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Surviving the CS Mafia Blacklist: A Guide

or not... :)At least we seem down to only 1 troll. When we had more it was a pain. That's how some people's iggy lists got so big.
  • #151
chefmeg said:
there you go again!

Sorry I think that might have been a little bitchy:p
  • #152
katie0128 said:
One gal at work calls it "peaches pie"... I now have issues eating fruit pie around her.

Trying singing the hymn He Touched Me in church with a straight face!
  • #153
I have got to go take Advil and go to bed....my ear is killing me.....especially with all this grinning I am doing!
  • #154
katie0128 said:
But the line she is near is the one that she shouldn't be crossing. Renna has already leaped over it and is trying to drag us all with her.

The ship hasn't sank yet, plus I come with life savers..

I always kid, and am just being silly!!
  • #155
janetupnorth said:
Trying singing the hymn He Touched Me in church with a straight face!

Now that's funny Janet:D
  • #156
chefmeg said:
I have got to go take Advil and go to bed....my ear is killing me.....especially with all this grinning I am doing!

You're still here... it's like a bad wreck tonight... too bad to look at, but you just can't pull yourself away!
  • #157
rennea said:
The ship hasn't sank yet, plus I come with life savers..

I always kid, and am just being silly!!

I like the cherry ones best!
  • #158
katie0128 said:
You're still here... it's like a bad wreck tonight... too bad to look at, but you just can't pull yourself away!

well, that and I just love seeing what Rennea comes up with next!

I haven't seen a post for about 10 minutes from Kacey~I hope she is just taking a break from the insanity...and nothing is worse for her.....
  • #159
katie0128 said:
You're still here... it's like a bad wreck tonight... too bad to look at, but you just can't pull yourself away!

Sorry Katie I'll go back to mellow Rennea:blushing: From here on out I'll behave.:angel: I'll be honest I'm not going to like it but I will.:)
  • #160
oooooh, I just made my first photo album in my profile!!!

Totally fun!

Now, I really am off to bed, armed with Advil, a heating pad and my antibiotic eardrops!

It has been fun tonight ladies!
  • #161
rennea said:
Sorry Katie I'll go back to mellow Rennea:blushing: From here on out I'll behave.:angel: I'll be honest I'm not going to like it but I will.:)

I didn't say you needed to do that! The kids are climbing all over me and my brain is fried... otherwise I'd be right there with you scaling the line!
  • #162
poor Amy, she probably has put us all on ignore by now!!
  • #163
chefmeg said:
well, that and I just love seeing what Rennea comes up with next!

I haven't seen a post for about 10 minutes from Kacey~I hope she is just taking a break from the insanity...and nothing is worse for her.....

No- one of my puppies threw up twice and I had to go and help clean up ... DH lost another pair of his undies to my weird pooch!

And I did NOT start anything...stop blaming me- I'm hurt- :p no one made you type the things you typed, and I did have painful day at the doctors... no woman should have to endure 3 whoo-ha exams in ONE DAY! It just isn't right...
  • #164
chefmeg said:
Kacey always starts it! That is one reason this thread even exisits, I think!

Yeah, I run the CS Mafia.. that's me- Don Diva ala Kitchen! Ha! nice try- I'm actually surprised that you'd pin this on me, Chef Meg... :p Besides, I'm a newbie compared to most of you- blaming a run away thread on a sick woman. how low can you go? :D
  • #165
I hope not Teresa. I wish she didn't feel that way. Cause I know personally I don't have a beef or was ignoring anybody on purpose. As I have said before there are so many people on here and sooo many posts you can't possibly answer everyone that comes up or chat with every person. Over time you do get to "know" each other but that comes with time and lots of postings.
  • #166
DH lost another pair of his undies to my weird pooch!

that's an image i didn't need :) ` :angel:

tonight is our last night with no kiddos at home and my DH took my car to the car wash & fill it with gas I LUFF that man :love:
  • #167
Kitchen Diva said:
Yeah, I run the CS Mafia.. that's me- Don Diva ala Kitchen! Ha! nice try- I'm actually surprised that you'd pin this on me, Chef Meg... :p Besides, I'm a newbie compared to most of you- blaming a run away thread on a sick woman. how low can you go? :D

Oh sweet cheeks this is just the beginning! LOL!

Don Diva ala Kitchen I like that!
  • #168
Kitchen Diva said:
No- one of my puppies threw up twice and I had to go and help clean up ... DH lost another pair of his undies to my weird pooch!
And I did NOT start anything...stop blaming me- I'm hurt- :p no one made you type the things you typed, and I did have painful day at the doctors... no woman should have to endure 3 whoo-ha exams in ONE DAY! It just isn't right...

As long as he wasn't wearing them at the time, you're good. Now, does poochie go get them out of the hamper or were they fair game because DH left them on the floor?
  • #169
What is it with dogs and undies?? Perverts!!

I had a male dog for the longest time and thought it was just a male thing until I got 2 females.
  • #170
Kitchen Diva said:
Yeah, I run the CS Mafia.. that's me- Don Diva ala Kitchen!

