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Reaching for Success: My Journey to Level 3 with 70,000 Points and Counting!

In summary, Carolyn earned Level 1 today which made her happy, but she is still working towards Level 3. She has two shows almost ready to submit which will bring her close to her goal. She also has a chocolate show from hell tomorrow night and seven shows on the calender for October.....barring hurricanes, she hopes to hit level 3 by the end of October.
Gold Member
I am currently at 67,313 in Choice is Yours points. One of my recruits emailed me tonight to tell me she just submitted her 4th show...that qualifies her! So that will being me to 69,313 points tomorrow!!! Then I rec'd a $120 outlet order from a past host of mine tonight so that should show up tomorrow bringing me to about 69,500 or so. I have 2 shows almost ready to submit: $250 and $378 so that brings me to just over 70,000. I have the chocolate show from hell tomorrow night and 7 shows on the calender for October.....barring hurricanes, I hope to hit level 3 by the end of October!!!!
I'm happy for you, Carolyn. Work that business, baby!
You go Carolyn! I'm just hoping to hit about 10,000 points by the end of the year...basically for nothing except that was my goal.
Woohoo! Way to go, Carolyn! I just earned Level 1 myself which made me pretty happy, but Level 3! WOWZA! You go, girl!! :D
Congratulations! Way to go! You are an inspiration!
I am only 35 away from level one...but am really desperately trying to get to level 2! Still I think its pretty good...I'm happy w/ level 1! Level one got me all new curtains for my living room last year! haha! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #8
janetupnorth said:
You go Carolyn! I'm just hoping to hit about 10,000 points by the end of the year...basically for nothing except that was my goal.

That's not "nothing" - that's your goal and you'll hit it and that's GREAT!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
quiverfull7 said:
Congratulations! Way to go! You are an inspiration!

"inspiration"? No.
Big dorky goofball? Yes.
But thanks!! :)
  • #10
dannyzmom said:
"inspiration"? No.
Big dorky goofball? Yes.
But thanks!! :)

Think what you want......we think you are pretty amazing!:thumbup:
  • #12
Carolyn, you rock! Congratulations!!!
  • #13
That's way cool, Carolyn!And yes, nasty hurricanes STAY AWAY!
  • #14
Way to go!
  • #15
That's awesome, Carolyn!!! Way to go!! What a relief to not have it come down to the last minute. I'm excited for you!! Which trip will you pick?
  • #16
Whoohoooo Carolyn! Awesome girl, you WILL make it -I bet on it!
  • #17
this must be done!!! do it for all of us!!!!can I hear a WAHOO!!!
  • #18
Way to go Carolyn!
  • #19
That is soooooooooooo GREAT!!!!
  • #20
Wooooo Hoooooo:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  • #21
you G0 Girl!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #22
pamperedbecky said:
That's awesome, Carolyn!!! Way to go!! What a relief to not have it come down to the last minute. I'm excited for you!! Which trip will you pick?

We'll be taking the kids to Washington DC. My kids are SO excited about the trip. I made thermometer charts breaking down how many points we need to get there - the kids fill them in each time I earn points. They take this point-earning thing very seriously - LOL
  • #23
Congrats Carolyn!! That is Awesome!! When I heard the trips I thought, I'm going to earn the cruise (we LOVE cruises) and we live right by the port so we can take the $600 credit!! We're SO excited!!!:D
  • #24
Carolyn, that is so terrific! I am so happy for you!:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  • #25
dannyzmom said:
"inspiration"? No.
Big dorky goofball? Yes.
But thanks!! :)

Are you saying we can't be inspired by a big, dorky goofball? Frankly, I find those characteristics a near necessity for inspiration. ;)
  • #26
raebates said:
Are you saying we can't be inspired by a big, dorky goofball? Frankly, I find those characteristics a near necessity for inspiration. ;)
Rae I have to agree with you. I am trying to get the dorkiness to come out. I know for sure it is there.
  • #27
AWESOME Carolyn! Congrats~you definately deserve it......wa-hoo:D :thumbup:
  • #28
That is awesome!! And what a relief to not have to be down to the wire.
  • #29
chefkristin said:
Rae I have to agree with you. I am trying to get the dorkiness to come out. I know for sure it is there.

It's a shame you're so far away. I'm sure that a few hours with me would spark that inner dorkiness. :p
  • Thread starter
  • #30
PampMomof3 said:
Congrats Carolyn!! That is Awesome!! When I heard the trips I thought, I'm going to earn the cruise (we LOVE cruises) and we live right by the port so we can take the $600 credit!! We're SO excited!!!:D

What port are you near?
For the Navigator incentive cruise two years ago we took the $600 travel credit and drove to the port. I believe we took off from the port of Miami.
  • #31
Awesome! Have fun in DC!
  • #32
DC with the family will be great (so much history to see and experience). You rock!
  • #33
You Go Girl!!!
  • #34
janetupnorth said:
You go Carolyn! I'm just hoping to hit about 10,000 points by the end of the year...basically for nothing except that was my goal.

It's always good to have a goal-no matter what anyone else's is, you have yours and you should work hard to acheive it!

Related to Reaching for Success: My Journey to Level 3 with 70,000 Points and Counting!

1. What is the significance of reaching Level 3 with 70,000 points in Pampered Chef?

The Pampered Chef compensation plan includes different levels for consultants to achieve based on their sales and recruiting efforts. Level 3 is the third highest level and requires a minimum of 70,000 points. This level offers higher commissions and bonuses, as well as other incentives and recognition within the company.

2. How many points do I currently have towards reaching Level 3?

As of now, you have 67,313 points in the Choice is Yours program. You are very close to reaching the minimum requirement for Level 3 and have a good chance of achieving it in the near future.

3. Can I earn points from my recruits' sales?

Yes, you can earn points from your recruits' sales through the Choice is Yours program. When your recruit submits their fourth qualifying show, you will receive points towards your own total. This is a great way to boost your points and reach higher levels within the company.

4. How can I earn points quickly to reach Level 3?

Submitting shows and generating sales are the main ways to earn points towards Level 3. It seems like you have a good plan in place with upcoming shows and a potential outlet order. Keep up the momentum and continue booking and submitting shows to reach your goal.

5. What happens if I don't reach Level 3 by the end of October?

If you don't reach Level 3 by the end of October, don't worry. The Choice is Yours program is ongoing and you can continue to earn points towards higher levels. Keep working towards your goal and you will eventually reach it. Remember, even if you don't reach Level 3, you can still earn bonuses and recognition for your efforts.

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