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Theme Show Extravaganza: A Collection of Invites and Flyers

YOU. I really mean it. I am more excited than ever to get started...and feel like I've already learned so much! Many thanks...Julie :)Julie, you are so welcome! You will find this site has the most amazing people who are here to help and share. I have been with PC for 3 1/2 years and my business really took off after I found this site and started putting into practice some of the great ideas I found here. Good luck! You will do great! :)In summary, the conversation was about sharing theme show ideas and flyers, as well as discussing the use of Microsoft Office and invitations for shows. Members expressed their gratitude for the
Staff member
The following is a compilation of theme show invites and flyers.Thanks for sharing Kim!


  • Cooking with Kids Invitation.doc
    34.5 KB · Views: 4,615
  • Desserts Invitation.doc
    56 KB · Views: 4,189
  • DR. PHIL Invitation.doc
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  • My Big Fat Greek PC Show Invitation.doc
    87 KB · Views: 3,187
  • Pizza Invite.doc
    19 KB · Views: 3,657
  • Thread starter
  • #2
MoreHere's more-


  • Potato Show Invitation.doc
    83.5 KB · Views: 2,909
  • Sip&Dip Mardi Invitation.doc
    64.5 KB · Views: 2,643
  • Sip-Dip-Party Invitation.doc
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  • Taste of Italy Invitation.doc
    37 KB · Views: 2,674
  • You are invited to a Luau.doc
    19 KB · Views: 2,569
  • Thread starter
  • #3
MoreMore for now. There will be lots more coming soon-


  • Christmas In July Invitation.doc
    19 KB · Views: 2,885
  • PamperYouThemeshowdirections.doc
    26 KB · Views: 3,555
  • choco theme outline.doc
    32 KB · Views: 2,765
  • Copy (2) of Copy of chocolate facts.doc
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  • Copy (2) of Copy of Pancake Mimosa Theme Party.doc
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sOhSherri said:
No I do not have Microsoft Office installed on my computer. I have PC Suite and Adobe. Either one or the other usually (until now) allows me to open attachments with out a problem.

The documents can only be opened by microsoft office. Download and install this: http://download.openoffice.org/1.1.4/contribute.html?continue=http%3A//www.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/openoffice/stable/1.1.4/OOo_1.1.4_Win32Intel_install.zip

and click download
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Theme ShowsSome more ideas-


  • Copy (3) of Copy of Beach Party.doc
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  • Copy (3) of Copy of hot tub.doc
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  • Copy (4) of elegant and easy.doc
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  • Copy (5) of Couples Night Out.doc
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  • Copy of TEAPARTY.doc
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  • Thread starter
  • #6
MoreSome more ideas-


  • s Amore2.doc
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  • Copy of Whats brewing.doc
    46.5 KB · Views: 2,237
  • GiftsToGoThemeShow.doc
    21 KB · Views: 3,501
Microsoft OfficeThank you, thank you, thank you...It works!!


Greg Bernhardt said:
The documents can only be opened by microsoft office. Download and install this: http://download.openoffice.org/1.1.4/contribute.html?continue=http%3A//www.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/openoffice/stable/1.1.4/OOo_1.1.4_Win32Intel_install.zip

and click download
InspirationYou all have given me inspiration, thank you, this will def boost not only my sales, but my ego! :)
Thank YouThis is my starter month and I just want to say thank you for all the wonderful ideas. My husband is Navy I we have transferred to a small town in NV and I know nobody. Thank you!!! :)
  • #10
Thank YouThis is my starter month and I wanted to thank you for the wonderful information and ideas!!!!
  • #11
Simple Additions ShowI LOVE our Simple Additions line and thought it would be fun to do an "Entertaining" Theme show just using that stuff. We can do one easy mini muffin pan appetizer or dessert and then use store bought cookies and desserts to make a beautiful display. Here is a flyer I made up. Does anyone have any ideas to add to this?


  • Simple Additions Entertaining Show.doc
    675 KB · Views: 2,894
Last edited:
  • #12
Thanks!Thank you for those wonderful flyers. This is my first month and I have been off to a great start so far. I thank this website for some of my success!

