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Tammy Stanley Conference Call -- Anyone Doing It?

and what you can do to stop it*The 3 steps to jumpstarting your business in January*How to get your company's biggest customers to book a show for you*How to get more show requests and book more shows*How to get more leads and sell more products*How to get your business moving in the right directionIf you're interested in learning more and registering for the call, you can do so by clicking the link below.If you're not interested in the call, that's okay too!Thanks for considering this, and I hope you will join me for this very important call.Sincerely,Tammy Stanley
I was wondering if anyone is doing the Tammy Stanley -- Jump Start Your Business From a Complete Standstill, on December 30th? Or has anyone one done one before?

I was thinking about trying at, as it seemed affordable. But one question, does anyone know when you call in do you pay for long distance rates (same as home or is it more?)? I'm wondering how much it will actually cost.
Anyone done one with Tammy before? What were your thoughts?
I will not be able to listen in on the call at the time it is offered but was thinking about registering to get the free digital recording that I could download and then listen to later. Just not sure if it is worth it.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Yeah, I am trying to decide if it would be worth it too ---
I could do it at the time (provided my hubby aggrees to watch the little one), just not sure yet...
It shouldn't cost you anymore other than your regular long distance rate. I know we have free unlimited long distance so I wouldn't pay for anything other than the fee for her call.
$27 is WAY WORTH IT. That is just a small investment to get some ideas from Tammy whom has completely changed the way a lot of us consultants run our business (for the better). Just register by Sunday and you'll get emailed a link to download the call..which can then be uploaded to your MP3 player.

Do you have a cell phone? Most plans offer free long distance, all day/every day.

You will not be sorry for dropping $27 for a call that will get your business soaring in 2010. This is, of course, if you actually put into action what she teaches. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thanks for the advice--- this was the push I needed to do it.
I am signed up. I find Tammy Stanley to be very straight forward and she has "the secrets" we all need...and makes it clear that we have to do the follow through!! I bought her entire package at conference and really like her CD's.
I have had lots of company and haven't been on here -- or anywhere -- much. This call sounds great, but what/where/how?

  • #10
Here is the email I just got:

Dear Bobbi,

Unless you already registered for my up-coming tele-seminar before December 24th, you missed out on my special bonus to send in your biggest
challenge and have me personally respond to you.

But you still have time receive the link to the digital download of this very special tele-seminar!

However, if you fail to register before Midnight tonight, EST, you will have to be on the call live in order to hear this incredibly valuable information.

Are you wondering if it is too late to get January bookings?

Actually, calling IN January for January bookings can actually work in your favor.

Yes, you understood that correctly.

And I want to show you EXACTLY how to get bookings in January, even if you have nothing on your calendar right now!

Even if you haven't called your customers in months!

Even if you don't start calling until January!

And even if you are petrified to pick up the telephone!

Whether your business has come to a screeching halt because of the holiday season or it's come to a screeching halt because it was never going great guns in the first place...

I want you to join me, Tammy Stanley, as I reveal my program, Jump Start Your Business From a Complete Standstill, on Wednesday December 30th, 2009.

So why am I the expert on this topic? Why am I the person to teach you how to get your calendar booked even if there's nothing on your calendar right now?

Because I was in that situation many years ago - I HAD to get my business moving in January, or I was not going be in business the following month.

I'm not talking about one or two bookings. I'm talking about asking 10 people and getting 8 of them to book a show. That's what I would call great results from a little telephone work that I did with three children under my feet and one on the way!

And I am going to teach you how to do just that and far more in my "Jump Start Your Business From a Complete Standstill" tele-seminar coming up on December 30th.

Here's some of what you'll learn on this call:

During this 75-minute call you will learn:

*The #1 reason customers stop buying from you and why that is critical to you RIGHT NOW

*Why you put off making calls and exactly how to overcome the mental barriers that stop you from picking up the phone

*How it can work in your favor to start calling in January for January bookings

*The fastest way to get customers to say "No" to booking a show with you

*The key factor to get customers to say "Yes" to booking a show with you

*5 steps to get your business moving RIGHT NOW

When you join me on my live tele-seminar on Wednesday, December 30th, you are going to get on the right track, as I show you just what is effective and what isn't, when it comes to getting your direct sales business moving
forward in January, even if you currently feel that you are totally gridlocked!

