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Someone Else Using Your Address

In summary, it seems as though the consultant's ex-wife is using the consultant's address with her name and the consultant has contacted Nevada Power. The consultant recommends contacting the post office that the consultant's post carrier delivers from and telling the consultant's ex-wife that the consultant is not living at the address she has provided.
need to share and be held accountableHi ladies, I had a coaching call with one of my team members today about goal setting. She has been a consultant for 3 years now, has moved her business from VA to CT and is a fireball in sales! She really wants to earn the incentive trip for 2008, so she asked if I could help her set and keep her goals. While talking to her, I was reminded of how frequently we can give others really good sound advice about how they should work their business for success, and then turn right around and NOT do what we told them to do! I heard my self saying things like "you need to shorten your show length", and "work on getting over the fear of asking everyone about the opportunity" and "get on that phone and book the bejeebers out of January and February". As we were ending the call, I told her that I plan to follow my own advice and that we can help keep each other motivated and on track! I feel like as her Director, she looks to me as if I have all of the answers when in reality we are consultants first, directors next! I am going to have to walk the walk from here on out because she was very excited to hear me say she could hold me responsible!

I would LOVE to hear how everyone keeps themselves motivated throughout the year. Do you have a system that helps you stay focused?
I wish I did. I am very motivated by carrots and praise neither of which do I get from my director. She doesn't even call. I plan, I mark my calendar and then I don't do "it".

I just had a coaching call and had a big "Ah-hah" moment. I learned (knew but learned) that I over commit and expect to be able to do too much and then get overwhelmed.

Right now I am on a time crunch to get 4 rooms ready for new carpeting (also means painting 3 of them). I have what I need to do on a calendar and it's doable and I still have given myself time to work on my business some. Once I get that all done (last carpet comes in on December 17) I will be moving back into my office BUT I will not put boxes of papers in there. They WILL be organized in a useful way or they will not go in.

Once I have done that I will start the new year with an organized plan for every day/week/month.

Now... I am being held accountable for the next few weeks by the fact that the carpeting is scheduled and I must be done for those dates. Who wants to help me with the accountability after that??

(PS: I am on a break right now - spent the day preping the first room to paint tomorrow and have to let the spackling dry so I can sand.)
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  • #3
Beth, we can help keep each other on track!

My short term goal is to get my office where I can actually work in it. That is my plan for Saturday. My calls for booking January have been happening this week, but I am not stopping until I have 15, yes, I said 15 COOKING shows on my calendar! Right now, I have 3!

My goal is to really have January and Febraury be HUGE months so that I can go all year off of the hard work I out into those months.
I have 2 people that I am actively talking to about the business opportunity and I have a new consultant that I am coaching to qualify before the year ends.

How do you think we could help each other with our goals?
Well, we could check in with each other on a scheduled basis to see if goals stated last time were met and then make new goals for next time.

Having someone who is going to ask the question and who also has similar goals is an amazing way to achieve a goal. I don't want to let my partner down and I want her to succeed but then I need to too! :sun:
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  • #5
that is a great idea! kinda what I am already doing with my team member, but this way I have another director keeping me in line!

Here is what I want you to do for me~my office will be clean and orderly and I will have at least 5 January shows booked by Monday

What would you like from me and when?

Anyone else want in on this??
By Monday I will have contacted my January Hosts and sent their packets out and made at least 10 calls to try to get additional January bookings. I would like it to be more but I have these painting deadlines looming! After December 17th I will be all about business!
I must admit that I am spoiled by my Director. We became very good friends so we talk all of the time. The only downfall is I know it is hard for her to "kick me in the tush" when I need to be kicked. However, I usually tell her when I need to be pushed a little.
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  • #8
ChefLisa said:
I must admit that I am spoiled by my Director. We became very good friends so we talk all of the time. The only downfall is I know it is hard for her to "kick me in the tush" when I need to be kicked. However, I usually tell her when I need to be pushed a little.

I have the same problem....good one to have, though:)
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  • #9
OK-here it is, Sunday afternoon and my office is clean! I have also started cleaning out my "old" office that we plan to make into a den....I was complaining that it was mostly DH's stuff, and lo & behold...it was all my PC stuff! Gonna get that all straight later today and tonight I am on the phone! I will have more January shows booked before the night is through! I'll let ya'll know how it goes!
  • #10
Is there any penalty for someone using someone else's address when filling out credit apps/loan apps/job apps/etc?

It seems as though my DH's ex-wife has started using our address with her name. They were divorced 5+ years ago & shortly after we got married 4 years ago, we stopped receiving cc offers, etc in her name. We've recently started getting them again & today got a collections letter for her from Nevada Power. We've already contacted NP (we didn't open the mail, but you could read the phone number through the envelope) so we know that we're not on the hook for anything.

