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Should I Contact HO About My Website Order Not Qualifying Toward My $1250 Goal?

In summary, the new consultant goal is to reach $1250 in sales by the end of April, but due to a policy change, online orders will not qualify. The goal is to get orders placed through the show to qualify. The consultant is close to $1000 in sales, but is still trying to get the word out and increase commissionable sales.
Ok, so I am trying to reach my $1250 new consultant goal and have actually made almost $1000 in sales so far with my first show, plus online orders for it and my sister-in-laws catalog show.

My director and another consultant told me to hurry and apply for my PC Debit card so I could get my website. I did just that and finally have my website. I am SO excited!! Cause the website is a big help in getting outside orders!

So once I got my website I told everyone about it!! I only got one order on my website so far, but it was for $60 and guess what....that $60 will NOT qualify toward my $1250 goal! Here's why: (I am SO MAD! :mad:)

This is from the Consultant's Corner under Online Ordering Policies:

Definition of Online Order: Individual online orders include those orders placed directly through a Consultant’s Personal Web Site and through a Wedding Registry. Outside orders for a Show which are placed through a Consultant’s Personal Web Site are not considered online orders.

While online ordering provides you with the opportunity to build your sales, the Cooking Show should always remain the core of your business. To maintain focus on this fundamental part of the business, the following policies apply:

New Consultant Qualification
New Consultants become “qualified” by submitting $1,250 in personal commissionable sales or 4 Shows. Online orders, as defined above, do not count toward qualification.

YEAH! My director SHOULD'VE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS! Ok, maybe she figured I would see it on the CC (so I shouldn't be too hard on her) and thank goodness I did!! I was so mad when I read that! :mad: I had to go back and contact a few people on how to order online THROUGH MY SHOW so it will count toward my $1250 goal! Geez! :grumpy:

I still get commisson on a order placed on my website right!?!

And those orders I DON'T have to input on P3??

oh wow! I am wondering if that is something new. I've been selling for over 11 years and NEVER knew that an online order wouldn't count towards a new consultant's $1250. However, whenever possible you should always try and get the orders onto a show for 2 reasons. One, it builds up the host benefits and two) if the order reaches the $60 (before tax and shipping)the guest will then get the guest special as well. they won't if it 's just a random online order. So sorry you didn't know about this but I bet your Director didn't realize that either. Anything ordered through you will get commission on so don't worry about that. Keep working hard so you get $1250 through other means. Have someone do a catty show for you so you are sure you can get there. How close are you now and when is your 30 day deadline up?
  • Thread starter
  • #3
smspamperedchef said:
oh wow! I am wondering if that is something new. I've been selling for over 11 years and NEVER knew that an online order wouldn't count towards a new consultant's $1250. However, whenever possible you should always try and get the orders onto a show for 2 reasons. One, it builds up the host benefits and two) if the order reaches the $60 (before tax and shipping)the guest will then get the guest special as well. they won't if it 's just a random online order. So sorry you didn't know about this but I bet your Director didn't realize that either. Anything ordered through you will get commission on so don't worry about that. Keep working hard so you get $1250 through other means. Have someone do a catty show for you so you are sure you can get there. How close are you now and when is your 30 day deadline up?

I bet my Director is just like you. ;) She's been selling for 15 years!! I'll bet she didn't know about that either. Personally, I think that is real stupid that PC doesn't make orders on your website count toward your new consultant goal but...whatever.

So far I am almost at $1000 in commissionable sales. I'm trying to get the word out and talk with more people so I can get $250 more in commissionable sales!!

My 30-day deadline is up May 12th. But I wanted to get the $1250 in before the end of April! That's what my director kept encouraging.
That is news to me too.Suggestion, build a Catalog Show with YOUR name & have anyone who wants to place an individual order do it there. Then you can put it in P3 under an open show or as an outside order & have it count. ;)I try to keep an active show under my name all year long for customers to do that. I tell them if they are not in a huge hurry to get the show submitted, then do it that way. If I have a show closing in the next 5 days, I'll give it to that host, otherwise I'll submit it as an individual order. When I use the orders that are there, I close out that show & make a new one so that I don't accidentally re-use someone's order. ;)
That's new. It used to be that ALL commissionable sales counted toward qualification. HO has implemented some changes in the past year or so that they haven't publicized, so it's not necessarily your Director's fault that she was unaware of this change. For the future, I recommend doing the following. I tell my customers that whenever they place a non-show order on my PWS, to use my name as the host name. (I keep a show open on there under my name.) Then, if I get enough such orders together in a reasonable time, I submit them as a catalog show. Which allows the customers to get the monthly special, if it happens to be a "valid on a show order only" type.
I thought you weren't allowed to get individual orders on your website until you qualified?
wadesgirl said:
I thought you weren't allowed to get individual orders on your website until you qualified?

