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What worries me about Obama's policies?

In summary, Cathy does not like the idea of national healthcare because she does not think it is a good thing for the people or the country. She also does not think that unions, social programs, etc. have been successful in adjusting to the new needs. She also thinks that the lack of leadership experience is a problem.
  • #301
PamperedCaniac said:
I do not think it is absurd at all that he can not use a computer, comb his hair, or tie his own shoes becuase of injuries protecting us. A computer does not make or break a man or woman and he has a caring wife and others to type and look things up for him. So he does not need voice command technology when he has others willing to help him out in MY opinion. I do not think comparing a Quadriplegic with John McCain is a fair comparrison (again in my opinion). The Obama campaign used that he can not use a computer in their ads which has nothing to do with running a country when he was a man that fought for our contry was my point though.... Again just my 2 cents though. :cool:

and writing is not the same dexterity as typing in my opinion either. 2 hands vs one hand, lifting fingers up and down vs holding them in one position. Trust me... I can type much better than write and my hand get so tired when I write so I am the exact opposite. LOL

Of course writing and typing aren't exactly the same. But if he can hold a pencil, he can type. Holding something takes a lot more muscle control than lightly pushing keys. You can do that with one finger if you want to.
  • Thread starter
  • #302
A McCain campaign official describes this account by ABC News correspondent Jake Tapper as "accurate." Tapper wrote Sept. 14: ABC's Jake Tapper: [T]yping on a regular keyboard for any sustained period of time bothers McCain physically. He can type, he occasionally does type, but in general, the injuries he sustained as a POW – ones that make it impossible for him to raise his arms high enough to comb his hair – mean that small tasks make his shoulders ache, so he tries to avoid any repetitive exercise. Again, it's not that he can't type, he just by habit, avoids when he can, repetitive exercise involving his arms. He does if he has to, as with handshaking or autographs.___________________Forbes, May 2000: His nightly ritual is to read his email together with his wife, Cindy. The injuries he incurred as a Vietnam POW make it painful for McCain to type. Instead, he dictates responses that his wife types on a laptop. "She's a whiz on the keyboard, and I'm so laborious," McCain admits.
____________________So the guy does what he can and leaves what he isn't necessarily the best at for others, my DH and I do that too!So, big deal, let's get off of it...
  • #303
I think we should stop diagnosing him and just come to the realization that he doesn't do it due to his injuries. I wouldn't begin to imagine what kind of pain he experiences and neither should any of us.
  • #304
Thank you, Janet... I agree! :)
  • #305
I cannot believe that I came back to read this nonsense. Seriously? Hathery and Niki, move on.
  • #306
fikibiff said:
Maybe that is why he didn't "toss" his flowers.

I just like to toss my cookies!:yuck:
  • #307
Hathery said:
If he can write, he can use a computer. It takes just as much dexterity.

I actually cannot write for more than a minute or so- and my hands go numb and I can no longer grip the pen... I can type like there is no tomorrow though...
  • #308
JAE said:
I cannot believe that I came back to read this nonsense. Seriously? Hathery and Niki, move on.

Move on from what?
  • #309
Hathery said:
Move on from what?
I think the whole conversation about McCain not being able to use a keyboard is irrelevant. So, move on from talking about it. If you can't find something more important to talk about then move on from this thread, too.
  • #310
JAE said:
I cannot believe that I came back to read this nonsense. Seriously? Hathery and Niki, move on.

SERIOUSLY? I think I made one comment - to say that not using a computer shouldn't matter. Re-read the post.

If you don't like where the thread is going, don't read it.

I know this sounds bitchy, but that is the tone is which I read your e-mail and it made me defensive.
  • #311
fikibiff said:
SERIOUSLY? I think I made one comment - to say that not using a computer shouldn't matter. Re-read the post.

If you don't like where the thread is going, don't read it.

I know this sounds bitchy, but that is the tone is which I read your e-mail and it made me defensive.

Hey, I've already been told to "leave the country" because I don't agree with the conservative agenda, so don't feel bad! :)
  • #312
fikibiff said:
SERIOUSLY? I think I made one comment - to say that not using a computer shouldn't matter. Re-read the post.

