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Relay for Life Fundraiser: Ideas and Suggestions for a Successful Event

In summary, to fundraise for the Relay for Life team in your county, you should plan to have a product fundraiser in April and submit it May 1st. You will also get a $1 donation from each product sold.
Gold Member
About 3 years ago, I was a Captain of the Relay for Life team at the job that I had at the time. I really think that is a good cause, and of course really pushed the HWC fundraiser event last year. I was wondering how to handle the fundraiser whether it be a HWC product fundraiser or a catalog/cooking show fundraiser to tie it in to the Relay for Life event that will be taking place in my county on June 3rd this year? Does anybody have any suggestions before I call the Chariman person over the county or the Chair person over the District? I think that this could be one thing that could be done say for the month of April, submitted on say May 1st, and they will have their check back by June 3rd. Does this sound right, or has anybody tried this before? Help????????
I was actually wondering the same thing. We will be having Relay for Life June also. Any suggestions,,,Anyone?
I called the Chairperson here and spoke with them and she is giving my name and number to all TEAM leaders and their members. That was the only way that she knew to help me out. I did call some of the team leaders. If you go to American Cancer Society and click Relay for Life you can check out the relays in the area that have been held and the past and also the ones that are coming up!

Good Luck! I really want that trip to the Bahamas and need some help getting there! I believe that fundraisers are the way to go!
I am friends with one of the Team leaders here. I just don't know if PC gives more percentage than the 15% or not. That is what I am kinda confused on. And then when the show has to be submitted for their check to get to the organization on time.
Pampered Chef gives 15% of the sales to the fundraiser. BUT most of the consultants I know give 5% of their commission to the organization. So they are now getting 20% and the consultant looks supportive and generous. But to get the check on time by a certain date, plan to have the fundraiser a few weeks before they need the money. At least this was how it was explained to me.

Here's what I'm doing:
I'm already planning a fundraiser for our church's youth group's Relay for Life team. We're holding it in April with a kitchen show kick-off, then having the kids and their parents collect additional outside orders to add to their total. We're going to submit it May 1st, so we can sell the HWC products. We're going to advertise the fact that not only will a percentage of everything sold help our youth's Relay team, but PC will also donate $1 from each HWC product sold. This way it's kind of a 2 for 1 deal. I'm hoping by submitting it on May 1st, they'll get their check prior to our June 3rd Relay. Our area Relay is offering a cash incentive to the youth group that raises the most money, so we're hoping this really helps them!

Hope this helps you!
HWC ProductsDoes anyone know how long we will be able to sell HWC Products?


Cindy Steiner
batroark said:
About 3 years ago, I was a Captain of the Relay for Life team at the job that I had at the time. I really think that is a good cause, and of course really pushed the HWC fundraiser event last year. I was wondering how to handle the fundraiser whether it be a HWC product fundraiser or a catalog/cooking show fundraiser to tie it in to the Relay for Life event that will be taking place in my county on June 3rd this year? Does anybody have any suggestions before I call the Chariman person over the county or the Chair person over the District? I think that this could be one thing that could be done say for the month of April, submitted on say May 1st, and they will have their check back by June 3rd. Does this sound right, or has anybody tried this before? Help????????

Our cluster participated in our local Relay for Life last year and all proceeds were donated to ACS. We set up a tent (had pink table coverings, ribbons, etc.) and displayed the Help WHip Cancer products. Every consultant donated one pack of the Help Whip Cancer pins and we sold the pins at the Relay for $1.00 each. Each consultant that participated in the Relay also donated one item and we did a chinese auction type of raffle and sold tickets. All of the monies raised from the raffle and the sale of the pins was given to the ACS. As soon as people saw the tent that was all Pink, and the Help Whip Cancer pin posters (we had large posters made at Office Max), they immediately knew it was a Pampered Chef tent. We were willing to take orders for the HWC products, but nobody seemed interested in the items. THey were more interested in being able to take the products with them that day. By selling chinese auction tickets, this also helped us to get leads and names of people. Let me know if you need any detailed information or have any questions. :)
HWC products are available for sale between may 1 & may 31! Although, hopefully they won't run out like they did with the Sweetheart towels.
  • #10
HWC ProductsThank you!

