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That D@G Gone Pampered Chef Credit Card!!!

In summary, the conversation revolves around frustration with a required change to a VISA card and difficulties with online payments being locked. The speaker is seeking advice on who to complain to and considering switching back to using a debit card. Others in the conversation mention using debit cards and paying through their bank's website, as well as the benefits of the PC credit card.
Gold Member
I cannot tell you how frustrated I am with the VISA card we HAD to change over to this past year!!
I like to pay my bill on-line several times a month so that I pay a show as the money(s) for the show come in. Well, for TWO months now, each time I log onto the website, I am told that my account is locked. I then have to call the 1-800 number and have them unlock it so I can make a payment. What does it take for them to understand that I don't want it locked again!! Kepp it unlocked so that I can sign in and pay the d@mn thing when I want to !:mad:

Does anyone know who I can complain to at HO about this??? I just really think the customer service issues I have had with them reflect poorly on PC.

rant over...going to bed to read my new Jodi Picoult book!
Meg - I didnt change over to the visa card - I still just use my PC debit from my PC account - can't you just change it back to that??
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I don't want to use my debit card because then I have to wait for all payments before submitting the shows...probably not a bad idea, just that I like having the show closed and processed faster. It may, however, some to that!
That's what I was thinking. I know that some people like the flexibility of the credit card, but it's not, strictly speaking, a requirement to submit shows.
Not sure if it works this way for everyone else - BUT - I submit a show say on the 24th - and it takes anywhere from 10 - 14 days before HO takes my funds out - I do make sure I have 99% of payments before submitting, but even then, it seems in the 2 years I have been doing this, they never take the funds right away - which is fair in case of bounced checks etc - I also make a point of doing the deposit ASAP - HTH!!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
hmmmm....gonna have to re-evaluate this now!

Anyone else using their debit card vs. the PC VISA wanna chime in here???
I always use the PC debit. I no longer use credit cards.
Ya seriously - its not just our thread right??? LOL!!!

Quick question - with the visa do you have to pay finance charges??
I use debit only. No credit in my life. Works fine. But I also have a pretty strict policy of not closing a show unless all payment is in my hands. Which means I still have not closed a show that happened on April 25th, but it's not my fault. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #9
PamperedDor said:
Ya seriously - its not just our thread right??? LOL!!!

Quick question - with the visa do you have to pay finance charges??

yep; now I am seriously considering using the debit card! I guess I could stay with the same bank, just close the cc account and change my PC debit card to the current bank account....thinking "out loud" here!
  • #10
I use the PC Credit card. Love it. As long as you pay it off every month you actually MAKE money off it with the % back rewards. As far as the online payment thing, I haven't had a problem with it personally. Sorry you are having issues with it. Hope you can get them to resolve it quickly.
  • #11
Why don't you just pay it on line through your bank? I sign on to my Wacovia account and pay all my bills online. I never log onto each account and pay them.
Just a thought... hope it works out :)
  • #12
Christ Follower said:
I use the PC Credit card. Love it. As long as you pay it off every month you actually MAKE money off it with the % back rewards. As far as the online payment thing, I haven't had a problem with it personally. Sorry you are having issues with it. Hope you can get them to resolve it quickly.
Exactly what I was going to say. I pay mine through my bank website as I do all my bills. I don't have time to go to each company's website to pay them and I'd be afraid I'd forget one. This way it's all on a list and I know who still needs payment.

I am sorry you're having problems with it Meg but I love the card. I especially love getting the extra $$ every so often - it's like extra commission.

I too pay it off each month so I don't have any interest charges either.
  • #13
DebbieJ said:
I use debit only. No credit in my life. Works fine.