If you don't like where the thread is going, don't read it.

I know this sounds bitchy, but that is the tone is which I read your e-mail and it made me defensive.
You're right. I was being b----y.
  • #313
fikibiff said:
The fact that he chooses not to use a computer shouldn't really mater, but to say that he is "unable to use a computer" due to his injuries is absurd. That is just an excuse. Quadriplegics can use a computer. They have voice command technology and many other advancements that would allow him to use a computer just as easily as anyone else, just differently.
This is the post by you to which I was referring. So, yes, seriously.
  • #314
JAE said:
You're right. I was being b----y.

What for? It doesn't progress anything. Just stifles good conversation.
  • #315
Hathery said:
What for? It doesn't progress anything. Just stifles good conversation.

No, I think it adds a certain flair to a conversation... narrow minds actually stiffle a good conversation more than being b****y does. IMHO :p
  • #316
I've been hearing alot the past two days about how McCain cancelled his appearance on Letterman either last night or the night before and D.L. is all up in arms about it, attacking him left and right last night...there was even mention on the Today show about it, but if I recall correctly, Obama was supposed to make an appearance on Saturday Night Live on opening night and he cancelled that, yet I think there was LITTLE mentioned about it and NO attacks on him in the least, in fact, everyone seemed very understanding that of course, he would cancel at THE LAST MINUTE. It just makes me so angry...
  • #317
chefsteph07 said:
I've been hearing alot the past two days about how McCain cancelled his appearance on Letterman either last night or the night before and D.L. is all up in arms about it, attacking him left and right last night...there was even mention on the Today show about it, but if I recall correctly, Obama was supposed to make an appearance on Saturday Night Live on opening night and he cancelled that, yet I think there was LITTLE mentioned about it and NO attacks on him in the least, in fact, everyone seemed very understanding that of course, he would cancel at THE LAST MINUTE. It just makes me so angry...
I noticed that too, (and to me - this is a MUCH bigger National Crisis than a hurricane) and although I won't spend my time being angry about it - it does solidify for me the extreme bias of the MSM.
  • #318
Maybe not so much "angry" as digusted.
  • #319
ChefBeckyD said:
I noticed that too, (and to me - this is a MUCH bigger National Crisis than a hurricane) and although I won't spend my time being angry about it - it does solidify for me the extreme bias of the MSM.

Obama was just supposed to make a brief cameo on SNL. McCain was scheduled to be a guest, which is a commitment.
  • #320
SNL was a commitment too, I heard advertisements for it all that week, I did watch it that night and just remembered that he wasn't on it. Then heard later that he cancelled.
  • #321
The needs of the nation outweigh the needs of television entertainment. Letterman is all upset that McCain canceled to go to Washington to tend to the credit bail-out issue.Boo. Hoo.Grow up, David.(Of course, in case you hadn't noticed, David Letterman is a big-time liberal. His world took a hit when Hillary got bumped out of the race, but he's in the tank for Obama and no matter what McCain does, Letterman won't like it, anyway.)
  • #322
I can't watch Letterman because of his views. He certainly does not keep them to himself.
  • #323
chefsteph07 said:
I can't watch Letterman because of his views. He certainly does not keep them to himself.

Funny you should write that because I feel the same way about reading these political threads---if someone differs from YOUR (and I mean this in a general context) opinion --- you give the other person on the opposite end GRIEF about their candidate choice.

It all comes full circle.
  • #324
I think there's other political threads that have been started that you can go to if you are tired of the conservative aspect.
  • #325
chefsteph07 said:
I think there's other political threads that have been started that you can go to if you are tired of the conservative aspect.

Simply stating the obvious what you said about Letterman.
  • #326
Well, that's a TV show.
  • #327
chefsteph07 said:
Well, that's a TV show.

Yeah, and your point? Its still taped in front of a live audience. McCain supporters are all bent out of shape---because of the bashing? Get over it, its an election year, it happens on BOTH ends.

