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What Does the Business Starter Kit Include?

In summary, Sonia recommends grabbing a starter kit, printing up labels and orders forms, and stocking up on envelopes, postcards, and binders.
Hello everyone!

Since I signed up yesterday, I'm ready to head out and buy what I need to organize my new business.
But I don't know what I need!
With all the school supply sales I'm sure I'll find lots but I was wondering if anyone had a list they used to get started or will that come in the starter kit?
My director also sid she would send me info but since there's a Target right by work I figured I would see what I could get started on.
Any thoughts?

Hi! I just joined a couple of weeks ago and am still in the process of getting organized.

I didn't buy a whole lot before I got my kit, but the first thing I did was apply for my debit card and get my website set up. Then I bought address labels that I printed up with my name, phone number, email, and website. Once I got my catalogs I had those to stick on there. You could also order a stamp with all of this info so that it's being processed while you're waiting for your kit. I also got business cards printed up during this time.

The other major thing I worked on while waiting was I created my newsletter. I got some info from this site and from Consultant's Corner to put in there. I made sure I sent that out to all my family and friends.

Good luck and have fun!!
Hi Sonia!

Congratulations on starting your business! I'm sure you'll receive lots of replies and opinions to your question but I'll give you mine as a start.

I picked up an attache soft sided bag with sections to carry catelogs order forms and file folders etc. Some just use a tote bag, plastic rubbermaid tote or crate though. Also a couple packages of pens (or you could just gather pens from around the house to keep expenses down), binders to cut up for lapboard is another thing - I just bought inexpensive folders with pockets inside for catelog, special and order form - it's up to you. I also picked up a pencil case for change and one for the pens for guests, and a calculator for totalling up orders. I also grabbed manila envelopes for mailing out the hostess packets for hosts who booked but not from a show where I could hand it to them personally.

If I think of more, I'll let you know.
The only other thing i canthink of would be folders for your hosts. Now is a good time to stock up on those ! I buy the plastic folders with the plastic page covers, they are cheap like under a $1.00 for one.Then for guests i buy the paper folders i got more of them last week for 5 cents each at staples! I put a order form in them with a catalog and a opertunity flyer. Then i would buy some red pens for guests to use! Then your good to go ! :)
I am in my first month and here is what I did...now keep in mind I have an obsessive organizational problem! :rolleyes:

I bought lots of the folders that are on sale now for .10 cents each. I use those for Host packets and Recruit packets. I printed up some PC labels for the front cover and they look very nice.

I also purchased a bunch of 3-ring binders that were on sale for .55 cents each at Walmart. I cut those down into lap boards and added my PC sticker on those too.

I stocked up on pens and a pen holder, address labels, and blank business cards. I didn't want to order a stamp or business cards until I decide when I will set up my PC web page. I would want that info included on cards and the stamp, so I will just make my own for now. And I was surprised at how nice they turned out!

I also bought a package of blank postcards that I can run thorugh my printer for custom invites. I really push themed shows, so I create invites that match the theme. This has gotten a lot of positive feedback already and I am brand new. ;) I think it sets my shows apart from a candle show, home deco show, etc. because it makes it feel more like a party than a demo. I also admit that I have a graphic design background, so I really enjoy creating these. That isn't something everyone might "like" to do though.

I also bought a small rubbermaid bin with a cover that I keep my lapboards, host and recruit packets, calculator, pens, Recipe for Success binder, Theme Show Binder, money envelope, extra order forms, my apron, prizes, and a tin of mints. I also have my crate which includes the products, sponge, towel, dishpan (to bring home dirty products), and any props or decorations I am using for the theme. These two things hold everything I need for a show and only takes two trips to the car. It doesn't look like I am moving in when I show up to set up. ;)

I also printed on the computer a list of every item I want to make sure I bring to each show. I created it with columns and had an empty square next to each item. Then I laminated it and punched a hole in the corner. I attached a dry erase pen and use it each time I "pack up" for a show. This is very useful for me because #1 - I am so new and know I won't remember everything if it isn't written down and #2 - I use most of my products in my acutal kitchen and it would be very easy to forget to grab something small like the measuring spoons or something like that if I didn't ahve the list. I also made up seperate small lists for each themed show - for any additional items I might need and just have those on file cards (laminated) and filed in a recipe box.