Is there anything else that we can do to make sure she stops? I've been checking for DH's credit report to make sure that nothing strange is going on.
  • #11
If you think that she knows his ss# (most likely) and that their is a slim chance that she may try to open up accounts in his name you can put something on your ss# so that when an app is done it is not accepted right away. They will need more info like a copy of ss card or something. Sorry I can't remember more..I ran into this situation about 8 years ago when I worked at a retail store and did a credit app for someone. They had their identity stolen so they had this protective thing put on their account so when every they went to apply for credit they would need more info.

OR I would get one of the credit monitoring services that will watch it for you.
  • #12
crystalscookingnow said:
Is there any penalty for someone using someone else's address when filling out credit apps/loan apps/job apps/etc?

It seems as though my DH's ex-wife has started using our address with her name. They were divorced 5+ years ago & shortly after we got married 4 years ago, we stopped receiving cc offers, etc in her name. We've recently started getting them again & today got a collections letter for her from Nevada Power. We've already contacted NP (we didn't open the mail, but you could read the phone number through the envelope) so we know that we're not on the hook for anything.

Is there anything else that we can do to make sure she stops? I've been checking for DH's credit report to make sure that nothing strange is going on.

Try contacting the post office that your postcarrier delivers from. See if there's anything else you can do. Unless she's using someone else's personal info, I don't think there's anything you can do about her using the address other than send everything back with her name on it 'return to sender - person does NOT live at this address' for which you don't pay postage... the carrier will take it back to the sender.
  • #13
What I have learned is that if the X quits paying something, and they can not reach her at the address they have, they will start searching historical addresses, previously used names etc. Nevada Power sounds like a household electric thing- that would normally be sent to the home that is getting the power. Sounds like she skipped out on a bill and the collections investigation led to her X. All you have to do is contact them and tell them No- she is not here. They are very understanding. It happens a lot. I get collections for my X fairly often. I just give them his address, assure them that he is simply tossing their mail as is his habit, and they leave me alone. I am not liable for any of his financial irresponsibility.
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  • #14
OK-I am really trying to be the glass half full kind of person right now, but I am getting frustrated! I have a pile of DPDS I am going through for people that checked "yes" to a show, told me January, and are now NOT HOME!:cry: If I could just get them on the line, I know once they hear about the specials, they'll be ready to book! I did get one show...but that only gives me 3 for January, and my goal (and I am taking this very seriously) is 15! I have my last show next week and my Host Appreciation show on Saturday, so bookings are bound to come from them, right????
I am not giving up....as Scarlett would say "tomorrow is another day"!

On the upsid eof things, the office is still clean-WOW! 4 whole days it has lasted!:rolleyes:
  • #15
Enjoy the accomplishments and keep working on the bookings. You can do anything you put your mind to!!

As far as my goals...

I hurt my back (it's getting better - I just have to take things slow and rest a lot more than I like to for now) and that has not only delayed my painting projects but it makes it hard to put that smile on my face to make the calls.

I have failed miserably in my goal so far - my January host packets are not out yet and I haven't made very many calls at all. I did get the bonus room painted - finally but my office should be empty and at least prepped for painting by now. The first carpets come in on Tuesday. :eek:

My team meeting is tonight and I have the meeting planned so that is good. Today I will set up for my meeting, finish the host packets, get to the PO with them and pack more of my office up for moving into the garage for a week - yikes.
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  • #16
It certainly sounds like you are regrouping, but don't overdo it! Back's are funny critters~they seem healed and then aren't!

I'll be back on the phone this afternoon and tonight~I have decided to call folks at their work numbers...if they gave them to me, I am assuming it is OK to call there!
  • #17
I would like to be included in being held accountable too.

Are we going to start a new thread on the same day every week?

I do not check this site every day, more like once a week.

I have 16 shows scheduled for January. I only have 3-4 host packets left to send out, but I am waiting for my supply order to arrive. I do not have any shows scheduled in February. So my goal for this week is to send out the rest of my host packets, make my first phone call to those that do have packets and call 4-6 people that wanted me to call them this week for shows in Jan and Feb. I also have 6 recruit leads that I need to contact this week.

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  • #18
wdpmap said:
I have 16 shows scheduled for January.


when I pick myself off the floor, I'll try to hold you accountable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kidding~the first thing I need to know is HOW you got that many? Were they booked at other shows or did you pick up the phone???