Funny, that's what I thought too - that's what I tell my new consultants.

Soooo, now you can get them, but they just don't count towards your qualification?
wadesgirl said:
I thought you weren't allowed to get individual orders on your website until you qualified?

That's my understanding, too. An online order for a show would count, but not until the show is submitted.
WOW!!! I didn't know that either. Don't be mad at your director/recruiter, I bet she didn't know.
emiscookin said:
Ok, so I am trying to reach my $1250 new consultant goal and have actually made almost $1000 in sales so far with my first show, plus online orders for it and my sister-in-laws catalog show.

My director and another consultant told me to hurry and apply for my PC Debit card so I could get my website. I did just that and finally have my website. I am SO excited!! Cause the website is a big help in getting outside orders!

So once I got my website I told everyone about it!! I only got one order on my website so far, but it was for $60 and guess what....that $60 will NOT qualify toward my $1250 goal! Here's why: (I am SO MAD! :mad:)

This is from the Consultant's Corner under Online Ordering Policies:

Definition of Online Order: Individual online orders include those orders placed directly through a Consultant’s Personal Web Site and through a Wedding Registry. Outside orders for a Show which are placed through a Consultant’s Personal Web Site are not considered online orders.

While online ordering provides you with the opportunity to build your sales, the Cooking Show should always remain the core of your business. To maintain focus on this fundamental part of the business, the following policies apply:

New Consultant Qualification
New Consultants become “qualified” by submitting $1,250 in personal commissionable sales or 4 Shows. Online orders, as defined above, do not count toward qualification.

YEAH! My director SHOULD'VE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS! Ok, maybe she figured I would see it on the CC (so I shouldn't be too hard on her) and thank goodness I did!! I was so mad when I read that! :mad: I had to go back and contact a few people on how to order online THROUGH MY SHOW so it will count toward my $1250 goal! Geez! :grumpy:

I still get commisson on a order placed on my website right!?!

And those orders I DON'T have to input on P3??


I think there is confusion in the interpretation.

Here's what the policy and procedures on CC states:

Online orders include:
• O orders include gift orders placed through a Wedding
Registry and individual orders placed directly through a
Consultant’s Personal Web Site (not connected with
a Show

• R orders include registry rewards orders redeemed by the
bride/couple from their Wedding Registry.

Eligibility for Online Ordering:

• Any Consultant can subscribe to a Personal Web Site.

• You must submit at least $1,250 in personal commissionable sales before you participate in
online ordering.

• Wedding Registry. You must submit at least $1,250 in
personal commissionable sales and provide an e-mail
address, to participate in the Wedding Registry program.

Unless the new consultant is qualified, a customer can not do an individual order online via the PWS. Because the orders from a PWS are placed through a show, it is not considered an online order by definition but rather an outside order.

Since an "unqualified" consultant can not get individual online orders, it is not possible for these orders to count towards qualification.

How did that $60 order come in? Are you sure it wasn't through a show? You will need to mark it as reviewed from your PWS, then choose the "Copy PWS order" button on P3 for it to pop up.
  • #10
I'm confused... I have the websited and didn't qualify til a few days ago. No one could place online orders, unless they typed in a host name which once I synced it with p3, was added to their show. Those orders worked and counted just fine for me. Friend 4 hrs away did an entire catalog show online.

My ? is did you go into p3 and pull the order into your show?
  • #11
I thin there's been some misunderstandings here. Here are the basics:

1. New consultants can set up a website before submitting $1250 in sales, but they must pay for it, and to do so they need a TPC Debit Card.
2. If you reach your $1250 in sales in your first 90 days, you get a 90 day trial of the website. If you've already paid, the extra time will be tacked to the end of your subscription.
3. New consultants cannot accept individual orders and wedding registries on their website until they have submitted $1250 in sales.
4. New consultants can accept outside orders for shows through their PWS before submitting $1250 in sales. These must then be copied to and submitted in P3 with the show. Since they are submitted through P3, they do count as commissionable sales toward the first $1250.

So, in other words, no, an individual online order would not count toward your first $1250, but since you can't accept it before you hit $1250, it's kind of a moot point. I'm not sure why they'd put that in the rules when it's not a situation that would occur anyway.
  • #12
NooraK said:
I thin there's been some misunderstandings here. Here are the basics:

1. New consultants can set up a website before submitting $1250 in sales, but they must pay for it, and to do so they need a TPC Debit Card.
2. If you reach your $1250 in sales in your first 90 days, you get a 90 day trial of the website. If you've already paid, the extra time will be tacked to the end of your subscription.
3. New consultants cannot accept individual orders and wedding registries on their website until they have submitted $1250 in sales.
4. New consultants can accept outside orders for shows through their PWS before submitting $1250 in sales. These must then be copied to and submitted in P3 with the show. Since they are submitted through P3, they do count as commissionable sales toward the first $1250.

