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What Happened in the First 10 Minutes of Survivor Tonight?

In summary, on the latest episode of Amazing Race, the contestants were split into tribes before the show even started. They had 60 seconds to unload their belongings from the truck, and then were told to vote for the weakest member. However, the two members who were voted for were surprised with a helicopter ride to their camp instead of making the 4 hour trek. This caused some tension as they missed out on team bonding time. The conversation also touched on the struggle of keeping up with multiple TV shows on different nights and the desire for TiVo.
  • #51
raebates said:
I agree with what my friend texted me after the elimination--they're idiots.

Coach did have several fun moments in tonight's episode. I found it funny that his "family" was his assistant coach. Nothing like having an underling visit you to boost your moral. Their conversation was interesting. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Coach the only one who refers to Coach as "Dragon Slayer"? Plus, he sure lies and schemes a lot for someone who so highly values his honesty and integrity.

I'm not sorry to see Debby go. She handled it with class, though. It will be interesting to see how Coach handles this surprise. He doesn't seem to do well with surprises.

I thought the same thing!
  • #52
Rhonda, if you're starting to think like me you should be very afraid.
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  • #53
Why oh WHY won't they get rid of him already? UGH!!
  • #54
Once again Rae, we totally agree on this! Why didn't they vote him out while they had the chance? I knew it would be up between the two of them but seriously!
  • #55
I think they consider Coach a weird but known quantity. Debby was more of a wild card.
  • #56
I need help again. I have a show Thursday night, and I'm taping something else for The Furry Guy. That means I'll miss Survivor. Anyone willing to give me a blow-by-blow recap?TIA!
  • #57
raebates said:
I need help again. I have a show Thursday night, and I'm taping something else for The Furry Guy. That means I'll miss Survivor. Anyone willing to give me a blow-by-blow recap?


Maybe... if I remember what happens.
Or you could watch it online.
I NEVER book shows on Thursdays during Survivor. That is the one night that I spend with DH!
  • #58
I can probably help you out there, Rae. :) I DVR it so I can breeze through the commercials.
  • Thread starter
  • #59
I'm working until 8 but would be happy to share since I tape it and ff through commercials. Should we do it by email only though? What time is safe to post without ruining for others?
  • #60
Thanks! I don't think posting it here is an issue. People know that we're discussing the most recent show here pretty much immediately after it airs.Wagesgirl, I'd love to watch it online, but I have dial-up. I'm not patient enough to wait 6 hours for it to load. LOL!
  • #61
I have to DVR it tonight, as well. It is one of my favorite shows. I can help fill in anything after I get to watch it tomorrow, but it will probably be too late.
  • #62
Okay, here is the only update I have 45 minutes into it. BE VERY GLAD YOU DIDN'T SEE THIS EPISODE. I was pretty sick of one character... enough said!
  • #63
Don't click the spoiler unless you want to know...
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA They kicked him off finally!
  • #64
Are you telling me what I hope you're telling me?
Coach is gone?
What was the reaction?
  • #65
raebates said:
Are you telling me what I hope you're telling me?

Coach is gone?

What was the reaction?
Who his? He pretty much knew it. He was being a baby the whole show. Started complaining about being injured, having asthma, etc. But then he kicked butt in the challenges. Luckily he didn't win, JT won both of them. Then he "fell" on the immunity challenge and "faked" a back injury.
  • #66
wadesgirl said:
Who his? He pretty much knew it. He was being a baby the whole show. Started complaining about being injured, having asthma, etc. But then he kicked butt in the challenges. Luckily he didn't win, JT won both of them. Then he "fell" on the immunity challenge and "faked" a back injury.

Baby isn't the word.... Nutcase comes to my mind first. The drivel that kept coming out of his mouth had ME screaming at the TV and I'm the quiet one.
  • #67
Geekgirl69 said:
Baby isn't the word.... Nutcase comes to my mind first. The drivel that kept coming out of his mouth had ME screaming at the TV and I'm the quiet one.

Me too! I couldn't believe half of the stuff that was coming out of his month. I was really wondering if he had gone crazy out there. Or was already crazy before he got there!
  • #68
wadesgirl said:
Me too! I couldn't believe half of the stuff that was coming out of his month. I was really wondering if he had gone crazy out there. Or was already crazy before he got there!

