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Surprise Pregnancy: Ms. I'm Not Having Children is Expecting!

lol:)Congrats and have a healthy pregnancy! Enjoy every moment!:)Oh Rae I plan on soaking it for all it's worth:D;)
Gold Member
I'm pregnant!!!! Yup that's right, Ms. I'm not having children is expecting:eek:

I'm 5 weeks today, I know it's still early it's just a big shock for us. Can't believe it. Told my Mom today and she didn't believe it at first and then she just cried. Then I called my sister and she cried. So far the doctor has put my due date on my sisters birthday, that made my sister cry even harder!!!

My doctor told me to take it easy over the next couple of weeks, now I have a reason to lay around and do nothing.LOL!!
Congratulations! An unplanned blessing is what that's called.
Congratulations!! How exciting:)
rennea said:
I'm pregnant!!!! Yup that's right, Ms. I'm not having children is expecting:eek:

I'm 5 weeks today, I know it's still early it's just a big shock for us. Can't believe it. Told my Mom today and she didn't believe it at first and then she just cried. Then I called my sister and she cried. So far the doctor has put my due date on my sisters birthday, that made my sister cry even harder!!!

My doctor told me to take it easy over the next couple of weeks, now I have a reason to lay around and do nothing.LOL!!

NOW I know why you've been soooooo mushy lately!!!

Oh Rennea!!!!! That is so awesome!!!! Congrats - now take it easy and follow Dr. orders!!! Keep us all posted!!! Whooo Hooo!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Ginger428 said:
NOW I know why you've been soooooo mushy lately!!!


HA! HA:D I thought I was going a little loonie for a bit.
rennea said:
HA! HA:D I thought I was going a little loonie for a bit.

WAIT Till you get under way...you're gonna get a LOT LOONIE!!! :eek:
  • #10
rennea said:
I'm pregnant!!!! Yup that's right, Ms. I'm not having children is expecting:eek:

I'm 5 weeks today, I know it's still early it's just a big shock for us. Can't believe it. Told my Mom today and she didn't believe it at first and then she just cried. Then I called my sister and she cried. So far the doctor has put my due date on my sisters birthday, that made my sister cry even harder!!!

My doctor told me to take it easy over the next couple of weeks, now I have a reason to lay around and do nothing.LOL!!

Oh my gosh!!! I'm so happy and super, dooper excited for you! It could not have happened to a cooler canuck in my opinion! :) LOL (you're my favorite Canadian- well that doesn't play hockey that is...)

  • Thread starter
  • #11
I cried so hard the other night, I just can't stop. Told my DH it's hormones but fact is I'm terrified. My doctor told me today that we have lots of time before we have to think about delivery. I told the doctor that I have WAY to much time to think of it.

DH is excited though, he cried when we found out!
  • #12
Mazel Tov!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Kitchen Diva said:
Oh my gosh!!! I'm so happy and super, dooper excited for you! It could not have happened to a cooler canuck in my opinion! :) LOL (you're my favorite Canadian- well that doesn't play hockey that is...)


AHH thanks darlin:D
  • #14
rennea said:
I cried so hard the other night, I just can't stop. Told my DH it's hormones but fact is I'm terrified. My doctor told me today that we have lots of time before we have to think about delivery. I told the doctor that I have WAY to much time to think of it.

DH is excited though, he cried when we found out!

Crying is GREAT isn't it....:cry:
  • #15
The great thing is that every momentary mental lapse you have until the delivery you can blame on "placenta brain." For several months after the birth, you can blame it on postpartum brain. Take advantage all you can. ;)
  • #16
  • #17
Congratulations, Rennea!
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Ginger428 said:
Crying is GREAT isn't it....:cry:

Commercials on the TV have been making me cry:cry: DH told me last night I'm not allowed to watch animal planet anymore cause that makes me cry too. LOL
  • #19
Oh get used to alot of feelings you never knew you had - and wait till you loose all your braincells - Pregnancy is just wonderful.....

