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Recapping the Thrill of Wave 1 at the XYZ Conference

In summary, Jae and Diane both report that the conference was a lot of fun. There were a lot of exciting announcements, and they encourage people to go to the other waves.
Gold Member
Whoo Hoooo!

What an incredible, fun-filled, exciting time it was!!!!

Soooo many great announcements - which I am not posting here - because SERIOUSLY! If you are in Wave 2 or 3 - you DO NOT want it spoiled for you!!!!

The excitement and the thrill of the announcements begins on day 1, and last right up until the last general session on day 3!

The one thing I will say - because I don't think this is really a spoiler - is that there just doesn't need to be any more speculation on what is being discontinued.....there just isn't that much going away! (but LOTS of new stuff coming!!!!)
I'm so excited to go! This will be my first Conference. My flight leaves sunday morning! WOO HOO!!! I can't wait to hear it all!!!
Whoo, hoo! I was sooo excited during and after conference. When I got home at 6:30 ish PM today, Wednesday, I called 11 people and spoke with 6 in person. Two of the people I spoke with, I will get back to tomorrow about having a show in July and one more person about having an August show because they are all thinking about it. Two people I will call back in 4 weeks to schedule a September show. One person was busy, and I will call her back tomorrow morning. I guess the other five will have to be on my list for tomorrow. Get at least your two shows in for July!
Director by Christmas! Right Becky D.?
JAE (didn't know if you wanted your real name used) and Becky,

It was so nice meeting both of you (and ALL the Cheffers) at Conference. Congrats, JAE on your calls! I didn't get home until 8:30, and by the time the hugs, kisses, how was your week, etc., it got too late for calls.

....but, I did want to show you my new avatar. I got to have a picture taken with Doris. What a wonderful lady!

Have fun, everyone who's going to the other waves!!!
Okay, Diane, were you wearing heals in the picture? Was Doris? Now I know how tall you are in person, so I'm trying to figure out how tall Doris is. I just like to know these things. You just can't tell when people are on stage or on the screen. (Yes, I get a little distracted at short moments during sessions.)
No, I'm wearing flats. I'm 5'7". I can't remember if she had heels on...
So awesome that you were photographed with her! What a fun moment! Also, I really enjoyed meeting you and seeing you around. Not very many familiar faces whose names I know! Unbelievable how huge this conference was. And there are two more!
I loved meeting everyone from CS. I had a hard time remembering names of most of you CS'ers, so we will have to all meet again at leadership, right? You will eventually see me in the group pictures by the cow. I'm the one wearing the fruity hat!
I just posted a picture from the meet and greet. You can see it in the thread, but it's better in the photos section.
Back , tired , exciting announcements. Try to get some sleep at conference. Have fun wave 2 and 3. YOu will love it.
  • #10
OMG I am so freaking excited, and you girls just pumped me up even more!!!
OK, that's all
  • #11
Everybody back, she's going to explode, lol. Calm down Melissa.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Hey Jae, Diane, and everyone else!

Jae - be glad you drove separately from us from the train station! We had construction on I-94, and I didn't get home until 8:45! Then, it ended up being too late to make phone calls. Whoo Hooo for you making the calls - I AM DETERMINED (!) to do that this morning! I did check emails late last night though,and had several emails from my July hosts. As I answered them, I realized that even my emails sounded different! IT"S NOT ABOUT ME!:D (Anyone in Wave 3 still to leave - If you aren't taking Lyn Conway's "Contact With Confidence" workshop - SWITCH! You NEED to take this!)

Diane, it was so much fun meeting you standing in line for the shuttle! You are such a cutie! I didn't get to go to the meet n greet - just way to tired to even take the elevator back down again - but it was fun meeting so many of you throughout the days!
PAMPERED 1234 - John, I met at the Career Club Luncheon! (and remember John, we agreed - what happens at that table, stays at that table!:D :D :D )