Right now, as a holiday special, my "Jump Start Your Business From a Complete Standstill" tele-seminar is priced at a whopping $27.00!

Yes, I know I could charge far more for this information, and I will, I will.

The reason I am offering it at such a ridiculously low price is because I want the direct sellers that are struggling to be on this call, and I do not want price to be an issue.

In fact, I have even sweetened this offer.

If you take action and register for my "Jump Start Your Business From a Complete Standstill" tele-seminar before Midnight tonight EST (Sunday
December 27th, 2009), you will receive a link to the digital download of the call.

If you wait until tomorrow to register, you can still be on the call, but you will not receive the link to hear a replay recording of the call.

So why would you wait to register?

Let's review what you'll receive by registering today:

My "Jump Start Your Business From a Complete Standstill" tele-seminar - Value $197 (Almost anyone who has ever been on a tele-seminar with me will tell you that my programs deliver! Just look at some of the testimonials
below, if you need to hear what others say!)

Digital download to listen to at your convenience - Value $47

When you add all of that up it comes to $244.00!

But I'm offering it right now for only $27.00.

That's more than a $200.00 savings, just for registering today!

Listen, it's true that I'm a very generous person, and that is one reason why I'm offering this at such a low price to you today.

However, I want you to understand that I'm also a great businesswoman. Shortly after I offer this tele-seminar and answer all the challenges that people sent in, I will have another awesome product available for purchase.

But guess what?

The price of that product is not going to be anywhere near $27.00. The system I put together will easily be worth ten times the price of what I am currently asking.

And I won't have any difficulty getting that, and I won't have any difficulty asking for it either.

So don't miss out. Register today!

Click on the link below to register, if you haven't already, and I "see" you on December 30th!


Tammy Stanley
  • #11
I'm signed up! I love her! Very practical and insightful and duplicatable.
  • #12
Could someone post their notes? Can't make the call and didn't get registered in time to get the recording. Thanks
  • #13
So let me get this straight ... it is too late to register unless I can be on the call?Then it is totally useless to me ... I will be at work.I would GLADLY pay $27 JUST for the audio download ... and although I would prefer to pay it to her, if she won't let me, I will gladly pay it to a fellow cheffer! Or I too would appreciate her notes. I'd never heard of her before I clicked on the web site last night and by then, it was too late to take her up on her offer.
  • #14
Update: I registered anyway. I am hoping that since the download offer is still on the web site, and since they have other time frames that are filling up fast, the download will still be available to those of us who did not find out until today. I put a "note" in my registration requesting the download and offering my spot on the call to someone else. Since it is an evening call, I MAY be able to make it after all though it's not likely.
  • #15
Wow, it looks like they've set up a 3rd call.
  • #16
Has anyone received the email from Tammy Stanley yet with the info about the downloadable call and specials on her products that she said she would send out "later" after the call??? I have not. TIA
  • #17
No, not yet, and I just checked my e-mail.
  • #18
No, not yet, and I just checked my e-mail, too!
  • #19
The email I had received after I registered said that I should expect the link around the second of January.
  • #20
oh. THanks! Now that I think about it I remember her saying that she was not going to send out the email about her products until January because she wanted us just to focus on making our calls and following what she spoke about today and on January 1. (So Jan 2 makes sense) BUT....I had someone come to my door during the call AND an important phone call i had to take so i missed quite a bit of what she said & to fill in on my cheat sheets. Thats why I was hoping for the download. :I Such is life. Thanks ladies!
  • #21
What part on your cheat sheets are you missing? I stayed on for the entire call so caught alot of it. I was just hoping for her to send out the scripts she was talking about.
  • #22
Somehow I got dropped from the call (the first one in the morning) in the last few minutes, just when she was beginning to tell us how to get the script. :eek: My phone showed I was still connected to the conference however! After a minute I hung up and sent Tammy a panic email.

