!!!!

We email - and we talk to people - but it's not going to get national coverage the way that Sarah Palins wardrobe does. Now, Isn't that sad?

I read an article last night, and was going to post it this morning - but it's disappeared already. It was how all of the talk shows - political and late night - have skewered John McCain this election. Jokes about McCain vs. Obama are 20 to 1. There were a bunch of other statistics about it too. The article said never in the history of TV has it been this lopsided. This was done by a nonpartisan watchdog organization....they reported it yesterday, and already today it has been covered up.
  • #623
it's just sad what our country is coming to...........it's going to get worse before it gets better, I'm afraid.
  • #624
OK, I have been staying out of these threads....and I don't know if this has already been posted, because I'm not reading it all now either. But, I got this in my email so I thought I'd share.

  • #625
ChefBeckyD said:
We email - and we talk to people - but it's not going to get national coverage the way that Sarah Palins wardrobe does. Now, Isn't that sad?

I read an article last night, and was going to post it this morning - but it's disappeared already. It was how all of the talk shows - political and late night - have skewered John McCain this election. Jokes about McCain vs. Obama are 20 to 1. There were a bunch of other statistics about it too. The article said never in the history of TV has it been this lopsided. This was done by a nonpartisan watchdog organization....they reported it yesterday, and already today it has been covered up.

Did anyone see Leno last night? Michelle Obama was on and the first question Leno asked was how much she paid for her outfit...Michelle said "actually, this is a J. Crew ensemble"...like she was so much better than everyone...did anyone actually check out the outfit? It looked like crap and I"d say if someone wanted to spend a bunch of money on making me look better than THAT, I'd have at it, and it's not like Sarah is actually going to KEEP those outfits, I'm sure they will be donated to charity.
  • #626
I have to agree with one of the comments below that video. I don't think this video is going to do anything to change people's votes. It is seen as a conspiracy theory whether it is true or not. I think it is much more important to get out the information about what history shows will happen if Obama and the democrats have things his/their way. I think information needs to get out about what he says he will do and what it means, like how he wants to handle abortion, supreme court justice appointments, fairness doctrine, etc. McCain needs to talk more and more about what he wants to do and why it is best according to history and in comparison to the liberal ways of doing things. Even then, the media won't report what they don't want the American people to hear.
  • #627
I heard yesterday the Democrats want to now take over people's 401k accounts. They want to give them credit for the amount they were in August of this year and add them to the person's Social Security account!! They will add 3% (wow!) a year!!!!

If this gets close to happening I will cash mine out and pay the penalty!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #628
pampchefrhondab said:
I heard yesterday the Democrats want to now take over people's 401k accounts. They want to give them credit for the amount they were in August of this year and add them to the person's Social Security account!! They will add 3% (wow!) a year!!!!

If this gets close to happening I will cash mine out and pay the penalty!!!

I heard the same report, but forgot to mention it.

They want to roll ALL 401k contributions into the Social Security plan. I will go from an increase of about 11% on average to maybe 3%... ????

...and STILL won't have a pension!

Yikes! Yes, the 40% penalty looks better to me then having them control it!
  • #631
janetupnorth said:
...and don't forgot about a MANDATED contribution of your own money...

Obama, Dems Seek to End 401(k) Plans - Political Machine
Okay - this is scary enough - it needs to be printed here in its entirety.

That is FRIGHTENING....and not even socialism - it smacks of communism. The gov't in complete control of my money? Come on people - I cannot believe that there are those so blinded by Obamamania they cannot see what this will do to our country and our freedom.

Sen. Barack Obama's Democratic allies in Congress are looking into a radical new plan that would fundamentally change the way Americans save for retirement. House Democrats recently heard testimony on the idea and, under a potential Obama administration, would likely move to put it in place. Democrats want to seize the money that workers currently invest in their 401(k) plans and replace the popular retirement savings accounts with a one-size-fits-all government sponsored retirement account. Under the scheme, Americans would be forced to transfer all of their hard earned retirement savings from their 401(k) to the government.

The government would contribute $600 a year to fund each account and would pay a rate of return of around three percent in interest. The government would also mandate that each worker contribute 5% of their yearly salary to the accounts. Under current law, workers with 401(k) plans contribute to their retirement accounts and earn interest tax free. The Democrats' plan would end those tax breaks, amounting to as much as a 15% tax hike on each American worker.

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) said recently that Democrats had better ideas for the $80 billion that Americans contribute to their 401(k) plans each year. "We have to start thinking about whether or not we want to continue to invest that $80 billion for a policy that's not doing what we say it should." Sen. Obama would likely sign on to the plan as president.