Can we sell the HWC Products in April as long as we don't turn the show in until May 1st? Where can I get a list of the HWC products for sale? Sorry for so many questions, I am a new consultant and just started in January.

Thanks for all the help!

Cindy Steiner
  • Thread starter
  • #11

That sounds like a good idea, but what is a chinese auction? About how many HWC products did you have on hand to sell?
  • #12
A Chinese auction is where the consultants that participated donated PC items to raffle. Then we sold tickets. The people that bought tickets could choose what item(s) they wanted to win and place their tickets in the bucket for that item. For example, we sold 10 tickets for $5.00 and the people put their name and phone # on the back then dropped each ticket in the buckets for each item that they wanted to win. If there was an item that they weren't interested in they might not put any tickets in but if there was an item that they REALLY wanted then they might put more than one ticket in that bucket. Then all of the money raised went to the ACS.

We didn't have the HWC products to sell right then and there, but we did have them to display and people could place orders for them.
  • #13
Karen said:
Our cluster participated in our local Relay for Life last year and all proceeds were donated to ACS. We set up a tent (had pink table coverings, ribbons, etc.) and displayed the Help WHip Cancer products. Every consultant donated one pack of the Help Whip Cancer pins and we sold the pins at the Relay for $1.00 each. Each consultant that participated in the Relay also donated one item and we did a chinese auction type of raffle and sold tickets. All of the monies raised from the raffle and the sale of the pins was given to the ACS. As soon as people saw the tent that was all Pink, and the Help Whip Cancer pin posters (we had large posters made at Office Max), they immediately knew it was a Pampered Chef tent. We were willing to take orders for the HWC products, but nobody seemed interested in the items. THey were more interested in being able to take the products with them that day. By selling chinese auction tickets, this also helped us to get leads and names of people. Let me know if you need any detailed information or have any questions. :)

Tina, I'd like more info!!! What did your "tickets" look like - did you have the normal PC questions on there? How many pins did you preorder (when can we order those) and how many sold?

Thank you!

Related to Relay for Life Fundraiser: Ideas and Suggestions for a Successful Event

1. What is the "Relay for Life Fundraiser" all about?

The "Relay for Life Fundraiser" is an annual event organized by the American Cancer Society to raise funds for cancer research, support services for cancer patients, and to spread awareness about the disease. It involves teams of people taking turns walking or running around a track or designated area to symbolize the ongoing fight against cancer.

2. How can I participate in the "Relay for Life Fundraiser"?

There are various ways to participate in the "Relay for Life Fundraiser." You can join an existing team or create your own team, register as a survivor or caregiver, volunteer at the event, make a donation, or simply attend and show your support.

3. Can I still participate if I am unable to attend the event?

Absolutely! You can still participate in the "Relay for Life Fundraiser" by making a donation, purchasing a luminaria bag in honor or memory of a loved one affected by cancer, or by spreading the word and raising awareness about the event and its cause.

4. Are there any incentives for fundraising or participating in the "Relay for Life Fundraiser"?

Yes, there are various incentives for both fundraising and participating in the "Relay for Life Fundraiser." These may include t-shirts, wristbands, medals, and other recognition items. Additionally, knowing that you are contributing to a great cause and making a difference in the fight against cancer can be a rewarding incentive in itself.

5. How can I get my company or organization involved in the "Relay for Life Fundraiser"?

Getting your company or organization involved in the "Relay for Life Fundraiser" is a great way to promote team building, community involvement, and corporate social responsibility. You can form a team, make a corporate donation, or sponsor a portion of the event. Contact your local American Cancer Society chapter for more information on how to get your company or organization involved.

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