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Record-Breaking February: $4K+ Sales, 1 Recruit, 2 Prospects & Big Goals Ahead!

In summary, Shawnna had a great month with her high sales totals. Rachel had a good month as well with her high sales totals.
I finished February with my all-time high totals. 11 shows, $4000 + in sales, 1 recruit, and 2 people I am "talking" with regarding joining. My goal is to walk the stage in July. I AM going to the Bahamas next year, which is why I double booked for February. I am EXHAUSTED, but what an exciting month !!!!!! Tomorrow is my birthday, and I do not even mind getting another year older, this is going to be a GREAT year, I do not want to miss a minute of it !!!!!! How did the rest of you do?
this is what i done...i have turned in 8 shows, had over 4,000 in sales(my highest month ever) and signed one recruit(my first) I still have about six shows to close out for February but of course they wont count towards feb. sales...which sucks...my goal is to one month have more in sells than my director....this is my biggest month i have ever had...i can't wait for the rest of the year to see what it holds...
That is fantastic!!!!!!! What a great month you had.That will be a great commission check and way to go on the double points.
My numbers aren't anything like that, but I was really happy with February nonetheless. I had a physical injury which seriously limited my ability to do shows, so I only had two cooking shows. BUT, I had three catalog shows close and was able to end up with over 2000 in sales. AND I earned my SS#2 bonus plus one of the bank bonuses... so all in all it was a great month for me.

That is wonderful! I was so happy with my SS2 month-$2700+ in sales and I can not wait for the brown truck to bring my 2 bonuses! Great job everyone!
I didn't do much in sales. I only turned in 1 show. I did however have 4 going for the month. I turned 1 in this morning and I am still waiting on another one to close. I did sign a recruit...who had signed to be a hostess for me...and when she called me to close her show, I gave her the show to be her 1st show...it was over 600.00. I am so proud of her. I was planning to use the show myself and give her the bookings, but just felt like she needed it, so I gave it to her. It is a big show and she is now well on her way to qualifiying by the end of March which will earn her the new executive skillet. She received her kit yesterday and I received my pack of catalogs yesterday. I am so excited to sign my first recruit. I feel like I had a very eventful month.

mrssyvo said:
I finished February with my all-time high totals. 11 shows, $4000 + in sales, 1 recruit, and 2 people I am "talking" with regarding joining. My goal is to walk the stage in July. I AM going to the Bahamas next year, which is why I double booked for February. I am EXHAUSTED, but what an exciting month !!!!!! Tomorrow is my birthday, and I do not even mind getting another year older, this is going to be a GREAT year, I do not want to miss a minute of it !!!!!! How did the rest of you do?

Oh my!! 11 shows? You must be so tired!! This was my first month back after 4 months of not doing any shows (I did turn in catalog shows so I wouldn't lose my career sales). I started the month with 4 kitchen shows and 3 catalog on my schedule. It ended with 3 kitchen shows and 1 catalog actually holding, and my sales for the month were around $1300. I was pleased considering I had taken such a long break. For this month I have 5 kitchen and 2 or 3 catalog shows (I'm not counting on one of them to hold). It is so true about learning to relax and have fun at your shows. I used to have so much trouble getting bookings off my shows. I was always so nervous and thought everything had to be done by the book. Now I just relax and I play really fun games, and the bookings are just rolling in! :)
ExcitedThat was a great month. I also am excited as for my 3rd starter month which was Jan. I had $3949 in sales and was listed in the top 50 for sales all over.
congradulations to all and keep up the good work. I love PC
This has been my best month yet! I ended with 4 shows/8 bookings and $1593.71 in sales! I still have 3 catalog shows open! For March I have 6 shows scheduled plus a fundraiser and a catalog show! As well as setting up a great April and May full of Fundraisers with the Relay for Life! I'm behind on my sales for my trip, but I'm determined to get there!
  • #10
Somehow I ended up with a great month. I had 1 show, yes one, and 2 catalog shows and ended up with $2200.00 in sales!!!! One of the catalog shows was supposed to be a kitchen show but it changed due to her work schedule. I got several bookings from the one show too. :D
  • #11
:D I had a great month as well! I turned in $3118 in sales and signed one recruit! I'm so excited because she is my first and it is my anniversary month this month. I've officially been doing PC for one year!!! :D She signed 4 days before I signed a year ago! I will have a great March as well, I only have 3 shows booked and 1 fair but my host for tomorrow night already had $425 in outside orders! I have no idea what to do for her, any suggestions??? :confused:
  • #12
KristiI give my Host's that have $150 in outside orders BEFORE the show Free Ingredients!
  • #13
luvs2sellit said:
Somehow I ended up with a great month. I had 1 show, yes one, and 2 catalog shows and ended up with $2200.00 in sales!!!! One of the catalog shows was supposed to be a kitchen show but it changed due to her work schedule. I got several bookings from the one show too. :D

Wow! You must have found some people that really love The Pampered Chef!!!
  • #14
Wooohoooo...I have already reached the first level of the incentive!! :cool: I had an excellent February! Worked my butt off with 11 kitchen shows and ended up with $7100 in sales! Love those double points! Already a 1/3 of the way to the Bahamas!! Had 2 join my team this last month as well!

