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We Need to Organized Our Meet up

In summary, the group is trying to decide on a time and place to meet up for drinks during the conference. Some suggestions have been made for Wednesday or Thursday night, but it seems like Thursday night may work better for more people. There is also a pizza dinner on Friday night for directors in Chris Manion's downline. Some people are bringing non-CS friends to the meet-up as well. There is also some discussion about which night Tai is attending the Upper Level Dinner and which night she is available to meet up with the group. A few people will not be able to make it to the meet-up due to travel schedules.
Ginny has a post out on CS which reminded me we never decided anything over here.

Colleen, you had mentioned something, no?

Anyone? ideas? time? place?
I haven't heard from the lady who is doing the training on Wednesday night so I don't know what the deal is with that.

Why don't we say the Strata Bar in the Hyatt Regency at 9:30pm on Wednesday night? Let me know if that time is okay... too early... too later or just right? :)

Can't wait to see everyone!!!!!!!!!
I'm having dinner with my FIL & SIL on Wed. I can meet-up afterward.
I'm not even getting in until Thursday morning. :(
Should we do Thursday night? I'm flexible regardless! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Weds night works for me. We get in around 5:30 p.m.
It sounds like Thursday would work better for more people. Is that the same night as the upper level dinner? We might lose some because of that.
I'm up for Wednesday only because I think we may be doing some team stuff on Thursday night. I don't get into the airport until 7:50 pm on Wednesday, but I'm sure I can come find you guys at the bar once I get settled in. Or we could do both Weds and Thurs for whoever can join in. I'll be coming with some non-CS people, so would it be ok for them to join us if needed???
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Becky, I'll be bringing my non DCS friends that I'm rooming with. One of them is only a FD, too. *gasp!*
  • #10
Whatever gets decided is fine with me.

Off-topic--Becky how do you know what wave you are in for 2009? I noticed your signature. Are you talking about conference?
  • #11
Yes, somewhere (I forget where?? Plus my director/SED told me- maybe it was in the latest CN??), I saw the listing of which Executive Directors were assigned to which wave.

Deb-good to know you're bringing others too. I'm SOOOO psyched! I have two FDs and they're both coming to Leadership. And I just love the group of people I'm traveling/rooming with so I know we'll have a fun time!!
  • #12
NO NO NO non DCS people!

Just kidding! :party: The more the merrier!!!! I will have two FDs with me too! I just hope we don't scare them!!!!
  • #13
If you're in Chris Manion's Downline she's having a pizza something on Thursday night for all the directors....how about Friday night?
  • #14
I will not get in until Thursday about 11 AM, and I will have DH with me- so I will probably have to pass on the meet & greet.
  • #15
I like the idea of Wed. I expect to be getting together with my upline on Thur evening.
  • #16
I don't land until 11:30 Wednesday night (which will be 1:30am my body time), so I can't do Wednesday. What ever you all decide is fine...if I can't make it to the meet-n-greet, I'll just have to find you all elsewhere :)
  • #17
Nanisu said:
If you're in Chris Manion's Downline she's having a pizza something on Thursday night for all the directors....how about Friday night?

I have in my notes from our director call with Chris last week that the pizza dinner is Friday night. She will be attending the Upper Level Dinner Thursay night...
  • #18
Debi said:
I like the idea of Wed. I expect to be getting together with my upline on Thur evening.

Does Tai have something special planned? Won't she be at the special dinner on Thursday herself?
  • #19
Chef Kearns said:
Does Tai have something special planned? Won't she be at the special dinner on Thursday herself?

I guess she will. When I typed that, I wasn't thinking about the Upper Level Dinner. But I have only spoken to Tai once or twice since I left Germany. I'm not actually in her downline.
  • #20
I will miss meeting you all. I don't get in until after 11 PM wed. I'm sure I will see you all through the conference though.
  • #21
Oh. I thought you were. Whose downline are you in? Were you hospitality with her then?
  • #22
chefkugler said:
I will miss meeting you all. I don't get in until after 11 PM wed. I'm sure I will see you all through the conference though.

you going for MiAMI BEACH???????
  • #23
Wednesday is fine by me :)
just poiint me in the direction of the bar...I mean meet up and I will find ya'll.
I was supposed to bring 2 girls, but we had a really good training/talk and decided the strain would be less if they skipped, focused on their business and planned for conference!
See ya in 21 days :)
  • #24
Well, I'm willing to be at the bar Wed, Thurs, and Friday night.;)
  • #25
legacypc46 said:
Well, I'm willing to be at the bar Wed, Thurs, and Friday night.;)

I won't let you suffer alone Kris! I am THERE!
  • #26
Koolotus said:
I won't let you suffer alone Kris! I am THERE!