I was wondering, does anyone have a flyer for an ice cream social?

Mandi :)
  • #13
Ice Cream Social Flier....change info.


  • IceCreamSocial.doc
    62 KB · Views: 2,812
  • #14
Word InvitationsDoes everyone just print out invitations for their hosts to use rather than using the PC postcard invitations?
  • #15
Ice Cream Social FlyerGinger,

I love the flyer... but shouldn't the summer products be listed as June 1st - August 31st?

Just double-checking!
  • #16
My guess is maybe that this flyer wasn't for this year? Right, Ginger?

  • #18
Stephanie S said:
Does everyone just print out invitations for their hosts to use rather than using the PC postcard invitations?
I do not. I have several fyers with specialty shows on them to spark ideas but we use the regular postcards. I ALWAYS add a sticker with my name and contact info onto the postcard and for specialty shows I add a line telling them the theme.

I would rather give an extra door prize or host incentive than spend the time and money to print out special invitations (ink, paper, higher postage...) and I don't want to give the host the "work" of making the copies herself. I host coach that they don't have to "do" anything except invite friends, remind them, collect outside orders and shop for the ingredients.
  • #19
DebPC said:
More for now. There will be lots more coming soon-

Deb --- thank you so much to starting this site! Another consultant told me about it last week, and I'm hooked!!! Your information just rocks, and it makes me proud to be part of a group that wants nothing more than to help others become successful.

Thank you! Thank you!!

Jill Wright
Director, Benicia, CA
[email protected]
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Thanks Jill. Actually my husband had the idea, my son did and does all the technical stuff, and I promoted Chef Success and got everything going the first year. Now I mainly monitor and chime in when I can.
The true stars of Chef Success are all our members who share their great ideas and help others everyday!
  • #21
ThanksI would like to also say thanks. I was told about this site at conference by someone in our cluster that lives in a diffferent state. I have gotten so many great ideas. I enjoy reading the advise from people that have been in the business longer than I have. So thank you again and thank you to everybody who shares so willingly.

Tammy Eubanks
  • #22
Here's a few I createdI've created a few and thought that I would add them, too!


  • Fall Apple Show.doc
    145.5 KB · Views: 1,571
  • Proud to be an AMERICAN Show.doc
    238 KB · Views: 1,474
  • Under the Tuscan Sun Show.doc
    45 KB · Views: 1,385
  • My Big Fat Greek Show.doc
    28 KB · Views: 1,011
  • #23
Many ThanksAs someone who is taking a "temporary exile" year off from my dream job of teaching to be home until my son is old enough to go to daycare, I have to tell you that's it's been really inspiring to read all of these ideas. I decided to give PC a try because I love cooking, love teaching...thought it might be a good fit. The them show idea is incredibly exciting to me...and you've all given such wonderful information to get started. THANK YOU!

  • #24
Thank You So MuchDZmom,
  • #25
Stephanie S said:
Does everyone just print out invitations for their hosts to use rather than using the PC postcard invitations?
I use the PC invitations but print an address label that includes time/date where info. It also includes the monthly special. It takes me just a couple min to print out the labels and the host just has to either hand out or address cards for mailing. I do this in Print Shop,but I think you could create it in office label section also. And I always put my label on the bottom.
Central FL
  • #26
DebPC said:
The following is a compilation of theme show invites and flyers.Thanks for sharing Kim!

What are you charging for these classes?
  • #27
Thank youDoes anyone have anything for a Superbowl Show?

  • #28
Here are a few I have gotten from this site. Of course I can't take credit for them.


  • superbowlsnacks.doc
    62.5 KB · Views: 1,205
  • superbowlmysteryhostphonein.doc
    28.5 KB · Views: 1,083
  • super bowl.doc
    93 KB · Views: 1,266
  • #29
janel kelly said:
Here are a few I have gotten from this site. Of course I can't take credit for them.

Does anyone know when theSuper Bowl will be this year? When do you think we'll find out the March specials?