Later on I decided to see if I could get onto the second call in the afternoon for about the last half hour and I made it on! :) She said in order to get the scripts we had to send a testimonial, so I did that. I also asked her to ignore my previous email and why! LOL

As of this moment there are still no scripts, but it was my understanding we would have them in time for our calls on January 1. I'm sure it's a lot of work for her, so we need to be patient! :angel:
  • #23
CAPCnewbie said:
What part on your cheat sheets are you missing? I stayed on for the entire call so caught alot of it. I was just hoping for her to send out the scripts she was talking about.

Page 2 - Last part of the top section...it starts with When you add up the last two reasons you discover that.... and then fill in the last line.

Page 2 - All of the blanks in the bottom section (thats when the visitor came to the door)

Page 3 - top section (there seems to only be one sentence and then a whole big blank section - was there a reason for that space?)

Page 3 - got most of it but the very last blank (starts when you are daydreaming)

Page 4 - top 4 blanks

got rest of page 4 except for Step 5 I missed (thats where the phone rang)

So as you can see I missed quite a bit but still feel i got a lot from it. I love her uncanniness and her style. She definitely gets to the meat and bones about it all - no fluff. :D Worth the 27.00, just wish I didnt get interrupted. Thanks for your help!
  • #24
I thought we were supposed to reply to an e-mail she was sending today to get the scripts. I have not received an e-mail from her today. Has anyone?
  • #25
A few posts back someone mentioned her email said she would send out the email on January 2. I do believe we do the testimonials from that email when we get it.
  • #26
Never mind ... they just sent the e-mails moments ago. For those who didn't follow the links, please do so because it's automated and will save Tammy a lot of time. She's been flooded with e-mails requesting the links.
  • #27
Because she is doing scripts for so many different companies, it will take her awhile to get them all done and out.

I really liked this! Love the honesty and the down to earth approach with customers. Now to try and teach this to my downline! Great inspiration for Monday's meeting!
  • #28
baychef said:
Because she is doing scripts for so many different companies, it will take her awhile to get them all done and out.

I really liked this! Love the honesty and the down to earth approach with customers. Now to try and teach this to my downline! Great inspiration for Monday's meeting!

If you watched her Free videos online, she actually addresses this in a way. She basically said that the BEST way to get this across to your downline, since they aren't investing in the information- YOU did....is for them to see the results in your business. Makes sense. I don't remember which video it was in.
  • #29
Did anyone take notes that they could share? I wasn't able to be on the call.
  • #30
esavvymom said:
If you watched her Free videos online, she actually addresses this in a way. She basically said that the BEST way to get this across to your downline, since they aren't investing in the information- YOU did....is for them to see the results in your business. Makes sense. I don't remember which video it was in.

Oooo...Good point! Probably on one or three because I watched the second one. I actually sent the free videos link to my team (in hopes that some one would join the call) No go, however. I absolutely loved it and will be reviewing the notes and scripts often.

Actually used her technique tonight with one of my consultants who messed up submitting a party (big time). She was coming from the prospective of her own pocketbook, but I used Tammy's words...look at it from their prospective and walked her through what I bet they may be thinking. Then I led her through the call them NOW and tell them just what you told me. Be honest with them...she may still cancel the show, but apologize and understand where she is coming from. The customer still may cancel the party, but you have a clear mind. You were honest with her, you admitted the mistake and you are willing to make things right with her.

