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Director soWhat Is the Call on the 2Nd Going to Be About?

In summary, everyone is speculating about what the email about the conference call on the 2nd of December is about. Some believe it is going to be a rah-rah call to kick off the New Year, while others think it might be related to revisions of the Career Plan, and some even think it might be an announcement of a Christmas gift or trip. Some people are concerned that announcing the trip in January could cause those who have never earned one before to fall behind on getting on track. There were also questions about why not everyone received the email invitation and why they might not announce trips in December.
  • #151
pamperedlinda said:
I'm assuming she gave/paid for orders so that she would have all the necessary active SC lines

Well... she'll get hers. That's not a way to run a business!!!!!
  • #152
But why couldn't they have implemented the change NOW!!!!!!!!???!!!!!!! Why March 1st?????
  • #153
finley1991 said:
But why couldn't they have implemented the change NOW!!!!!!!!???!!!!!!! Why March 1st?????

New catalog, new season....
  • #154
DebbieJ said:
New catalog, new season....

Okay. I get that.

I wonder if more people are going to earn Developing Leaders now!
  • #155
bethcooks4u said:
I missed it all! Please, someone fill me in! I was doing my team meeting and missed it all. ...please, someone! :pray: I can't wait until tomorrow.

I can't fill you in on the dumb people during Q&A...but I have notes on the info presented - is that what you want, Beth?
  • #156
I am so hapy right now...the only thing that would make me any happier would be if they said, "oh btw, all of you that were Directors under the old plan that lost it because of the new 2 SC requirement, guess what...you get RETRO PAY"!!!

Okay, I'll go back to singing "can you feel the love"!!
  • #157
Chefbeckyd said:
I can't fill you in on the dumb people during Q&A...but I have notes on the info presented - is that what you want, Beth?

Yep! Thanks! Thanks Deb and Becky for sharing your notes. Now I can go to bed without trying to fill in the blanks. You guys are great!!! :love0010:
  • #158
chefruthie said:
I am so hapy right now...the only thing that would make me any happier would be if they said, "oh btw, all of you that were Directors under the old plan that lost it because of the new 2 SC requirement, guess what...you get RETRO PAY"!!!

Okay, I'll go back to singing "can you feel the love"!!

Don't forget the retro pay for all those months those of us kept the title but were paid as TL. LOL It's all good. Soon we'll be on even ground again!! Did they say anything about the level you need to be as of March 1? Like if we would lose the title under the current plan would we keep the title in March if we qualified on the new way? I don't plan on that happening but just wondering...
  • #159
bethcooks4u said:
Don't forget the retro pay for all those months those of us kept the title but were paid as TL. LOL It's all good. Soon we'll be on even ground again!! Did they say anything about the level you need to be as of March 1? Like if we would lose the title under the current plan would we keep the title in March if we qualified on the new way? I don't plan on that happening but just wondering...

I hung up during the Q&A so I'm not sure if someone asked that question. they did not go over that durinbg their talk though. It will be on CC Monday. So looking forward to reading it all. I'm very happy with this change, as know many are :D
  • #160
I'm sure all of that will be cleared up on our call next Wednesday with our HO sales managers. Hopefully!
  • #161
Beth, you can call my TX number and I'll fill you in. 469-844-3333
  • #162
Colleen, that D is making personal orders almost every month for a 2nd line to be active so the D can maintain her title and help her upline maintain their title. :( Totally defeats the concept of building a strong team and being rewarded if you are buying your success 10 out of 14 months!
  • #163
Sheila said:
Colleen, that D is making personal orders almost every month for a 2nd line to be active so the D can maintain her title and help her upline maintain their title. :( Totally defeats the concept of building a strong team and being rewarded if you are buying your success 10 out of 14 months!

My question is then how is she earning any money??????????? I guess she could be selling the product at fairs and such, but what a PAIN! Just play the game honestly!
  • #164
I guess it would depend on the overrides. If she's spending $150 to make $300 or more then I guess she can justify it in her mind. I would imagine that she is probably getting the free director boxes each new season too. But I would imagine that would be super frustrating each month. And what if the other team members found out? Wouldn't they be mad that they are working for the activity and this one team mate is doing nothing, but staying active? I wouldn't want to be explaining that one to my downline!
  • #167
DebbieJ said:
My question is then how is she earning any money??????????? I guess she could be selling the product at fairs and such, but what a PAIN! Just play the game honestly!