I also picked up a bunch of binders - I like to orgainze all my stuff into binders. I have one for recipes, one as a call log so I can kep track of any and all call I make regarding PC, one for host info, one for my themes and the recipes offered, and one with cooks tips, product hints, etc...that one holds a lot of ideas I get form this site.

Like I said, I have a problem with organization, so I don't think this is what everyone does - but there might be a few things you want to do. Good luck and congrats on signing. I know I am still so thrilled I finally made the decision! Lisa
Wow!Lisa, you sound like me! LOL! :D Any chance that you will share your preshow checklist?

Have a great day,
  • Thread starter
  • #7
"apply for my debit card" ?? confused... :confused:
In order to submit shows and orders through Pampered Partner, you need to have a Debit Card. It's not the typical kind of debit card that a bank gives you that can be used as a check card or a ATM card. THis is just for Pampered Chef and it enables the Home Office to deduct funds out of your checking account (I recommend setting up a separate one than your personal one) when you submit a show. For example, after a show, you'll deposit all the checks and cash people give you at a show for their orders. Then 4 or so business days after you submit your show via PP, the total amount of those checks and cash that you deposited will be withdrawn.

Completing the online debit card application is how you get this taken care of. You enter your bank account information on the application. I'd recommend doing this as soon as you get your consultant number and can log onto Consultant's Corner so you're all set up for when you submit your first show.

Good luck! Post any other questions you might have and I'm sure we can try to answer them. :)
Stuff for FilesCongrats on starting your business... enjoy the ride and stay on board!!!

The only thing that I can add is a small file cabinet (or those accordian style briefcase one if you are tight for space) and hanging file folders and labels...

The Welcome Booklet in the Recipe for Success you get with your Kit (not sure if you got it already) has a great little checklist of things to start you up... it even tells you the categories to put your files in...I have only added things I just wanted for one reason or another, but that basic list is fine to start up with until you start seeing on your own what you might need to keep things the way you would like them!!
  • #10
ChefSandyK said:
Lisa, you sound like me! LOL! :D Any chance that you will share your preshow checklist?

Have a great day,

I attached it here, but it might not be anything anyone is interested in - I tend to overpack! ;)


    22.5 KB · Views: 799
  • #11
Thank you, Lisa!The list is great. I "tweaked" it a bit for me, but it was wonderful to have someplace to start. I, too, am an "over packer". :)

Thanks again,
  • #12
theme showsLisa,
Would you mind listing some of the Pampered Chef theme shows & ideas, recipes etc that you do? I'm new & I think that would attract people.

  • Thread starter
  • #13
man was it heavy!!My kit arrived today!
Ok it arrived yesterday but the office was closed so i couldn't get it.
I went this morning to get it.

Man was it heavy!! By the time I got up the stairs to our apartment I was drenched!

I just opened it up and going thru the paperwork - It's a little overwhelming!
But I am so excited!!
I think I'll watch the video while I make my folders.

thans everyone for the great advise!

Related to What Does the Business Starter Kit Include?

What comes in the starter kit?

The starter kit includes a selection of our top-selling products, catalogs, order forms, and business supplies to help you get started with your Pampered Chef business.

How much does it cost to become a Pampered Chef consultant?

The initial investment to become a Pampered Chef consultant is $109, which includes your starter kit and access to your online consultant tools and resources.

Is there a monthly minimum sales requirement?

There is no monthly minimum sales requirement for consultants, but we do recommend setting personal sales goals to help grow your business.

Can I earn free products as a consultant?

Yes, consultants have the opportunity to earn free products through our monthly Host Rewards program. You can also earn free products through our Consultant Incentive Program.

What support and training is provided for new consultants?

We provide ongoing support and training through our online resources, including webinars, training videos, and a dedicated team of leaders and mentors to help you succeed in your Pampered Chef business.

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