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Still Having Issues Getting Bookings

In summary, Maggie is trying to find ways to get bookings for her shows, but seems to be having difficulty. She has tried hosting her own shows and talking to strangers, but has not had any success. She has also tried submitting parties, but has not had any luck with that either.
So I joined in November.
Went to feast today and everyone is like you need to do this, this , and this to get booking.
When I tell them I've already done all of those things. ( List of 100, talking to strangers in the supermarket ( If I see someone buying food, I tell them hey I have a recipe card, interested in having a cooking class to learn it? , ect )
Facebook seems like a useless tool. People may look, but no one comments. The business page doesn't let me see who has liked or seen the post so I can message them.
I get told that maybe I should just try it again.
My list of 100 never worked. I got one party out of it and no bookings off of it.

I hate feeling like a negative person, especially at today's event where everyone is so pumped over new products and such.
I do love the products ( just got the rockcrok with my PC$ ) and I have a lot of fun at my parties.
I just can't seem to get people interested in doing a show.

My director has tried to help but shes the kind of person who seems that if you didnt get a booking, there must be something wrong with you.

Help please?

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I'm going to try setting up a neighborhood flyer and also send packets to real estate agents. Anyone ever use these?
Have you hosted your own show in the neighborhood, or with your own friends and family? Maybe doing an "in and out" show....Folks can order things before they are discontinued, and can also look at the catalog that is coming in March and order from that now (you put the old stuff in as a FEB show, and any new stuff in as a second show for March....hopefully, you have enough for show minimums! :) ). Or try a Mystery Host show in your own neighborhood or family/friends. Either of these you should be able to search for here in ChefSuccess for more ideas. The In/Out show woudl be something to do probably in the last two weeks of a season (like now through the end of the month). Just make sure to submit the current season products by Feb 28th because of the host plan changes. And then don't submit the new products until after March 1st. But a Mystery Host you could do anytime. So maybe do an in/out this month, then a Mystery Host sometime in MARCH...make it a "Recipe of the month Club" or something to make it interesting for neighbors....could be a monthly thing if they like it! (I'm sort of thinking out loud here, because I need to do something to spark bookings too! And I'm new to this neighborhood). Thinking if a Recipe of the Month club could take off, you might even get it to where different people would want to host each month to get that month's benefits! ooooo..Like that idea. I think I've read about it somewhere too.Anyway- off the top of my head, those are some ideas that I have been kicking around as well. Also, be on the look out for Spring Vendor events and street fairs. Set up a booth and get new leads! It only takes one or two good shows to get going again. (Go to the Booths & Fairs forum..I think one of the stickies at the top gives some great ideas on how to find those.)
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No one would come to my open house.... I have spring fairs set up for march april and may.
I am getting ready to do the real estate agents packet this week :) Do you have the wording for it and pictures of products to offer? If not, I can email them to you ;)
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Granny52 said:
I am getting ready to do the real estate agents packet this week :) Do you have the wording for it and pictures of products to offer? If not, I can email them to you ;)

My email is [email protected] if you feel like sending me the one you are doing
We can check on each other to see how it works out :)
... but one of my issues at least in my town is my director is a real estate insurance business owner so she knows a lot of the real estate agents.
Have you submitted any parties? If so can you go back to those hosts and see if they can help put you in contact with new people they may know but you may not? Another thing that may help is reviewing booking hesitations. Not sure if something like that is in our files here on Chef Success or not but you can search for it. Practicing these helps offer suggestions for the usual hesitations we hear. They may not always work, but having these ideas ready may help. The best tool we have is our products and making people excited about getting the items they want for free or heavily discounted. Another suggestion go to the bookings section on this site to see if there is something there to help. At your spring fairs make sure you focus on bookings (sales are tough with these events). Raffle off a free party (you pay for the food...and you can choose the recipe). And also ask your director or a fellow consultant role play so you can practice. I had to check how I was asking...was my voice upbeat or sounding like "I know you probably don't want to have a party" if you are on the phone get a mirror and make sure you are smiling when you call...it really works. Some of these may seem very uncomfortable to do, but that is ok. Keep practicing and it will become second nature. Hope this helps! Let us know how you are doing!
I'm running into the same issue now. I've learned over all the businesses I've owned in the past, that you need to spend money to make money. I'm offering all my past hosts and guests, if once of them refers someone (can even be themselves!) who has NOT HOSTED with me ever, once that person holds and submits their show, the referer will get $25 CASH! (It's basically comission on a minimum party). I haven't gotten any bites yet, but I've gotten a lot of "Oooh's...."
Great idea!
  • #10
Instead of offering cash... why not offer free product value. (Make money off of what you are giving them) I would just do up a gift certificate and make sure to put "only valid with YOURNAME" so that you will be making commission on what you are giving away.
  • #11
I offer that as an option as well, but cash usually gets people more motivated to help. Especially if they aren't interested in any products. Cash allows me to open the opportunity to everyone.
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I had two parties and neither one of my hosts or their guests knew of anyone who would want a party. :/
  • #13
Hi Maggie,I was wondering how your business is doing now? I started in November also, and am now feeling like my business might actually be a success! I've gotten away from the friends and family parties and am starting to have parties with people I don't know.I was just curious about how you were doing.Vicki

Related to Still Having Issues Getting Bookings

1. Why am I having trouble getting bookings?

There could be a variety of reasons why you are having trouble getting bookings. It could be due to lack of outreach or promotion, not having a strong enough network, or not offering incentives or benefits to potential hosts. It's important to evaluate your approach and make adjustments accordingly.

2. How can I increase my chances of getting bookings?

One of the best ways to increase your chances of getting bookings is to offer incentives or benefits to potential hosts, such as free products or discounts. Additionally, make sure to promote your parties on social media and reach out to your network to spread the word. Networking events and joining local groups or organizations can also help expand your reach.

3. What should I do if I'm not getting any responses from potential hosts?

If you're not getting any responses from potential hosts, it may be helpful to re-evaluate your messaging and approach. Make sure your messages are personalized and not too salesy. It's also important to follow up with potential hosts and offer additional information or incentives to spark their interest.

4. How can I stand out from other consultants and get more bookings?

One way to stand out from other consultants is to offer unique and creative party themes or ideas. You can also offer personalized experiences, such as in-home cooking classes or custom recipe demonstrations. Utilizing social media and creating a strong online presence can also help you stand out and attract more bookings.

5. What should I do if I'm booked for a party and no one shows up?

If you're booked for a party and no one shows up, it can be disheartening. However, it's important to stay positive and use this as a learning experience. Evaluate what may have gone wrong and make adjustments for future parties. You can also reach out to your host and offer to reschedule or provide a virtual party option to make up for the missed gathering.

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