So, in other words, no, an individual online order would not count toward your first $1250, but since you can't accept it before you hit $1250, it's kind of a moot point. I'm not sure why they'd put that in the rules when it's not a situation that would occur anyway.

I think there is a lot of confustion because the OP says that she got an order on her website. I'm curious if it was added to the show or if it went through as an individual order?
  • #13
wadesgirl said:
I think there is a lot of confustion because the OP says that she got an order on her website. I'm curious if it was added to the show or if it went through as an individual order?

Well the original post does say her D told her it would help her get outside orders. I think the big distinction that has to be made is between the difference in outside orders and individual/online orders. An outside order is still an outside order, even if it's through the PWS, as long as it's attached to a show.

I really think the part about online individual orders is causing the most confusion, and should not be in the rules, because a situation in which you have an individual online order before reaching your first $1250 in sales isn't going to happen.
  • #14
NooraK said:
Well the original post does say her D told her it would help her get outside orders. I think the big distinction that has to be made is between the difference in outside orders and individual/online orders. An outside order is still an outside order, even if it's through the PWS, as long as it's attached to a show.

I really think the part about online individual orders is causing the most confusion, and should not be in the rules, because a situation in which you have an individual online order before reaching your first $1250 in sales isn't going to happen.

That's true. The way it was originally presented made it seem like a policy change, but when we see the info in it's entirety, it's the same.

It must have been an online show order, and she just needs to attach it to the show in P3.
  • #15
so to hyjack this thread... since i have now qualified, when do you think my site will be updated for outside/online orders, not related to a show
  • #16
wadesgirl said:
I thought you weren't allowed to get individual orders on your website until you qualified?

Oops- you're right. :)
  • #17
I couldn't get mine until I qualified! And that was just last Nov .... hmmm...
  • #18
ChefParty4U said:
so to hyjack this thread... since i have now qualified, when do you think my site will be updated for outside/online orders, not related to a show

It usually takes a day or so, maybe two.
  • #19
ChefBeckyD said:
That's true. The way it was originally presented made it seem like a policy change, but when we see the info in it's entirety, it's the same.

It must have been an online show order, and she just needs to attach it to the show in P3.

Right. I think OP should email HO (or I would, if I could, but I'm at work), and let them know how this unnecessary statement is causing confusion and frustration. From the original post, it seems that she did receive outside orders, but did not just review and copy them to P3, but actually called the customers to get the information over the phone, creating unnecessary work for her, because she was afraid if she copied them from her PWS, she would not get credit.
  • #20
NooraK said:
Right. I think OP should email HO (or I would, if I could, but I'm at work), and let them know how this unnecessary statement is causing confusion and frustration. From the original post, it seems that she did receive outside orders, but did not just review and copy them to P3, but actually called the customers to get the information over the phone, creating unnecessary work for her, because she was afraid if she copied them from her PWS, she would not get credit.

Actually, I'm not sure where she pulled the info from, because it's old info, anyway. It states that you qualify by submitting $1250 or 4 shows, and that has not been true for a year. Last April, it changed to JUST $1250 in sales.

I checked all over CC, and couldn't find the wording that she posted. She must have downloaded or been forwarded an older copy of the Consultant Policy guidelines.
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Wow. This has turned into a great thread! ;)

Ok, so the fact still remains that I GOT an order on my website, it sent me an email giving me the details and everything. When I looked at my Shipment Status in my CC, it said the items have been "picked." Ok, so if orders on my website don't matter because I haven't qualified yet...umm...what happens to this order? Do I get commission on it? Someone mentioned how I may need to add it to a show in my P3. How do I do that?

Some of the things you guys said about me is not true. :( I didn't post an "older copy" of the consultant policy guidelines. It was copied straight from my CC and here's how to find it!
Go to "Promoting your Business" and then click on "Online Order Policies." There it is!! Exactly what I posted.

I gotta go, but NooraK I will check your personal message when I get back.
  • #22
I currently have a website, but have not reached my $1250 limit yet. I just had a friend try to place an individual order and it would not let her, luckily I have a show that closes this Friday so she just placed it under that and did direct ship to herself. It is very interesting that someone was able to place an individual order on your website, it sounds like just a onetime mistake on HO side.
  • #23
It was an individual order, not not an order for a show? If so, all I can say is glitches happen. It's my guess that it was a simple glitch that allowed an individual order through on your PWS before you'd qualified.

