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Top Superbowl Commercials: FedEx, Blockbuster, and Bud Light Wedding

In summary, the best commercial so far is the Bud Light auctioneer wedding. The worst commercials are the Chevy oldies spot and the Bud spot with the phoney dalmation. The Garmin "Godzilla" parody is just...dumb. The Doritos spots harken back to the Reese's Peanut Butter cup ads of years ago but doesn't do it. The Chevy spot with the "guys can't keep their hands off it" spot is awful. The Coke "spread a little love" spot is not bad, but the heart one is stupid.
  • Thread starter
  • #51
CAmomCookin4U said:
Ok Go Daddy was STuuuuuuuuuuuuPid!
It didn't improve at all from the first time it ran in the first quarter, did it?
  • #52
Go daddy didn't improve any from last YEAR to be honest:rolleyes:
  • #53
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
The Snapple spot is almost as good as when Homer Simpson went to ask the Delhi Lama three question.

The NFL/Brett Favre spot is kind of an inside gag, isn't it?
What Snapple one? Must be different on the other side . We Just had godaddy and some other forgetful ones, can't even remember what they were but not snapple. How sad they were so forgetful:eek: or maybe it's age eek
  • Thread starter
  • #54
Congratulations to the Indianapolis Colts.
  • Thread starter
  • #55
CAmomCookin4U said:
What Snapple one? Must be different on the other side . We Just had godaddy and some other forgetful ones, can't even remember what they were but not snapple. How sad they were so forgetful:eek: or maybe it's age eek
That was the backpacker climbing the mountain.
  • #56
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Congratulations to the Indianapolis Colts.
Letterman will be Pleased:D
  • Thread starter
  • #57
Keep trying, California. Everyone knows the best cheese still comes from Wisconsin.
  • #58
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Keep trying, California. Everyone knows the best cheese still comes from Wisconsin.
Thats because you can't see the Calif. Cheese commercials. Ya know eveything is better in Cali:D We've got the beach, the snow, the "staars" oh yea and the Best Cheese:D
  • #59
My vote goes to the Blockbuster animals.

Did anyone else notice all the old commercials?

I know I am in the minority, but I liked the halftime show. Of course, this comes from one who has seen Prince in concert, just a while back when he was touring. It was an amazing show.
  • #60
PamperChefCarol said:
My vote goes to the Blockbuster animals.

Did anyone else notice all the old commercials?

I know I am in the minority, but I liked the halftime show. Of course, this comes from one who has seen Prince in concert, just a while back when he was touring. It was an amazing show.
  • Thread starter
  • #61
I still was disturbed by the silhouette.
  • #62
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I still was disturbed by the silhouette.
That was kinda Kewl (my daughter agrees with you though) What was wrong with it? Did I miss something?:confused:
  • Thread starter
  • #63
It was a projection of him and his guitar on cloth. The image was both phallic and satanistic.
  • #64
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
It was a projection of him and his guitar on cloth. The image was both phallic and satanistic.
Ya know my Dd just said the same thing. I guess I wasn't really looking I was just listening to prince. Thinking of Old songs.
  • #65
I loved Blockbuster and the mouse.
  • #66
pkd09 said:
I loved Blockbuster and the mouse.
I loved Doritos and the HUGE mouse...... at least until he beat the guy up. That was sad
  • Thread starter
  • #67
After further review, I've decided I like the Ford F-Series birthday cake spot. My favorites would be the Blockbuster mouse and Bud Light Auctioneer Wedding.
  • #68
Jo Price from HO was at the Super Bowl. Looks like everybody got wet. Disappointed the Bears did not win. DARN!!!
  • #69
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
After further review, I've decided I like the Ford F-Series birthday cake spot.

My favorites would be the Blockbuster mouse and Bud Light Auctioneer Wedding.
Missed the auctioneer wedding:(
  • Thread starter
  • #70
Oh, that's right - there are a lot of Bear fans at home office.Oh, gosh. Golly gee. How awful. The Bears...um...the Bears, well, they had a good season.(Hehehehehehehehe)
  • #71
Commercials SUCKED this year!!!!

HUM.....Just like the Bears!!!!

  • #72
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
The Snapple spot is almost as good as when Homer Simpson went to ask the Delhi Lama three question.

The NFL/Brett Favre spot is kind of an inside gag, isn't it?

Yes...My future ex husband, Mr. Favre, has just signed on for a 17th season with my favorite Green Bay Packers!! :D


MMmmmmmmmm.......Aint he perrrrtttyyy????
  • #74
Thanks Darby! I'll check them out when I get time....
  • #75
I liked the chevy commercial where the guys were polishing the car...
LOVE the blockbuster mouse commercial
  • #76
Oh yeah...the autioneer wedding was awesome!
  • #77
My favorite is the bud light with the axe. I also liked the blockbuster mouse and the car wash
  • Thread starter
  • #78
thechefofnorthbend said:
Yes...My future ex husband, Mr. Favre, has just signed on for a 17th season with my favorite Green Bay Packers!! :D


MMmmmmmmmm.......Aint he perrrrtttyyy????
In the 16 years that he's been playing, and starting EVERY SINGLE GAME, Da Bearse have had something like 23 different quarterbacks...and tonight begins the Chicago fans' endless chant for yet, another quarterback.
  • #79
I am not a beer drinker but I LOVE the Bud commercials..I especially loved the gorillas in the zoo. Must see "Wild Hogs" when it comes out too. Half-time show stunk!

  • #80
Fascinating! For a gal with one TV which has about 3 fuzzy channels this entire thread is just amazing! Where in the world does everyone who watches TV find the time?
  • Thread starter
  • #81
I dunno...but the Superbowl is only on once a year.
  • #82
Disappointed so far!! Lots of really lame commercials.