JAE is right - you will want to do EVERYTHING! you can to get in your 2 shows for July!!! DO IT!
  • #13
can't waitI am more anxious to find out the recruiting incentive than almost anything else. I am about to jump out of my skin. So, is it good, is it really good? I have a show on Saturday and the hostess wants to sign and then 2 ladies that will probably sign by the end of the month. I am getting so close to Directorship, I can taste it.
5:30 Sunday morning when I leave for the airport can't come soon enough. I will be there for lunch and my Director is taking us to the Cheesecake Factory.
I need to calm down and focus on all I still have to do before I leave.
{ breathe }
  • #14
Well, thanks for getting us even more excited than we already are:D Glad some of you cheffers got to meet!
  • #15
KaryCam said:
I am more anxious to find out the recruiting incentive than almost anything else. I am about to jump out of my skin. So, is it good, is it really good? I have a show on Saturday and the hostess wants to sign and then 2 ladies that will probably sign by the end of the month. I am getting so close to Directorship, I can taste it.
5:30 Sunday morning when I leave for the airport can't come soon enough. I will be there for lunch and my Director is taking us to the Cheesecake Factory.
I need to calm down and focus on all I still have to do before I leave.
{ breathe }

Oh yeah ... it's goooood.

You will LOVE it and you will LOVE the way they present it! In fact, all of the General Sessions were THE best!

Back to the question, the recruiting incentive is incredibly to die for, and they are giving us some tools to help us ... which are First Class!

  • #16
I can't wait for Wave 3!!! My one question to those who came back is: did Day 3 end on time? We're trying to make a 4:00 pm flight from O'Hare, so we'll need to leave by 1pm.

  • #17
KaryCam said:
5:30 Sunday morning when I leave for the airport can't come soon enough. I will be there for lunch and my Director is taking us to the Cheesecake Factory.

Make sure you order a lunch sized portion or half size of whatever you choose. They give you SO MUCH FOOD there!
  • #18
chefmary said:
I can't wait for Wave 3!!! My one question to those who came back is: did Day 3 end on time? We're trying to make a 4:00 pm flight from O'Hare, so we'll need to leave by 1pm.


Yes, we did end on time, but our scheduled time to end was 1:15. Then, of course, there was the mass of people leaving. I don't know if they had buses there to take people to the airport or not ... not sure how you are supposed to get there, honestly. But, you can't just walk out the theater door to a bus or curb stand ... plan travel (the feet version) time!
  • #19
Someone should put spoiler alert at the top of this thread. Remember, wave 3 doesn't start til July 16th!

NO MORE TALKING!!! [hands over ears] LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA [/hands over ears]
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  • #20
SorrySorry, from what I understood, it is always a given that there is a recruiting incentive after conference. I never thought that would be a spoiler. I only wanted to know if it was good.
  • #20
No, it's not a given.
  • #21
jdavis said:
Everybody back, she's going to explode, lol. Calm down Melissa.
Sorry, just a little excited :p

Oh yeah ... it's goooood.

You will LOVE it and you will LOVE the way they present it! In fact, all of the General Sessions were THE best!

Back to the question, the recruiting incentive is incredibly to die for, and they are giving us some tools to help us ... which are First Class!


Will I need a box of tissues?
  • Thread starter
  • #22
Chozengirl said:
Sorry, just a little excited :p

Will I need a box of tissues?

Where I needed tissues was at my Executive Banquet - stories of consultants overcoming insurmountable odds and achieving success - it was very touching.

The last general session, there were 3 consultants who shared their stories - those were touching too - but yours will be different from ours - so I'd just bring tissues "in case"........
  • #23
I always cry when they present the Hospitality Award. This year, I was sitting next to my Director in that session, and I told her that we nominated her. I think she almost cried over just being nominated.
  • Thread starter
  • #24
chefann said:
I always cry when they present the Hospitality Award. This year, I was sitting next to my Director in that session, and I told her that we nominated her. I think she almost cried over just being nominated.
You're right! That was a sweet moment. She was so surprised - and so humbled by it.......and to hear what her hospitality consultants said about her was beautiful. For those that may not know - it is the ONLY award that is a surprise, and then they put the camera on the recipients seat so everyone can see her (his?) face as she realizes her name has been called. It's very heart-warming.
  • #25
chefmary said:
I can't wait for Wave 3!!! My one question to those who came back is: did Day 3 end on time? We're trying to make a 4:00 pm flight from O'Hare, so we'll need to leave by 1pm.