I can't stand for anyone to suffer....I'll be there too!
  • #27
Chef Kearns said:
Oh. I thought you were. Whose downline are you in? Were you hospitality with her then?

No, I just know her. Actually my step-son and her daughter used to date. LOL! I'm under Sandi Griffin, the Director who won the Hospitality Award.
  • #28
morfia said:
you going for MiAMI BEACH???????

I WILL be at Miami Beach!!
  • #29
pamperedlinda said:
I can't stand for anyone to suffer....I'll be there too!

I'm with ya Linda! I'll be there as well... strictly for moral support! ;)
  • #30
You guys are too funny!
  • #31
finley1991 said:
I have in my notes from our director call with Chris last week that the pizza dinner is Friday night. She will be attending the Upper Level Dinner Thursay night...

I too am in Chris' downline, so if you do indeed go to the pizza thing..look for me..I'll be going to the new directors little thing that they are also having that night.but hoping to go to chris' thing afterwards..
  • #32
smilesare said:
I too am in Chris' downline, so if you do indeed go to the pizza thing..look for me..I'll be going to the new directors little thing that they are also having that night.but hoping to go to chris' thing afterwards..

Great! See you there! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #33
Are we still on for Weds night even thought that training event is taking place that night? The CS crowd is meeting up on Thursday....we could combine the two.....just thinking out loud....
  • #34
We can do either. The training event on Wednesday will be over at 8:30pm. Thursday would be great too because we could see everyone then.I think combining it on Thursday is a great idea!
  • #35
I can't attend if its Wed night..But yes if Thur is the chosen date!
  • Thread starter
  • #36
THURSDAY IT IS---Strata Lounge in the Hyatt 8:00 p.m.-ish to ?????I think that is the time that CS is meeting.
  • #37
Sounds good to me! I can't wait to see everyone!!!!
  • #38
I'll be there!
  • #40
Will be great to see everyone!
  • #41
Can I bring my DH?
  • #42
I hope to be there! I'll be with a few other consultants who aren't CSers, but I may drag them along anyway. Also, Heather (Heat123) and another one of my consultant who lurks (RosieTrips) on CS are coming too, so I bet they'll be up for it! I can't wait!
  • #43
pamperedbecky said:
I hope to be there! I'll be with a few other consultants who aren't CSers, but I may drag them along anyway. Also, Heather (Heat123) and another one of my consultant who lurks (RosieTrips) on CS are coming too, so I bet they'll be up for it! I can't wait!

Is Rosie the one I met in chicago?
  • #44
Looking fwd to meeting all of you.
  • #45
pamperedlinda said:
Is Rosie the one I met in chicago?

She was at conference in July - her name is actually Susan. She JUST promoted to FD at the last minute and will have to register on site. I'm so excited for her! Plus she's moving to Chicago in a month or two!
  • #46
hey all I plan on being at Leadership, I will have to go back and review this thread so I can plan on meeting up with you all...Sandra
  • #47
Ok the last i see is Thurs 8 pm at the Hyatt? Is this correct? --Sandra
  • #48
natural said:
Ok the last i see is Thurs 8 pm at the Hyatt? Is this correct? --Sandra

Yes, I believe so. We are combining ours with the rest of the CSers. See you soon Sandra.
  • #49
Yup! Thursday 8pm Hyatt!See you all soon! :)

Related to We Need to Organized Our Meet up

1. What is the purpose of the "We Need to Organize Our Meet Up" post on CS?

The post is a reminder and call to action for members of our Pampered Chef team to come together and plan a meet up event. It is a chance for us to connect, share ideas, and have some fun together.

2. Who is responsible for organizing the meet up?

As a team, we are all responsible for organizing the meet up. However, Colleen has taken the initiative to bring up the topic and get the ball rolling. We encourage everyone to share their ideas and contribute to the planning process.

3. What ideas have been suggested so far?

Some ideas that have been mentioned include having a potluck-style dinner, hosting a cooking demonstration, or meeting at a local restaurant. We are open to all suggestions and welcome any new ideas from team members.

4. When and where will the meet up take place?

The date and location of the meet up are still to be determined. We are currently discussing potential dates and locations that will work for the majority of the team. We will update everyone as soon as a decision is made.

5. Can anyone attend the meet up?

Yes, all members of our Pampered Chef team are invited to attend the meet up. We believe that everyone has something valuable to contribute and we want to include as many team members as possible. We hope to see you there!

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