I liked the rock, paper, scissors and the mouse.
  • #83
Laughed out loud w/ the Rock Paper Scissors ad, Loved the Doritos Ad that KG dissed (some of us may not have a memory of the Reeses Ad from long ago), and loved the warm & fuzzy Coke ad.....and the GM Robot ad. Oh and the Auctioneer Wedding ad.
Didn't like: GoDaddy, the Career Builders Ads, The Chevy HHR ad (Yuck!), and at our SB party, we all agreed that Prince's Projection stunt was all about his Napolean Complex.....:D
  • #84
Paige Dixon said:
Fascinating! For a gal with one TV which has about 3 fuzzy channels this entire thread is just amazing! Where in the world does everyone who watches TV find the time?

Well, it was the Super Bowl - and it's once a year, and known for the commercials......I think we deserve a break for watching a couple hours of TV with friends!;)
  • #85
ChefBeckyD said:
Well, it was the Super Bowl - and it's once a year, and known for the commercials......I think we deserve a break for watching a couple hours of TV with friends!;)

Amen Becky!!

I was pretty disappointed w/ the commercials, but didn't it seem like there were way more spots to fill this time. I can't remember it every having so many commercials, but I might be wrong seeing as I can remember what I wore yesterday. I'm going to re watch them and then pick a favorite.
  • Thread starter
  • #86
ChefBeckyD said:
Laughed out loud w/ the Rock Paper Scissors ad, Loved the Doritos Ad that KG dissed (some of us may not have a memory of the Reeses Ad from long ago), and loved the warm & fuzzy Coke ad.....and the GM Robot ad. Oh and the Auctioneer Wedding ad.
Didn't like: GoDaddy, the Career Builders Ads, The Chevy HHR ad (Yuck!), and at our SB party, we all agreed that Prince's Projection stunt was all about his Napolean Complex.....:D
I'm not sure I particularly like that tone of text. It's my opinion and if you don't share it, fine, but I'm a little miffed at your use of that word. Now, I happened to like the Coke spot of what goes on inside a vending machine, but I seem to be one of the only ones who did. If you didn't like it, that's fine. I'm not going to say you dissed it. I'm hoping you meant that in a light-hearted way, but that is not a light-hearted word.
  • Thread starter
  • #87
Has there been any fallout on the Prince projection this morning? I thought there was a 15 second delay so they could bleep out stuff like that - but I wonder if someone at CBS was asleep at that switch.
  • #88
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Has there been any fallout on the Prince projection this morning? I thought there was a 15 second delay so they could bleep out stuff like that - but I wonder if someone at CBS was asleep at that switch.

I watched the Prince performance and can't say that I know what you are referring to. There were a few times where the guitar position could have possible been looked at funny, but nothing bad enough to warrant fallout? Did I miss something??
  • #89
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I'm not sure I particularly like that tone of text. It's my opinion and if you don't share it, fine, but I'm a little miffed at your use of that word. Now, I happened to like the Coke spot of what goes on inside a vending machine, but I seem to be one of the only ones who did. If you didn't like it, that's fine. I'm not going to say you dissed it. I'm hoping you meant that in a light-hearted way, but that is not a light-hearted word.

KG - I totally meant it as a joke - I'm truely sorry if I offended you....I guess I didn't realize that could be taken as offensive, and never meant to be rude - please forgive my mistake!
  • #90
I was not impressed with the commercials like usual.

I did like the Taco Bell and the lions. I liked the Coke commercial for the inside of the vending machine.

I think GoDaddy needs to be pulled b/c it is too much when you kids watching the game too!

I did not even watch half time b/c I do not like Prince! So, what was his stunt? Did he grab himself or something? HE IS JUST WEIRD, so, I would not surprised at anything he done. And I think they could have gotten someone MUCH better for half time of the Superbowl!
  • Thread starter
  • #91
ChefBeckyD said:
KG - I totally meant it as a joke - I'm truely sorry if I offended you....I guess I didn't realize that could be taken as offensive, and never meant to be rude - please forgive my mistake!
Becky, I hesitated in even making that post and regretted it seconds after I hit send. It's been one of those mornings for me.

I'm a wordsmith and I try to be very careful in the selection of words that I use. I'm not always as gentile as I wish I were and I'm sure I've bruised many friends when I've not meant to.

Whenever I tease my Chicago friends about the Bear-Packer rivalry, it's all in fun and, after all, the Bear fans speak highly of us Packer fans, too. ;) I would hope no one would seriously take offense at any of the razzing that goes on between citizens of Illinois (Flatlanders) and citizens of Wisconsin (Cheeseheads.) It's what we do - it's how we show our love (choke, cough, gasp) to one another! ;)

There are just certain words I avoid - that one you used is one of them - it's street slang and the use of it could get someone killed in certain elements of our society. Let's just forget it and move on.
  • #92
My thoughts (sorry I wasn't on yesterday) for TKG:

Glad you liked the heart one. B/c that is from my day job!

I also kept saying how CBS did not sell enough spots. I know that from the awards show I just helped produce. I didn't sell my spots so lots of my ads!

We had a GREAT commerical here for the local spots. It was Emmitt Smith for HEB Grocery. He had on his pimpin' green shirt from Dancing with the Stars and was crusing through the store flirting and pointing. It was hiliarious and probably the best ad!

We all noticed the Prince silouette too, how could you not! But at least he kept his clothes on. And it was better than a bunch of artists performing together that made no sense, you know, like Aerosmith & NSync?

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