That's why I didn't understand it! My guess (and it's just a guess) is that she came from another DS company where that is encouraged.

The TL (now SC again) I referred to in my other post does that. About 1/3 of her sales each month is her buying product to get her to $1250. Then she unloads it at the tables. I know we've all added on to orders a time or two but to make that a habit is a horrible and risky way to build a business. Plus, who can sustain that for the long haul? I can't believe that D did it so many months!!!
  • #168
Sheila said:
The one who has "bought" her Director status for 10 of her 14 months? :( That's just sad!!!

I can't imagine doing this for 10 months and I would NEVER admit it to Jean if I had, but I have done this once or twice with my team in the last year and a half and I know other directors who have as well and some NED's too! The reason being that I need my income to pay my bills, we live paycheck to paycheck and this helps pay my mortgage and feed my kids. I can't afford to loose $500(yes sometimes it was that much in overrides) because someone on my team has no desire to submit another $20-$50(and yes sometimes it was that little that they needed)because they wouldn't do even that much more to be active:yuck: One month I had 19 active but was paid as TL:mad: So I can understand why people would be doing this as long as they were working their fannies off to get their team where it needed to be.
I am so happy about the new career plan changes and it makes me once again excited about my job AND for the first time in months start thinking about promoting to AD, it is hard to think about promoting when you are barely hanging on to your title.:D
  • #169
cincychef said:
I AND for the first time in months start thinking about promoting to AD, it is hard to think about promoting when you are barely hanging on to your title.:D

That is so true for me too! I really thought promoting to AD was possible when they first announced the change. I figured I could promote ONE D! But then I flipped between TL and D several times the first year and quickly gave up the AD dream. As of this year, I've been a D consistently since April. But there were many many many sleepless nights on the last day of the month. I finally lost total interest/hope in promoting and focused on my personal biz and my personal recruiting. I ended up having my best year ever in my PC career!

I'm happy to know that as of March, I won't be losing sleep on the last night of the month. I'm sure a lot of us will be GREEN by mid-month too! And I can really focus on helping my team recruit and focus on my personal recruiting.

There were so many concerns/complaints when they made the original change. So far, I haven't heard any with this new change so hopefully HO has gotten it right! :pray:
  • #170
cincychef said:
...One month I had 19 active but was paid as TL:mad: So I can understand why people would be doing this as long as they were working their fannies off to get their team where it needed to be.
I am so happy about the new career plan changes and it makes me once again excited about my job AND for the first time in months start thinking about promoting to AD, it is hard to think about promoting when you are barely hanging on to your title.:D
That was the most frustrating thing. I could have $12,000 in team sales and 10 active consultants....but not be paid as a D...but someone else could have 4 lines active, and barely eeking out the $4000 minimum, and be paid as one. Hmmmm....whose working harder and producing more for the company??? SO HAPPY they've finally recognized that!
finley1991 said:
I'm happy to know that as of March, I won't be losing sleep on the last night of the month. I'm sure a lot of us will be GREEN by mid-month too! And I can really focus on helping my team recruit and focus on my personal recruiting. There were so many concerns/complaints when they made the original change. So far, I haven't heard any with this new change so hopefully HO has gotten it right! :pray:
It's already given me new energy for focusing on my team and personal recruiting! I have people on my team who I know now will feel like they can attain directorship! This is so exciting!Oh - and I won't be losing any sleep over end of month stuff for the next three months either...I'll just be singing March Is Coming....
  • #171
Chefbeckyd said:
That was the most frustrating thing. I could have $12,000 in team sales and 10 active consultants....but not be paid as a D...but someone else could have 4 lines active, and barely eeking out the $4000 minimum, and be paid as one. Hmmmm....whose working harder and producing more for the company??? SO HAPPY they've finally recognized that!

It's already given me new energy for focusing on my team and personal recruiting! I have people on my team who I know now will feel like they can attain directorship! This is so exciting!

Oh - and I won't be losing any sleep over end of month stuff for the next three months either...I'll just be singing March Is Coming....

Exactly how I have been and now feel! I could have written this. All I can say is Wahoo!!
  • #172
What bothered me most about the 'old' program was that people were put in the position of having to either sign a recruit lead under someone else to maintian structure or had to put sales under someone to make sure they had structure or both. This really, really sullied the program and put people in a position where they had to compromise their personal integrity for the sake of maintaining a structure that was for the most part, out of their control.