And, don't take comments here personally. We're all simply trying to figure things out. I promise it wasn't a personal indictment.
  • #24
emiscookin said:
Wow. This has turned into a great thread! ;)

Ok, so the fact still remains that I GOT an order on my website, it sent me an email giving me the details and everything. When I looked at my Shipment Status in my CC, it said the items have been "picked." Ok, so if orders on my website don't matter because I haven't qualified yet...umm...what happens to this order? Do I get commission on it? Someone mentioned how I may need to add it to a show in my P3. How do I do that?

Some of the things you guys said about me is not true. :( I didn't post an "older copy" of the consultant policy guidelines. It was copied straight from my CC and here's how to find it!
Go to "Promoting your Business" and then click on "Online Order Policies." There it is!! Exactly what I posted.

I gotta go, but NooraK I will check your personal message when I get back.

Wow, that's really weird, because according to the policies, that isn't supposed to happen. If it is in Shipment Status a "picked" then you do not have to do anything. I would still want to call HO and clarify what is going on. You should get commissionable sales on all orders submitted through you.
  • #25
Are you sure you haven't qualified yet and maybe just didn't realize it yet?? no one is supposed to have Individual Orders available on their PWS until they reach the $1250 mark. You got lucky basically...so don't look a gifted horse in the mouth?? :D You'll still get the commission. If it was an order that was supposed to go for a show- it obviously didn't.
  • Thread starter
  • #26
raebates said:
It was an individual order, not not an order for a show? If so, all I can say is glitches happen. It's my guess that it was a simple glitch that allowed an individual order through on your PWS before you'd qualified.

And, don't take comments here personally. We're all simply trying to figure things out. I promise it wasn't a personal indictment.

Yup. An individual order. Placed right on my website. The funny thing is: I had a feeling I should've shown her how to order for my SHOW but I gave her my website cause it's much easier and NO ONE told me I had to qualify for the $1250 in order for me to get orders on my website!!! My director and my recruiter both didn't mention that!! So, since that is the case, I don't know how in the heck an order went through on my site.

I love my Director, she is a nice lady and very knowledgable, but I don't think she is keeping herself up to date with the company changes. She has been with the company for 15 years! My recruiter is BRAND NEW, just like me, so she is still learning the ropes.

Thank you for your sweet words raebates. :eek: That makes me feel better. :p I want to apologize to everyone. I didn't mean to make this such a confusing thread. I was just upset when I read that on the Online Ordering Policies and wanted to rant to someone because my husband is out of town. And I also figured I could let all of you know about it in case you didn't. And all this I did without knowing my website wouldn't accept orders without qualifying first.

What's the HO # again?
  • #27
I think the policy wording is irrelevant since an online order wouldn't or couldn't count towards qualifying because you can't (or at least aren't supposed to be able to) get Individual Online Orders on our website. The only orders we're supposed to get are through Shows....so what the policy says really is only confusing if they are now allowing new consultants to take individual orders on their PWS. Otherwise- it wouldn't really matter. Does that make sense?? It sounded better in my head.The most recent Policy & Procedure Guide (which is updated more often- the page you referenced is outdated (the 4-shows thing).), which was updated 4/16/10, still says you have to "qualify" to accept online orders.Obviously in your case, either it was a glitch in your PWS that allowed you to get the Individual Order in the FIRST place or you hit the magic number and didn't know it yet..... "curiouser and curiouser"
Last edited:
  • Thread starter
  • #28
esavvymom said:
I think the policy wording is irrelevant since an online order wouldn't or couldn't count towards qualifying because you can't (or at least aren't supposed to be able to) get Individual Online Orders on our website. The only orders we're supposed to get are through Shows....so what the policy says really is only confusing if they are now allowing new consultants to take individual orders on their PWS. Otherwise- it wouldn't really matter. Does that make sense?? It sounded better in my head.

Obviously in your case, either it was a glitch in your PWS that allowed you to get the Individual Order in the FIRST place (or you hit the magic number and didn't know it yet), or they have changed that policy..... "curiouser and curiouser"

Yeah, probably. I can promise you I haven't hit the magic number yet cause this is for my FIRST show and I haven't even closed it yet! I'm gonna contact HO.
  • #29
Before I qualified I noticed that there were occasional glitches in the PWS. Occasionally it would allow individual orders. Two slipped through. I did get paid commission on them. They did not count toward the $1250 ... a glitch is a glitch. At least I was paid commission.
  • Thread starter
  • #30
RMDave said:
Before I qualified I noticed that there were occasional glitches in the PWS. Occasionally it would allow individual orders. Two slipped through. I did get paid commission on them. They did not count toward the $1250 ... a glitch is a glitch. At least I was paid commission.

