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Transform Your Prize Drawings with this Simple Tip | Pampered Chef Alternative

In summary, the prize drawing slip is a great way to increase yes and maybe responses from customers. The drawing slip is easy to use and makes it easier for customers to win prizes.
I don't use the door prize slips that The Pampered Chef offers. I have switched to this Prize Drawing Slip and get MUCH MORE Yes and Maybe's circled! It's all about the wording! I tell them that they must fill them out completely to win...

This has made a huge impact in my booking and recruiting leads!
Just thought I'd share!


  • Prizedrawingslip2.doc
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I like that drawing slip. I am getting ready for our annual fair. People go around to ALL booths and sign up for everything at our fair (just to win a prize). But in the past they put their name and phone number and that is it! So that would definately get more filled out completely. Dont forget, some of that info has changed on your drawing slip...so dont forget to change before having customers fill out that slip! Thanks again, Lori
I went to Kitchen Show Live at conference and Tom Marston was the guest speaker and showed us his PDS. I used them on Saturday at my show and they worked wonderfully. I have 4 bookings and one possible recruit. Thanks to Tom Marston for sharing these slips.


  • Prize Drawing Slip.doc
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Do you shrink the size down or use the full size for the slips ? Tom Marston is the man ! He is awesome , i see him every month in the KCN . All I can say Is WOW ! Love the slips It is everything i want to know with out having to ask ! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I like that prize drawing slip too. I like having "Maybe" as an option though...give me something to work with :)

Thanks for the reminder about the changes on my prize drawing slip. I need to update the fundraiser info...i will probably keep the 5+ orders, just explaining to them that the average order is $30.

Kristi, did Tom say anything about how he did his Fundraiser Bingo? I'd love to hear more on that!

Thanks for sharing!

(and for my slips, I print full size, 2 per page)

Here's a new slip...updated, and combined with some of the words from Tom's PDS.


  • Prizedrawingslip2.doc
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I think that looks great! I like having the maybe option as well! No, Tom did not mention anything about the fundraiser bingo so I'll e-mail him and ask him! Thanks for sharing!
Looks great!!Rebecca,
I think your slips look great. I am going to try for my next show.

Debbie :)
FundraiserYes, Please Kristi, Find out how Tom Marsden is offering up to 50% of profits for a fundraiser. That is awesome! I wonder if he minds sharing his secrets?
Please let us know.
Thanks, Cookie
I e-mailed Tom and he said that it would take so long to discuss it so he won't let me know. I told him thanks anyway for responding! :rolleyes:
  • #10
I was afriad of that.If I was him I probably wouldn't want to share my secrets either. But He figured this out and we should be able to too. I had heard that all those $8,000 shows he does were fundraisers. Anybody up to brainstorming with me? I want to do $8,000 shows!
  • #11
I would LOVE to have an $8,000 anything! :D
  • #12
PampMomof3 said:
I went to Kitchen Show Live at conference and Tom Marston was the guest speaker and showed us his PDS. I used them on Saturday at my show and they worked wonderfully. I have 4 bookings and one possible recruit. Thanks to Tom Marston for sharing these slips.
Kristi -- thanks so much for sharing this! Your timing is perfect -- I'm doing a festival on Saturday and this will be perfect!
This site is great, and all of you are, too, for sharing such amazing info!!!

Jill Wright
Director, Benicia, CA
  • #13
Actually Tom will explain his bingo, but you have to go to one of his fundraisers first, to actually see it in action. Then he will explain how you do it. One of these days I will make it to a bingo...... =)
  • #14
$8,000 shows!?I have heard of PC Bingo...but I don't think I've heard of Tom's $8,000 fund raiser show bingo! That is truely amazing. If I could get an $8,000 month I would be extactic! Does anyone have even a clue about how he does it? :rolleyes:
  • #15
40% Fundraiser?Hi there. I really liked your fundraiser but was wondering how you offer them 40% back on fundraisers. I love doing fundraisers but have been turned down by schools who usually make 40-60%. What are your methods for helping them make more? Thanks so much.
  • #16
Well I think Tom Manson should have a spot at national cofernece for Fundraising activities and how to make the most of it. If we can get it up to 40-50% we would have more business in the school market. I'd sign up for it.
  • #17
I think what he is doing is taking what PC gives for fundraisers and then all his commision. That would give 40-50% depending on the amount of sales. He wouldn't get paid but would earn other bonuses and trips and other incentives. That's what I think anyway.
  • #18
fundraiserI's funny how things come up at this site when I'm thinking about them. I was just talking to my husband about FR's as he was shocked at the FR totals in the last KCN. I keep going back to that section and can only figure that these consultants are giving their commission on top of the 15%. If you're looking to earn the trips by getting points then maybe that's how it is done? :confused:

Is anyone doing their own product FR. For instance, just offering the cookbooks?
  • #19
What is the PC bingo fundraiser in which they earn 50%?


PampMomof3 said:
I went to Kitchen Show Live at conference and Tom Marston was the guest speaker and showed us his PDS. I used them on Saturday at my show and they worked wonderfully. I have 4 bookings and one possible recruit. Thanks to Tom Marston for sharing these slips.
  • #20
Hmmmmm...The company gives 15% to the charity and as far as I know the most commission they give on fundraisers is 17%. (is that correct?) Then that would add up to 32% not 50%. Directors get alot of free products. If cards were sold and products you got for free were given as prizes that might add to the amount of money you've got to deal with.
  • #21
Here's what I've been considering...I've been approached to do a PC bingo (like Longaberger Bingo). I thought they could purchase all the products as a regular fundraiser show (earning back 15% of the costs) as well as offer others a chance to buy beforehand. Then doing like a regular Bingo. They buy a card for $15 and can purchase more cards for $5. Have doorprizes as well, plus a drawing for a big item, bunch of items, or something to that effect. That way they can get the 15% back from the purchase of the items and $3 for bookings and make money on card fees. Plus have a table set up for anyone who wants to purchase anything that day as a fundraiser. Does that make sense? Just something I've been thinking about! :p
  • #22
chefbilyeu said:
I like that prize drawing slip too. I like having "Maybe" as an option though...give me something to work with :)

Thanks for the reminder about the changes on my prize drawing slip. I need to update the fundraiser info...i will probably keep the 5+ orders, just explaining to them that the average order is $30.

Kristi, did Tom say anything about how he did his Fundraiser Bingo? I'd love to hear more on that!

Thanks for sharing!

(and for my slips, I print full size, 2 per page)

Here's a new slip...updated, and combined with some of the words from Tom's PDS.

Rebecca, Didn't PC change the show minimum to $200 and delete the 5 order option?
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Hi Shari,
The minimum show order is still $150, but you are correct about the five orders--there is no longer a choice of either 5 orders or $150. You must have $150 in sales to be considered a show.

I keep the 5 orders on the slip because my average catalog show order is $30. Therefore, it would only take 5 orders to reach the $150 minimum. This is something I tell my catalog show hosts.
  • #24
I figured it outIf you do not reach $200 on a catalog show, there is no Free product benefit.
  • #25
ok. I am sorry ya'll but I just have to say" Tom is hot". :eek: I think that goes a long way for him. IMPO. ;)
  • #26
Former Product Fundraiser
Cookie said:
The company gives 15% to the charity and as far as I know the most commission they give on fundraisers is 17%. (is that correct?) Then that would add up to 32% not 50%. Directors get alot of free products. If cards were sold and products you got for free were given as prizes that might add to the amount of money you've got to deal with.

I think the old product fundraiser had the 40% (I think) but it has been discontinued.
  • #27
8K FundraisersAre you ready? I spoke with a lady at conference 3 who went to one of these bingo / PC fundraiser shows and she shared this with me:

This is powerful stuff:

She explained he offers fundraisers where folks buy-in to play B-I-N-G-O

for up to 7 prizes... She said he runs up to 4 games and the bingo part takes about an hour, then a single recipe demo, closer with those slips, and guests get just a pre-made SAMPLE SIZE of whatever recipe afterward. Each bingo game just keeps going until someone gets a blackout. TIES mean winners split the prize evenly between tied parties; she said they are rare. There have to be a certain number of players; more players makes more money for the group. Each game has 7 winners.