I don't like being put in that position myself and I certainly didn't like having to make those end of the month calls to my 2nd and 3rd Gen directors to make sure they were going to make structure so that everyone above them got paid. Ugly, ugly, ugly feeling in my heart whenever I had to do that.
  • #173
And for the record, this will be the easiest it's ever been to promote to Director. No 5 qualified, active consutlants lining up all at the same time. No 4 + 2 structure with sales being floated every whichway to make it happen. This new plan allows people to do the right thing and be in control of their promotion and their maintanence from day one.
  • #174
Don't forget the retro pay for all those months those of us kept the title but were paid as TL. LOL It's all good. Soon we'll be on even ground again!! Did they say anything about the level you need to be as of March 1? Like if we would lose the title under the current plan would we keep the title in March if we qualified on the new way? I don't plan on that happening but just wondering...

Yeah, I hope that is addressed, i may be in that boat--missed directorship in November because the SC nonsense--she submitted, her recruit didn't. I'll be amazed if they both submit in December, so January will be drop dead month for me...if I can get them to submit in Dec. or January, I am home free till March 1. Prayers accepted! I can't listen in on the call, but will definitely listen to the recording.
  • #175
Nanisu said:
Don't forget the retro pay for all those months those of us kept the title but were paid as TL. LOL It's all good. Soon we'll be on even ground again!! Did they say anything about the level you need to be as of March 1? Like if we would lose the title under the current plan would we keep the title in March if we qualified on the new way? I don't plan on that happening but just wondering...

Yeah, I hope that is addressed, i may be in that boat--missed directorship in November because the SC nonsense--she submitted, her recruit didn't. I'll be amazed if they both submit in December, so January will be drop dead month for me...if I can get them to submit in Dec. or January, I am home free till March 1. Prayers accepted! I can't listen in on the call, but will definitely listen to the recording.

I asked that question on today's call and they said that if you drop to TL on March 1 (or before) your title will change to TL but if you make the new requirements in March you will be paid as D in March and "repromote" on April 1.
  • #176
DebChefIA said:
And for the record, this will be the easiest it's ever been to promote to Director. No 5 qualified, active consutlants lining up all at the same time. No 4 + 2 structure with sales being floated every whichway to make it happen. This new plan allows people to do the right thing and be in control of their promotion and their maintanence from day one.

I AGREE!!! It's never been easier to promote to D... no more excuses!!!!!!!!! Well, except for *life* getting in the way! ;)
  • #177
DebChefIA said:
And for the record, this will be the easiest it's ever been to promote to Director. No 5 qualified, active consutlants lining up all at the same time. No 4 + 2 structure with sales being floated every whichway to make it happen. This new plan allows people to do the right thing and be in control of their promotion and their maintanence from day one.

Beautifully stated!

(and now, won't this make Allison a director? :) :) :) I'm so excited for her - it's hard to keep quiet!)
  • #178
I think what's been hard for my team to be inspired to promote is seeing me struggle to get the lines in place each month. Why would they want to deal with that? Now I can encourage them to have a well-rounded business (sales, recruiting, booking) and they will be rewarded!
  • #179
finley1991 said:
I think what's been hard for my team to be inspired to promote is seeing me struggle to get the lines in place each month. Why would they want to deal with that?

Now I can encourage them to have a well-rounded business (sales, recruiting, booking) and they will be rewarded!

YES, YES, YES!!!:party:
  • #180
finley1991 said:
I think what's been hard for my team to be inspired to promote is seeing me struggle to get the lines in place each month. Why would they want to deal with that?

Now I can encourage them to have a well-rounded business (sales, recruiting, booking) and they will be rewarded!

EXACTLY!!!! :party:
  • #181
Wahooo! Totally excited with the change.....I see lots of D's on our team come March! Not to mention more control for those who have the bare minimum.
  • #182
If they don't promote before, I'll have 2 who are "paid as" in March and promote in April! :D
  • #183
I just realized that my 3rd D-wanna-be is 1 person away from taking this promotion too! I bet when she hears about this on Monday she'll kick her recruiting in high gear and get the structure to promote April 1 or quiclky thereafter!

