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The Young and the Restless: Today's Must-See Episode

In summary, the title of the post is "In summary, Y&R fans are excited for today's episode." Nikki's death is mentioned, and it seems that David may be involved. There are many potential outcomes to the episode, and it is unclear which one will happen.
  • #51
Oouhh, ouhhh, it's monday! I can't wait to see the episode in 30 minutes! :) Let's talk aferwards!!!
  • #52
I have watched it but how long before everyone else watches it?
  • #53
DessertDivaFL said:
"Did anyone notice how old Summer suddenly is? That drives me crazy. I mean, she was just in diapers, sucking on a pacifier & now she's 4!"

I totally forgot about that too! Yes, Summer is 3 or 4 and didn't look like she wanted to be there on set. It is hard to find a child that will just sit there and pretend they belong to a family that isn't theirs.

And Summer the baby was so cute and precious. I do not like it when they age 4 years in a day!
  • #54
Jeannie Inskeep said:
yes...watching it now. question...any idea why Chillzanes are being discontinued??

At our last cluster meeting, our director told us the HO would have to increase the price per item by $15-20, thus making it cost prohibitive for our customers.
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  • #55
OK folks, I know you want to talk about today's episode and so do I. Who wants to start?
  • #56

I just wanted to cry for Victor but then I new I would even though I am mad at him for the way he is treating Nick and Victoria.

I could care less if Amber and Daniel get back together. I would prefer for them BOTH to move to LA.

I thought when they first showed David they were going to keep him alive for some reason.

I was glad that at least for today JT and Victoria were fine. I love them together!

After today, I am thinking that Paul and Nikki will get together too. Although of course her and Victor will make their way back to each other at some point.

I think that Sabrina is gIt is sad the she lost the baby, but I figured that would happen.
  • #57
jrstephens said:

I just wanted to cry for Victor but then I new I would even though I am mad at him for the way he is treating Nick and Victoria.

I could care less if Amber and Daniel get back together. I would prefer for them BOTH to move to LA.

I thought when they first showed David they were going to keep him alive for some reason.

I was glad that at least for today JT and Victoria were fine. I love them together!

After today, I am thinking that Paul and Nikki will get together too. Although of course her and Victor will make their way back to each other at some point.

I think that Sabrina is gIt is sad the she lost the baby, but I figured that would happen.

I think there is a story line for Paul and Nik too! Even though Vic and her will eventually find their way back to eachother most likely. Like those flashbacks he had when he thougt it was Nikki in the limo. :rolleyes:

Do you think Sabrina will miraculously pull through after the dialisis?

Glad David is GONE!

Could care less about Amber and Daniel.

Now I think JT and Victoria are cute (knowing they are DH and DW in reality). ;)

I can't belive Victor is being So Harsh with his kids!:eek:

Until tomorrow I guess:p!
  • #58
heat123 said:
Do you think Sabrina will miraculously pull through after the dialisis?

Yep, I think to. Either that or a Dr. that Victor flies in will save her some how. I just do not think her storyline is over b/c I think she is going to take all that art and run with it after she has pulled the wool of Victor's eyes for a while more. I think they whole family will make up, she will be the one who gets them to do that and then POOF off she goes with her riches!

I will be watching it tomorrow night since I will be at work, so, I will discuss late tomorrow night. I wish I had a TV at work! HA! OR u could watch it "live" online!
  • #59
My soap digest says that David and Sabrina have been fired from the show. It should make for some good award nominations for Victor as she is dying. You don't see him break down often.
  • Thread starter
  • #60
I have a feeling Sabrina won't make it into next week. I didn't see her actress profile on the Y&R website anymore. (a hint?)

I would like to see Paul and Nikki date but, as you all stated, Nikki and Victor will find their way back and the Newman's will be happy again...for about a month! LOL

Tired of Amber and Daniel. Move to LA!