More like Lia Sophia.
  • #171
Teresa Lynn said:
DH lost another pair of his undies to my weird pooch!

that's an image i didn't need :) ` :angel:

tonight is our last night with no kiddos at home and my DH took my car to the car wash & fill it with gas I LUFF that man :love:

Some times Spirit gets in the laundry room where the baskets of clean clothes are. He's gotten so good at sneaking a sock, or towel or pair of undies in his mouth we won't know until he throws it up. However today he's thrown up 3 times... So it isn't some weird kinky thing- you naughty minx you... just a dumb dog eating underwear.... and I don't know why! And the breeder said we got the smart one, his brother eats his own pooh!
  • #172
rennea said:
Oh sweet cheeks this is just the beginning! LOL!

Don Diva ala Kitchen I like that!

Thank you- you have made me smile, so you can continue to post and be my friend and entertainment... Go with Sauce... ( I was gonna say go with God, but that sounded naughty)
  • #173
OK...I have been reading this post since the beginning. You guys are hilarious. I had no idea we had a mafia but I want in. Do I need to go through some sort of initiation 1st?

  • #174
well - whadda you expect??? They sniff each other in the tookas to say hello.
  • #175
katie0128 said:
As long as he wasn't wearing them at the time, you're good. Now, does poochie go get them out of the hamper or were they fair game because DH left them on the floor?

I would like to say the hamper in the laundry room, but knowing DH- they were on the floor of his bathroom... which is why I have my own bathroom! Men...
  • #176
stacywhitlow said:
OK...I have been reading this post since the beginning. You guys are hilarious. I had no idea we had a mafia but I want in. Do I need to go through some sort of initiation 1st?


Yes, if you make us laugh and provide me with entertainment you can stay... :) LOL

We decided to turn a bad thing into a funny thing. :) Enjoy the craziness!
  • #177
Kitchen Diva said:
Some times Spirit gets in the laundry room where the baskets of clean clothes are. He's gotten so good at sneaking a sock, or towel or pair of undies in his mouth we won't know until he throws it up. However today he's thrown up 3 times... So it isn't some weird kinky thing- you naughty minx you... just a dumb dog eating underwear.... and I don't know why! And the breeder said we got the smart one, his brother eats his own pooh!

The beagle my mom has used to eat the cat pooh from the litter box. The cats would go downstairs and Shiloh would follow... just waiting for his snack. I was so glad I had moved out of the house by that point!
  • #178
my own bathroom = spoiled :D
  • #179
katie0128 said:
The beagle my mom has used to eat the cat pooh from the litter box. The cats would go downstairs and Shiloh would follow... just waiting for his snack. I was so glad I had moved out of the house by that point!

That is too gross!! What is it with dogs & poo?
  • #180
hey where are those other 2 blondes Kelly and Linda
  • #181
stacywhitlow said:
OK...I have been reading this post since the beginning. You guys are hilarious. I had no idea we had a mafia but I want in. Do I need to go through some sort of initiation 1st?


There is no Mafia really...

Secret society maybe, can't say it's a secret;)
  • #182

Okay, I've got Johnny lead pumper here to knock you ladies back in line if you get out of hand! :) Since I'm the CS mafia queen! :) LOL
  • #183
katie0128 said:
well - whadda you expect??? They sniff each other in the tookas to say hello.

Are we talking about dogs or the Mafia:confused:
  • #184
Teresa Lynn said:
my own bathroom = spoiled :D

No- we have 2 bathrooms in our house, and two people... DH gets one and I get the other! :) Thhpppthhh:p
  • #185
rennea said:
Are we talking about dogs or the Mafia:confused:

Dogs, the mafia will just sniff sauces and garlic... nothing else! :)
  • #186
Kitchen Diva said:

Okay, I've got Johnny lead pumper here to knock you ladies back in line if you get out of hand! :) Since I'm the CS mafia queen! :) LOL

Hay it's Teresa:p:D:p
  • #187
rennea said:
Hay it's Teresa:p:D:p

I accidently posted the picture of the troll instead of the animated mafia dude in that post... Ooops!
  • #188
chefmeg said:
well, it sounds like a case of " mommy, they won't play with me":cry:

but, I can't figure out who "they" are and I think she might needa shot of confidence if this is really how she feels....it's too bad.
I wouldn't read quite that much into this thread.
  • #189
JAE said:
I wouldn't read quite that much into this thread.

no- read on... it gets funnier! :)
  • #190
janetupnorth said:
Trying singing the hymn He Touched Me in church with a straight face!

You have now ruined that hymn for me forever!
  • #191
katie0128 said:
You have now ruined that hymn for me forever!