McCain was the one who backed out. Wouldn't you be upset if a host backed out on you the day of your show? SIMPLY HOW LETTERMAN FELT.

McCain is trying to buy himself more time for the debate---Obama isnt backing down. McCain obviously has issues with commitment to events.

It is more important then ever, in today's economy to get down to all the issues at hand.
  • #328
You are reading a thread titled "what scares me about Obama"...obviously it will not be pro O.

I don't feel he has commitment issues....like KG said, the what's going on in the nation is more important than some STUPID late night show.

And, how does he have commitment issues? He is doing the debate tonight.

Why is ok for Obama to back out of a LIVE show (SNL) with no fanfare, but it's not ok for JM to back out of a show that is taped? I'd think SNL would have to scramble a little more to make up for BO's absence.
  • #329
Sorry, I will not waste my time any longer on this thread because you just don't get it. It isnt worth it for me to go into it, because fact of the matter is, you won't see my point.
  • #330
Whatever you say Vanessa, you are completely right.
  • Thread starter
  • #331
vwpamperedchef said:
Yeah, and your point? Its still taped in front of a live audience. McCain supporters are all bent out of shape---because of the bashing? Get over it, its an election year, it happens on BOTH ends.

McCain was the one who backed out. Wouldn't you be upset if a host backed out on you the day of your show? SIMPLY HOW LETTERMAN FELT.

McCain is trying to buy himself more time for the debate---Obama isnt backing down. McCain obviously has issues with commitment to events.

It is more important then ever, in today's economy to get down to all the issues at hand.

This could also be read as Obama has issues dealing with the important things first and setting priorities.

It's not about commitment to events. If it was Obama has issues too for backing out of SNL.

It's not even something important enough to argue over in my opinion.
  • #332
Hathery said:
Obama was just supposed to make a brief cameo on SNL. McCain was scheduled to be a guest, which is a commitment.

That is actually very funny!http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj282/gingergirl25/smilies/smiley1146.gif

Sooooo, it's no big deal if Obama cancels (an appearance is still a commitment, and a skit had to be changed, which causes problems from the production end, even if it's brief. I know this, having been a technical director for productions.)

but, if McCain cancels because of a National Crisis, it's a huge deal. He stated that it wasn't a night for comedy - I'm glad that he's taking it seriously.

And - I heard on MSM this morning, from a "political analyst" these words "He is trying to avoid the debate, he doesn't want to debate Obama, I mean, who would want to debate him?"

Hmmm, there we go again, with that left leaning bias.....like Obama has ever shown himself to be a great debater?http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj282/gingergirl25/smilies/smiley1146.gif
  • #333
chefsteph07 said:
Whatever you say Vanessa, you are completely right.

That is just nasty.

You must be a real peach.
  • Thread starter
  • #334
vwpamperedchef said:
Funny you should write that because I feel the same way about reading these political threads---if someone differs from YOUR (and I mean this in a general context) opinion --- you give the other person on the opposite end GRIEF about their candidate choice.

It all comes full circle.

Funny, I have felt the same way on the opposite side. On the liberal thread when a conservative viewpoint was interjected it was the tone of how dare you speak. It goes both ways.

Let's just get off the feeling offended and logically debate the issues.

I stepped back from CS a bit over the last few weeks NOT because of the political threads but partially because I've been insanely busy and partly because the site overall has seemed to me to get more and more "immature" overall.
  • #335
chefsteph07 said:
You are reading a thread titled "what scares me about Obama"...obviously it will not be pro O.

Well, since you mentioned it...during all this bail-out discussion, another thing about Barry that scares me is how he cannot state a coherent thought that someone else hasn't written for him. When he's off the Teleprompter, he stutters and stammers, and often says some just dumb things. (None of which ever gets called by the MSM, either.

He continues to prove to me that he is a marionette, and I shudder to wonder who is pulling his strings.
  • #336
vwpamperedchef said:
That is just nasty.

You must be a real peach.