Has anyone noticed that Nikki has gained a little weight? I wonder if she's on Prednesone (sp?) or something?
  • #61
DessertDivaFL said:
I have a feeling Sabrina won't make it into next week. I didn't see her actress profile on the Y&R website anymore. (a hint?)

I would like to see Paul and Nikki date but, as you all stated, Nikki and Victor will find their way back and the Newman's will be happy again...for about a month! LOL

Tired of Amber and Daniel. Move to LA!

Has anyone noticed that Nikki has gained a little weight? I wonder if she's on Prednesone (sp?) or something?

I noticed that too with those flashbacks they had today. Could it be menopause?
  • Thread starter
  • #62
heat123 said:
I noticed that too with those flashbacks they had today. Could it be menopause?

Do menoposal women puff up? I am near menopause age so I am a bit freaked out! :yuck::cry::eek:
  • #63
DessertDivaFL said:
Do menoposal women puff up? I am near menopause age so I am a bit freaked out! :yuck::cry::eek:

I have no idea really, I was just guessing, since she is around that age???
  • #64
How sad for Victor and the previews to come :(.
  • #65
Oh I have finished watching todays.

Have I told you all how much I LOATHE Adam!!?!?! I will be SO GLAD when someone knocks him off his high horse and I so hope it gets to be Nick! He is just a smug little prick IMHO!! It would be the happiest viewer ever if they found out he was behind all this mob stuff and Sabrina's accident!! I do think he is there to bring the Newmans down some how.

I think David killed Skye after he lost all that money to her.

I think the mob is going to either be after Brad too eventually with all of his past or either he is going to be the mob.

I do not really care if Sabrina makes it as far as her character goes but I hope she lives so Victor and Victoria do not have to go through the loss. I still think she will make it. I just do not think her character has been on the show long enough to have served her purpose.

I was glad that Victoria said today that she was not mad at JT for not telling her since she did not tell either.

Jack is slime and so is Sharon. I think they will publish those pics eventually. I go through phases of liking and disliking Jack and right now it is disliking.

I do love it when Y&R is this good though and with a lot going on and getting solved. For a while there was so much unanswered and hanging in the wings. They still need to come out with who sabatoged the plane when Nick went down though. David was in the show then so I wonder if they will connect it to him?
  • #66
Yeah, like I said before something is up with Adam and him coming into town. He's got an agenda some how!?!

I think David got rid of Skye to for taking his money!

I didn't use to mind Jack so much but now I think he's a dirtbag! He probably will publish them when Victor gets done trying to bring the magazine down! lol

I have been an on and off fan for years. ( I go back and forth between Y&R, GH, and Days. ) So I totally missed the whole Cassie dying and Nick being in his plane crash chain of events. But lately it's been really good!
  • #67
OMG, Chloe is psycho, (how the heck is she going to finaggle with the DNA tests)!?? She is a joke!
Wonder where Victor is off to?
Adam bugs, his arrogance, presumptions etc towards Neil and Nick!
Anyone else care to share on the recent days of Y & R!?!
  • #68
I think Victor has gone after the Mob or either to the Vila he bought Sabrina.

I wanted Nick to beat the mess out of Adam not just a little scuffle where he didn't even hit him! I CANNOT STAND Adam!

I agree that Chloe is PHSYCHO! I wish they would let it end with the test, but we know that is not going to happen. Phyllis faked a DNA test years ago so I am sure they will find a way for Chloe to do it. I think she will wait at the house for the package and will alter the paperwork.

I think Nikki will fall off the wagon eventually.

I hope Nick does get into it with Jack like the previews for tomorrow makes u believe. I am sick of JAck. I wish Nick would just let him and Sharon buy them out before one of them has an affair with each other and break Nick and Phyllis up! HA! I LOVE them together!
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  • #69
I am glad you guys are still commenting on what's been happening. It looked like Victor got on a migrant worker bus. It does make you wonder what he is doing. Very mysterious.

