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Stork's Freezer Flyer: Stock Up and Save!

In summary, Kate is doing a Power Cooking Demo and is following in the footsteps of Gillian. The guests will help her to prepare the meals using Gillian's recipes. She hasn't decided if she should ask the guests to bring $$ in lieu of gifts or to have the mom-to-be pay for the food. She is also following in Gillian's footsteps by having a foodsaver and a list of baby PC products available for the guests.
Gold Member
Let me know what you think. I needed something fast, so I whipped this up this morning. Sorry, I can't convert it to Word or .pdf - if anyone can, please do!


  • Stork the Freezer.pub
    125.5 KB · Views: 482
very cute!
Now will you be preparing all the meals to stock her freezer or will you ask each guest to bring a frozen dish?
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  • #3
I'm doing a power cooking demo, essentially. The guests will help me to prepare the meals using Gillian's recipes. I haven't decided if I should ask the guests to bring $$ in lieu of gifts or to have the mom-to-be pay for the food....what do you think?
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  • #4
Any ideas?
I wouldn't have the mom pay for the food...to me it's kind of like a baby shower. Love the flyer...I made it .pdf and left the contact info blank. Thanks for sharing!


  • Stork the Freezer for CS pdf.pdf
    148.8 KB · Views: 652
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  • #6
Thanks!!! I'm glad you liked it.
cmdtrgd said:
I'm doing a power cooking demo, essentially. The guests will help me to prepare the meals using Gillian's recipes. I haven't decided if I should ask the guests to bring $$ in lieu of gifts or to have the mom-to-be pay for the food....what do you think?

maybe assign each guest to bring an ingredient? but that could gt ugly w/last minute cancellations...
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  • #8
Yeah, I'm not sure about that one. I did read that Gillian was thinking of asking each guest to bring $5-10 to cover the cost of the food and that would be the gift. That would be good for someone who has had kids before and doesn't need stuff. However, for first time moms, that wouldn't work. The way I look at it, the family would have to eat anyway, why not buy the ingredients themselves. That is the way a Power Cooking show would go.
Kate do you have the recipes for that? Also, are you using a foodsaver to store the food?
  • #11
I had never thought of the food saver but that is a great idea! The whole point of the shower/show is that the mom to be gets meals, so I call and confirm with each guest and let them know that I am putting up the money for the food so I need their commitment that they will put the money in the pot. There is usually someone close to the mom-to-be that hosts (the grandmother or friend) and they can guide you about how much money is appropriate.

If it is a first baby and people bring baby gifts then you can still make a bunch of meals for $5 or $10 from each person. If it is a second + baby and they don't really need baby stuff then you could ask for the money for food instead of a gift. I have had showers like this where each person brings $5 and some where each guest brought $30. The lady that had the huge shower with each person bringing $30 instead of gifts is still eating her meals 8 months later and we still couldn't spend all the money. We ended up using the excess money to get her a gift card to the local grocery store so she could buy whatever else she wanted fresh.

Just like show sales- the amount that one mom-to-be's friends can afford could be totally different than another, so you have to talk to the host about the amount because it is such a sensitive subject. I have also had people that can't attend but want to put their money in anyway, but it is hard to know if someone is saying they can't attend because they don't have/want to give away the money or if they are really busy. Like any baby shower stuff there seems to be a lot of etiquette stuff to get around...
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  • #12
Gillian - do they still purchase PC products?
  • #13
Yes, I do it like a regular show, but just talk more about the products while I am helping them make the meal. It is hard to explain, but it is more like a bunch of ladies cooking together in the kitchen selling to each other than the usual "this is our small scoop. I am going to scoop the mixture onto the crust, etc.". The ring mixtures freeze really well, so as you are making them you can talk about all the recipes in the All The Best, and that they are really easy to throw together on a stone with a scoop. People still buy stuff and the mom-to-be gets the host bennies. Also I have the list of baby PC stuff available (the quick stir for formula, etc.) so people have the option of buying PC stuff for the mom just like a bridal shower.

It usually works out well where the mom to be is so happy about the meals that the actual show benefits are more of a bonus. I don't have really high sales very often, but they expose you to a lot more people than a reg cooking show so I get a few bookings each time at least.
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  • #14
How do you word the "bring $ for the food and then buy PC stuff, too, oh, and you might want to bring something for the baby..."
  • #15
First you get with the host and see what they think it appropriate (money wise, yes or no on baby gifts). On my invite it says "Join The Pampered Chef in helping Jennifer Stork Her Freezer". That way they know that it is a PC show and won't feel taken when they show up and you are there. If there is no baby gift then the next line reads "In lieu of gifts please bring a $10 donation to help cover the cost of meals". If baby gifts are accepted along with the meal money than leave out the "in lieu of" part. The PC party will just fall into place as long as they know that it is PC related.

I have never had a problem with people not bringing the money or being offended that money was requested. Since they will be at the show where the food is they can obviously see that you didn't run off with the money or the mom-to-be didn't spend it on something else so people feel pretty comfortable.
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  • #16
Gillian - that is exactly what I needed - thanks!
  • #17
Glad to help! I hope it goes really well for you!!
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  • #18
Me too! I just went to the dentist for my 6 month cleaning and the hygenist was 7 months pregnant. I told her about it and she really perked up. I'm hoping to get a show going with her!
  • #19
Good luck Kate! And where on earth did you find a dentist open on Saturday?? I can't get an appointment past 4pm on a weekday!
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  • #20
It was Thursday - I've been working on it since then.
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  • #21
Plus, my dentist is a friend and I have his home number and know where he lives...so, for emergencies, I'm set!
  • #22
Ahh! I got it now! That is great about your dentist- I am the same way with my chiropractor. I have never had to call him when he was at home but if he is around town but not in the office he will come in to adjust me or stay late if I am coming in. My mom works at his office and he was a great help to my pregnancy!

Related to Stork's Freezer Flyer: Stock Up and Save!

1. What is the Stork the Freezer Flyer?

The Stork the Freezer Flyer is a freezer meal planning tool created by Pampered Chef. It is designed to help you easily plan and prepare meals in advance, making mealtime more efficient and stress-free.

2. How does the Stork the Freezer Flyer work?

The Stork the Freezer Flyer is a printable PDF document that includes a meal planning calendar, shopping list, and recipes for a week's worth of freezer meals. You simply choose the meals you want to make, follow the recipes and instructions, and freeze the meals for later use.

3. What types of recipes are included in the Stork the Freezer Flyer?

The Stork the Freezer Flyer includes a variety of recipes, including main dishes, sides, and desserts. The recipes are designed to be family-friendly and easy to make ahead of time and freeze for later use.

4. Do I need any special tools or equipment to use the Stork the Freezer Flyer?

No, you do not need any special tools or equipment to use the Stork the Freezer Flyer. However, having a few basic kitchen tools such as measuring cups and spoons, a cutting board, and a sharp knife can make meal prep easier.

5. Can I customize the recipes in the Stork the Freezer Flyer?

Yes, you can customize the recipes in the Stork the Freezer Flyer to fit your preferences and dietary needs. You can also swap out ingredients or adjust the serving sizes to make the meals work for your family.

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