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Quick Prayer for My Frame of Mind Tonight....

In summary, Becky's older brother called her today to let her know that it was time to make decisions about their mom's care. Becky's younger brother and SIL were upset and she had a hard time getting them to understand why they had to make the decisions. Becky is having a hard time getting in show mode, but is hoping that her show will help her to relax. Becky is also praying for her family.
Gold Member
Hi everyone!

If you get a chance please pray for me briefly!

I have spent most of the day on the phone with my older brother, and my aunt. My mom has Alzheimer's, and we have been dealing with it as a family. But today, my big brother and I had to make some decisions regarding my mom that have really upset my younger brother and SIL. They, in turn, have my mom all up in arms and upset....and because of her illness, I have had a hard time trying to get her to understand why we are doing what we are doing. It has been an extremely emotional and heart-wrenching day, and I have a show tonight.

I'm having a very hard time getting in show mode, and shaking the emotions of the day - so if you could - please pray that God will give me that peace that passes all understanding, and some physical and emotional strength for the evening. I have to leave in an hour, and have nothing packed or ready.....and about the best I can say for myself is that I've had a shower.....
Oh, sweetie, many prayers coming your way - for tonight, for your mom, and for your whole family!
prayers headed your way
Alzheimers is hard we lost a dear aunt to it
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Teresa Lynn said:
prayers headed your way
Alzheimers is hard we lost a dear aunt to it

I've lost my Grandma & 2 great-aunts. It's so hard, because I've been through this before.
I am praying for you!!! Much success tonight to make u feel better and for peace with your decision and for others to see your point. May God bless u!
OH, hugs and prayers for you Becky!
prayers for peace and an uplifting, fun show are on their way to you
Prayers and hugs coming your way!!
Becky- prayers for strength, grace and peace tonight- prayers that Jesus will take you beside the still and calm waters- for He is YOUR shepherd! Hugs to you- my heart is heavy for your pain...may God take that from you as well, and turn it into peace and joy...

I lost my grandmother to alzheimer's. Prayers are with your entire family...

Now go kick some toosh tonight and have a great time! ;)
  • #10
I'm praying, Becky.
  • #11
Becky - just got on and saw this - I'd give you a real hug, but a virtual one will have to do.I will be praying tonight for calm for family situations, but wonderful excitement for PC and all the stuff!Keep us posted.Remember, tomorrow will be a new day for your mom in many ways. :)
  • #12
So sorry to hear this. Sending prayers your way.
  • #13
I just said a prayer for you as you head to your show. I'll add another for you and your family. Like so many on here, my Grampy had Alheizmer's so I well remember the stress it puts on a family & the patient. Let us know how tonight goes.
  • #14
Praying for you and your mom.
  • #15
Prayers your way, Becky. I hope your show will give you a well deserved mental break.
  • #16
Becky, I hope you are feeling somewhat better. I will keep your whole family in my prayers!
  • #17
Hope you got to the show ok, and that God is with you as you go on thru the show, and all the way home.
Prayers of peace and patience and strength for you and your family.
  • #18
Becky, I just saw this. It must have been burried. Hope your show has gone well and you had tons of fun to take your mind off your troubles for the time being.
  • #19
Saying a prayer for you and your family...
  • #20
Oh Becky, I'm so sorry! My prayers are coming your way. I hope things went well for your show!

I know exactly how you feel. My Mother has Parkinsons and is not doing well. I hope the day never comes we (me and 3 siblings) have to make a decision, but I'm afraid that is just wishful thinking.

Again, my prayers are coming your way.

Take Care,
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Thank you all for praying and thinking of me.

I went - it was a decent show. Only 4 in attendance, but at $259 in sales, and she is sure she can double that with outside orders. She really wants to get to $500.

I got 1 solid booking for August (YEA! because August is pretty bleak right now.) and I had 2 people ask me to call them for the Fall. (I think one is probably waiting til the Aug. show to book from her). I asked all 4 - and I talked to my host about the opportunity. While we were prepping the food she was telling me how much she loves to cook. So I just casually said "You love to cook so much - and you love PC - have you ever considered doing what I do?" She said that her full time job was enough for her. But I just suggested she watch what I do, and let her know that any bookings could be hers. I just kept telling myself it's not my job to look for interested people - it's my job to create interest. Sorta takes some of the pressure off.