Adam needs a good "Pow, right in the kisser"! He is obsessed with power like Victor. Adam didn't seem all that devastated when they found Skye. I wonder if that really was her or if it was a cover up for something else. I seem to remember a few episodes with Adam on the phone making comments to an unknown person. Hmm?

Chloe's character is the most annoying right now. Ugh! I am sure the DNA will get tampered with some how. Isn't that the classic soap opera senario? When Jana spilled the beans to Neil I thought Neil was going to have a coronary!

Nikki may fall off the wagon but I hope not. My fiance has been clean and sober for 8 years so I hope they show her struggle with alcohol in a way that isn't just for entertainment but is a real life problem for many. Do you think she and Paul will hook up?

So is Amber and Professor Korbel off the show? I wonder.

With Nikki leaving Jabot and Victoria to follow suit, do you think they will align with Nick and Phyllis and form their own company?
  • #70
DessertDivaFL said:
I am glad you guys are still commenting on what's been happening. It looked like Victor got on a migrant worker bus. It does make you wonder what he is doing. Very mysterious.

Adam needs a good "Pow, right in the kisser"! He is obsessed with power like Victor. Adam didn't seem all that devastated when they found Skye. I wonder if that really was her or if it was a cover up for something else. I seem to remember a few episodes with Adam on the phone making comments to an unknown person. Hmm?

Chloe's character is the most annoying right now. Ugh! I am sure the DNA will get tampered with some how. Isn't that the classic soap opera senario? When Jana spilled the beans to Neil I thought Neil was going to have a coronary!

Nikki may fall off the wagon but I hope not. My fiance has been clean and sober for 8 years so I hope they show her struggle with alcohol in a way that isn't just for entertainment but is a real life problem for many. Do you think she and Paul will hook up?

So is Amber and Professor Korbel off the show? I wonder.

With Nikki leaving Jabot and Victoria to follow suit, do you think they will align with Nick and Phyllis and form their own company?

Hmm, now that's an idea the Newman's coming together to create a new Company!;) Giving Jack an OFFER he Cannot refuse:confused: (Since he did talk about missing Jabot and being in charge)?

Yeah, just get Chloe off the show, she soo annoys! I'd hate if she was able to break Lilly and Cane up!:(
  • #71
heat123 said:
Hmm, now that's an idea the Newman's coming together to create a new Company!;) Giving Jack an OFFER he Cannot refuse:confused: (Since he did talk about missing Jabot and being in charge)?

I think they would end up letting JAck by them out and do something on their own as mad as Nick is at Jack. Maybe like start their own magazine to run him out of business. I would love that!

This is what I want to happen while Victor is away: While Adam is "taking charge of the whole company" I wish somebody would do a take over and he would loose it and when Victor gets back he have lost his company and him throw him out on his butt in typical Victor form!!! I would love it as much as Victor hates Jack for it to be Jack (although I would hate for Jack to get to gloat) but that would make it worse on Adam. At first I thought Brad, but I think he will be taking over Jabot.

I would love to be a guest on the show where I could slap Adam!

I think Sky is dead but I am not sure David killed her. He has always covered his tracks and putting her in the stable with Nikki's horse is not covering his tracks at all. I think Brad did it.
  • Thread starter
  • #72
jrstephens said:
I would love to be a guest on the show where I could slap Adam!

I think Sky is dead but I am not sure David killed her. He has always covered his tracks and putting her in the stable with Nikki's horse is not covering his tracks at all. I think Brad did it.

I want to take the picture of you slapping Adam! LOL

That is a very interesting senario about Skye and Brad. Didn't Brad kill those two guys that were after him because his name isn't really Brad Carlton because his mom hid art from the Natzi's or something like that. Brad is capable or murder, but did he kill Skye? Hmm....

No one mentioned the whole Michael looking for his father storyline. Where do you think this is going? I can't figure this one out.
  • #73
Monday 8-11-08 Recap!