The sad thing is, I truly think he believes what he has said. He probably was crazy before he got out there and just baked the brains some more.
  • #69
I really hate that I missed it. The man's a loon. Thanks so much for the info. I can't wait to see the finale and reunion on Sunday. Should be interesting. This is the first time in a long time that I'm happy with people who are in the final 4. They've played smart. They've played well. They seem like pleasant people.
  • #70
Rae, I'll give you more of a play by play. Though it may make me a little ill. My eyes were rolling in the back of my head last night and my DH thought I was nuts!!:)

So they tell coach debbie was gunning for him so that's why they voted her out.

They discussed exile a little and coach was indirectly asking not to be sent and complaining of this mysterious asthma that I've never heard of before then.

The reward challenge was kind of cool. They had to run through a maze that was made out of work survivor, then untie some sticks and tie them together to make a longer stick and throw bags at something to raise flag. JT won and sent Coach. Erin made mistake of calling him out and telling him basically how stupid he was being. It nearly cost her.

Coach started talking about not eating not making fire just meditating. Blah Blah BLah. Gag me. At exile he found some stick and talked about his dragon slaying, warrior mentality blah blah. Before he left he was talking about being starving but feeling great.

Then in immunity they had to stand on small pegs and support themselves with their arms and they mentioned the rest of his faked back injury. At Tribal he said some poem and I nearly barfed and hid my head just like the jury. DH found that hilarious.

Was sooooooo happy he left. Hope that helps rae.
  • #71
I can picture it, Katie. Thanks. I'll say it again, the man's a loon.
  • #72
raebates said:
I can picture it, Katie. Thanks. I'll say it again, the man's a loon.

And unfortunately since Sunday is finale we will have to listen to him again so soon during final tribal and reunion:yuck:
  • #73
He was worse than ever last night. He truly thinks he is superior to everyone else. I think the producers of the show put him on it just for the drama he'd create. I wish they'd kicked him off weeks ago. I can't wait to see the finale, and actually hope JT wins.
  • #74
I remember watching the host guy (blanking on his name right now) be interviewed by Glenn Beck. He talked about how all the people get interviewed by a psychiatrist and rated according to their craziness and other character traits. They then pick a cast that will be varied and include drama and interesting scenarios, etc.
  • #75
babywings76 said:
I remember watching the host guy (blanking on his name right now) be interviewed by Glenn Beck. He talked about how all the people get interviewed by a psychiatrist and rated according to their craziness and other character traits. They then pick a cast that will be varied and include drama and interesting scenarios, etc.

Wow, I figured they did physical checks but not mental ones. They certainly do get a variety. I'd like to go on just to lose the weight. Oh, I guess I could do that from home, ha??
  • #76
I can't believe Coach is still carrying that stupid stick in the jury.
  • #77
I'm sorry to hear that they thought Coach never told a lie. Coach is still talking like a bad Stephen Segal movie.
  • #78
This is the first time I can remember the final challenge not being an endurance test.
  • #79
I'm happy with the final 2. I'm rooting for JT, but I'd be glad to see the geeky guy win.
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  • #80
I'm voting for JT over Steven all the way!

Anyone dreading yet on the other hand waiting with anticipation for Coach's questions? UGH!
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  • #81
Dummmmmmmmmmmmm dum dum dum....

oh the suspense!
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  • #82
  • #83
I just found out an hour late! I had a call from 8:30-9 so we had to go back and watch it from the last half hour of the first part! Yah!
  • #84
So, so, so happy JT won. And when Steven said "If they are voting for the most charming with the best southern drawl" I was like "Yep, I'd give him a million dollars $100 at a time just to here his say - thank you, can I have another - and smile" My husband was like yeah, yeah, you and the cowboy type!