Guess I need to start working on my first 2nd line D so I can promote to SD!!!
  • #184
Sheila said:
I just realized that my 3rd D-wanna-be is 1 person away from taking this promotion too! I bet when she hears about this on Monday she'll kick her recruiting in high gear and get the structure to promote April 1 or quiclky thereafter!Guess I need to start working on my first 2nd line D so I can promote to SD!!!
My director is just a few recruits away from being a SD with the new structure. I'm so excited for her!She has me :)Then another consultant who has 6 in her line...and one TL, who has 4 in her line (so she needs two)Then another consultant who has 4 in her line, and one SC. (so she needs one.)
  • #185
Annastasia has 8, one has 2 new recruits. So she has the personal sales and the team sales, but was just waiting on the 2nd SC. She's good to go for sure in March, but really wants this so I could definitely see her promoting before then. (She would have made it already if the new plan was in effect.)

Karen has 7 in her 1st line, 6 that she can count on. Two of them have a recruit. She has the personal sales, the team sales and the current structure requirement. She missed promoting this month because a SC is on vacation in the states and didn't submit. :( I expect to see her promote prior to the new plan. (She would have also already made it if the new plan was in effect.)

Katie has 3 personal recruits and 1 of them has 2 new consultants in her downline, so she's super close to getting the structure for the new plan.

I have 2 more in my group of 12 personal recruits who want to build a team. One already has 2 recruits.

I sent out an e-mail last week showing my pay for the last 6 months. What I sold, what I would have made as a consultant, how much I receiced in HO leads, what I received in team overrides and what I did make. I'm hoping that seeing the difference will encourage more of them to have the desire to recruit and promote! It definitely made an impact earlier this year when I did it! LOL
  • #186
finley1991 said:
Well... she'll get hers. That's not a way to run a business!!!!!

:eek:I did this in October.:blushing: Even though I submitted $300 in orders so 2 of my 3 potential SC would be SC...I still netted more commission than if I had let it go and was paid as a TL. I may have to do this again at least once before March as to not lose my title of at least D.

My 2nd gen D has ALWAYS met her requirements each month. All but one of my months I met AD requirements EXCEPT my 1st gen D. She has only met them 3 times since June! And it drops my income significantly even though I have met all of my requirements of an AD.

So...here is how Dec, Jan and Feb could be. If I meet all my requirements of AD but my 1st gen does not, I would be paid as a TL each month. By February I would drop from and AD to a TL....unless I buy a couple parties like I did in October. ( she has struggled with personal organization, organization and 4 active lines at various times).

I have active people under these SC's but the SC has decided not to be active. One could even be a TL!!! And she rocks. I thought that she would be my next director because she easily could be...but her husband does not want her to do PC anymore. They do run a farm together, have 4 kids under the age of grade 2...and number 5 is on the way!! He doesn't want her to be gone too much. She is active with her church and that is all she has time for.

So...you are correct, Colleen. It is no way to run a business...but for that month, I needed the extra money. I would have been out much more than $300. The only other way I would do it is to retain my title of at least D. I would not do it consistently for that amount of time, however.

In a way, I am glad she did admit it because I bet there were many more than just her and I doing it!! The new plan will still allow an AD to at least be paid as a D without having to buy 2 parties to keep that damn SC requirement.

Have not had success in helping my 1st gen. She just seems to think that she can do it alone and she will eventually. She forgets that sometimes just hearing something from someone else can help turn a light bulb on in someone's head.
  • #187
Isn't it exciting? I have 2 directs and 2 indirects who are near D structure and 1 or 2 may promote before the new career plan, but by March - all 4 will be there. SD, here I come! :D
  • #188
WooHoo Laurie! I don't think I'll promote to SD that fast, but I do anticipate getting it fairly quickly. Much more quickly than I think I'd have gotten it with the current plan in place. :D
  • #189
Chefbeckyd said:
Beautifully stated!

(and now, won't this make Allison a director? :) :) :) I'm so excited for her - it's hard to keep quiet!)

Yep...and she knows about it. She was able to attend our upline Director's meeting with me yesterday and we discussed it. I am so excited for her!!
  • #190
Jolie_paradoxe said:
Isn't it exciting? I have 2 directs and 2 indirects who are near D structure and 1 or 2 may promote before the new career plan, but by March - all 4 will be there. SD, here I come! :D

:party:WOW!! Congratulations...how exciting!!!!:party:
  • #191
Thanks Sheila and Ann! At the moment it looks great, but no celebrating til it happens right. Anything can happen from now until March. :D

Sheila, the new plan will DEFINITELY make it easier for all of us and I am really happy with the change. Going to start working on trying to have the stars aligned by march. :D You and your team are on fire and I know I'll be celebrating with you shortly after.