OMG, how the heck did the results NOT exclude Cane! :( I cannot stand this and Chloe!
~WTH is Adam thinkin! :/
~What RX meds is Victor taking or planning on taking??
  • #74
I love Y&R.. I watch in on SoapNet! I am SOOO excited to see what happens @ 7:00.. I'm not peeking, I wanna find out by watching!! YAH!
  • Thread starter
  • #75
I have to comment on today's episode. WHAT???? The DNA test says they can't rule out Cane as the father? Give me a break! The writers are crazy. Chloe was clearly pregnany days BEFORE her and Cane got in the SUV which they didn't do anything anyway. This is more annoying for us than anything.

Adam is a self-centered, self-serving little twirp! I loved it when Victoria slapped him. You go girl! Nick is next but his reaction will be more manly! I think Nikki, Nick and Victoria will team up against Adam to regain Newman Enterprises. What do you think Nikki will do when she finds out that Brad knew about David's gambling problem all along?

Victor is in a spanish speaking community with a cute little girl that buys him an Rx. And he throws roses in the water. They could be more creative, couldn't they? They showed the name of the medicine but I am not familiar with anti-seisure medicine names. Not sure where the writers are going with this one. So many questions, so little answers.
  • #76
DessertDivaFL said:
I have to comment on today's episode. WHAT???? The DNA test says they can't rule out Cane as the father? Give me a break! The writers are crazy. Chloe was clearly pregnany days BEFORE her and Cane got in the SUV which they didn't do anything anyway. This is more annoying for us than anything.

Adam is a self-centered, self-serving little twirp! I loved it when Victoria slapped him. You go girl! Nick is next but his reaction will be more manly! I think Nikki, Nick and Victoria will team up against Adam to regain Newman Enterprises. What do you think Nikki will do when she finds out that Brad knew about David's gambling problem all along?

Victor is in a spanish speaking community with a cute little girl that buys him an Rx. And he throws roses in the water. They could be more creative, couldn't they? They showed the name of the medicine but I am not familiar with anti-seisure medicine names. Not sure where the writers are going with this one. So many questions, so little answers.

"So many questions, so little answers."

I know the suspense is killing me!:p
  • #77
I know the last post is 2 days old, but I had to comment on yesterday's episode? Chloe can NOT be pregnant w/ Cain's baby.. When they read the DNA results they said Cain was 'not excluded' from being the baby's father. It doesn't say he is 100% the father. I will be so disappointed in the writers if they keep dragging this on as Cain's baby. I love him & Lilly!!!

I know what Lilly was getting at, but Cain & Chloe getting married.... WEIRD!

Oh, and "on the next y&r".. Noah coming back so much older.. soo funny!
  • #78
I wish they'd just give it up that Cane's is the daddy. I love him & Lilly together.

I showed DH the clip with Noah coming back... He said, Who is that? I said that's Noah, he was away at summer camp. He said, What kind of summer camp was that? No wonder Nick didn't recognize him! LOL
  • #79
WLMcCoy said:
I know the last post is 2 days old, but I had to comment on yesterday's episode? Chloe can NOT be pregnant w/ Cain's baby.. When they read the DNA results they said Cain was 'not excluded' from being the baby's father. It doesn't say he is 100% the father. I will be so disappointed in the writers if they keep dragging this on as Cain's baby. I love him & Lilly!!!

I know what Lilly was getting at, but Cain & Chloe getting married.... WEIRD!

Oh, and "on the next y&r".. Noah coming back so much older.. soo funny!

Such a joke about Cane being daddy!:grumpy: And PULLLEEASE him marry psycho woman, yeah right!:yuck:

Yeah, don't you just love when kids go away for a vacation and suddenly go from kids to teens! lol :p
  • Thread starter
  • #80
Noah, have you been drinking the lake water at camp??? LOL I guess little Abby will be the next one to become a teenager.