I have 4 and a possible 5th, but I have my last show before Christmas tonight, so I am hoping for more to come from that!
  • #19
chefmeg said:

when I pick myself off the floor, I'll try to hold you accountable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT cracked me up!!:approve::approve:
  • #20
I got on the phone. I went back 5+ years and called hosts that I have not talked to since their show. At my shows I really talked about how they would be crazy to not take advantage of this awesome special! I talked about my favorite piece of cookware, which is the Executive Stir-Fry skillet and how if they have a party with me they would be able to get it free or anything else they want that is comparabe in price. Since my show average is over $600, they would then get an additional $50 free to buy anything else that they wanted! Why would you not want to have a show!

At my shows I talk about that everyone comes to a party with an idea of how much they can/want to spend. I ask them to think about the one item that they REALLY need in their kitchen and spend their entire budget on that one thing. I would rather have them buy that one thing that they really need than buy a bunch of little things that they would use sometimes. I tell them that they would be much happier spending their money on that one thing that they REALLY need. If that one thing that they need is out of their budget then they NEED to have a party to get it free or half price.

I did tons of customer care calls. I was amazed at how many people wanted to host a show, but call me later. They were genuinly excited about a show, but in a few months. I called people that said "call my in Jan. after the holidays" and told them that will want to move their party up to Jan because of the special and they usually did.

I called everyone that I got on the Host Referral Report. My report was 13 pages long, I got a lot of interest from people that had not been to a party in over two years because their consultant quit. If they said "not now," I asked them when. I keep asking "when" until I get a "no" or a "yes."

I don't spend a lot of time on this website. I have a limited amount of time to work in my office. I could easily waste an hour of it every day on this sight. I check it about once or twice a week. I check new posts and I don't read any of them that have the word "vent." It is very easy for me to get sucked into the negative parts of my business, I don' t need other's bringing me down. I hit the highlights in the director, recognition and motivation areas.

I keep in contact with my inactive consultants. One of them is having a show tonight. I am hoping to get 2-3 show from it on my Jan and Feb calendar. More than likely her friends have not been to a party since she quit two years ago.

What I need to work on is recruiting. I have only recruited three people this whole year. I will be developing a director in this TPC year, I'm on track for sales, I NEED to recruit. I have 5-6 people I need to follow up with this week so I can tell them about the AWESOME new consultant incentive going on. I want to earn TPC in balanced business. The area I live in is WIDE open for consultants, 99% of them have quit. There was a senior director with six directors here and they have all quit except one. This is my focus.

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  • #21
Michelle, It sounds like you are really working your business and you should be proud of that! You deserve those shows with all that hard work.
I think the idea of going beck to the beginning of your business and touching base with those hosts is a great idea. I am always so concerned that they are going to blow me off because it has been so long since I have been in touch, but I have no proof that is the case since I haven't picked up the phone! I did my last show before Christmas tonight and got 3 potential January bookings BUT better yet, 2 of those were recruit leads! I will be concentrating my efforts on that for the rest of this month as well as getting on the phone to make ccc's. I am gonna try the old host calls and see what happens!
I will keep you updated after this weekend~gotta survive the rest of this week with a sick kid and all of the holiday prep going on!
  • #22
I started the conversation by introducing myself and reminding them of where they know me! I then asked them how all of their products are working, what is their favorite and what do they use it for. I then asked them how long has it been since they have been to a party. I was shocked that a lot of them had not been to a party since theirs...however many years ago that was! I then told them about the Jan special and asked if they wanted to get in on it. Since I was catching them all of guard, a lot of them wanted me to call them back in a week or a few days or even a month so they could think abou it.

I did not get any bookings from my party last night.

I have to report that it is such a good thing that I am doing all these customer care calls lately. There is a lady in my area that is selling Lia Sophia with the same name as mine! A lot of my past hosts and customers think I have switched!


Related to Someone Else Using Your Address

1. Can someone else use my address to receive Pampered Chef products?

Unfortunately, no. In order to ensure the safety and accuracy of deliveries, we require that the recipient's name and address match the information on the order. This helps to prevent any potential issues with incorrect or fraudulent deliveries.

2. What if I want to send a gift to someone using my address?

In this case, we recommend using our gift option during checkout. This will allow you to enter the recipient's name and address, while still using your billing information. This ensures that the correct person receives the gift and that it is delivered to the correct address.

3. Can I add a secondary address to my account for someone else to receive Pampered Chef products?

Absolutely! You can add a secondary address under the "My Account" section of our website. This will allow you to store an alternate address for future orders and deliveries.

4. What if someone else accidentally used my address for their order?

Please contact our customer service team as soon as possible to resolve this issue. We will work with you to ensure that the order is delivered to the correct address and that your information is not used for any future orders without your permission.

5. Can I use a PO box or business address for my Pampered Chef deliveries?

While we do accept PO box addresses, we do not recommend using them for deliveries. Our products are best delivered to a physical residential or business address to ensure safe and timely delivery. If you must use a PO box or business address, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

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