Keep up the good work ladies! :D
  • #15
I would be careful...
Shawnna said:
I did sign a recruit...who had signed to be a hostess for me...and when she called me to close her show, I gave her the show to be her 1st show...it was over 600.00. I am so proud of her. I was planning to use the show myself and give her the bookings, but just felt like she needed it, so I gave it to her. It is a big show and she is now well on her way to qualifiying by the end of March which will earn her the new executive skillet.


What you did is actually against company policy. :eek: I am sure you thought you were doing the right thing...being the nice guy. I know you were just trying to help her get started, but in turn you hurt you sales and paycheck! If you do this for every recruit you sign, you will be out a lot of $$$ and breaking policy! :confused: I wouldn't recommend anyone do this!
  • #16
fruit76loop said:
I have already reached the first level of the incentive!! :cool: I had an excellent February! Worked my butt off with 11 kitchen shows and ended up with $7100 in sales! Love those double points! Already a 1/3 of the way to the Bahamas!! Had 2 join my team this last month as well!

Keep up the good work ladies! :D

WOW !! Lucky you !! You did have a great month !! Congrats !!!
  • #17
How is it against policy to let my recruit have her show? It is what my director recommeded because she had already signed her agreement. Yes, it did take away from my commission, but I felt like my recruit needed this show to get her started. We used it as a training. I just helped her with her show, so I don't see how it is against policy.
  • #18
From Recipe for Success, p. F-5

At a training show,
--the recruiter does the actual presentation
--the new recruit is entitled to all bookings
--the recruiter is credited with the total show sales
--the recruiter receives the commission
--the new recruit acts as the host and receives all the host benefits
--it is inappropriate for the recruiter to put the training show under the new recruit's name
--the new recruit may purchase the host special, but does not receive the booking benefit at future shows

The Pampered Chef does not endorse any other method of training shows.
  • #19
ShawnnaI really wouldnt worry about it, I dont see that you did anything wrong, some people just want to jump down everyones throat on here! You said you helped her with the show so there that is what you are suppose to do help your recruit with her first show ! Congrats on the new recruit !!
  • #20
D_Patel said:
I really wouldnt worry about it, I dont see that you did anything wrong, some people just want to jump down everyones throat on here! You said you helped her with the show so there that is what you are suppose to do help your recruit with her first show ! Congrats on the new recruit !!
Well, unfortunately, as it states in the post above quoting from Recipe for Success, it IS against policy. There's NOTHING wrong with giving bookings to recruits from the show they hosted. I do that all that time. Not all brand new recruits know all the policies (that's what the director/recruiter need to be sure to review with them), so I think Marlene was just pointing it out so other new consultants out there know this is, in fact, against policy. AND so new consultants shouldn't expect their recruiter/director to do the same for them.
  • #21
Well, to set the record straight. My new recruit did her own show. I was just there to lend a supportive hand if needed. I did not even do the demo. It was in fact her show. Yes, she was suppose to have a show for me, but we decided after she signed her agreement that she would do the show instead of me. It is also policy that a consultant does not do a show for another consultant or cohost with another consultant. My recruit already had her consultant number. So, it is not against policy for her to have her own show and do all the work. She had not received her kit yet, so she used my stuff to do a show. I don't think any new consultant expects their recruiter to do a show for them and then give them all the commission and bookings. I am sorry if my first post was misleading. I was just excited to finally have a recruit and excited that I was able to help her out.
  • #22
CongradulationsCongrats on the recruit and on helping her get started. I've read your previous post and it was a little misleading, but the policies could have been explained a little bit better. I'm sure that Marlene didn't mean for it to sound so hostile.
  • #23
Getting Back To The Initial TopicI had my best month so far. I closed out 6 shows, total sales of $2800 and 10 bookings. My goal for the month was $4000 in sales but I also had 2 shows that did not close out yet. I need to get more shows on my calendar for March. I only have 2. All the bookings were for future dates. I am trying to save money for a trip to Disney in June. My goal is to have enough money from PC alone for the trip. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to increase my sales and/or bookings for the next 3 months. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Debbie :D
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  • #24

That makes a lot more sense now. I read your first post about it incorrectly. I think it's still important to point out what the policies are because many of us don't take the time to fully read and understand the RFS.