Like MomToEli said, we did get done right at 1:15p, but you get info on your way out, so that takes a bit to get everyone out and the lines for the shuttles were REALLY long. But there was a flight check-in at conference for those on flights from O'Hare... you could check in your luggage before breakfast... but I'm not sure how people got to the airport or if they got there in enough time.
  • #26
Chozengirl said:
OMG I am so freaking excited, and you girls just pumped me up even more!!!
OK, that's all
YOu took the words right out of my mouth! I am Exhausted of 3 days of CRAZE and excitement but did ya hear them announce my name for the $100 certficate for the supplies! WHOOOOOHOOOOOO! It was the best 1st confrence experience that I could imagine! I highly recommend you all attend, so worth it! So excited for the new season and products!!!
  • #27
My flight was scheduled to leave at 4:20. I left the conference about 5-10 minutes early to beat the crowd. My express bus was supposed to pick me up at 1:25. It got there at about 2:00. I did pay the $10 to check my luggage and get my boarding pass at conference (long line but well worth it!) Made it with plenty of time to get through security and eat lunch there. Unfortunaltey, my flight was delayed for HOURS! That should be a whole other thread! Hope that helps! I guess it just depends on how you're getting to the airport.
  • #28
Heather, that's awesome! Congrats!
  • #29
All I'm going to say about conference is - We are going to have a great fall!! If you've been on the fence about quiting or staying in - don't quit!
  • Thread starter
  • #30
It was so much fun - and I learned so much too!

Loved the workshop with Lyn Conway!

Also had a good workshop for Sell The Dream......I was sitting w/ my senior director at that one, and right in the middle of it, I had my Ah Ha moment! It was so much fun to get to talk to her about it after the workshop, and she was so encouraging and helpful.........and just hung out with me for awhile. I'm so thankful that I have such an incredible upline - from my director on up!

The Tech workshop was very helpful too, and I think gave me the courage to take the plunge and start using P3!
  • #31
The bookings galore class was great!!! I can't remember the girls names though. I took about 3-4 pages of notes!
  • #32
heat123 said:
YOu took the words right out of my mouth! I am Exhausted of 3 days of CRAZE and excitement but did ya hear them announce my name for the $100 certficate for the supplies! WHOOOOOHOOOOOO! It was the best 1st confrence experience that I could imagine! I highly recommend you all attend, so worth it! So excited for the new season and products!!!
Congrats on winning:)
  • #33
Christ Follower said:
The bookings galore class was great!!! I can't remember the girls names though. I took about 3-4 pages of notes!
Which one did you have? My recruit had that workshop and said she got some great ideas. I was in the Day 3 session of the topic (the one that was moved from one "end of the earth" room to another), and also got some great info.
  • #34
Christ Follower said:
My flight was scheduled to leave at 4:20. I left the conference about 5-10 minutes early to beat the crowd. My express bus was supposed to pick me up at 1:25. It got there at about 2:00. I did pay the $10 to check my luggage and get my boarding pass at conference (long line but well worth it!) Made it with plenty of time to get through security and eat lunch there. Unfortunaltey, my flight was delayed for HOURS! That should be a whole other thread! Hope that helps! I guess it just depends on how you're getting to the airport.

(Little tiny hijack)

Hey Ellen! Glad you got home safe and sorry it was sooo long. It was great to meet you!

(Ok - back to our regularly scheduled thread)
  • #35
chefann said:
Which one did you have? My recruit had that workshop and said she got some great ideas. I was in the Day 3 session of the topic (the one that was moved from one "end of the earth" room to another), and also got some great info.

Yep, I was in that room (I think), only mine was on Day 2 (the second session). It was two girls and tons of ideas.
  • #36
MomToEli said:
(Little tiny hijack)

Hey Ellen! Glad you got home safe and sorry it was sooo long. It was great to meet you!

(Ok - back to our regularly scheduled thread)

So glad to meet you too! What are the chances that we randomly sat right next to eachother!? Pretty cool!
  • #37
Another quick question from a Wave 3 attendee - was there a cost for the baggage check-in at McCormick? Our group is looking into this and we didn't see anything mentioned on the McCormick website.


  • #38
I'm pretty sure it was free if they were just holding it. (correct me if I'm wrong) If you want to check it and get your boarding pass so all you do is go to the airport, go thru security and be done, it only cost $10. It was well worth it but a long line so get there early the 3rd day or go get breakfast and eat it in line.
  • #39
Anyone care to share like highlighted notes or bullet points from Sell the Dream workshop? My plane came in late and I missed my first class!? :( TIA!
  • #40
Christ Follower said:
So glad to meet you too! What are the chances that we randomly sat right next to eachother!? Pretty cool!