Crap-I can't think of anything funny to say... Oh My GOSH!!!! that's never happened before... I see a light... I'm coming Dad- oh, Hi Grandpa, yes the world has come to an end, I can't come up with something funny... I'll go to the light now Dad....:cry:
  • #192
Kitchen Diva said:
Crap-I can't think of anything funny to say... Oh My GOSH!!!! that's never happened before... I see a light... I'm coming Dad- oh, Hi Grandpa, yes the world has come to an end, I can't come up with something funny... I'll go to the light now Dad....:cry:

Oh Kacey your terrible:eek:
  • #193
katie0128 said:
You have now ruined that hymn for me forever!

Yeah, my friend Ann did that to me in college. But when you sing the words, it gets worse! :sing:

He touched me, oh he touched me.
...and oh the joy that fills my soul.
Something happened and now I know
He touched me and made me whole.
  • #195
JAE said:
I wouldn't read quite that much into this thread.

I have to sheepishly admit that until that post I had TOTALLY forgotten the original point of the thread!

Hey Jill - did you copy my mood? ;)
  • #196
janetupnorth said:
Hey Jill - did you copy my mood? ;)

I changed my mood as soon as I got back on CS after conference. Right now I'm worn out, but that's not really a mood. It will get back to inspired when I have our house back to just us. I love the company, but not much else can happen.
  • #197
JAE said:
I changed my mood as soon as I got back on CS after conference. Right now I'm worn out, but that's not really a mood. It will get back to inspired when I have our house back to just us. I love the company, but not much else can happen.

I too thought it was a fitting mood after conference. :)
  • #198
Wow!!! This is funny!!! Like comedy hour, only better!!!
  • #199
Wow, this thread was HOT until I posted!!! LOL, maybe that means I am not in the mafia!! LOL
  • #200
Nah- we just all went to bed! :) LOL
<h2>1. What is the CS Mafia blacklist?</h2><p>The CS Mafia blacklist refers to a list of individuals who have been banned or blacklisted from participating in the popular online game, "Mafia Wars" on the social networking site, Facebook. This is often done by the game's creators, Zynga, in response to cheating or other violations of the game's rules.</p><h2>2. How does someone get blacklisted by the CS Mafia?</h2><p>There are several ways that someone can end up on the CS Mafia blacklist. This includes cheating, using bots or scripts to automate gameplay, exploiting glitches or bugs in the game, or engaging in other forms of cheating or unfair gameplay. Additionally, repeated violations of the game's terms of service can also result in being blacklisted.</p><h2>3. Can anyone be removed from the CS Mafia blacklist?</h2><p>It is possible for someone to be removed from the CS Mafia blacklist, but it is not guaranteed. If you feel that you have been wrongly blacklisted, you can reach out to Zynga's customer support team and provide evidence to support your claim. However, if you were blacklisted for valid reasons, it is unlikely that you will be removed from the list.</p><h2>4. Will being blacklisted affect my other accounts?</h2><p>No, being blacklisted by the CS Mafia will only affect your ability to play Mafia Wars on Facebook. Your other accounts or activities on the site will not be affected. However, if you have violated the terms of service on other Zynga games, you may also face consequences on those accounts.</p><h2>5. Is there a way to avoid being blacklisted by the CS Mafia?</h2><p>Yes, the best way to avoid being blacklisted is to simply follow the game's rules and avoid any forms of cheating or unfair gameplay. This includes not using bots, scripts, or other external tools to gain an advantage in the game. It is also important to report any suspicious or unfair activity to Zynga's customer support team to maintain a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all players.</p>

Related to Surviving the CS Mafia Blacklist: A Guide

1. What is the CS Mafia blacklist?

The CS Mafia blacklist refers to a list of individuals who have been banned or blacklisted from participating in the popular online game, "Mafia Wars" on the social networking site, Facebook. This is often done by the game's creators, Zynga, in response to cheating or other violations of the game's rules.

2. How does someone get blacklisted by the CS Mafia?

There are several ways that someone can end up on the CS Mafia blacklist. This includes cheating, using bots or scripts to automate gameplay, exploiting glitches or bugs in the game, or engaging in other forms of cheating or unfair gameplay. Additionally, repeated violations of the game's terms of service can also result in being blacklisted.

3. Can anyone be removed from the CS Mafia blacklist?

It is possible for someone to be removed from the CS Mafia blacklist, but it is not guaranteed. If you feel that you have been wrongly blacklisted, you can reach out to Zynga's customer support team and provide evidence to support your claim. However, if you were blacklisted for valid reasons, it is unlikely that you will be removed from the list.

4. Will being blacklisted affect my other accounts?

No, being blacklisted by the CS Mafia will only affect your ability to play Mafia Wars on Facebook. Your other accounts or activities on the site will not be affected. However, if you have violated the terms of service on other Zynga games, you may also face consequences on those accounts.

5. Is there a way to avoid being blacklisted by the CS Mafia?

Yes, the best way to avoid being blacklisted is to simply follow the game's rules and avoid any forms of cheating or unfair gameplay. This includes not using bots, scripts, or other external tools to gain an advantage in the game. It is also important to report any suspicious or unfair activity to Zynga's customer support team to maintain a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

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