I think it would be so funny if Chloe has her baby and it comes out with dark skin. Cane will be like, that is not my kid. It looks like Devon's! But I am just being silly.

So Jack may team up with Jeff and Gloria to push out the Chancellors. That would be interesting.

So all of a sudden Tracy shows up. Do you think she is temporary or are they writing her back in the storyline with Brad?

Daniel and Colleen are on a date. They make a cute couple. Better than him and Amber.

Phyllis and Sharon - I see a good cat fight in the future!

The big question is "Who is Victor meeting on the beach?"
  • #81
DessertDivaFL said:
Noah, have you been drinking the lake water at camp??? LOL I guess little Abby will be the next one to become a teenager.

I think it would be so funny if Chloe has her baby and it comes out with dark skin. Cane will be like, that is not my kid. It looks like Devon's! But I am just being silly.

So Jack may team up with Jeff and Gloria to push out the Chancellors. That would be interesting.

So all of a sudden Tracy shows up. Do you think she is temporary or are they writing her back in the storyline with Brad?

Daniel and Colleen are on a date. They make a cute couple. Better than him and Amber.

Phyllis and Sharon - I see a good cat fight in the future!

The big question is "Who is Victor meeting on the beach?"

That would be a riot if the baby were a dark skin child (cause you know it's the booty call guy) That Chloe was on the phone with saying no more calls from her to get some. But oh no, Cane actually thinking of marrying her, that kills me!:grumpy:

I knew somethign was going to happen with Jack and Jabot (when he was fantasizing at Nikki's dest) that one time.

Danielle and Colleen would kinda make a cute couple! I hated Adrian with her!

Could it be someone to hunt down the mobsters that were tied to David???
  • #82
Me and my mom think he is meeting Sabrina and she is not dead since they did now show her being put in the ground.

I liked the old Noah too. I saw the clip for today and thought "first Summer now Noah boy they are growing their kids up fast!" I guess now they will bring a young girl in for Noah to date.

I would love for something drastic to happen with Chloe before they go through the crazy storyline of her marrying Cane and then him divorcing her b/c ONCE AGAIN he got marrie dunder false pretenses! I think they should do another DNA test. I am sure Chloe tampered the letter since it did not show her doing the DNA test itself. I CANNOT STAND HER!!!

I wish her and Adam would get whacked by the mob!!!!!!!!!!:D

I haven't watched today's yet since I am at work so I will have to comment on it later.
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  • #83
I will miss today's episode because I have a lunch meeting so you guys will have to keep me up to speed.
  • #84
DessertDivaFL said:
I will miss today's episode because I have a lunch meeting so you guys will have to keep me up to speed.

We'll keep you updated! But if I ever miss an episode I always go to Soap Opera News and Updates at Soaps.com and read the daily updates. It is so detailed and takes you through every scene. It's like you actually watched it!
  • #85
DessertDivaFL said:
I will miss today's episode because I have a lunch meeting so you guys will have to keep me up to speed.

You can also watch them online too. I think they are available either later afternoon or the next day. And the Soap Opera Network plays them at night too for the current day and the whole week on the weekend. Here it airs and 6pm and 11pm. And I think the whole wee is on Saturday.

  • Thread starter
  • #86
WLMcCoy said:
We'll keep you updated! But if I ever miss an episode I always go to Soap Opera News and Updates at Soaps.com and read the daily updates. It is so detailed and takes you through every scene. It's like you actually watched it!

I didn't know about this website. Thanks! I was able to get the scoop on today's episode. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #87
Friday's episode - Good grief! Cane gave an engagement ring to Chloe. Gag! Y&R fans have posted on the CBS site how upset they are about this storyline. I hope they fix this next week. Enough about Chloe - move her out of town.

Victoria is back in charge at Newman Enterprises. Yeah! Stick it to Adam girl!