Obama, McDermott, and Congressional Democrats miss the point that under current law, Americans have control over their retirement savings, where and how it is invested, and when and how much they contribute. The idea to nationalize retirement savings is another example of Democrats' socialist proclivities. They want control of Americans' retirement to reside in Washington DC, not on Main St., all in the name of "retirement security."
  • #632
JAE said:
Read this and watch the interview.


I missed this when it was posted. I went to check it out today & guess what! The video has been removed!!! Why am I not surprised!!!
  • #633
Welcome to the Socialist Union of American States.That's where we're heading if we have an Obama administration.
  • #634
I don't want the government taking over my retirement account; however, I do agree there are so many people not saving for it! I know one of their other ideas was to only give SS to those who didn't save enough for retirement!! I guess if they mandate you have to save 5% a year they won't have to support these people in the end! If they don't save we will hear how they can't pay their bills, they are losing their homes and how we should "spread our wealth."!!
  • #635
Here is yet another news article regarding "spreading the wealth":


Interesting related poll you can take. Results so far show that 97% of respondents think that Obama is a socialist.
  • Thread starter
  • #636
Things like that are EXACTLY why the Democratic campaign is pushing so hard for you to vote now and vote early! They figure if they can get you to vote Obama now, it will be before you hear some of the truth coming out.
  • #637
janetupnorth said:
Things like that are EXACTLY why the Democratic campaign is pushing so hard for you to vote now and vote early! They figure if they can get you to vote Obama now, it will be before you hear some of the truth coming out.

Oh, come on! The reason BOTH campaigns are urging early voting is because there is expected to be a huge number of Americans exercising their right to vote this year and early voting will cut down on the lines at least somewhat.

I am working SO hard to keep myself from typing more but it would do no good and I value the friendships here too much. Like someone said, you guys have made up your minds and we have made up ours so we aren't going to change any minds. It's not worth it.
  • #638
From another article on the same subject:

"A wide range of sweeping changes to the 401(k) system were proposed Tuesday at a hearing on how the market crisis has devastated retirement savings plans.

Chief among them was eliminating $80 billion in tax savings for higher-income people enrolled in 401(k) retirement savings plans.(I added the bolded)

This was suggested by the chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor.

“With respect to the 401(k), it appears to be a plan that is not really well-devised for the changes in the market,” Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., said.

“We’ve invested $80 billion into subsidizing this activity,” he said, referring to tax breaks allowed for 401(k) contributions and savings...."

A partial quote; the entire article can be read here: http://www.investmentnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081007/REG/810079894

The last paragraph in the article references the losses on Wall Street, saying that workers face $2 trillion in losses (for 401(k)s invested in stocks).

It's all in the writing, isn't it? Nothing has been decided, this was a meeting to discuss ideas and options. Far cry from


ChefBeckyD said:
Okay - this is scary enough - it needs to be printed here in its entirety.

That is FRIGHTENING....and not even socialism - it smacks of communism. The gov't in complete control of my money? Come on people - I cannot believe that there are those so blinded by Obamamania they cannot see what this will do to our country and our freedom.

Sen. Barack Obama's Democratic allies in Congress are looking into a radical new plan that would fundamentally change the way Americans save for retirement. House Democrats recently heard testimony on the idea and, under a potential Obama administration, would likely move to put it in place. Democrats want to seize the money that workers currently invest in their 401(k) plans and replace the popular retirement savings accounts with a one-size-fits-all government sponsored retirement account. Under the scheme, Americans would be forced to transfer all of their hard earned retirement savings from their 401(k) to the government.

The government would contribute $600 a year to fund each account and would pay a rate of return of around three percent in interest. The government would also mandate that each worker contribute 5% of their yearly salary to the accounts. Under current law, workers with 401(k) plans contribute to their retirement accounts and earn interest tax free. The Democrats' plan would end those tax breaks, amounting to as much as a 15% tax hike on each American worker.

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) said recently that Democrats had better ideas for the $80 billion that Americans contribute to their 401(k) plans each year. "We have to start thinking about whether or not we want to continue to invest that $80 billion for a policy that's not doing what we say it should." Sen. Obama would likely sign on to the plan as president.