Hmm. Well that's good to know. ;)
  • #31
RMDave said:
Before I qualified I noticed that there were occasional glitches in the PWS. Occasionally it would allow individual orders. Two slipped through. I did get paid commission on them. They did not count toward the $1250 ... a glitch is a glitch. At least I was paid commission.

Now why couldn't I have had that problem?! ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #32
So I just contacted HO and told the guy the whole thing!

He said once I create my personal website, for ONE DAY only it is open to individual orders and my friend was able to place an order on THAT day! Then he said after that first day is over you have to QUALIFY before people can order on there again. He did say it is a glitch (like many of you said earlier) that has happened before.
Interesting huh?
At least I will get commission on it. ;)
He was gonna check and see if that order WILL go toward my $1250 and I am on hold right now as he checks on that.........................
(This "on hold" music I am listening to kinda sucks! ;) Lol!)

Ok, he told me they will count that $60 toward my $1250 (YAY! :D) because it was a glitch. And he said the reason they have that info on the CC under the online ordering policies is because you aren't supposed to receive any orders on you PWS until you qualify (once again, something many of you said earlier) therefore...an online order wouldn't go toward your $1250.
I can see how all of this was confusing to all of you but I'm just glad this has been taken care of!!!
So rest easy everyone. ;) All is good!!
  • #33
Thanks for the update. Plus I'm glad it's counting towards that magic number! This is a cool glitch if you ask me. :D
  • #34
How long did it take for PC to make your web site active after you signed up?

  • Thread starter
  • #35
gigi425 said:
How long did it take for PC to make your web site active after you signed up?


Read through the thread and you'll find the answer. ;) So much to explain. Hope it's not confusing for you.
  • #36
gigi425 said:
How long did it take for PC to make your web site active after you signed up?


Usually within 24 hours. :D
  • Thread starter
  • #37
Jolie_Paradoxe said:
Usually within 24 hours. :D

Oh geez! I think I misunderstood the question!

All the confusion of this thread was messing my brain up!! :yuck:

Thanks for answering the question! ;) Sorry about that gigi425.
  • #38
emiscookin said:
Wow. This has turned into a great thread! ;)

Ok, so the fact still remains that I GOT an order on my website, it sent me an email giving me the details and everything. When I looked at my Shipment Status in my CC, it said the items have been "picked." Ok, so if orders on my website don't matter because I haven't qualified yet...umm...what happens to this order? Do I get commission on it? Someone mentioned how I may need to add it to a show in my P3. How do I do that?

Some of the things you guys said about me is not true. :( I didn't post an "older copy" of the consultant policy guidelines. It was copied straight from my CC and here's how to find it!
Go to "Promoting your Business" and then click on "Online Order Policies." There it is!! Exactly what I posted.

I gotta go, but NooraK I will check your personal message when I get back.
Before I qualified, I had an individual order slip through on my website. I contacted HO and they researched it. It was, in fact, a mistake on their part. Because this order would have upped my hostess to about $5 short of the next level, I argued that they owed her something considering if she'd be $5 short of the next leve, she would have gone out and tried to get other orders. Anyway, my point being that I'd call HO and have them research what happened (if I'm reading your posts the right way). Then argue your point and see what happens. They ended up giving my host free products and a discount to make up for the web goof up.

Related to Should I Contact HO About My Website Order Not Qualifying Toward My $1250 Goal?

1. Can I count online orders toward my $1250 new consultant goal?

No, online orders do not count toward your $1250 goal. Only personal commissionable sales and shows count toward qualification as a new consultant.

2. I have made almost $1000 in sales, but only one order on my website. Why does this one order not count toward my goal?

According to the Consultant's Corner, outside orders for a show placed through a consultant's personal website do not count as online orders. Only individual orders placed directly through a consultant's personal website or through a wedding registry are considered online orders.

3. Shouldn't my director have told me about this policy?

While it would have been helpful for your director to inform you about this policy, it is ultimately your responsibility as a consultant to stay informed about the policies and procedures of the company. You can always refer to the Consultant's Corner for any questions or concerns.

4. Will I still receive commission on orders placed through my website?

Yes, you will still receive commission on orders placed through your website. However, they will not count toward your $1250 goal as a new consultant.

5. Do I need to input these orders on P3?

No, you do not need to input these orders on P3. The orders placed through your website will automatically be processed and counted toward your commission and bonuses.

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