So now we know what Victor's up to...or do we? Walter showed up at the bar. Mmm

Isn't the character that is playing Michael's dad, Lowell, the guy from the 80's sitcom with Michael J Fox?

So the girl that Devon is singing with is really his sister. That isn't what we thought Tyra was going to say...right? I still think they will have her make a move on Neil. Where's Karen? Conveniently missing?
  • #89
DessertDivaFL said:
Friday's episode - Good grief! Cane gave an engagement ring to Chloe. Gag! Y&R fans have posted on the CBS site how upset they are about this storyline. I hope they fix this next week. Enough about Chloe - move her out of town.

Victoria is back in charge at Newman Enterprises. Yeah! Stick it to Adam girl!

So now we know what Victor's up to...or do we? Walter showed up at the bar. Mmm

Isn't the character that is playing Michael's dad, Lowell, the guy from the 80's sitcom with Michael J Fox?

So the girl that Devon is singing with is really his sister. That isn't what we thought Tyra was going to say...right? I still think they will have her make a move on Neil. Where's Karen? Conveniently missing?

Yeah, I hope they NIX this whole Chloe-prenancy story!:grumpy: Let her have a miscarriage, cause Cane marrying her is a joke!

Yeay, Vikki back at Newman to Kick Adam to the curb lol!

I knew it... about Victor hunting down all the mafia involved with David!:p

Yes, that is Steven Keaton from family ties... funny him being Lowell, Micheal's dad!?

Yeah, where is Karen???

Can't wait to see how the Jack-Jabot offer plays out??
  • #90
Is there a spoilers website for Y&R? I have one another soap but was wondering if this show had one??
  • Thread starter
  • #91
heat123 said:
Is there a spoilers website for Y&R? I have one another soap but was wondering if this show had one??

I think there is but I don't remember. I will have to research it.
  • #92
Please don't post spoiler here though! HA!

I HATE Chloe!! Today just made me want to throw up!!!!! I hope Jill makes her sign a prenup to prove she isn't in it for the money! I do not like the way soaps change the laws. With the DNA test showing Cane as the father he has a legal claim darn it, you do not have to marry her. I mean, how many people do we know that have not gotten married and the father is still in the picture, HA!

All that with Michael's dad today was just weird too.

I can't wait for it to show Victor again! I figured he was after the mob when he spoke spanish that first time I knew he wasn't at the Villa.

I replayed Victoria slapping Adam several times!
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  • #93
You are funny, Jennifer! I think they should make a music video of "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by Pat Benatar and show Victoria hitting Adam over and over! LOL
  • #94
jrstephens said:
Please don't post spoiler here though! HA!

I HATE Chloe!! Today just made me want to throw up!!!!! I hope Jill makes her sign a prenup to prove she isn't in it for the money! I do not like the way soaps change the laws. With the DNA test showing Cane as the father he has a legal claim darn it, you do not have to marry her. I mean, how many people do we know that have not gotten married and the father is still in the picture, HA!

All that with Michael's dad today was just weird too.

I can't wait for it to show Victor again! I figured he was after the mob when he spoke spanish that first time I knew he wasn't at the Villa.

I replayed Victoria slapping Adam several times!

I can't stand her either!:grumpy::yuck: She BUGS to No End! I hope they change the story line in the end so Cane and Lilly end up together!:(

Only Soapopera land would make it soo difficult for a guy to be with the woman he really loves and just "take care" of his child, not having to marry a girl he actually dispises.:mad:

Other than that, today was kind of a snore... get back to the Victor plot, Victoria at Newman story and finding out what Jack will be up to with Jabot and in kahoots with "Glo" already. heehee:p
  • #95
I do NOT AT ALL believe that Victor is Dead!! I hate that they let Nikki drink but I think we all saw that coming. Please oh please do not let Nick wreck on the way to her or something else happen to him. I cannot go through that agian! HA!:eek::D

I think "Mr. Prick" Adam will of course take over the company once that death certificate is issued and he will ruin Newman and turn it inside out to have Victor come back and throw him out on his little prickish butt!! I would love to to call him really bad names but I am a good girl after all.