I thought you were done w the thread?
  • Thread starter
  • #337
OK you two (playing mom here)...get off the personal attacks now please.
  • #338
ChefBeckyD said:
That is actually very funny!http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj282/gingergirl25/smilies/smiley1146.gif

Sooooo, it's no big deal if Obama cancels (an appearance is still a commitment, and a skit had to be changed, which causes problems from the production end, even if it's brief. I know this, having been a technical director for productions.)

but, if McCain cancels because of a National Crisis, it's a huge deal. He stated that it wasn't a night for comedy - I'm glad that he's taking it seriously.

And - I heard on MSM this morning, from a "political analyst" these words "He is trying to avoid the debate, he doesn't want to debate Obama, I mean, who would want to debate him?"

Hmmm, there we go again, with that left leaning bias.....like Obama has ever shown himself to be a great debater?http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj282/gingergirl25/smilies/smiley1146.gif

I totally agree with this! That's what I thought about SNL, they had an entire skit to rearrange or think of something else to write in its place, whereas with DL he would just have the guests speak a little longer than normal, what's the big deal?
  • #339
janetupnorth said:
OK you two (playing mom here)...get off the personal attacks now please.

You are right too, Janet! :angel:
  • #340
vwpamperedchef said:
Yeah, and your point? Its still taped in front of a live audience. McCain supporters are all bent out of shape---because of the bashing? Get over it, its an election year, it happens on BOTH ends.

McCain was the one who backed out. Wouldn't you be upset if a host backed out on you the day of your show? SIMPLY HOW LETTERMAN FELT.

McCain is trying to buy himself more time for the debate---Obama isnt backing down. McCain obviously has issues with commitment to events.

It is more important then ever, in today's economy to get down to all the issues at hand.

Wow - McCain has issues with commitment? A man who spent years in a box, being tortured, because he was committed to the fact that others who had been in the prison should be released first?

I believe he has a commitment to this country above and beyond politics.

And, if you understood what could happen should a deal not go through for a bail-out of the banking industry - you wouldn't have even made that last statement....because right now, THAT is the only issue at hand.
  • #341
ChefBeckyD said:
Wow - McCain has issues with commitment? A man who spent years in a box, being tortured, because he was committed to the fact that others who had been in the prison should be released first?

I believe he has a commitment to this country above and beyond politics.

And, if you understood what could happen should a deal not go through for a bail-out of the banking industry - you wouldn't have even made that last statement....because right now, THAT is the only issue at hand.

I was speaking of current commitments. Not past. My husband is currently serving in the Army, and I do not take that very lightly.

The bail out is NOT the only issue at hand. That is going to cost the tax payers more money....the war is a huge impact on my voting.

Fighting over who should be the president will not solve any issues. I was simply stating in regard to Steph's posting about Letterman.

You have been nasty in the past to me as well, and it is just un called for.
  • #342
McCain will be going to the debate, tonight. The economy and the issues surrounding it are much more important than David Letterman. McCain would have been criticized if he showed up, too. People would have wondered why he was taking time out to do a comedy show instead of working in D.C. An appearance on Letterman would have been campaigning. He and Obama agreed to stop campaigning and go to D.C.

Letterman used to be watched more by me, but his disrespect of the president and his liberal rants were too much for me to watch. I did watch the beginning that night, and he was actually ranting that McCain didn't send Palin. He really never said anything about McCain not coming, though the whole thing was a rant with a tiny bit of comedy thrown in. I turned the t.v. to a different station. (I ate chocolate, so sleep wasn't coming to me.)

And, Vanessa, nobody has been any nastier to you than you've been to others.
  • #343
Yeah, I never called anyone "a real peach". Talk about uncalled for.
  • #344
vwpamperedchef said:
I was speaking of current commitments. Not past. My husband is currently serving in the Army, and I do not take that very lightly.

The bail out is NOT the only issue at hand. That is going to cost the tax payers more money....the war is a huge impact on my voting.

Fighting over who should be the president will not solve any issues. I was simply stating in regard to Steph's posting about Letterman.

You have been nasty in the past to me as well, and it is just un called for.