Thanks ladies ~ I love these flyers and invite ideas!
  • #30
All these ideas are just awesome... I can't wait to try them out! I love the idea of making homemade facial scrub and mask... :)
  • #31
its_me_susan said:
Does anyone know when theSuper Bowl will be this year? When do you think we'll find out the March specials?

Thanks ladies ~ I love these flyers and invite ideas!

I believe the Superbowl is Feb 5
  • #32
trishpchef said:
I use the PC invitations but print an address label that includes time/date where info. It also includes the monthly special. It takes me just a couple min to print out the labels and the host just has to either hand out or address cards for mailing. I do this in Print Shop,but I think you could create it in office label section also. And I always put my label on the bottom.
Central FL

I work with Print Shop also. Do you mind sending me your labels so I can see what they look like and if you dont mind, if I like them, do you mind if I change the info on them to duplicate what you have done? Thanks in advance.

Tracey Powell
[email protected]
Highland, CA
  • #33
its_me_susan said:
Does anyone know when theSuper Bowl will be this year? When do you think we'll find out the March specials?

Thanks ladies ~ I love these flyers and invite ideas!

Super Bowl XL will be played in Detroit, Michigan on Feb. 5, 2006 at Ford Field

  • #34
Yah Theme's!Thank you all for the great Theme flyers! Can someone please explain to me the Mystery Host Idea? This is my 3rd month and I've heard this alot, but don't quite know what my customers are buying into, or what my part is in this? Happy New Year!
[email protected]
  • #35
Theme Show IdeasI love this thread! I wanted to share a couple of my favorite themes...

I think I've attached the files I use for my Despereate Housewives Theme. If they don't come through, would someone please email me privately and let me know how to do attachments on here? ([email protected])

But if they have come through, I wanted to also send along my personal show outline and the recipes I use for this show (so I don't get a bunch of emails asking for them...lol!!)

Here’s the menu I’m using for my DH show:
Killer Kahlua Cake
1 box chocolate cake mix
4 eggs
3/4 cup oil
1 cup milk chocolate chips
1 3.9 oz instant chocolate pudding
1/3 cup Kahlua
1 pint sour cream

Mix all, pour in well-greased Fluted Pan. Microwave 14-18 minutes. (The time depends alot on the microwave...have someone keep an eye on it. Also, if the microwave doesn't have a turntable, someone should give it a 1/4 turn every 3 minutes) Invert on serving platter, remove pan after 10 minutes. Cool completely. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or serve with warmed chocolate icing on the side..

Apricot-Almond Baked Brie
1/4 c. diced apricots
1/4 chopped almonds
1 T fresh parsley
2 T apricot preserves
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 pkg refrig. crescent rolls
1 4 in. round Brie (or 8 oz. cream cheese)
1 egg, beaten
1. Preheat oven to 350. Mix 1st five ingredients together in SS Mixing Bowl.
2. Unroll crescent dough onto lightly floured cutting board. Separate into 2 squares, pressing seams to seal. Place Brie on one square of dough; set aside remaining square of dough. Trim corners from first dough square, leaving about a 1 inch border around cheese. Scoop apricot mixture evenly on top of cheese.
2. Using Creative Cutters, cut one shape from each corner and middle of remaining square of dough; set shapes aside. Trim corners of dough. Place dough over cheese, pinching seams, if necessary. Fold and crimp edges of dough to seal. Transfer Cheese to Mini-Baker. Brush egg over entire surface of dough. Place cut-out shapes over dough; brush with egg. Bake 30-35 minutes or until crust is deep golden brown. Remove from oven; let stand 15 minutes. Serve with apple or pear wedges, if desired.
(Variation: For Jalapeno Baked Brie, omit mustard. Substitute diced bell pepper for apricots, chopped pecans for almonds, jalapeno jelly for apricot preserves. Proceed as recipe directs.)

Basic Show Outline

I’ll prepare the Brie ahead of time at home, and then bake it as soon as I arrive at the host’s home. As the guests get settled, I’ll give them each the DH quiz to take…the one with the most correct will get a prize from my (NEW Medium Bowl Woven Selections) prize basket.