But I also have a pretty strict policy of not closing a show unless all payment is in my hands. Which means I still have not closed a show that happened on April 25th, but it's not my fault. :)

EXACTLY what I was going to say. Since we can use the PC debit card, I don't have any reason to get a credit card.
  • #14
I didn't get the PC Visa, either. Last time I had the PC CC, it got me into trouble (and I'm paying off a CC now instead of using my PC $ for "fun"!), so I only use the Debit card. It's fine, and forces me to balance my checkbook regularly. I don't "float" anything, either. I deposit the checks asap the day after the show, then tell the host to have any outside orders that come in after the show to pay her and I'll take her CC or Debit card as payment (just like a catalog show). I never have to worry about waiting for a check in the mail anymore!! I love it! :)
  • #15
I only use the debit card. You didn't have to change over but the Visa company loves that you did! I do not send any show in unless I get all payments. I have checks after the show wrote out to the host and then get 1 cc or debit card payment from them over the phone when we close it. Works really good this way.
  • #16
Meg, I am having the same problem. The seriously need to raise the credit limit on that card. I exclusively use it for shows. I don't use it for anything else. And, by the 10th of the month, I have hit my credit limit!
  • #17
I use the cc since I figured why not get money back. I wanted to set up online pmt with my bank, but they didn't recognize it? I haven't set it up on their site b/c I think I have to contact them or something?
  • #18
I use the debit card only. I can deposit checks to my bank by scanning them in from home. I get them in within 24 hours. Any additional outside orders are now CC or check from the host.

I do wish PC would make the debit card as "PC attractive" as the credit card. I'd love to keep it visible in my wallet so whenever I paid a cashier they would notice it and comment (hopefully).
  • #19
legacypc46 said:
I use the debit card only. I can deposit checks to my bank by scanning them in from home. I get them in within 24 hours. Any additional outside orders are now CC or check from the host.

I do wish PC would make the debit card as "PC attractive" as the credit card. I'd love to keep it visible in my wallet so whenever I paid a cashier they would notice it and comment (hopefully).

How do you scan them at home??
  • #20
It's a service my bank offers. It's all securely transmitted. There are several steps to it, but I've got the routine down pat. (I think it's still relatively new in the banking industry...but I'm not sure.)
  • #21
legacypc46 said:
It's a service my bank offers. It's all securely transmitted. There are several steps to it, but I've got the routine down pat. (I think it's still relatively new in the banking industry...but I'm not sure.)

Hey Kris which Bank is it?

You blew me away w/ that post. That would save me so much time.
  • #22
That's pretty cool but my bank loves me (I bring them food!) and the branch manager just hosted a show for me yesterday too!
  • #23
If you have USAA banking you can do it (scan the checks in). I HATE the visa card and used it only to buy my ticket for NC but paid it off when I got my bill. I only 'profited' 95cents and that was within the first 30 days of the card so its not worth it to me. I use the debit card to close out shows, my personal orders, etc. Its easier.
  • #24
After a bad experience with the previous Visa, I now use only the debit card. I tell people up front that I will not send in the show until I have all of the payments. Once I send in the show I go ahead and subtract it out on my register. That way when I look at my balance I know "what's left" and I don't accidentally spend the show payment.
  • #25
chef debit card
chefmeg said:
hmmmm....gonna have to re-evaluate this now!

Anyone else using their debit card vs. the PC VISA wanna chime in here???
yep, thats how it has worked for me. it takes a while before they debit your account that way you have more time in case a check bounces or a few days to get all the money in.:)
  • #26
jbdowd0798 said:
If you have USAA banking you can do it (scan the checks in).

This be my bank. It's membership is all military affiliated. If you are eligible for membership, I don't hesitate to recommend them.

I've been with them since before I was born (Daddy was AF). It was great having a bank that catered to servicemember-unique challenges when I was serving in the Army and constantly moving (willingly and otherwise). They provide phenomenal insurance support too (I know that because two cars just can't occupy the same molecular space...no matter how hard the other driver tried!)
  • #27
I did not switch over to that credit card---mainly because I dont need another one---and secondly it would force me to spend less with PC (make me use the debit card---and I dont keep much extra in there).

I actually still use the older card for office supplies/photo copies, but it helps keep me in line more that I did not get the CC.

Hope you get somewhere with them.
  • #28
DebbieJ said:
I use debit only. No credit in my life. Works fine.

But I also have a pretty strict policy of not closing a show unless all payment is in my hands. Which means I still have not closed a show that happened on April 25th, but it's not my fault. :)

Debit only on this end. I'm trying to pay off credit cards, not rack up more bills...