I'm sorry if you feel that post was nasty, that was not my intention. I was just stating my opinion, which is different from yours. You stated yours, and I stated mine. It doesn't have to be nasty.

I also don't recall ever being nasty.....unless disagreeing with you is considered nasty? I disagree with alot of people on alot of things, but it doesn't mean I'm being nasty, and most don't take it that way at all.
  • Thread starter
  • #345
chefsteph07 said:
Yeah, I never called anyone "a real peach". Talk about uncalled for.

On that issue, I cannot take sides, I feel you are both at fault.

You definitely said a comment directly to her that resulted in a response.

But I have seen the reactions JAE was referring to. Becky wasn't loading a direct assault on Vanessa, she was pointing out faults in logical analysis which is done both ways.

In previous threads on other issues, there have been direct comments that weren't too nice.

Either way, time to move on and get back to topic.

Obviously, I see some grudges being held and referring to things in the past and used for present reactions. That is wrong.
  • Thread starter
  • #345
Just a note, I'm closing this thread. This doesn't need to be bumped daily.
  • #346
http://governor.mo.gov/cgi-bin/coranto/viewnews.cgi?id=EkkkVFulkpOzXqGMaj&style=Default+News+Style&tmpl=newsitemGov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign’s Abusive Use of Missouri Law EnforcementJEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.“St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.“What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.“This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election.“Barack Obama needs to grow up. Leftist blogs and others in the press constantly say false things about me and my family. Usually, we ignore false and scurrilous accusations because the purveyors have no credibility. When necessary, we refute them. Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts - not a free society.”
  • #347
I thought Janet locked this? What happened?
  • #348
This is not the one Janet locked. She started this one before the debate and locked the other one.
  • #349
No - this is the one that Janet said she was locking....I wonder what happened?
  • #350
Wait, this isn't the debate thread. So, I don't know what is going on.
<h2>1. National Health Care</h2><p>Many people have concerns about Obama's policy on national health care. Some worry that it will lead to long wait times, like in other countries with similar systems, and that it may not be as effective as the current healthcare system.</p><h2>2. Foreign Policy</h2><p>Another worry is about Obama's foreign policy. Some individuals have family members in the military and are concerned about the safety of their loved ones. They may also question the decision to withdraw troops from certain areas without a clear plan for their safety.</p><h2>3. Lack of Specifics</h2><p>Some people have noticed that when Obama speaks, he often lacks specifics in his plans and ideas. This was also a concern during his previous campaigns. Without concrete details, it can be difficult to fully understand his policies and their potential impact.</p><h2>4. Unions, Social Programs, and the Middle Class</h2><p>There are concerns about Obama's focus on unions, social programs, and the middle class. Some feel that he is not truly representative of the middle class since he has been financially successful. There are also concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of unions and social programs, as well as potential abuse of these systems.</p><h2>Conclusion</h2><p>Overall, there are many worries about Obama's policies, ranging from healthcare to foreign policy to the middle class. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all aspects of his policies before forming an opinion or making a decision at the polls.</p>

Related to What worries me about Obama's policies?

1. National Health Care

Many people have concerns about Obama's policy on national health care. Some worry that it will lead to long wait times, like in other countries with similar systems, and that it may not be as effective as the current healthcare system.

2. Foreign Policy

Another worry is about Obama's foreign policy. Some individuals have family members in the military and are concerned about the safety of their loved ones. They may also question the decision to withdraw troops from certain areas without a clear plan for their safety.

3. Lack of Specifics

Some people have noticed that when Obama speaks, he often lacks specifics in his plans and ideas. This was also a concern during his previous campaigns. Without concrete details, it can be difficult to fully understand his policies and their potential impact.

4. Unions, Social Programs, and the Middle Class

There are concerns about Obama's focus on unions, social programs, and the middle class. Some feel that he is not truly representative of the middle class since he has been financially successful. There are also concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of unions and social programs, as well as potential abuse of these systems.


Overall, there are many worries about Obama's policies, ranging from healthcare to foreign policy to the middle class. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all aspects of his policies before forming an opinion or making a decision at the polls.

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