Front row sitters ROCK! :D Thank goodness for our buttons or we would have never known!

And then to have another homeschooler on my other side. I met lots of homeschoolers, in fact.
  • #41
Christ Follower said:
The bookings galore class was great!!! I can't remember the girls names though. I took about 3-4 pages of notes!

I had Michelle Anderson and Julie Pettijohn. I got tons of stuff out of that class. Also out of High Impact Host Coaching.

Well, all of them, really.
  • #42
Ohhh Becky!!!we never did settle on a price to keep it quiet. Now, how much am I being paid to keep quite!!??? Just kidding! Loved meeting you!

It was fun. I gotta tell you all. It was so much more fun this year at conference because I actually ran into so many Cheffers!

Did anyone else get asked how you knew so many people? I did, Memebership should be going up again! I think I wrote out www.chefsuccess.com on the back of about 30 business cards! I told them it was such a fun way to share and get to know alot of cool people and that it made it much more fun at conference because we know so many people here!

We're gonna have a really BIG Party next year, that's for sure!
Hey, one of my upline had a suite at the Hilton! Maybe a bunch of us should do that next year so we can really party?
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  • #43
pampered1224 said:
We're gonna have a really BIG Party next year, that's for sure!
Hey, one of my upline had a suite at the Hilton! Maybe a bunch of us should do that next year so we can really party?
To get those through Travel Planners, you have to be an upper-level Director (I think actually an Exec or above).
  • #44
MomToEli said:
I had Michelle Anderson and Julie Pettijohn. I got tons of stuff out of that class. Also out of High Impact Host Coaching.

Well, all of them, really.
That's my director, sucks I couldn't be there again this year, this is the second year in a row she has taught a class, last year I think she did a cooking show live, but not positive. I haven't talked to her in a while, and I think the last meeting I was at was January, it is just too far to travel for me and usually I have end up working on the days they are having them, ughh!
  • #45
jdavis said:
That's my director, sucks I couldn't be there again this year, this is the second year in a row she has taught a class, last year I think she did a cooking show live, but not positive. I haven't talked to her in a while, and I think the last meeting I was at was January, it is just too far to travel for me and usually I have end up working on the days they are having them, ughh!

She was great. And wow! What energy! I can imagine how she would have been at Cooking Show Live! I'd love to go to one of her shows :D
  • #46
I took Bookings Galore with Sharon McCreary. It was very good. Some of you have heard this line, but I'll share it with those of you who haven't.
"When we work is flexible, not optional." ... meaning, work when you want and can, but work!
  • #47
MomToEli said:
Front row sitters ROCK! :D Thank goodness for our buttons or we would have never known!

And then to have another homeschooler on my other side. I met lots of homeschoolers, in fact.

I took that class the second day...... It was my second class though..... I looked for people But I could tell who was who from the back of their heads LOL
  • #48
Oh yeah, she is perky, isn't she, sometimes I just want to ask her how she is just so friggin perky, I think it's all the coffee and diet soda, lol, I wonder if she was as nervous this time as she was last time, I guess I will just have to ask, huh?!

Related to Recapping the Thrill of Wave 1 at the XYZ Conference

1. What are some of the most exciting announcements from the XYZ Conference?

There were so many incredible announcements at the XYZ Conference! From new products to exciting updates, the conference was filled with thrilling news. Unfortunately, we can't spoil anything for those in Wave 2 or 3, but trust us, you won't want to miss out on the excitement!

2. How long does the excitement and thrill of the conference last?

The excitement and thrill of the conference begins on day 1 and continues until the last general session on day 3. It's an action-packed event that will leave you feeling inspired and energized!

3. Can you give us a hint about what products might be discontinued?

While we can't give away too much information, we can say that there isn't much being discontinued. However, there are lots of new and exciting products coming your way!

4. Are there any spoilers for those in Wave 2 or 3?

We don't want to spoil anything for those in Wave 2 or 3, so we won't be sharing any specific details. Trust us, it will be worth the wait!

5. How can I stay updated on all the latest news from Pampered Chef?

The best way to stay updated on all the latest news and announcements from Pampered Chef is to follow our social media pages and subscribe to our newsletter. You can also attend our conferences and events to be the first to hear about new products and updates.

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