People play to win...

(1) 5 in a row any row [basic BINGO],

(2)5 across any two rows [two BINGOS]

(3) 5 down any two columns [two BINGOs],

(4) a plus [or cross], [two BINGOS],

(5) an x [two BINGOS],

(6) any 3 stripes, across or down [three BINGOS]

(7) a complete blackout.[five BINGOS]

Adults only: 30 players minimum $5 to play, for each prize above, all 7 for $30. Winners win $40.

Mixed crowds including children: 50 players minimum $3 to play for each prize above, all 7 for $20, Winners win $21

All the proceeds from the game overage go to the group--a "donation" from the guests" as a further income bonus to the fundraiser - I don't think he declares that to TPC though; I think it is a "group donation".

Again, I'm not totally sure on many of the details. I forgot to ask the lady at conference; I was writing all these other parts down.

So if only 30 people play, profit to the group is from $20-550 Per "adults only" Game. at 4 games a night, bingo "gift" to the group is $80-2200, including the 28 folks who won $40 each!

The "mixed" game at only 50 players profits the group from $3-853 per "mixed crowd" game. At 4 games a night, bingo "gift" to the group is $12-3412, including the 28 folks who won $21 each! A lot of the kids miss their bingos, so these games take up to 20 mins. each. After BINGO, kids go to a sitter on site.

Imagine 30 buyers at a kitchen show! or 40!!

She did say no group ever did this earning less than $200 a night...and that they are told to expect $100 or better. People are in a generous mood, so most buy the top ticket value at least for 1 game - guaranteeing higher "group gift" profits to the group. Many groups earn thousands in one night and are blown away - then have an awesome PC show too -- here's the kicker - the individuals and groups almost always spend at least some of their profits on PAMPERD CHEF orders!

You could raffle the completed recipe to get more $ for the group, too!
  • #28
I don't want to dampen anyone's spirits, but this type of bingo could be illegal in your state.

There could be serious legal issues here. In most states, Bingo, in any form, is considered gaming. It is strictly regulated. and permits are issued by the state gaming commission. Here we cannot even use bingo as a school fundraiser because of all of the paperwork from the state and gaming commission.

To be safe, I would check with your local gov't first.
  • #29
Wow! Looks like you stopped this thread dead in its tracks.
  • #29
Fund Raiser QuestionHi! I am interested in the prize drawing slips, and I really appreciate your posting them--they are fantastic! I am wondering how you can offer 40% profit for fundraisers. I have lost out on a couple of fundraiser opportunities because other direct sales companies have offered a bigger percentage of profit. Can anyone offer some suggestions to increase the percentage for potential organizations? Thanks so much!


Related to Transform Your Prize Drawings with this Simple Tip | Pampered Chef Alternative

What is the simple tip for transforming prize drawings offered by The Pampered Chef?

The simple tip is to use a different prize drawing slip instead of the one provided by The Pampered Chef. By using this alternative slip and changing the wording, you can significantly increase the number of "Yes" and "Maybe" responses.

Why do you prefer this alternative prize drawing slip?

I have found that this alternative slip leads to more successful booking and recruiting leads. The wording on the slip encourages participants to fill it out completely, increasing their chances of winning.

What is the difference in wording between the alternative slip and The Pampered Chef's slip?

The alternative slip emphasizes the importance of filling out the slip completely in order to win, whereas The Pampered Chef's slip may not have the same level of emphasis on completeness.

Have you seen an improvement in your booking and recruiting leads after using this tip?

Yes, I have seen a significant improvement in my booking and recruiting leads after implementing this tip. The increased number of "Yes" and "Maybe" responses has resulted in more successful bookings and recruits.

Can this tip be applied to other types of prize drawings or events?

Yes, this tip can be applied to any type of prize drawing or event where you want to increase participation and engagement. The key is to use clear and specific wording that encourages participants to fill out the slips completely.

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