It was a very short show - I just didn't have the words I would usually have. I started at 7:10, and was completely done at 8:00. Took orders, packed up my kit and was out of there before 9:00.

Now, I am off to call my Aunt(my Mom's sister) - she called as I was leaving, and I promised I'd call her when I got home.

Thanks again - I am so blessed to have such a great community of friends.:love:
  • #22
Glad it went decent and you ASKED her. :)Take care of your family now.
  • #23
Becky, still keeping you in prayers... I have some sweet tea here with your name on it if you need it! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #24
Kitchen Diva said:
Becky, still keeping you in prayers... I have some sweet tea here with your name on it if you need it! :)

Kacey - I would sit and drink Sweet Tea with you anytime....and I don't even like Sweet Tea!:D
  • #25
ChefBeckyD said:
Kacey - I would sit and drink Sweet Tea with you anytime....and I don't even like Sweet Tea!:D

Stop, yer makin' me blush! :blushing:
  • #26
ChefBeckyD said:
Kacey - I would sit and drink Sweet Tea with you anytime....and I don't even like Sweet Tea!:D

Maybe they should call it "Diva Tea"! :)

Becky, glad to hear your show went well. Thanks for the wake up call about your job being to CREATE interest and not just look for it. Now take care of yourself and your family.
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  • #27
PChefPEI said:
Maybe they should call it "Diva Tea"! :)

Becky, glad to hear your show went well. Thanks for the wake up call about your job being to CREATE interest and not just look for it. Now take care of yourself and your family.


That was from the Recruiting workshop I took with Jillian (Eisenberg) Grant & Robin House. Robin said that she isn't out there looking for people who are interested, it's her job to create interest. She recruited 41 people this last year, and said that 75% of them were NOT interested when she first asked. That was one of my "AHA!" moments at conference!
  • #28
Wow Becky thanks for sharing those powerful words!!!

I was thinking of you all last night and hoping you were getting thru OK.

I am a member of the Sandwich generation too and know it won't be long till I am dealing with simmilar circumstances.
  • #29
Oh Becky... I missed this until now. I will continue to pray for all of you as you navigate new waters and have such terrifically difficult decisions to make!
  • #30
Hi Becky, I am late to the party, but just wanted to offer my thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Take care.
  • #31
I missed this one yesterday too! Sorry Becky!

I pray, though, that God will continue to guide you and your family through this time...it's gotta be hard on all of you!

Glad your show went well, and thanks for your insight that you learned from your class! I never thought of it that way!! Kindof like "no prejudging" but BETTER!!! I need to keep that in my mind- what a positive way of looking at finding leads!!
  • #32
I'm so sorry ... I just saw this.

May the peace of God that passes understanding GUARD your hearts and minds today.
  • #33
Sorry to hear about your mom and her illness. Sending prayers and many good thoughts your way Becky.
  • #34
I just found this thread this afternoon and want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, Becky. I have been wrapped up here at times over my head dealing with my husband's Alzheimer's. It's not fun as you know. It's a roller coaster ride never knowing how each day will be. If you want to talk you can e-mail me Becky.
  • #35
One of the pastors at my home church has dealt with his wife's alzheimers for about 6-7 years. One thing he said struck me as insightful. He said the disease for him was a blessing in disguise. They read the Bible together EVERY morning. He said he is constantly amazed by the "new" insights she has into scripture each and every time. He said she is like a child relearning scripture and it is amazing and challenging to him.
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  • #36
pamperedharriet said:
I just found this thread this afternoon and want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, Becky. I have been wrapped up here at times over my head dealing with my husband's Alzheimer's. It's not fun as you know. It's a roller coaster ride never knowing how each day will be. If you want to talk you can e-mail me Becky.

Thank you Harriet. Sometimes it seems overwhelming. There are times when I talk to her, and she sounds completely normal, then she will call me in an hour and want to know when the last time was that she talked to me. She told my Aunt Judie that I only call her about once every 3 weeks - and I call her almost every day!

She is starting to forget to eat, and we had to take her meds away, because some of them, she was taking 2-3 times a day...and some not at all. Marking them off on a calendar didn't help, because she would mark them off w/o taking them, or forget to mark them off.

That's just the tip of the iceberg, as I'm sure you know.
  • #37
Becky, does she live on her own or is there someone that lives with her that is helping?