Then she said, well, I will call her Monday because tomorrow is New Year's Day. I advised her strongly to call tomorrow! Don't wait. If it is an honest mistake, then call her immediately to make it right. Then I told her that the customer may be upset even after all of that but walk away knowing she did all that she could and not to beat herself up over it. Then I told her "A diamond is still valuble even after it falls in the sand and is picked back up again. It is still valuble and so are you." Words from Tammy Stanley!!
  • #31
After last night's call, I feel all up-side-down! Her ideas are so different than the training we have heard time and time again. I like what she said. It seems so natural, but . . . I'm nervous to hop in and start making calls tomorrow. I printed some stuff from her web site and got more inspired and scared. I don't know if I can do it! HELP! I need a pep talk b/f I come up with a million excuses not to do them!

ps -- I also ordered her special. Can't wait to get it but don't want to wait until then to GET BUSY!
  • #32
Anyone have the paper from Conference that showed how much she offered her products for if we purchased them there? Just wondering about the difference...
  • #33
I did not go to conference, so this was the first I've heard of her until this week.

I agree ... she did turn some of what we've been taught to say on its head! (Good thing those speeches sounded so fake and pushy that I never used them!)

I made a list of 10 people ... some were people who were down to host a party but never followed through ... a lot, in fact. Others are past hosts. I'm going to call more than 10 but not all on New Year's Day ... I will be leaving for work that afternoon, and there's the Ohio State Game that's going to have people gued to their TV's.
  • #34
I too thought how interesting it was that her words were quite different in some areas from what we are taught in PC training....but I've always thought about the host perspective as far as the objections- therefore I wouldn't act because I didn't Know how to respond or "convince" them otherwise....like that "January is a bad month to host".I had even gotten scolded almost from my Hosp.Director once because she told me to stop thinking about things from the hosts perspective and "take control". It just never has felt "right" to me. But Tammy's words do.And someone asked about the conference special- i don't remember what it was, but the CDs she mentioned on the call- were the same price I bought them for a few months ago on her website...so not sure if it's much of a special. BUT I will say that right now you can get one of her sets that includes the bonus CD of "How to Leave Messages.." - which wasn't available before (except separately- and its' $80). I have the CD series- loved it. I listened to it while traveling so I need to listen again so I can take notes.
  • #35
Oh - and if any of us does the calls this weekend...We ALL will make some, right?? ;) Come back and post your stats.
  • #36
Sandi, Tammy gave the best pep talk...remember the story about the woman being freed? Quit listening to those doubting voices and let the voices of support talk louder! As Nike says...Just do it!!!

And Bobbi, I can't believe that your hospitality director said that! Poor advice in my opinion. I think with Tammy Stanley, she is trying to have you still get better results, but in a different method.

In all of our training, the host and the recruit always say yes. They do mention the "No" word, but briefly. In Tammy's method, she is teaching us to turn that "No, I don't want to host a party" into a...do you still want me to keep you informed of our guest specials. She is trying to help us to continue that relationship with a customer. And that dealing with hesitations can only go so far. I see the battle she is speaking of with some of my downline.

You have to blend getting out of your comfort zone with getting inside your customer's head.

I thought of her words of us being over marketed to last night when the Toshiba sign was so big on Times Square that I had to LOOK for the darn ball drop!! And the Nivea hats everyone was wearing? Sometimes this does really turn people off...me included!! There is advertising on the gas handle pump and scrolling on the gas pump while we pump our gas. So people are turned off by this "in your face" advertising.

Building a relationship with customers will help you help them! And do pick up that phone today!! I plan on contacting as many recruit and party leads as I can today. Not to early, of course, but think of the late morning or afternoon. But think of it, there is shopping, but other than that, tv is pre-empted by college football games. Not all, but most women are not into this.
  • #37
crystalscookingnow said:
Did anyone take notes that they could share? I wasn't able to be on the call.

Ditto...I paid for the call and was not able to make it. Then of course, I did not receive the link to the digital download because I missed the call. If anyone has any notes it would be appreciated! Thanks, Deb:)
  • #38
Missing the call shouldn't have anything to do with getting the download - there was no code to put in to let her know it was me calling in. You had to have signed up before the 24th to get the d/l. Did you register before that date? If you did, contact her for the download...the call is much better than just the notes. (although I must say the download has poor quality sound)
  • #39
She sent out an email stating if we registered by Dec 27th we would get the download, I registered Dec 28th and she said she would give the link on the call, well, then I missed the call. So, now the only way I can get the digital download is to buy her book for $14.95. Soooooo...I wanted to get some notes or something without having to spend more $$. I was day late and a dollar short by registering too late and then I had to miss the call. Totally my fault on all accounts. I think instead of spending more $ I will go to consultants corner and take some teleclasses and download some CD's.
  • #40
I tried clicking on the link she sent out in her email yesterday and it didn't work. Ugggh!
  • #41
Try, try again!