Feel good and eat healthy! Its gonna be a fun ride chicka!
  • Thread starter
  • #20
raebates said:
The great thing is that every momentary mental lapse you have until the delivery you can blame on "placenta brain." For several months after the birth, you can blame it on postpartum brain. Take advantage all you can. ;)

Oh Rae I plan on soaking it for all it's worth:D;)
  • #21
rennea said:
Commercials on the TV have been making me cry:cry: DH told me last night I'm not allowed to watch animal planet anymore cause that makes me cry too. LOL

Awwwww your poor babies at home now are not gonna know whats going on...:love:
  • Thread starter
  • #22
Yes one more body to add to the zoo.LOL!! My little Ruby is very jealous if anyone coming near me, I'm not sure what we will do with her. She will be beside herself.
  • #23
rennea said:
Oh Rae I plan on soaking it for all it's worth:D;)

Glad to hear it. :D

Again, congratulations!
  • #24
Congrats! Welcome to team preggo!
  • #25
Congratulations--Its a lot of work---BUT SO WORTH THE LOVE--
All boys here-
and there nice---

  • #26
Congrats!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!! This is wonderful news!!!
  • #27
Congrats!! Take it easy and get lots of rest!! This will be the last time you'll get a full night's sleep, ever! LOL But, the lack of sleep is so worth it!
  • #28
Congrats!!! That is awesome news!!!:)
  • #29
Congratulations! Kids are awesome! I should know I have three of my own!

Girl 13 (soon to be 14)
Boy 11 (soon to be 12)
Girl 5
  • #30
Rennea, go out and buy a doll, and hold it for a little bit each day, it will train Ruby that it's okay for you to share your time with things and people other than her. Also- before you come home, have DH come home with a blanket that was rubbed all over you and your baby- let Ruby smell the blanket and play with it... by the time you come home a day or two after, Ruby will know the smell of the baby, and remember yours, and it should not be as bad...

:) I am really super excited and happy for you!!! I think you'll be a wonderful mom! :)
  • #31
Congratulations!!!!I'm glad your DH is excited about it!My former roommate and maid of honor swore she was NEVER having kids - well, she just turned 32 I think this year and just had her first kid! :)I KNEW times would change for her. ;)Enjoy every moment of it - your life will never be the same - in a good way!
  • #32
I just saw this congratulations Rennea!!!! Whoohooo!!! Are you already talking names and wondering who he or she will look like?? :) Fantastic news, I looooove babies!!!
  • #33
Addie4TLC said:
I just saw this congratulations Rennea!!!! Whoohooo!!! Are you already talking names and wondering who he or she will look like?? :) Fantastic news, I looooove babies!!!

Yes, she's gonna name it after me of course! :) LOL;)
  • #34

Trust me the 9 months are so much worse then delivery:)! You will just be so happy when the day gets here the pain won't be bad! Trust me I had two natural child birth. One was 8 lbs. 9 oz. and the other was 10 lbs. 1 oz! My son was 9 lbs. and I had the epidural w/him:)!

Again, congrats and enjoy every moment!
  • #35
Kitchen Diva said:
Yes, she's gonna name it after me of course! :) LOL;)

So if it's a girl DIVA will be her middle name? LOL
  • #36
Kitchen Diva said:
Yes, she's gonna name it after me of course! :) LOL;)

I on the other hand would NEVER suggest anyone name their child Janet...I never liked my first name...
  • #37
rennea said:
I'm pregnant!!!! Yup that's right, Ms. I'm not having children is expecting:eek:

I'm 5 weeks today, I know it's still early it's just a big shock for us. Can't believe it. Told my Mom today and she didn't believe it at first and then she just cried. Then I called my sister and she cried. So far the doctor has put my due date on my sisters birthday, that made my sister cry even harder!!!

My doctor told me to take it easy over the next couple of weeks, now I have a reason to lay around and do nothing.LOL!!

Congratulations, Rennea!!!
  • #38
janetupnorth said:
I on the other hand would NEVER suggest anyone name their child Janet...I never liked my first name...

Oh I always loved the name Janet. One of my favorite friends growing up is a Janet. Actually we are still friends today! My twin and I have known her for 35 years!
  • #39
You will be in my thoughts :)
  • #40
ChefLisa said:
Oh I always loved the name Janet. One of my favorite friends growing up is a Janet. Actually we are still friends today! My twin and I have known her for 35 years!

My mom must have loved it too! :D

I just never liked it because NO ONE my age was named Janet. Everyone I've met named Janet is about 10 years or more older than me. Even Joyce Dewitt (Janet on Three's Company) has 20 years on me!
  • #41
Congratulations and big hugs Rennea (and Rennea's DH)! So, are you due the end of April?