With my recruits, I always offer to come to their first show for support if possible. It sounds like that is what you did. I would rather have a recruit than another show on my schedule as well! I myself lost a March booking and an April booking because the host signed on with me and now they are her shows!

I know that NEDs do the same--I heard it from one myself. She went to one of her recruit's first show, helped with some of the messy and complicated parts of the demo and did a short blurb about how Susie is just getting started, why don't you book a show with her, etc. and helped her get her first bookings.

Good luck with your biz!
  • #25
Yes, I went back and reread my post. My recruit did not understand that it was her show either. When she called and said "I'm ready for you to close my show" I had to restate that it was her show. Because she didn't have her kit when she did her show she had to use my stuff, so she misunderstood that it was still her show. She still had not received her kit at that time, so I loaded my software onto her computer and showed her how to enter everything. She was still waiting on her debit number, but I think she should be able to call and get it today. I thought she had already applied for it, but she hadn't. We applied online when we entered her show. So, I am planning to walk her through the submission phase. My recruiter gave me no help whatsoever. I signed the night of my show, she gave me the bookings, and never talked to me again about it. I learned everything on my own and with the help of my director. My recruiter quit soon after my show. My director lives a long way from me, so I didn't get much one on one training until I started attending hospitality meetings. I really appreciate all the help my director and hospitality director have given me. I don't want my recruit to be left high and dry by her recruiter like I was.

I didn't really think anyone was being hostile. I have gotten a lot of great information on this site and I really appreciate all the help from you guys. But, it does seem like lately it has been negative...people worrying about ebay sellers and who has their web address in their signature, etc. The home office sent emails to everyone stating to take their website off of their signatures unless it was with direct contact with their customers. And policy states we cannot sell on ebay or other sites like ebay. So, everyone has the same information. We don't need to get caught up in what everyone else is doing wrong, we need to focus on our own businesses. If we are doing something wrong, eventually HO will let us know. I could care less who has their website in their signature line. It has actually been helpful to me to be able to look at someone else's website. I think it is a stupid policy, but it is policy so I will do my best to abide by the policy, just like I do in all of our policies. And, I don't feel like people selling on ebay are hurting my personal business. It is against policy, and they are cheating their way to success. But, they will get caught eventually. Things like that generally have a way of coming back to bite you in the rear.

With that said, why don't we try to be helpful to each other. After all, Doris founded this business on Christian principals. And yes, I realize not everyone who is in this business is a Christian and I wouldn't want to offend anyone. But, love, kindness, goodness, mercy, trust, etc. are good principals to live by no matter what your faith is.

Have a good weekend and God bless your businesses.
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  • Thread starter
  • #27
Bravo Shawna.......
  • #28
Thanks Becky...
pamperedbecky said:
Well, unfortunately, as it states in the post above quoting from Recipe for Success, it IS against policy. There's NOTHING wrong with giving bookings to recruits from the show they hosted. I do that all that time. Not all brand new recruits know all the policies (that's what the director/recruiter need to be sure to review with them), so I think Marlene was just pointing it out so other new consultants out there know this is, in fact, against policy. AND so new consultants shouldn't expect their recruiter/director to do the same for them.

Becky....Thanks for backing me up! :D

I was not jumping down anyone's throat about it, just wanted everyone to be aware of company policy! :eek: Please remember, that we are here to help eachother not tear eachother down! :(

Many fence-sitters look through our posts and I wouldn't want them to think that this is what a recruiter is supposed to do. I always give my new team members all of the bookings, this is why you do the training show for them!

Shawnna, I did read your post to mean that you did the show but gave her the sales, which is against policy. But now that you have reposted it makes sense. Sorry about the confusion and the annimosity this has caused for everyone. My congratuations on your new recruit! :D
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  • #29
I did not take it personally. I did not know that was in the policy so I guess it is good you brought it up. My recruiter did my show for me, but I did not sign up until after the show. However, my recruit already had her consultant number so I did not feel right doing the show for her. Anyway, no hard feelings.