I have printed out some of the trivia tidbits on notecards…everyone will get one with their catalog. Whenever I have a moment throughout the show, I’ll call on someone to read from her card. I’ll toss a candy to people once they’ve read.

I’ll serve the Brie right away with crackers on the SA Rect Platter with matching WS Basket. As they are sampling, I’ll walk them through the products I used to make it.

Then I’ll mix up the cake in my SS Mixing Bowl, with ingredients all ready to go in my Prep Bowls, and put it in to bake. During this time I can talk up the new products and upcoming specials. I’ll serve the cake on a SA Medium Square and I’ll warm a jar of chocolate topping to serve on the side in one of the new striped SA Small Bowls.

I have a personality quiz with a few questions so that quests can see which character from the show they are most like. I’ll do this aloud toward the beginning of the show and pass out little labels for everyone to wear that say “who” they are: “I’m a Bree”, “I’m a Susan”, etc… I thought that might be a fun way to call on people throughout the show!

(If I'm doing attachments right, I also have a really fun Amazing Race/Survivor Theme Show that I'll send out, too.)

Andrea in NY


    59 KB · Views: 1,114
  • DH Quiz--Who Are You.doc
    27 KB · Views: 920
  • Desperate Housewives Quiz #2.doc
    168.5 KB · Views: 955
  • Desperate Housewives Name Stickers.doc
    241 KB · Views: 996
  • Desperate Housewives Menu Choices.doc
    20 KB · Views: 1,124
  • #36
Theme Show IdeasSince I apparently DID figure out how to send attachments (duh!) I'm attaching some files for my Amazing Race/Survivor Show.

This is really all the same show, but you can call it either Survivor or The Amazing Race, depending on what your host prefers. When I do the Survivor Show, I make an Immunity Necklace out of creative cutters and ribbon and I make a point of having the host wear it and tell everyone that she is immune from paying full price for a year, etc. I also ask all of the guests at the beginning to tell what their one luxury PC item would be if they could only have one. And when I break the guests into 2 groups to make the recipes I give them "tribal" names like, the "Chocolate Tribe", and the "Double Chocolate Tribe", or something like that, according to which recipe each team will be making. (It will make sense once you read the 2nd attachment...)

Andrea in NY


  • AMAZING RACE invite with graphic.doc
    31.5 KB · Views: 1,307
  • s.doc
    26 KB · Views: 1,054
  • Amazing Race Recipe Steps.doc
    27 KB · Views: 1,321
  • #37
chefkeri said:
Thank you all for the great Theme flyers! Can someone please explain to me the Mystery Host Idea? This is my 3rd month and I've heard this alot, but don't quite know what my customers are buying into, or what my part is in this? Happy New Year!
[email protected]

There are a few ways I've heard of. Basically you put together a show and instead of having a set host, you put everyone's name in a bowl and draw for the winner--who will be the host and get all the benefits. You could do one winner gets everything, or you could split it up between multiple winners. Here is the one that I put in my folders... my director passed it on to me and she swears by it--says she gets a massive amount of her orders doing shows like this. This is a catalog show flyer, but it doesn't have to be just for catalog shows. And if you get a show that's less than $1000, just split up the benefits between less people (b/c of less half-price products, etc.). Good luck :)
  • #38
Dr. Phil Flyer!Thanks Deb for the Dr. Phil Flyer idea! I love it! I am going to bring it up at my show tonight and see what kind of response it gets! Thanks again.

Nicole Stoker
:) :) :) :D
  • #39
Wonderful ideas!I think it's absolutely wonderful that you are sharing these ideas with us! It's my super starter month and these ideas make me excited about offering some of these ideas to my hosts. Thanks tons! :D
  • #40
saradest said:
I LOVE our Simple Additions line and thought it would be fun to do an "Entertaining" Theme show just using that stuff. We can do one easy mini muffin pan appetizer or dessert and then use store bought cookies and desserts to make a beautiful display. Here is a flyer I made up. Does anyone have any ideas to add to this?

