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Surprising My Team with Creative Punch Card Ideas!

etc. They also get money if they are in attendance at the meeting the month they earn it (June meeting for May achievements).Here is the old version of what we used at our meetings. We changed them a little bit -- adding somethings and deleting others...the new one is on my laptop, so I can post it later. At least this will give you a start and a template!;)Thanks....
Sorry to post here. I have some Team members that are also CS members too. I'm trying to Surprise them!!

Anyone out there do TEAM PUNCH CARDS?? If so, would you please share. Love to hear details on your Team recognition program.

It's a new TPC year. Just ready to do something new for my Team.
HmmI'm also interested in that. I like the idea but need some details!! THANKS :confused:
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Punch CardsEach Team member gets a punch card. They earn punches for : top in sales, top in bookings, recruiting, attend 3 meetings, $1000 shows ,bring a recruit lead to meeting, submit 4 or more shows in 1 month, Submit $1250 in comm. sales......... etc.

When they acheive 10 punches, they'll earn 1 pick out of the basket: Business Bags, catalogs, products, products from director store etc.

I did this about 5 years ago. Don't know why I stopped?? Everyone loved it! I need to get excitement back into MY Team meetings! My goal is to get my Team to be a TEAM again.

I just need to rethink the rules and design the cards :) HELP PLEASE....

Love to hear EVERYONES ideas on this:)
What do ya'll think?????????????
That's a cool idea!
I could fill that card everytime I came to a meeting ;)
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Training BoardI do a training board with my consultant's. They get a star for each one. When they complete it they get a really cool gift. Like one of the nicer bags from Merrill. Anyhoo, I figure if they do all of it they are probably doing shows and are happier, so I am too.
Don't know if it would work for you.
FYI. I teach a PP+ Tele-class about once a month. PC doesn't offer one (so don't bother looking:D)

Here is the info for the training board.

Has their names listed at the top

Along the sides are

New consultant tele-classes:

321 Business Building Basics

Host Coaching Essentials

Cooking Show Success

Effective Selling Skills

Getting Started with Recruiting

Getting Started with Customer Care

Online Training:

Goal Setting


Host Coaching

Cooking Show


Customer Care


List of 100 (bring to me, even if it is not 100)

Attend Cheryl’s Show

Attend one of each other’s show (or AD/FD)

Goal setting session with Cheryl

PP+ Tele-class

Demo at the meeting

** Accountability: Online trainings they can either bring me their certificates or sign in and show me at the meeting. Tele-classes, they need to give me date time and share 3 things they learned & 1 they want to implement. Actions are pretty much self explanatory I do roll call for the Tele-class and they will tell me whose show they attended.

Just another idea :)
I love the team punch cards idea! Do you have a template for them?
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  • #7
I just need to rethink the rules and design the cards

I would love to hear some tips on this!!!
You could get the punch cards from
Vista print.
They have a punch card template and you could just put on it Sauders Team Frequent Achiever Club.
Then make up a list of what you will give punches for and have that posted at your meetings.
I just started using these instead of giving out a ton of tickets for the door prize.

I got this from CS I am quite sure.


  • MeetingBonusCards.doc
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  • MeetingBonusCards.doc
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  • #10
Thanks Beth, but what is your limit on their free gift for having all holes punched?
  • #11
~*~Chef Carri~*~ said:
Thanks Beth, but what is your limit on their free gift for having all holes punched?

Each full card will be worth between $5 and $10 and they can save them to pick higher value items. I have some products that will be very reduced from their value, business supplies, and other choices. They can only get their card stamped if they are in attendance at the meeting the month they earn it (June meeting for May achievements).
  • #12
Here is the old version of what we used at our meetings. We changed them a little bit -- adding somethings and deleting others...the new one is on my laptop, so I can post it later.

At least this will give you a start and a template!


  • AAA Frequent Meeting Cards.doc
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  • AAA Frequent Meeting Cards.doc
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  • AAA Frequent Meeting Cards.doc
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When my Hubby gets home later, I'll have him try & open the files. For some reason, I can't open nothing on CS.

Can't wait to see everyones Ideas!!! Hoefully I'll have this ready for my meeting Tues.
  • #14
jwpamp said:
Here is the old version of what we used at our meetings. We changed them a little bit -- adding somethings and deleting others...the new one is on my laptop, so I can post it later.

