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Selling Higher Priced Pampered Chef Items Activity

In summary, by highlighting items over $20.00 on a Pampered Chef sales receipt and analyzing the top 25 sellers, we can see the importance of focusing on higher priced items and new products during demos. This activity also helps us understand the breakdown of products over and under $20.00 in our product line.
Staff member
Take a Pampered Chef sales receipt and highlight everything over $20.00.

Interesting to see that only 1 item is over $20 under Kitchen Companions and Measuring Tools.

Anyway, then print off your top sell list (top 25 sellers) for Feb 1, 2004 to April 1, 2004.

Highlight anything on the top sell list that sells for $20 or more.

How many are on the list? Of those highlighted, where are they on the list--at the top or at the bottom?

Write next to all of the remaining items the selling price. How many are under $10.00?

How many of the new Spring/Summer products are on your top sell list?

This will help show consultants how to put more focus on several things... 1. Selling higher priced items 2. Selling the new products 3. Seeing how many products we have over (& under) $20.00 in our product line...something for EVERYONE. 4. Seeing if they are selling enough cookware and baking stones 5. Consider if they need to be doing different recipes that focus on more higher priced products, cookware and baking stones.

I've printed this report forever it seems, but tonight I just did the highlighting activity and it sure surprised me to see exactly how many products we sell that are over $20 and how many I should be focusing more attention on during my demos. Mary Jo Oyer-
Sales ReceiptKitchen Companions Garlic Press.......................................$14.00 Vegetable Peeler...................................$9.00 Measuring Tools Measuring Spoons Set.............................$20.00 <-- Highlighted Measuring Cups Set...............................$17.00

Hi Mary Jo Oyer,I just did the highlighting activity and it was definitely eye-opening! Out of the top 25 sellers for Feb 1, 2004 to April 1, 2004, 15 items were over $20. That's more than half! And out of those 15, 10 were at the top of the list. It's clear that these higher priced items are in high demand and should definitely be a focus during demos.As for the remaining items, there were 10 that were under $10.00. It's interesting to see that these lower priced items are not as popular as the higher priced ones. This could be a good opportunity to try and upsell customers on these items during demos.I also noticed that out of the new Spring/Summer products, 3 made it onto the top sell list. It's definitely important to highlight these new products and showcase them during demos to generate more sales.Overall, this activity really emphasized the importance of focusing on higher priced items and new products during demos. It's also interesting to see the breakdown of products over and under $20.00 in our product line. Thanks for sharing this activity, I will definitely be using it to analyze my own sales and focus on areas that need improvement.

Related to Selling Higher Priced Pampered Chef Items Activity

1. How can I effectively sell higher priced Pampered Chef items?

To effectively sell higher priced Pampered Chef items, it is important to understand the features and benefits of the product and be able to communicate them to potential customers. You should also focus on building relationships with your customers and offering personalized recommendations based on their needs and preferences.

2. What are some tips for overcoming customer objections to higher priced items?

First, listen to the customer's objections and address them with confidence and knowledge about the product. You can also offer a comparison to a lower priced item and explain the added value and benefits of the higher priced item. Additionally, offering a payment plan or hosting a demonstration to showcase the quality and functionality of the product can help overcome objections.

3. How can I target the right audience for higher priced Pampered Chef items?

To target the right audience for higher priced Pampered Chef items, you can focus on hosting parties or events with a specific theme that aligns with the product. You can also reach out to existing customers who have purchased lower priced items and showcase the benefits of upgrading to a higher priced item. Utilizing social media and targeted marketing efforts can also help reach potential customers.

4. Are there any discounts or promotions for higher priced Pampered Chef items?

Pampered Chef occasionally offers discounts or promotions on select higher priced items, but they are not always available. As a consultant, you can offer your customers the opportunity to host a party and earn discounts or free products, which can be applied towards a higher priced item. You can also offer bundle deals or package discounts to incentivize customers to purchase higher priced items.

5. How can I showcase the value of higher priced Pampered Chef items to my customers?

One effective way to showcase the value of higher priced Pampered Chef items is through demonstrations or cooking classes. This allows customers to see the product in action and understand its functionality and benefits. You can also share customer reviews and testimonials to showcase the positive experiences of others who have purchased and used the higher priced items. Additionally, highlighting the longevity and durability of the product can help customers see the long-term value of investing in a higher priced item.

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