Am I right in thinking that I will not receive any over-ride commissions until I sign another recruit? You have to have 2 right? I personally have never tried to recruit. I mention why I started PC...which by the way was for great products at a great price. I even say that I really had no intention of staying with PC after I did my 6 required shows. But, fell in love with the products and enjoyed getting out with other women and I just closed my 96th show...which averages out to about 20 shows per year. I am a hobby consultant. However, now that I have a recruit I would like to have a few more, so I will be talking more about it at my shows.
  • #30
Shawnna said:
Am I right in thinking that I will not receive any over-ride commissions until I sign another recruit? You have to have 2 right? I personally have never tried to recruit. I mention why I started PC...which by the way was for great products at a great price. I even say that I really had no intention of staying with PC after I did my 6 required shows. But, fell in love with the products and enjoyed getting out with other women and I just closed my 96th show...which averages out to about 20 shows per year. I am a hobby consultant. However, now that I have a recruit I would like to have a few more, so I will be talking more about it at my shows.
That's right. You need to have two recruits to receive the future director over-ride. The good news is that you get the extra commissions even before they qualify - as long as there are 2 and your sales in that month are $1250 or more! You get 1% more on your own sales and 1% on those you personally recruited.

Good luck!
  • #31
DebbieSM said:
I had my best month so far. I closed out 6 shows, total sales of $2800 and 10 bookings. My goal for the month was $4000 in sales but I also had 2 shows that did not close out yet. I need to get more shows on my calendar for March. I only have 2. All the bookings were for future dates. I am trying to save money for a trip to Disney in June. My goal is to have enough money from PC alone for the trip. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to increase my sales and/or bookings for the next 3 months. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Debbie :D

Have you tried the "book to look" promo that everyone is raving about right now? Try to hook up some fundraisers -- contact local churches, schools, organizations, daycares, etc.

If you've closed out 6 shows, I'm guessing you have a decent bit of contacts from those shows. Do a coupon promo (see attachment) -- call EVERYONE and let them know about it. Do it as a "happy spring" or "Spring into A Brand New Season!" thing -- I know, that last one was kinda corny, wasn't it? haha. Anyway, if you do not allow the coupon to be redeemed for cookware (sets or open stock pieces), the most expensive item in the catalog is the stainless mixing bowl set ($69.50). and if they pick this to redeem at 50% off with the coupon, (25% off from host rewards + 50% host pay = only 25% that you have to pay) you're only paying $17.37 out of pocket, all of which is tax-deductible (remember to mark it as a consultant gift). And that's the most expensive thing that they'd be able to pick! (outside of the cookware). I set the minimum at $500, but I'm going to offer one coupon PER $500 IN SALES, to try to entice my hosts to work for a $1k show.


  • half off one product coupon.doc
    27.5 KB · Views: 474
  • #32
Shawnna said:
<snip for brevity>I didn't really think anyone was being hostile. I have gotten a lot of great information on this site and I really appreciate all the help from you guys. But, it does seem like lately it has been negative...people worrying about ebay sellers and who has their web address in their signature, etc. <snip>
Shawnna, there have been some people here who have received some of my postings as "negative" and don't seem to care for my usually sarcastic observations. I've never been afraid to say that the emporer has no clothes. Recently, I posted my opinion that something in PamperedPartner is, to me, a serious flaw of inconsistancy. Someone here really reamed me out for it. So what? I think it's a bad feature and if someone at HO thinks so, too, it'll get fixed. Otherwise, I'm swimming upstream and that's my problem, not that of the person who was outraged at my comment. (In fact, I think there are a lot of things in PamperedPartner that could be better. Does that mean I don't like PP? NOT AT ALL! It's one of the best programs of its kind that I've seen. I just think it could be made even better!)

Sometimes, people do some really absurd things. So do companies. I believe the people who run TPC have everyone's (especially TPC's) best interest at heart but they're subject to make errors sometimes, too. If they do something really silly, they're going to get silly from me. The recipe thing was absurd, and they got absurd from me. I understand what they were trying to do and why, but it just didn't make any sense. We complained. They changed. Did they change because of me? I doubt it. But they did change the policy based on feedback from all of us.

I agree with you that people breaking the rules may not affect us directly, however, it comes down to a "quality of life" issue. We live by the rules and expect everyone else to live by those same rules. Some of us feel more violated than others, some feel more outrage than others. Do you care when someone passes you on the highway, a few miles over the limit? Probably not. Do you care when someone passes you about 35 over the limit, careening down the road? You should, they're likely to hurt someone. Same here. Someone has a web link in their sigline? Big deal. Some director or consultant is selling the new product line before we've even seen it? That actually hurts all of us just a little. It undermines everyone's credibility and is incredibly self-centered on the part of the sellers.

Those who are trying to bait the violators or trying vigilante tactics are just wasting their time - and may end up costing themselves in the long run.

There is no doubt in my mind that spooks from HO are monitoring this site. Good. (Hello, Mr. & Ms. Spook - I hope you're enjoyng your visit to this thread!) You are right - there's a lot of really good information up here for all of us - that includes HO, too.
  • #33
All...I have to say is WOW! Well said! :D

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