To keep you occupied during your time of rest over the next couple of weeks, you can be playing PackRat (you have nothing interesting to steal - but you can vault a set!).
  • #42
raebates said:
The great thing is that every momentary mental lapse you have until the delivery you can blame on "placenta brain." For several months after the birth, you can blame it on postpartum brain. Take advantage all you can. ;)
And after all of that, you can claim lack of sleep for quite a few years, actually. The thing is, you won't have to think things up. The reason your brain is fried will be evident to everyone else who's gone through it. You might be wondering, but that's why it's a must to hang out with other moms.

  • #43
and when they are old enough to drive you won't sleep either.I can not sleep until they are home. the night before our vacation they had gone out. I heard MS come in at 1 (they have to come to our room) I guess they came in together but the oldest didn't say anything so I "dozed" until 4 am i woke up grabbed my phone and called him demanding to know where he was 7 what he was doing he said in my bed sleeping.congrats!!!
  • #44
Congrats Rennae!
  • #45
Congratulations! God knew what He was doing even if you didn't! LOL!
  • #46
Congrats Rennea!
  • #47
Congrats! Just get ready to lose your memory...I call it baby mush. The memory goes to mush once the baby's born! LOL
  • #48

I missed this thread last night! I am so happy for you! I am sure this is a BIG surprise for you, but trust me...God has this planned for you for a reason! One of my best friends was NEVER gonna have kids...she has a boy now who is about 10 and is the light of her and her DH's life. Now they can't imagine what life would have been like without him!

Prayers for a safe, healthy, and easy pregnancy and a quick and (relatively) painfree labor!!

{{{BIG HUGS}}}

Don't forget that you are surrounded by a TON of ladies just waiting to help you through this!! Ask away if you have any questions...From the way other threads go on and on, you just know we are all thrilled to give you our opinions and experiences!!
  • #49
Wow! That's awesome, Rennea (isn't it?? ;) )!! Congratulations!!!! I'm very happy for you.

And, you know that you can still lift up that phone even if you need to take it easy!! LOL

  • #50
I am soooooo happy for you Rennea! Take it easy as this is the one time we women can get away with that!
<h2>1. "How did you react when you found out you were pregnant?"</h2><p>I was completely shocked and in disbelief when I found out I was pregnant. It was something I never expected and it took some time for the news to sink in.</p><h2>2. "What made you change your mind about having children?"</h2><p>I never really had a strong desire to have children, but after finding out I was pregnant, I realized that this was a new journey and an opportunity to experience the joys of motherhood.</p><h2>3. "How have your family and friends reacted to the news?"</h2><p>My family and friends were initially shocked, but they are all very excited and supportive. My mom and sister both cried tears of joy when I told them.</p><h2>4. "How far along are you and when is your due date?"</h2><p>I am currently 5 weeks pregnant and my due date is on my sister's birthday, which has made her even more emotional about the news!</p><h2>5. "What advice do you have for other women who may be surprised by a pregnancy?"</h2><p>My advice is to take the time to process your emotions and know that it's okay to feel overwhelmed. Talk to your partner and loved ones for support, and remember that this is a beautiful journey and everything will work out in the end.</p>

Related to Surprise Pregnancy: Ms. I'm Not Having Children is Expecting!

1. "How did you react when you found out you were pregnant?"

I was completely shocked and in disbelief when I found out I was pregnant. It was something I never expected and it took some time for the news to sink in.

2. "What made you change your mind about having children?"

I never really had a strong desire to have children, but after finding out I was pregnant, I realized that this was a new journey and an opportunity to experience the joys of motherhood.

3. "How have your family and friends reacted to the news?"

My family and friends were initially shocked, but they are all very excited and supportive. My mom and sister both cried tears of joy when I told them.

4. "How far along are you and when is your due date?"

I am currently 5 weeks pregnant and my due date is on my sister's birthday, which has made her even more emotional about the news!

5. "What advice do you have for other women who may be surprised by a pregnancy?"

My advice is to take the time to process your emotions and know that it's okay to feel overwhelmed. Talk to your partner and loved ones for support, and remember that this is a beautiful journey and everything will work out in the end.

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