And I jsut wanted to share this quick success story before I go off to work!

I put off calls all afternoon ... dreading all the "no's" and answering machines!

And then I remembered what Tammy said: "The Courage, the confidcence and the comfort are on the other side of the call!

So I made call number one. Whoops! I wrote down the wrong number.

So I remembered the young woman I met at a fair this year who had expressed interest in a show. She has been really sick and was in the process of moving at the time. (Now she is struggling with Strep Throat!)

And she STILL wanted to schedule a January show as long as it was the "end of the month." We were going for the 29th (a Friday, since I'm working the 30th and 31st) but then I offered the prior weekend!

So we are now set for Jan. 24!

Something to enter in the sweeps after all if I still can!
  • #42
Page 2 - Last part of the top section...it starts with When you add up the last two reasons you discover that.... and then fill in the last line.

Page 2 - All of the blanks in the bottom section (thats when the visitor came to the door)

Page 3 - top section (there seems to only be one sentence and then a whole big blank section - was there a reason for that space?)

Page 3 - got most of it but the very last blank (starts when you are daydreaming)

Page 4 - top 4 blanks

got rest of page 4 except for Step 5 I missed (thats where the phone rang)

So as you can see I missed quite a bit but still feel i got a lot from it. I love her uncanniness and her style. She definitely gets to the meat and bones about it all - no fluff. Worth the 27.00, just wish I didnt get interrupted. Thanks for your help!

Melissa, here are the notes I have for the above:

Page 2-When you add up the last two reasons you discover that 71% of lost customers actually value you and/or your company and only take their business elsewhere because they feel that you dont value them

(I'm not sure if that was the right answer as my daughter started talking to me at that point and I wasn't quite sure if that was what i heard. Perhaps someone else could clarify my answer who was on the call)

Page 2 bottom- "There's nothing to do, there's only something to see"-Vernon Howard

The courage and the comfort and the confidence are all on the other side of the call

"happiness is not getting. Happiness is being. Being who you really are"

Page 3- One of the best ways to get your prospects to take action now is to give them an offer they cannot refuse that has a deadline

(then in the blank space below I just jotted a few things down that Tammy said. )
One was....Present an irresistible offer that is only good for a set period of time. Ie, This fabulous offer is only available until January 31st

and one of the things that I most took note of and realized I have been doing... is to call your hosts FIRST before sending out an email. Give them a call to tell them personally about your wonderful offer and then send out the email to them. Many times I personally send out my monthly email, specials, etc and think that it will entice my customers enough for them to call ME. Oh it has happened that someone will see the guest special and contact me to set up a show, but not nearly as often as I'd like.

Page 3 bottom-( I missed the daydreaming blank too so I'm not much help there, sorry)

Page 4-( I will just add the words instead of the sentences and you can easily fill in the blanks)

Step 5 I had...invite them to come and just take a look without the obligation to buy. (again I may have that one wrong)

I hope that helps a bit Melissa. I'm not the best note taker but I tried :)
  • #43
Thanks so much chica! You rock! I plan on relistening to the call but now I can focus more on just 'taking it all in'. Thanks again! Your helpfulness is much appreciated.
  • #44
Your welcome. :)
  • #45
Di_Can_Cook said:
Try, try again!

I put off calls all afternoon ... dreading all the "no's" and answering machines!

And then I remembered what Tammy said: "The Courage, the confidcence and the comfort are on the other side of the call!

I did put these off too!! But I did get on the phone after using the words you recalled as well! I have a team meeting on Monday and I am going to print and laminate this phrase so others can hopefully use as inspiration as well!

