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Thinking About Selling Pampered Chef

In summary, the Pampered Chef company does not put any pressure on its sellers to meet sales goals, and it is possible to do the business as a hobby or casually. You can contact a consultant for additional support.
Hello everyone! I've been reading this website the last couple of days and it is a great source of information. I love PC products and have taken up orders the last two years for a consultant I used to work with. I have done pretty well with it at my office alone. I considered selling last year since I had just bought a house on my own (I am single) and therefore had more room to store my supplies and possibly host Open House parties. I guess I am just afraid to take the plunge. My question is does PC put a lot of pressure on its sellers to meet sales requirements? I don't think I would have a problem with possibly taking up sales orders but I'm not sure how successful I would be with booking a lot of parties. Is it possible to do this casually...booking parties when the opportunity presents itself but mostly doing catalog sales? I would be interested in everyone input. I have a full time job and I am currently pursuing my masters degree part time also. Thanks in advance for your help!
No pressure to sell whatsoever. The requirement to stay "active" is to submit $300 (that's in Canada, in the US it might be a little less) in commissionable sales every other month. Should you go inactive and you've been inactive for 11 months or less, all you have to do is submit $300 in commissionable sales and you will be active again. If your period of inactivity is 12 months or more, you need to purchase a new starter kit and start all over again.
We Welcome You to The Pampered Chef Family!You go girl!! I also started my PC business during my junior year in college. (I returned to school after my 10 year marriage and two children). The extra income has allowed me to spend more quality time with the kids because we have extra cash to do stuff other than sitting around the house! My kids keep me motivated and love "helping" me prepare for a show packing crates, labeling catalogs, etc.

In answers to your question, the only "sales requirement" is that you submit a total of $200 in sales every two months. That can be through catalog shows, individual orders, kitchen shows, fundraisers, or a combination of anything. If you do not, they are not going to come knocking on your door. You simply go "inactive", meaning you lose any accumulated points for incentives (such as the great trips they give us), and your commission raise (if you've earned it). To become active again within the year from when you went inactive - simply submit $200 or more in sales and you're going again!

Pampered Chef is truly a risk free opportunity. You only have to have 4 shows (again, any type) to fulfill your contract obligation. If you don't enjoy it as much as you thought you would, simply keep the products and your paycheck! I have a flyer posted in the documents section called "The No Risk Factor". It will really help put the business opportunity into perspective for you.

The beauty of Pampered Chef is that it is your business - and although you work alone, you are never alone. There are so many wonderful people on this board, in your area, at home office to help you. We also provide audio and visual tapes for additional training if you wanted, monthly consultant newsletters...you name it. You will never have to re-invent the wheel, that's for sure!

Any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
HOw exciting!!:D That's great that you're giving this great company some consideration! As I'm sure you've seen on this website, you'd be working with a wonderful group of people and a GREAT company. PC really makes our jobs easy and adds all kinds of extra incentives and things like that in there so you can earn free products, little incentives like a charm bracelet, shopping sprees, trips, jewlery, etc! All on top of a commission check.

I think it's totally possible to do PC "casually" or more of as a hobby. That's how I started out, then I got hooked and wanted to do more. There are no outrageous sales requirements (having just a catalog show every other month should pretty much take care of that) and you can run things at your own pace. If your goal is to do that, then that's what you would be supported in doing. Most recruiters and directors would not impose their own goals of making thousands of dollars in sales every month (although I have heard some unfortunate stories on here where that has happened). Luckily everyone on this website is so supportive and helpful that this is such a great resource. This business is what YOU make of it-that's the beauty of it. And I would imagine you'd learn a ton about yourself in the process! I sure did. :)

Please let me know if I can help answer any questions or anything. Feel free to email me or visit my website. Or just post your questions on here and you're bound to get lots of good feedback!! Good luck to you in weighing the pros and cons. My advice is to at least give it a try!
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Thanks!!Thanks so much for your kind words and advice. I am going to mull this over for a few days. I will let you know what I decide. I feel so welcomed already!!
By the way, what are you getting your Masters in? I have my Masters in Counseling Psych and I'm a LIcensed Clinical Professional Counselor. I work PT in addition to PC, but this is definitely my favorite!!

Sounds like you would already have a good customer base if you become a consultant. That's a great way to start. Good luck to you!
Have you seen...our latest recruiting flyer? https://www.pamperedchef.com/images/cc/us/pdf/rp_05sep_oct_recruit.pdf

It's pretty cool that as AWESOME as the opportunity is by itself they sweeten the pot with incentives like this. All of us here at Chef Success wish the best for you. As Rita shared, it is a win/win situation. Go for it! You don't have anything to lose.

Any of us would love to welcome you to our team. So if you are not currently working with a consultant just pick one of us to sponsor you.

Good luck in school. And congratulations on owning your own home!! You Go Girl!
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Becky, I would be getting my masters in business administration. Right now, I'm an accountant at a university. I love the university...accounting not so much! I hope to someday work in a more people oriented position possibly working with students. I might also like to teach some lower level business courses on a part-time basis. That's why PC appeals to me also-the people aspect.

I researched PC last year when I first moved into my house because the Welcome Wagon came calling with a gift basket...it was full of brochures from different businesses and included Mary Kay, Avon and Tupperware reps but no PC. I called and got the prices and information on doing that. The deal is you would put a token item, a catalog and an offer for a free item in the basket. If I decide to pursue PC, that is something I might consider for next year as a promotion.

Related to Thinking About Selling Pampered Chef

1. What are the benefits of selling Pampered Chef?

Selling Pampered Chef offers many benefits, including flexible hours, the ability to work from home, and the opportunity to earn extra income. As a consultant, you will also have access to exclusive discounts and free products.

2. How much does it cost to become a Pampered Chef consultant?

The cost to become a Pampered Chef consultant is $109, which includes a starter kit with over $450 worth of products. This fee also covers your first three months of personal website fees and training materials.

3. Do I need to have experience in sales or cooking to be a successful Pampered Chef consultant?

No, you do not need any prior experience in sales or cooking to be a successful Pampered Chef consultant. Our comprehensive training program will provide you with all the tools and resources you need to succeed.

4. How do I host a Pampered Chef party?

Hosting a Pampered Chef party is easy! As a consultant, you will have access to our online party planning tools to help you schedule and organize your party. You can also choose to host a virtual party or a traditional in-person party.

5. Can I still sell Pampered Chef if I have a full-time job?

Yes, you can absolutely sell Pampered Chef while working a full-time job. As a consultant, you have the flexibility to work as much or as little as you want, so you can easily fit it into your schedule.

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