At least this will give you a start and a template!

hmmm.... looks like I got mine from you! Thanks.:chef:
  • #15
Meeting MoneyI do Meeting Money for some of my recognition. They get play money for bringing their calendar, bringing notepaper and pen, bringing drinks, bringing a PC recipe for our snack, for bringing a guest, for taking a tele-class or an online training course and writing a report that I can pass on to the rest of the team. Then, at the end of the year I am having an autcion for extra prodcuts that I have an bags I don't use and PC clothes.

Not everything gets the same amount of money. Bringing paper and notebook gets $1, bringing a guest gets $10. The more important an activity the more money it is worth.

So far it has been a hit. I haven't done an auction yet.

I think it will also work for new consutlants that haven't been with our team for the entire year. They can earn meeting money fast by bringing guests and taking the online classes.

I have envelopes that they leave at my house with their money in it so that it is always here. That way, if they are no longer with TPC when I hold my autcion I don't lose the play money and I can use it all next year.

It's been a lot of fun.

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  • #16
Thanks EVERYONE. Finished my Punch Cards!!! LONGSorry, I wish I could show you Guys my cards for some reason I can't upload or open anything from CS??

My Punch cards have 14 chef hats around border to be punched out. When all are punched out the card is worth $10. I have the cards good thru May 09. I'm calling my cards "PUNCH MANIA".

How to earn punches on card per month:
2 punches:
top in sales,top in bookings,per qualified recruit, $1000 show, attending 3 consecutive PC Business Building meetings,promote to FD & DIRECTOR.

1 Punch:
Submit 4 or more shows, bring recruit lead to meeting,submit 1250. in comm. sales,submit 2 shows consecutive for 2 months, take 2 tele classes in 1 month & share 3 tips to team by email.
Never know what rewards you'll see at each months meeting.
$10 rewards basket
$20 rewards basket
$30 rewards basket
(Specials from Director Store, PC products, logo wear, bussiness stickers, paperwork etc.)

Recogntion program RULES
*each card is worth $10 when all 14 chef hats are punched out. may save cards to get higher priced idems.
* you can only recieve punches at team meetings. miss meeting lose your punches for that month. I also shared I can find a hospitality director that lives near them, If they need me too!!!
* don't go inactive, lose all saved punch cards. Then I share with them pg 16 in policies & proceddures. call me I'll help in anyway!!
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  • #17
email I sent to my Team TodayCheck your mail boxes Tues or Wed.!! NEW Saunders Team Recognition Program "PUNCH MANIA" !!!

Don't miss out. Get your Punches ONLY at upcoming Team Meetings:
June 16th your upline Director Team Meeting .Pam's @7:00 PM RSVP ME
*****June 17th Saunders Team Meeting. in Troy @ 6:30pm RSVP ME
OR.....I CAN SET UP A Hospitality Director meeting you can attend that lives near you, Let me know ASAP.

Rewards.....Specials from Director Store, Pampered Chef Products, Logo Wear, PC paperwork & much mooooore!!!

"PUNCH MANIA" Get your 1st punches at upcoming June Team Meetings. Based on your Business for MAY!!
DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR PUNCH CARDS. Its up to you to keep up with them :)
  • #18
I LOVE:love0010: these ideas, Ladies!!! My meeting attendance is sort of dropping and I want to not only jazz up my meetings a bit, but add an incentive for attending meeting and participation for training at meetings! I will be using these great ideas!!

Related to Surprising My Team with Creative Punch Card Ideas!

1. How do I create a punch card for my team?

Creating a punch card for your team is easy! Simply visit our website and browse our selection of pre-made punch cards or use our customizable template to create your own unique design.

2. Can I customize the rewards on the punch card?

Yes, you can customize the rewards on the punch card to fit the needs of your team. You can choose from a variety of rewards such as free products, discounts, or even team outings.

3. How do I keep track of the punches on the card?

We offer a digital punch card system where you can easily track the punches and rewards earned by your team. You can also choose to have physical punch cards that can be punched manually.

4. Can I use the punch card for multiple teams?

Yes, our punch cards can be used for multiple teams. You can customize the rewards and keep track of punches for each individual team.

5. Are there any tips for making the punch card more effective?

A great tip for making the punch card more effective is to offer a mix of small and large rewards to keep your team motivated. You can also add a time limit to the punch card to create a sense of urgency.

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