Obama, McDermott, and Congressional Democrats miss the point that under current law, Americans have control over their retirement savings, where and how it is invested, and when and how much they contribute. The idea to nationalize retirement savings is another example of Democrats' socialist proclivities. They want control of Americans' retirement to reside in Washington DC, not on Main St., all in the name of "retirement security."
  • #639
We continue to post because we know people continue to read. We know there are still undecided voters and we know way more people read this site and thread than people who post anywhere. We have to do our part to counter act the mainstream media.
  • #640
I voted today! Glad that's over....now if all the dang commercials would just STOP! It too bad that all the millions spent on them couldn't have gone someplace really beneficial or constructive. Like maybe, feed, clothe, house the hungry, help the various disaster victems, assist those who can't assist themself.... ya know-spread the wealth around.....seems like some of those millions could have made a real dent there.....Oh wait....isn't that what my tax dollars are for :rolleyes:
  • #641
pamperedlinda said:
I voted today! Glad that's over....now if all the dang commercials would just STOP! It too bad that all the millions spent on them couldn't have gone someplace really beneficial or constructive. Like maybe, feed, clothe, house the hungry, help the various disaster victems, assist those who can't assist themself.... ya know-spread the wealth around.....seems like some of those millions could have made a real dent there.....Oh wait....isn't that what my tax dollars are for :rolleyes:

Good for you, Linda!

Do you wonder how much it costs to run a 30 Minute Political Infomercial? Get ready for that coming soon to a TV station near you.:grumpy:
  • #642
I voted yesterday as well. I used the touchscreen voting system & it was really easy. If you have the touch screen available, I highly recommend using it.

I'm a technical judge for our polling place & I look forward to showing people how to use the new technology.

I agree - if they would use some of that campaign & advertising money towards something worthwhile, we'd be a lot better off as a nation.
  • #643
I copied the post earlier about the 401K changes and sent it to my best friend whose husband just retired after 20 yrs from the Marines...this is her reply back to me...This reply has not been altered in any way...

-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

This is what socialism is all about. I don't know why so many Americans are morons. And here's something for you... There's only a 9% approval rating with the current Democrat-led Congress. However, Obama is looking at 52% of America wanting him as President based on current polls. Simple math tells us that 91% of America is unhappy with the Dems in Congress and the things they have and haven't done there. However, 52% of America wants Obama. Taking into account the 9% of die-hard Dem party liners who are happy with the Dem Congress, there's still 43% of America ready to vote in as president a Senator who belongs to the Congress they hate! Is this really so hard to comprehend? If you don't like the policies in Congress led by the Dems, you won't really like the policies put into place by a Dem president who came from that ridiculous Congress. DUH!! I am praying for some October surprise that tanks Obama before next week. I don't want socialist medicine, socialist retirement, socialist income... socialist anything!

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Stephanie Scavnicky wrote:

Under Obama's plan, our 401K will go to the gov't to control...read below and act! Do we want the gov't controlling our RETIREMENT??? OH LORD HELP US.
Sen. Barack Obama's Democratic allies in Congress are looking into a radical new plan that would fundamentally change the way Americans save for retirement. House Democrats recently heard testimony on the idea and, under a potential Obama administration, would likely move to put it in place. Democrats want to seize the money that workers currently invest in their 401(k) plans and replace the popular retirement savings accounts with a one-size-fits-all government sponsored retirement account. Under the scheme, Americans would be forced to transfer all of their hard earned retirement savings from their 401(k) to the government.

The government would contribute $600 a year to fund each account and would pay a rate of return of around three percent in interest. The government would also mandate that each worker contribute 5% of their yearly salary to the accounts. Under current law, workers with 401(k) plans contribute to their retirement accounts and earn interest tax free. The Democrats' plan would end those tax breaks, amounting to as much as a 15% tax hike on each American worker.

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) said recently that Democrats had better ideas for the $80 billion that Americans contribute to their 401(k) plans each year. "We have to start thinking about whether or not we want to continue to invest that $80 billion for a policy that's not doing what we say it should." Sen. Obama would likely sign on to the plan as president.

Obama, McDermott, and Congressional Democrats miss the point that under current law, Americans have control over their retirement savings, where and how it is invested, and when and how much they contribute. The idea to nationalize retirement savings is another example of Democrats' socialist proclivities. They want control of Americans' retirement to reside in Washington DC, not on Main St., all in the name of "retirement security." __________________
  • #644
From my best friend who used to live in Hawaii while stationed there w/ her husband...