Quick Hijack: Question regarding the show on April 25th. Didn't it have to be submitted by May 31st???
  • #29
dianevill said:
Quick Hijack: Question regarding the show on April 25th. Didn't it have to be submitted by May 31st???
No, you actually have til the end of the selling season to submit a show. So this April 25th show would need to be submitted by August 31st.
  • #30
Awesome - I didn't know that at all - always thought it had to be submitted by the end of the next month. Thank you for enlightening me :).
  • #31
I have a show from the end of April that hasn't closed yet either...the most frustrating part is that the host has an outside order that wants to book - and she hasn't gotten me her info yet......:grumpy:
  • #32
legacypc46 said:
It's a service my bank offers. It's all securely transmitted. There are several steps to it, but I've got the routine down pat. (I think it's still relatively new in the banking industry...but I'm not sure.)

I'm betting we have the same bank! LOL!! My other bank..the one that my PC account is linked to..does not do it but there are branches all over town.
  • #33
legacypc46 said:
This be my bank. It's membership is all military affiliated. If you are eligible for membership, I don't hesitate to recommend them.

I've been with them since before I was born (Daddy was AF). It was great having a bank that catered to servicemember-unique challenges when I was serving in the Army and constantly moving (willingly and otherwise). They provide phenomenal insurance support too (I know that because two cars just can't occupy the same molecular space...no matter how hard the other driver tried!)

See above post but we do have the same bank! LOL! I love ...love ...love them! Seriously they have the nest customer service ever..their insurance rocks and of course the whole really banking online thing rocks. They just rock....period.
  • #34
ChefBeckyD said:
I have a show from the end of April that hasn't closed yet either...the most frustrating part is that the host has an outside order that wants to book - and she hasn't gotten me her info yet......:grumpy:

Mine hasn't closed b/c it is taking the host FOREVER to get me payment. She doesn't have a credit card and her debit doesn't have a Visa/MC logo. So she had to send me a check. While she waited to do that, another check bounced. So then while that was cleared up, I finally received her check but then the check from her sister bounced.

This is nuts!!!
  • #35
jbdowd0798 said:
If you have USAA banking you can do it (scan the checks in). I HATE the visa card and used it only to buy my ticket for NC but paid it off when I got my bill. I only 'profited' 95cents and that was within the first 30 days of the card so its not worth it to me. I use the debit card to close out shows, my personal orders, etc. Its easier.
You know - - I have all my insurances thru USAA (cars, homeonwners, life) and have THOUGHT abut banking with them..but there are no branches that I know of...how do you get the cash deposited?
  • #36
DebbieJ said:
Mine hasn't closed b/c it is taking the host FOREVER to get me payment. She doesn't have a credit card and her debit doesn't have a Visa/MC logo. So she had to send me a check. While she waited to do that, another check bounced. So then while that was cleared up, I finally received her check but then the check from her sister bounced.

This is nuts!!!

I'm waiting on payment and outside order forms too. She didn't give me the info over the phone, because she said she would send it all to me.....:grumpy:
  • #37
We have our insurance and cc with USAA but not the banking. We stick to NFCU for banking as I like to walk into a branch to make deposits and what not. But I do agree USAA rocks!!!

Related to That D@G Gone Pampered Chef Credit Card!!!

1. Why do I have to switch over to the Pampered Chef credit card?

The Pampered Chef credit card is offered as a way for customers to earn rewards and benefits specifically for their purchases with Pampered Chef. It also allows us to better track and reward our loyal customers.

2. Why is my account constantly getting locked when I try to make payments online?

We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. Our online payment system is set up with security measures to protect your personal information. If there are multiple attempts to log in with incorrect information, the account may get locked for security purposes. Please contact our customer service team if you continue to experience this issue.

3. Can I make multiple payments on my Pampered Chef credit card?

Yes, you can make multiple payments on your credit card throughout the month. However, it is important to note that making multiple payments may not reduce your overall balance or minimum payment due. Please refer to your credit card statement for more information.

4. Who can I contact to file a complaint about my experience with the Pampered Chef credit card?

We apologize for any negative experiences you may have had with our credit card. Please contact our customer service team at the provided 1-800 number or email address to address your concerns and help find a resolution.

5. Are there any benefits to using the Pampered Chef credit card?

Yes, there are many benefits to using the Pampered Chef credit card. Some of these include earning rewards for every purchase, special offers and discounts, and the ability to manage your account and make payments online. You can also earn double points on all your purchases during your birthday month.

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