1. Can not do party now but wants to as soon as some personal things work out.
2. Left message. Maybe out of town.
3. Family is visiting but please call back Monday so we can get a date.
4. Not home but will be back soon (I did not get to call but will today)
5. Has had some very, very bad and numerous deaths with friends but does want me to call in a week so she has time to look at her husband's sports schedule so she can book a party.

Well, back to muster up more courage, confidence and comfort on the other side of the call! Hope others are too!:chef:
  • #46
I orderd the Carpe Phonum book with the download added and I put in the wrong state and Tammy called me herself last night. She was awesome to talk to you! She sent me the link within minutes of getting off the phone with me for the download.

I am about ready to listen to it and watch the video's.
  • #47
Wow personal phone call - now that's impressive! I'm thinking of attending one of her all day workshops. I loved her at NC for the mere hour, can't imagine a whole day.
  • #48
Ann ... if you laminate what I mentioned please don't use MY horrendous spelling ... I was in a BIG HURRY to get to work!
  • #49
Di_Can_Cook said:
Ann ... if you laminate what I mentioned please don't use MY horrendous spelling ... I was in a BIG HURRY to get to work!

LOL!!! Not a problem. I actually have the wording...

The courage and the confidence and the comfort are all on the other side of the call.

Not sure if just the wording will help, but will try to get in a few of her pointers to them!

Sometimes I wish CS had spell check...but thse of us tht cnnt spll cn srly undrstnd wht othrs ar tlkng abt!!
  • Thread starter
  • #50
Okay so, I did the call and am trying to put into practice all that Tammy taught. I was wondering what does everyone do when they get voicemail (which I seem to get alot!). I haven't been leaving a message... mostly because I am not sure what to say (plus I thought I've be giving the "heads up" that I am calling about a booking a show). Does anyone leave a message and what do you say?
<H2>1. Hi, I was wondering if anyone is doing the Tammy Stanley -- Jump Start Your Business From a Complete Standstill, on December 30th?</H2><p>Yes, there are many people who have signed up for the Tammy Stanley conference call on December 30th. It is a popular event among Pampered Chef consultants.</p><H2>2. Or has anyone one done one before?</H2><p>Yes, there are consultants who have participated in Tammy Stanley's conference calls before. It is a great opportunity to learn and grow your business.</p><H2>3. I was thinking about trying at, as it seemed affordable. But one question, does anyone know when you call in do you pay for long distance rates (same as home or is it more?)?</H2><p>The cost of the conference call will depend on your phone carrier and calling plan. It is best to check with your provider to see if there will be any additional charges for long distance calls.</p><H2>4. Anyone done one with Tammy before? What were your thoughts?</H2><p>There are many consultants who have participated in Tammy Stanley's conference calls before and have found them to be informative and helpful in growing their business. It is a great opportunity to learn from an experienced consultant.</p><H2>5. TIA</H2><p>You're welcome! We hope you have a great experience on the conference call and gain valuable insights to grow your business.</p>

Related to Tammy Stanley Conference Call -- Anyone Doing It?

1. Hi, I was wondering if anyone is doing the Tammy Stanley -- Jump Start Your Business From a Complete Standstill, on December 30th?

Yes, there are many people who have signed up for the Tammy Stanley conference call on December 30th. It is a popular event among Pampered Chef consultants.

2. Or has anyone one done one before?

Yes, there are consultants who have participated in Tammy Stanley's conference calls before. It is a great opportunity to learn and grow your business.

3. I was thinking about trying at, as it seemed affordable. But one question, does anyone know when you call in do you pay for long distance rates (same as home or is it more?)?

The cost of the conference call will depend on your phone carrier and calling plan. It is best to check with your provider to see if there will be any additional charges for long distance calls.

4. Anyone done one with Tammy before? What were your thoughts?

There are many consultants who have participated in Tammy Stanley's conference calls before and have found them to be informative and helpful in growing their business. It is a great opportunity to learn from an experienced consultant.

5. TIA

You're welcome! We hope you have a great experience on the conference call and gain valuable insights to grow your business.

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