Sara I love it! Can you update it with the newstands? Maybe showing some of the uses and set ups. Fun!
  • #41
Thank youThanks for all the Theme Show info. I really appreciate. It will add some fresh ideas for my parties.
  • #42
I must say if you haven't done an Amazing Race show you need to try to do one soon. Especially if you are in experiencing a slump in your business. A director in my cluster started doing the Amazing Race shows and always has a full calendar. I did my first show this month and got two cooking shows as well as two catalog shows. There were only 4 people at the show!!!

New consultants can do this because I used the new Mini Caprese and Strawberry Amaretto Pastries which use super starter items. If you have the spring products you may want to take the balloon whisk and encourage the host to buy whipping cream.

All I can say is it will be very hard for me to go back to doing regula demos.

  • #43
cookingtbenee said:
I must say if you haven't done an Amazing Race show you need to try to do one soon.


I agree. I did my first amazing race show yesterday and it was a blast. I got two bookings for other race shows next month. And it was super easy. The guests end up doing all the work. My presentation and the two recipes were completed in an hour max. Everyone had alot of fun. Just don't forget the first step of having everyone wash their hands before they start. :D
  • #44
Amazing Race ShowI will be hosting my first AR show next month - I can't wait!! Any other suggestions other than washing hands first? The host has done three other shows for me so I am looking forward to a new kind of show for her!!

Thanks for EVERYONE'S input on this thread! Deb thank you for putting all of the theme show info together - I think there was another thread where everyone kept requesting info with out reading the entire thread and it turned out the gal couldn't even send the info any more!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

  • #45
Survivor helpOk, I am having my very first show on Wed. and could use a little more input from all of you. I love to cook but am not very creative. I have only attended "regular" shows myself. The host wants a different show - something like Survivor. I had thought that I could divide the group up into 2 teams and have one group make apple cranberry twist and another pepperoni pizza twist. Now I need help with more details as to how to pull this off and how to talk about the products at the same time. Like how to they get the tools they need keeping in mind I have mainly SS products. Do I give them the whole recipe up front? etc. Feel free to respond to this message or email me or I would love to talk to a real person (I have unlimited long distance) so you could send me your phone number. I really want this to be a good kickoff party in the hopes of filling my April calendar (SS month 1).
  • #46
Cards do the trick...Wendy, it's easier if you put steps on laminated postcards. Including detours etc. Remember the SB has SS recipes. Use the SS recipes to do your show. If you have seasoned PC guests you can rest assure they will find the product they need. I set up the show placing the ingredients on the tables and mix matching the products needed. This created a detour for the teams. I hope this is helpful information.:eek:
  • #47
How do you create the detours? Can you list a few examples? Also, there is another "stopper" during the Amazing Race is it a pit stop? What do you do for those? I watch the show, but am having a hard time transfering the idea to PC. Thanks.
  • #48
Wendyss.. here's an example of what you could write on your recipe cards you are giving to your guests at the show. I do not email the recipe to the Host, I simply provide a list of ingredients for the Host to purchase.
Using SMOOTH EDGE CAN OPENER, open can of chicken & water chestnuts. Place chicken in SMALL COLANDER BOWL to strain completely and add to CLASSIC BATTER BOWL. Use the same colander & strain water chestnuts & add to PREP BOWL, set aside.

DETOUR-Tell EVERYONE “ this batter bowl is the work horse in the kitchen, it can even go in the OVEN!”

Does this make sense to you?
  • #49
Stephanie, I use the postcard invitations and a Word mail merge document to print my Hosts invitations. I have been doing this for 18 months now and have not had a single cancellation. I feel that it is my job to make sure my Hosts show is a success and the only way to do that is to get the people there...so, rather than get back a pack of 30 invites, knowing she only sent out 10, I do it myself-takes 5 minutes tops and write off the postage as a deduction! I have to give credit to the mail merge deal to my computer guru hubby-could never do half of this without him!
  • #50
What's the mail merge thing?

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