I wish Cane would just lock Chloe in a room or do whatever it is he threatened to do to her in the previews for today and marry Lilly! This is ridiculous!

I love that Nick and Phyllis got Jack and Sharon but wish it had of not came at the time that Nick will be dealing with the Victor problem and will not be able to gloat in it.

I also wish that Nick had not of called Sharon at all!! I still worry those two will hook back up and know it will happen eventually.
  • #96
I just remembered the previews for today showed Nick there with Nikki when they issue the death certificate, so, wheeww he gets there safely.:D

I mean come on people, u didn't even look for him 24 hours! I cannot decide if I think he staged it and paid them to do it or if he will jsut "wash up later" like Nick did. Usually Y&R is not too bad on repeating the same plot line. Maybehe paid them to test Mr. Prick out.

Oh by the way, I will not be able to watch today's until I get home from work.
  • #97
I don't think Victor is dead either.. I mean come on, he's VICTOR NEWMAN..

I wish Adam and Chloe would have sailed on the boat that Victor was on.. I can not stand Adam, and I think this Chloe/Cain thing is ruining the show.. We all know it's not his, so why are they dragging this on?

Did I mention I really, really DESPISE Adam??
  • #98
WLMcCoy said:
Did I mention I really, really DESPISE Adam??

Oh we are of the same mind there sister!!! and with Chloe too!
  • #99
jrstephens said:
Oh by the way, I will not be able to watch today's until I get home from work.

We don't get CBS, so I have to wait until 7:00 when it comes on SoapNet.. Then we usually record it on the DVR & watch it at 8:00 so we can fast forward through all the commercials.. haha... I have my fiance addicted to Y&R, too!!
  • #100
WLMcCoy said:
I don't think Victor is dead either.. I mean come on, he's VICTOR NEWMAN..

I wish Adam and Chloe would have sailed on the boat that Victor was on.. I can not stand Adam, and I think this Chloe/Cain thing is ruining the show.. We all know it's not his, so why are they dragging this on?

Did I mention I really, really DESPISE Adam??

I soo totally agree with you on both of these two ridiculous characters! Come ON!!!:yuck::mad:
<H2>1. What time does "The Young and the Restless" air?</H2><p>The show airs weekdays at 12:30 p.m. EST on CBS.</p><H2>2. Will there be any major plot twists in today's episode?</H2><p>We can't give away any spoilers, but there are always unexpected twists and turns in the world of Genoa City.</p><H2>3. How can I watch the episode if I miss it during its original airing?</H2><p>You can catch up on missed episodes on the CBS website or on the CBS app.</p><H2>4. Are there any new characters or guest stars appearing in today's episode?</H2><p>We can't reveal any surprises, but keep an eye out for any familiar faces or new additions to the cast.</p><H2>5. How can I stay updated on all the latest "Young and the Restless" news and updates?</H2><p>Follow the official social media accounts for the show and check out fan sites for the latest news, spoilers, and behind-the-scenes content.</p>

Related to The Young and the Restless: Today's Must-See Episode

1. What time does "The Young and the Restless" air?

The show airs weekdays at 12:30 p.m. EST on CBS.

2. Will there be any major plot twists in today's episode?

We can't give away any spoilers, but there are always unexpected twists and turns in the world of Genoa City.

3. How can I watch the episode if I miss it during its original airing?

You can catch up on missed episodes on the CBS website or on the CBS app.

4. Are there any new characters or guest stars appearing in today's episode?

We can't reveal any surprises, but keep an eye out for any familiar faces or new additions to the cast.

5. How can I stay updated on all the latest "Young and the Restless" news and updates?

Follow the official social media accounts for the show and check out fan sites for the latest news, spoilers, and behind-the-scenes content.

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