Hawaii already has a "spread the wealth" plan in place... We all called Hawaii the Socialist Republic of Hawaii. We never called it the 'state of Hawaii". Waitresses are now expected to bust their ass for the big tips, but then they have to share those tips with all waitresses, bus boys, DISH WASHERS, and cooks. However, the washers and the cooks and the bus boys are making minimum wage or higher, yet the waitresses are still being paid in peanuts because the law states you can pay wait help less based on the fact they make tips. But now, since they're sharing the wealth of their tips, they sometimes don't even make the hourly wage that would constitue basic minimum wage, and they definitely aren't making what the bussers, washers, and cooks are making, while those threee groups of workers are making at least minimum PLUS a tip wage... that they don't have to tell the IRS about because bussers, cooks and washers aren't categorized as tip earners where as waitresses still have to claim their nightly tips. Tell me how unfair that is to the waiters and waitresses! There's tons of programs in Hawaii to spread the wealth which basically has the common guy paying out the ass in taxes and the welfare chicks wearing all the nice jewelry and driving nicer cars than you or I have! And this is what the whole country can look at getting.

chefsteph07 said:
I copied the post earlier about the 401K changes and sent it to my best friend whose husband just retired after 20 yrs from the Marines...this is her reply back to me...This reply has not been altered in any way...

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This is what socialism is all about. I don't know why so many Americans are morons. And here's something for you... There's only a 9% approval rating with the current Democrat-led Congress. However, Obama is looking at 52% of America wanting him as President based on current polls. Simple math tells us that 91% of America is unhappy with the Dems in Congress and the things they have and haven't done there. However, 52% of America wants Obama. Taking into account the 9% of die-hard Dem party liners who are happy with the Dem Congress, there's still 43% of America ready to vote in as president a Senator who belongs to the Congress they hate! Is this really so hard to comprehend? If you don't like the policies in Congress led by the Dems, you won't really like the policies put into place by a Dem president who came from that ridiculous Congress. DUH!! I am praying for some October surprise that tanks Obama before next week. I don't want socialist medicine, socialist retirement, socialist income... socialist anything!

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Stephanie Scavnicky wrote:

Under Obama's plan, our 401K will go to the gov't to control...read below and act! Do we want the gov't controlling our RETIREMENT??? OH LORD HELP US.
Sen. Barack Obama's Democratic allies in Congress are looking into a radical new plan that would fundamentally change the way Americans save for retirement. House Democrats recently heard testimony on the idea and, under a potential Obama administration, would likely move to put it in place. Democrats want to seize the money that workers currently invest in their 401(k) plans and replace the popular retirement savings accounts with a one-size-fits-all government sponsored retirement account. Under the scheme, Americans would be forced to transfer all of their hard earned retirement savings from their 401(k) to the government.

The government would contribute $600 a year to fund each account and would pay a rate of return of around three percent in interest. The government would also mandate that each worker contribute 5% of their yearly salary to the accounts. Under current law, workers with 401(k) plans contribute to their retirement accounts and earn interest tax free. The Democrats' plan would end those tax breaks, amounting to as much as a 15% tax hike on each American worker.

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) said recently that Democrats had better ideas for the $80 billion that Americans contribute to their 401(k) plans each year. "We have to start thinking about whether or not we want to continue to invest that $80 billion for a policy that's not doing what we say it should." Sen. Obama would likely sign on to the plan as president.

Obama, McDermott, and Congressional Democrats miss the point that under current law, Americans have control over their retirement savings, where and how it is invested, and when and how much they contribute. The idea to nationalize retirement savings is another example of Democrats' socialist proclivities. They want control of Americans' retirement to reside in Washington DC, not on Main St., all in the name of "retirement security." __________________
  • #647
JAE said:
I found some interesting tax facts about Hawaii, in response to Steph's post.

The Tax Foundation - Tax Data for 24

Sent this to my friend as well and her reply:

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What this doesn't say about the 4% sales tax, which is indeed lower than most states, is that EVERYTHING is taxed... water to drink, food to eat, restaurants, grocery stores, it doesn't matter.. and of course all normal purchases and on top of the gas taxes they charge the 4% sales tax, too.
  • #648
I heard today on the radio from Jason Lewis (MN's Mr. Right) that the law suit by that uber liberal guy suing Obama to produce a birth certificate is a sham. It was thrown out weeks ago- and if there was any Merit to it...why haven't Hilary(Who has wanted to be president since about 10 minutes after Bill was elected) or John McCain run with the story?

Think about it... this guy that came forward is a liberal through and through...he blamed
President Bush and VP Cheaney for 9/11!!! This was set up, knowing it would be thrown out to get Republicans to flock to this news, spread the story like wildfire, and the last laugh is not had by us... it just makes us look like we are willing to believe ANYthing bad about Obama...

I guess that's why no one in the other media (talk radio) has covered this "story" at length...because it has no merit...