My sis-in-law (who doesn't watch Survivor) is here visiting and she said - oh, he's cute and I said, this is live in New York, if we hurry we could be there by the time it's over and he's a millionaire now, he's be a great catch!
  • #85
I was very pleased. I was also glad to see that JT & Stephen remained friends. I would have liked for either Sierra or Taj to win the viewer award. There's a part of me that wishes the winner was disqualified from winning that. You can say that they were one of the top three vote getters, but I'd like to see someone else win that.So, what did you think of Coach's lie detector results?First, the question I would have asked was, "Did your Amazon adventure happen exactly as you described it?" That's a very different question than the one asked.Second, I'm not surprised he passed. I still think it's a load of steaming . . . well . . . you get the idea. I think Coach believes the stuff he's shoveling. If you believe it, you read as being honest to a lie detector.I also think it's very telling that he chose to bring along his underlings. That says something about him. The man's a tool.
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  • #86
YEAH JT!!!! It is nice to see someone so honest and nice win. I feared Coach may be in the viewer's choice (just because there are people out there who like to vote for the underdog). I agree that the winner of the million shouldn't be able to get the viewer's choice -- let's share the wealth -- and I think that JT may have said something to that effect to Stephen after he won it. I can see JT giving Stephen some of the money.
  • #87
raebates said:
I was very pleased. I was also glad to see that JT & Stephen remained friends. I would have liked for either Sierra or Taj to win the viewer award. There's a part of me that wishes the winner was disqualified from winning that. You can say that they were one of the top three vote getters, but I'd like to see someone else win that.

So, what did you think of Coach's lie detector results?

First, the question I would have asked was, "Did your Amazon adventure happen exactly as you described it?" That's a very different question than the one asked.

Second, I'm not surprised he passed. I still think it's a load of steaming . . . well . . . you get the idea. I think Coach believes the stuff he's shoveling. If you believe it, you read as being honest to a lie detector.

I also think it's very telling that he chose to bring along his underlings. That says something about him. The man's a tool.

My thoughts exactly. And the first question was something about him having honor and integrity and being truthful throughout his experience. If that was a baseline question, no wonder he passed. LOL And his being captured story could have been a story with one element a truth, then just completely embellished. But we'll never really know. But I think he believes his stories, so he would pass.

And what was that mention of one of the people there being the author of his book? Or something of that sort? Oh my. A book about that man! Ugg.

I wish that the winner was disqualified from the other prize as well. That just seems unfair.
  • #88
I wanted Taj to win - she at least should have been in the final 3. I was so dissapointed in JT and Stephen when they voted her off. I actually started hoping Erin would win after that!

I liked JT okay, but Stephen did do all the dirty work for him.

Oh well, at least Coach didn't win anything:!)
  • #89
Well, the other part of me thinks that if the most popular person is also the winner they deserve to get both. I guess it's not been an issue before because so often the most popular person doesn't win.I forgot about the person who helped him write his book. That must be one incredible work of fiction.
<h2>1. What happened in the first 10 minutes of Survivor tonight?</h2><p>In the first 10 minutes of Survivor, the contestants were split into two tribes and were sent to their respective camps. However, one person from each tribe was left behind and had to fend for themselves until their tribe returned.</p><h2>2. I missed the first 10 minutes, can someone explain what happened?</h2><p>In the first 10 minutes of Survivor, the contestants were divided into two tribes and sent to their camps. Unfortunately, one person from each tribe was left behind and had to survive alone until their tribe returned.</p><h2>3. Why was the start of this episode different from the usual start?</h2><p>This episode of Survivor had a different start because the contestants were split into two tribes before they even reached their camps. This resulted in two people being left behind and having to survive alone.</p><h2>4. Who was left behind at each camp?</h2><p>The two people left behind were Reem Daly from the Manu tribe and Keith Sowell from the Kama tribe.</p><h2>5. When does Amazing Race start?</h2><p>The new season of Amazing Race starts on Sunday, April 17th. Get ready for an exciting new season of challenges and adventures!</p>

Related to What Happened in the First 10 Minutes of Survivor Tonight?

1. What happened in the first 10 minutes of Survivor tonight?

In the first 10 minutes of Survivor, the contestants were split into two tribes and were sent to their respective camps. However, one person from each tribe was left behind and had to fend for themselves until their tribe returned.

2. I missed the first 10 minutes, can someone explain what happened?

In the first 10 minutes of Survivor, the contestants were divided into two tribes and sent to their camps. Unfortunately, one person from each tribe was left behind and had to survive alone until their tribe returned.

3. Why was the start of this episode different from the usual start?

This episode of Survivor had a different start because the contestants were split into two tribes before they even reached their camps. This resulted in two people being left behind and having to survive alone.

4. Who was left behind at each camp?

The two people left behind were Reem Daly from the Manu tribe and Keith Sowell from the Kama tribe.

5. When does Amazing Race start?

The new season of Amazing Race starts on Sunday, April 17th. Get ready for an exciting new season of challenges and adventures!

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