Ann - I'm happy that the change is going to get you off that rollercoaster and that you'll actually be paid consistently for YOUR hard work. No more creativity or nail biting for you. :D Also, it seems like your 2nd gen will become your 1st gen and you'll be able to be paid as AD regularly!
  • #192
I understand what you're saying Ann... I think at one point in time, we've all done something with a show/order to help us along. There's nothing wrong with that... I think that doing it months on end can get risky!
  • #193
Sheila said:
Annastasia has 8, one has 2 new recruits. So she has the personal sales and the team sales, but was just waiting on the 2nd SC. She's good to go for sure in March, but really wants this so I could definitely see her promoting before then. (She would have made it already if the new plan was in effect.)

Karen has 7 in her 1st line, 6 that she can count on. Two of them have a recruit. She has the personal sales, the team sales and the current structure requirement. She missed promoting this month because a SC is on vacation in the states and didn't submit. :( I expect to see her promote prior to the new plan. (She would have also already made it if the new plan was in effect.)

Katie has 3 personal recruits and 1 of them has 2 new consultants in her downline, so she's super close to getting the structure for the new plan.

I have 2 more in my group of 12 personal recruits who want to build a team. One already has 2 recruits.

I sent out an e-mail last week showing my pay for the last 6 months. What I sold, what I would have made as a consultant, how much I receiced in HO leads, what I received in team overrides and what I did make. I'm hoping that seeing the difference will encourage more of them to have the desire to recruit and promote! It definitely made an impact earlier this year when I did it! LOL

Would you mind sharing that email (minus your $$ numbers of course) so I can follow your format and share my #s with my team?
  • #194
I sent it in iContact. I just forwarded that e-mail to you. ;)
  • #195
Sheila said:
I sent it in iContact. I just forwarded that e-mail to you. ;)

Got it - thank you SO much for sharing! :)
  • #196
Anytime! :D
  • #197
finley1991 said:
I understand what you're saying Ann... I think at one point in time, we've all done something with a show/order to help us along. There's nothing wrong with that... I think that doing it months on end can get risky!

I always make sure that I am on the plus side of the money or going to lose my title and don't want to drop from AD to TL. It gets too expensive!!
  • #198
baychef said:
I always make sure that I am on the plus side of the money or going to lose my title and don't want to drop from AD to TL. It gets too expensive!!
That's why I worry about my one TL... about 1/3 of her monthly sales are her own purchases to keep her at $1250 to get her HO leads. She's trying to unload the stuff at tables this month... The prob is that Nov was her 3rd month to maintain to get the leads and she didn't hit it. She's got the sales/recruits but no longer has the title of TL to get them. I don't think she knows yet and is expecting to start getting the leads this month... :(
  • #199
Yuck. What a bummer of a month to not get those HO leads! :( I already have about $175 in HO lead orders. There were a few months this year that I fell out of the leads rotation and it sucked! It's just nice to know some orders will come in and boost your sales. But, it kind of defeats the purpose if you have to buy your way there all the time!
  • #200
It makes it NO fun to have to buy your business and your title. I can't wait till the new plan starts!!
<h2>What Is the Call on the 2nd Going to Be About?</h2><p>The call on the 2nd is going to be about our plans and updates for the year 2011. It will also cover any important announcements and changes within the company.</p><h2>Did you get the email today about the call on the 2nd?</h2><p>Yes, all employees should have received an email regarding the call on the 2nd. If you did not receive it, please check your spam folder or contact your supervisor for more information.</p><h2>What news is going to be given about 2011?</h2><p>During the call on the 2nd, our CEO will be sharing our goals and plans for the upcoming year. This will include updates on new product releases, marketing strategies, and any changes in company policies.</p>

Related to soWhat Is the Call on the 2Nd Going to Be About?

What Is the Call on the 2nd Going to Be About?

The call on the 2nd is going to be about our plans and updates for the year 2011. It will also cover any important announcements and changes within the company.

Did you get the email today about the call on the 2nd?

Yes, all employees should have received an email regarding the call on the 2nd. If you did not receive it, please check your spam folder or contact your supervisor for more information.

What news is going to be given about 2011?

During the call on the 2nd, our CEO will be sharing our goals and plans for the upcoming year. This will include updates on new product releases, marketing strategies, and any changes in company policies.

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