Okay, back to shaking my head in dismay at the fact that Hitler used class envy to carry out his plans...and the majority of our democratic leaders are doing the same thing...yet dispite the threat of a terrible history repeating itself...people are suddenly placing all their hopes in Obama...as if he's any different than any other lying politician out there...

I'm simply disgusted!
  • #649
chefsteph07 said:
Sent this to my friend as well and her reply:

-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

What this doesn't say about the 4% sales tax, which is indeed lower than most states, is that EVERYTHING is taxed... water to drink, food to eat, restaurants, grocery stores, it doesn't matter.. and of course all normal purchases and on top of the gas taxes they charge the 4% sales tax, too.
I did read that on that site somewhere, about everything being taxed. It probably just wasn't on that page.
  • #650
Kitchen Diva said:
I heard today on the radio from Jason Lewis (MN's Mr. Right) that the law suit by that uber liberal guy suing Obama to produce a birth certificate is a sham. It was thrown out weeks ago- and if there was any Merit to it...why haven't Hilary(Who has wanted to be president since about 10 minutes after Bill was elected) or John McCain run with the story?

Think about it... this guy that came forward is a liberal through and through...he blamed
President Bush and VP Cheaney for 9/11!!! This was set up, knowing it would be thrown out to get Republicans to flock to this news, spread the story like wildfire, and the last laugh is not had by us... it just makes us look like we are willing to believe ANYthing bad about Obama...

I guess that's why no one in the other media (talk radio) has covered this "story" at length...because it has no merit...

Okay, back to shaking my head in dismay at the fact that Hitler used class envy to carry out his plans...and the majority of our democratic leaders are doing the same thing...yet dispite the threat of a terrible history repeating itself...people are suddenly placing all their hopes in Obama...as if he's any different than any other lying politician out there...

I'm simply disgusted!
Did you read this, today? What you're saying is what I read from this link.

Humanity's insurrection against God

And, I also am thinking what you say about the dude with the lawsuit is probably true. I listen to a lot of conservative talk radio and none of them believe Obama was born outside of the U.S. But, I do wonder why the birth certificate was sealed or is that a lie too? My husband surprised me last night by telling me he believes the radical stories. Trust me, I don't like Obama and his radical liberal policies, but the other stories about not being born here and being a Muslim are too far out there for me to spend time on.
<h2>1. National Health Care</h2><p>Many people have concerns about Obama's policy on national health care. Some worry that it will lead to long wait times, like in other countries with similar systems, and that it may not be as effective as the current healthcare system.</p><h2>2. Foreign Policy</h2><p>Another worry is about Obama's foreign policy. Some individuals have family members in the military and are concerned about the safety of their loved ones. They may also question the decision to withdraw troops from certain areas without a clear plan for their safety.</p><h2>3. Lack of Specifics</h2><p>Some people have noticed that when Obama speaks, he often lacks specifics in his plans and ideas. This was also a concern during his previous campaigns. Without concrete details, it can be difficult to fully understand his policies and their potential impact.</p><h2>4. Unions, Social Programs, and the Middle Class</h2><p>There are concerns about Obama's focus on unions, social programs, and the middle class. Some feel that he is not truly representative of the middle class since he has been financially successful. There are also concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of unions and social programs, as well as potential abuse of these systems.</p><h2>Conclusion</h2><p>Overall, there are many worries about Obama's policies, ranging from healthcare to foreign policy to the middle class. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all aspects of his policies before forming an opinion or making a decision at the polls.</p>

Related to What worries me about Obama's policies?

1. National Health Care

Many people have concerns about Obama's policy on national health care. Some worry that it will lead to long wait times, like in other countries with similar systems, and that it may not be as effective as the current healthcare system.

2. Foreign Policy

Another worry is about Obama's foreign policy. Some individuals have family members in the military and are concerned about the safety of their loved ones. They may also question the decision to withdraw troops from certain areas without a clear plan for their safety.

3. Lack of Specifics

Some people have noticed that when Obama speaks, he often lacks specifics in his plans and ideas. This was also a concern during his previous campaigns. Without concrete details, it can be difficult to fully understand his policies and their potential impact.

4. Unions, Social Programs, and the Middle Class

There are concerns about Obama's focus on unions, social programs, and the middle class. Some feel that he is not truly representative of the middle class since he has been financially successful. There are also concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of unions and social programs, as well as potential abuse of these systems.


Overall, there are many worries about Obama's policies, ranging from healthcare to foreign policy to the middle class. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all aspects of his policies before forming an opinion or making a decision at the polls.

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