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Ugh, Pampered Chef Bank Account Was Hacked

In summary, someone used Bobbi's debit card and account to sign up for a monthly service fee, which accrued over time. Bobbi called the service and was able to get a full refund, but was charged an overdraft fee from PC.
Gold Member
I have been waiting for a show to clear my account- you know how it is, sometimes they take three business days, sometimes they take seven, etc. At any rate, I've been checking almost daily, and I logged in to my bank account today to find two charges for $119.70 along with a $29 overdraft fee from PC. :(

Called the bank, turns out someone used my debit and my name to sign up for some direct marketing services with monthly fees, and since I haven't had shows and really been active in a few months, I haven't been carrying a balance in my account, so the monthly fees have accrued... and BAM. Now that I have a nice big balance for the $800 show I'm waiting to clear they withdraw the few months worth of fees that were apparently owed to them.

Long story short, I called these direct marketing services directly and oddly enough got no hassle when I requested a full refund... but the bizarre thing is that they have record of a cancellation request for my "memberships" yesterday. The whole thing sketches me out...

Anyway, glad I'm getting a full refund from these sketchy companies but I'm still out the $29 from the overdraft to PC when they initially attempted to withdraw the funds from my account. Think there's any way I can get the finance department to refund the fee, given the circumstances?

I only had a balance equivalant to the checks that were written for the show, so the $29 would have to come out of my pocket. It's not the end of the world, but I don't feel I should have to pay it given the circumstances.

And yes, I am aware that it's a good idea to have overdraft protection- thank you :) I had planned on putting some overdraft protection together but as this is literally my first show in months and the first time my account is carrying a balance in months I didn't have the funds up front to do it right away. Just a crappy situation :(
Won't your bank refund any of that. Something very similar happened to me a few years ago and my bank refunded some of it. I don't think that they refunded all of it..but I think they did half of it.
At our bank, if we file a fraud report, they will refund the fees.
If these charges were racking up for a few months, why didn't they send you an notice?! I'd be asking the bank that question too! And if they say they don't do that, I'd get a new bank.
Yes, call the bank. Your debit card number has been compromised and needs to be shut down. Even though the company is giving you a refund, it should still be marked as fraudulent with your bank. Then, since it's being marked fraud, the bank should refund you any fees associated with that fraud.
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  • #6
esavvymom said:
If these charges were racking up for a few months, why didn't they send you an notice?! I'd be asking the bank that question too! And if they say they don't do that, I'd get a new bank.

Bobbi- The bank has called me previously when they suspected a fradulent charge. However, they did not flag this as a fradulent charge- for whatever reason. My bank is typically very good about these things, but I don't feel it's THEIR responsibility to keep track of what is and is not an authorized transaction on my account, that's my job... it's their job to rectify the situation when I bring it to their attention. Which they did assist me with. I will give them a call back and discuss the $29 overdraft charge from PC with them. My bank is typically very understanding and has excellent customer service- I bank with USAA- so I am sure they will refund at least a portion of the charge to me.
  • Thread starter
  • #7
lesliec said:
At our bank, if we file a fraud report, they will refund the fees.

Leslie- But this was not a bank issued fee, this was a PC fee. I have no bank issued fees related to this situation. That's why I am questioning if I should contact the PC finance department or go to my bank first.

To be honest, since PC issued the fee I believe that given the circumstances (that my account had insufficient funds due to fradulent charges) that PC should reverse the charge. However, I do see where some of you are coming from- that the bank should be protecting me from fradulent charges so they should credit me for the fee.

Either way, I don't care who I get the $29 from, I just don't want to pay almost $30 out of pocket for this show. My commissions will more than make up for it, but it's more about the principal of the matter to me.
I've never heard of PC charging a fee when their attempt to withdraw funds doesn't go through.

The fee may be for PC's transaction, but it is only there because of this unauthorized activity, and thus should be reversed by the bank.
My son had this happen to him...twice. Be careful when you are ordering something from a website and you are asked if you would like a coupon for a future order. All you have to do is click on the coupon (because, who doesn't want a coupon!) and since they already have your payment info they have got you! This is actually legal, because there is the proverbial "small print" that tells you that you are joining some sort of discount club and this is the membership fee. It was all over the news in recent months. By the way, these are not some shady websites that allow this, they are ones that we all have used: Proflowers, Holister, Fandango, etc. These companies get paid by the "discount clubs" to use their site to get business. All this to say, that your account might not have been compromised, but you might have accidently signed up for something like this. All my son's charge's were for $29...
  • #10
I don't think PC charges a fee. They only give you two shots and then they take away your debit card rights but they don't charge you a fee for not having funds. When we were in the middle of a move, I had it happen and there were no charges from PC - only from the bank.
  • #11
what do you mean they take away your debit card rights?
  • #12
If your debit payment is rejected twice you lose the ability to pay via debit card for I think it's 6 months (maybe just 3??) and you have to submit shows via mail with a money order.
  • #13
oh wow i didnt know that.... thanks for letting me know, but hopefully that never happens
  • #14
I also bank with USAA - that $29 is a bank fee, not a PC fee.

Related to Ugh, Pampered Chef Bank Account Was Hacked

What happened to my Pampered Chef bank account?

We are sorry to hear that your bank account was hacked. Unfortunately, we cannot control external factors such as hacking. We recommend contacting your bank immediately to address the issue and prevent any further unauthorized transactions.

How do I protect my Pampered Chef bank account from being hacked?

To protect your bank account, we recommend using strong and unique passwords for your Pampered Chef account and any linked financial accounts. You can also enable two-factor authentication for an added layer of security. Additionally, regularly monitoring your bank account for any suspicious activity can help identify and address any potential hacking attempts.

Can Pampered Chef reimburse me for any unauthorized transactions?

Unfortunately, Pampered Chef cannot reimburse any unauthorized transactions made on your bank account. We advise contacting your bank immediately to report the fraudulent activity and follow their procedures for reimbursement.

Is my personal information safe with Pampered Chef?

Yes, we take the security of our customers' personal information very seriously. We have strict measures in place to protect your data, including using secure servers and encryption technology. However, we recommend regularly updating your passwords and monitoring your accounts for any unusual activity to further safeguard your information.

How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

To prevent similar incidents from happening in the future, we recommend regularly changing your passwords, using different passwords for different accounts, and keeping your devices and software up to date. Additionally, be cautious of any suspicious emails or messages asking for personal information or login credentials.

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