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Struggling to Get Bookings? Let Us Help You!

In summary, the author has been unsuccessful in booking parties with their CC business. They offer suggestions on how to get bookings, but they have not had any success. They are determined to fill their January calendar with shows.
Hey everyone! I've read through so many of these threads and everyone has great ideas. BUT.. I cant seem to get bookings at all. I've done all the training they offer on CC. I do my 3,2,1. I've held craft shows to get my name out there, I leave mini catalogs wherever possible, i try to get people interested on facebook, I've held my own shows, I even carry around the catalog tote... I just can't seem to get anyone interested in having a party. I'm enthusiastic, I offer great recipes, and prizes. I am at my witts end.
Can someone please help me?!?! :confused:
Thank you!
Have you talked to your director? I don't see that in your list of things you've done.

I just spent the morning on the phone with 3 of my consultants doing some coaching on how to get some shows on the calendar for Jan/Feb....and I'm sure your director would help you with this if you asked....
How do you do the 3, 2, 1.
How do you offer the show opportunity.
Be more specific please :D
  • Thread starter
  • #4
The 3,2,1 Whenever having conversations throughout the day I try to include The Pampered Chef. That could be from meeting someone for the first time and we talk about what we do for a living or having converstaions with people I already know and we are talking about what has been going in our lives. I've called people on my list of 100. I try to do as many cooking shows as possible but that is half the problem I cant get bookings. But when I do have a show I'm up beat and enthusiastic and talk about how PC has really helped me and all the advantages I have had because of them. People even compliment me on how great I am at the shows and that they had an awesome time. (People that I dont know say that)

Offering the shows is a little difficult I've found. I offer to buy the ingredients for ppl when I notice they are hesitant or say that they cant really afford to buy the food. I try to be supportive and say we can make it work. Basically I just try to be very flexible. When I offer them a solution to why they cant have a party they come up with another reason why they cant. Other times I've had parties where everyone already went to another show (including the host) a week before my show and had already purchased a lot and booked shows off of that consultant. (that really upset me because my show was booked far in advance)
The craft shows I engage with people and offer raffles and people say they want to book a party and come up to me all excited and give me all of their information and then when I go to contact them all the information is incorrect. Anyone who has left correct info I send out Thank You postcards and I do a follow up call.
I'm about at my witts end lol
  • Thread starter
  • #5
My director doesnt live in this area because the girl I signed with moved to this area after signing up. And the girl I signed up with is very shy and has the same problem as I do.. She doesnt get very many bookings. I will try and email her and see if she can help in anyway. I do everything they say when they email me. So I dont know what new information she can give me. But I will try I am determined to fill my January calendar with showssss!!! :)
A director not living in your area is not a reason you shouldn't be in touch with her. My director lives 13 hours of time zone difference away. Right now it is 12:49 p.m. here and 3:49 a.m. tomorrow there.
Being far away is no excuse for her not to be supportive of you. And it's not a reason that you can't call her up to chat. :D
First...relax! If you are coming off as desperate then it'll push people away. Also, if you shove PC down the throats of people then they'll push back.

I am NOT saying you are doing this....I am just giving you some ideas to think about and to reflect on how you are coming across to people...b/c I don't know...I am not there.
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  • #8
I just emailed her! And I dont think I'm being pushy just supportive in whatever they decide. Once they keep making excuses I get the hint that they dont want to do it and I back off and just tell them they know how they can reach me if they change thier mind. Because I know how it feels to have someone bug you.
ChefAmandaWason said:
I just emailed her! And I dont think I'm being pushy just supportive in whatever they decide. Once they keep making excuses I get the hint that they dont want to do it and I back off and just tell them they know how they can reach me if they change thier mind. Because I know how it feels to have someone bug you.

You need to ask your DIRECTOR (not recruiter) if you can spend some time on the phone doing some role-playing with different scenarios of what to say when people have objections. There is specific training for that, and it would help you very much to go over that with her. (or him...)
  • #10
I agree with talking to your director not your recruiter. If she is shy and has her own problems with bookings there might not be much she can do for you. Plus sometimes one negative nelly is bad enough (not calling you one! just using it as a reference), getting two together can be dangerous! Also take the online courses and download some conference classes and teleclasses.
  • #11
Getting new business is a little like feeding birds - throw a crumb, they will come. Throw the whole slice of bread and they fly away. Throw the whole loaf, and folks just think you're nuts. Choice crumbs are:-a fun evening in with friends
-you're familiar with Pampered Chef? It might be time to get some items free!
-you like the new items? I have a way you can get a couple of them at a 60% discount
-a low key way to entertain, and I do all the work
  • #12
scottcooks said:
Getting new business is a little like feeding birds - throw a crumb, they will come. Throw the whole slice of bread and they fly away. Throw the whole loaf, and folks just think you're nuts. Choice crumbs are:

-a fun evening in with friends
-you're familiar with Pampered Chef? It might be time to get some items free!
-you like the new items? I have a way you can get a couple of them at a 60% discount
-a low key way to entertain, and I do all the work

:D Great point Scott! I myself have to remember that idea about feeding the birds.
  • #13
I agree that the way you approach the topic is what can help you succeed or cause you to fail. If you appear to be super anxious and are rocking side to side while waiting for their answer, you are going to scare them away. (I use this as a scenario because I've actually seen people in direct sales do it!) You can't look like the kid who's waiting to walk down the stairs to see what Santa brought on Christmas morning. You have to be more laid back & relaxed over it all. If you just casually mention that they can earn lots of stuff for free and at a discount by hosting a show, they are usually more apt to ask more questions or book a show. I flat out ask while doing the full service checkout at my shows "Were you interested in hosting a show like [Suzy Host] and earning lots of items off your wish list for free & at a discount?" Otherwise, I don't ask, I suggest ... "You should think about hosting a show! It's a GREAT way to get lots of items off your wish list for free and at a discount." If they respond that they want to host, I ask them if they are ready to choose a date. I never ask a stranger in public if they would like to host a show. ;)
  • #14
At the craft shows, get a date and time for the show RIGHT THERE. Get their address and phone number and take host packets with you to give them at the show.
  • #15
I LOVED Scott's analogy! Awesome! Bookings are a concern for me, seeing that I'm considering joining after Christmas. Is January a typically hard month to book?


  • #16
Yes, it is, Gina. That's why they usually do a great host special.
  • #17
Thanks. So do you see the Jan. Hostess Specials giving you a good advantage? Historically (I see you've been with PC for 5 yrs), does this help a lot with booking?

I guess with any business, it's the way you approach this 'obstacle' and can shift your mindset. :balloon:
  • #18
I know that it can be frustrating - but attitude is important. It sounds like you have all the info. Just get on the phone and be yourself. You know that what you have to offer is not just great for you - but for the host. Having a show is great for the host - believe that, relax and continue with your 3 - 2 - 1.
  • #19
I find that the best thing to do is not think about how hard it might be to book January, but to simply invite everyone to host. It's a great time to host. People have cabin fever after being so busy in December. There are great host and guest specials. People can buy what they didn't get for Christmas and can use any gift money they got.
  • #20
i'm having the same issues.....I'm now inactive for my second month...:confused:
  • #21
I have had problems with this, but I think I am begining to break through *all finger and toes crossed*
Getting outside of my circle has been devastatingly hard. I have friends (3 to be exact)that commited to having a show a year ago and still have not done it, and I ask every couple of months, but have not pushed. I've cried and moaned and cursed, but I knew once I broke out and found that one person willing to have a cooking show with other PEOPLE I DON"T KNOW, I have gained bookings.

Do not give up P Chef is such an amazing company and gives us all the tools we need to succed. My big issues are catalog shows, OMG. Everyone I know wanted to do catalog shows in the beginning and that resulted in ZERO bookings. I have managed to stay active every month having at least one show, small, very small shows. But I really changed my attitude in the last month or so. *If I have someone contact me about ordering something, I smack em' upside the head with all the benefits of a cooking show.
I did a holiday candy show last week that was successful! And it all started just because my host wanted to order $20 in measuring cups.

So be patient and keep doing what you are doing and go for NO, it never hurts to ask.

Related to Struggling to Get Bookings? Let Us Help You!

1. How can Pampered Chef help me get more bookings?

Pampered Chef offers various tools and resources to help you increase your bookings. This includes customizable invitations, social media graphics, and host coaching materials. Additionally, our consultants have access to training and support from experienced leaders to help them grow their business.

2. What if I am struggling to get bookings despite using Pampered Chef's resources?

If you are still struggling to get bookings, we recommend reaching out to your upline or fellow consultants for advice and support. They may have helpful tips and strategies that have worked for them in the past. You can also attend training sessions or webinars offered by Pampered Chef to learn new techniques for booking parties.

3. Are there any incentives for hosts to book a party with Pampered Chef?

Yes, we offer various incentives for hosts to book a party with Pampered Chef. This includes free and discounted products, as well as host-exclusive specials. These incentives can be a great way to entice potential hosts to book a party with you.

4. Can I book parties with friends and family outside of my immediate area?

Yes, you can book parties with friends and family outside of your immediate area. We encourage our consultants to expand their network and reach out to potential hosts in different locations. This can help you expand your business and reach new customers.

5. How can I make my parties more successful and increase my bookings?

There are many ways to make your parties more successful and increase your bookings. One tip is to offer a variety of themes and options for your parties, such as virtual parties or themed parties. You can also host a booking blitz where you offer special incentives for guests who book a party that day. Additionally, utilizing social media and reaching out to past hosts for referrals can also help increase your bookings.

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