This is nothing in comparison, but about 9 years ago my Mom fell and broke her ankle and tore tendons...she had to have major repair surgery. While in the hospital, she and my Dad got the flu...he was in NO shape to care for her when she came home! It about drove me crazy because they were in Alabama and I was in Virginia! I won't even go into the sad sordid details about my siblings that lives less and 10 and less than 40 miles from them...........it really is hard to be far away from someone you love that is ill. I understand Alzhiemers is the worst....I will keep praying for you and your Mom.
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  • #38
chefmeg said:
Becky, does she live on her own or is there someone that lives with her that is helping?

This is nothing in comparison, but about 9 years ago my Mom fell and broke her ankle and tore tendons...she had to have major repair surgery. While in the hospital, she and my Dad got the flu...he was in NO shape to care for her when she came home! It about drove me crazy because they were in Alabama and I was in Virginia! I won't even go into the sad sordid details about my siblings that lives less and 10 and less than 40 miles from them...........it really is hard to be far away from someone you love that is ill. I understand Alzhiemers is the worst....I will keep praying for you and your Mom.

Well, that is part of the big drama right now.

Little bro and SIL have been living with her in a house owned by big bro. LB & SIL are spongers. Lil Bro is going back into the military, and leaving SIL & her 2 little demon children w/ mom. SIL is bi-polar, and doesn't have a good track record of staying on her meds. We (big bro & I) don't think she is the appropriate person to take care of mom - and so have decided she needs to either move in with me or big bro. (Big Bro is going to put the house up for sale) Lil Bro & SIL have convinced Mom that no one else can care for her like SIL can. SIL doesn't take care of her now.....Bro does all of the housework, cooking, takes mom to DR's appt's (or I make the 45 minute drive to take her). SIL can't even take care of her own kids (not my brother's kids BTW) and the kids are destroying the house - literally.

Anyway - that is way more drama than I'm sure you wanted to hear....but it comes down to my Mom being angry with me - and although I know it's the illness talking, not her - it still hurts, because my Mom and I have always been so close....and now she is telling me she would rather have SIL (who has treated her badly many times in the past) take care of her than me.
  • #39
ChefBeckyD said:
Well, that is part of the big drama right now.

Little bro and SIL have been living with her in a house owned by big bro. LB & SIL are spongers. Lil Bro is going back into the military, and leaving SIL & her 2 little demon children w/ mom. SIL is bi-polar, and doesn't have a good track record of staying on her meds. We (big bro & I) don't think she is the appropriate person to take care of mom - and so have decided she needs to either move in with me or big bro. (Big Bro is going to put the house up for sale) Lil Bro & SIL have convinced Mom that no one else can care for her like SIL can. SIL doesn't take care of her now.....Bro does all of the housework, cooking, takes mom to DR's appt's (or I make the 45 minute drive to take her). SIL can't even take care of her own kids (not my brother's kids BTW) and the kids are destroying the house - literally.

Anyway - that is way more drama than I'm sure you wanted to hear....but it comes down to my Mom being angry with me - and although I know it's the illness talking, not her - it still hurts, because my Mom and I have always been so close....and now she is telling me she would rather have SIL (who has treated her badly many times in the past) take care of her than me.

Ouch! Yep, that's gotta hurt! I hope it all works out in the end for you. I will keep praying. You don't deserve this!!
  • #40
Oh Becky! I only just saw this thread, know you will be in my prayers. That is just a tough and sad situation, even with out the issues with your B and SIL. It is just a heartbreaking disease. I wish I could come over a give you a big hug (I'm almost close enough right now!). Keep praying and stand firm knowing that you truly have your Mom's best interests at heart. I'm sure once she moves she will be happy with her new situation. I will pray that your B and SIL will change their perspective and try to truly put her needs first.

And don't forget my signature verse!

Wish I could come and visit, but we are just going to take the time to hang out with family here. Next time I'm actually in Grandville I will absolutely let you know! Right now we're enjoying watching an awesome storm over the lake we are staying on. God's power is amazing!

Hugs and prayers,
  • #41
What a heart breaker situation. You and yours are in my prayers.
  • #42
Oh Becky, what a sucky situation. You and Big Bro are doing the right thing...but I guess the sad thing is is that your Mom doesn't recognize it in her illness...........I HATE moochers! Just makes me want to knock LB & SIL in the knees! This is one of those things I have asked God to help me with...having tolerance for mean people....I am sure He is trying, but I seem to be resistant! Imagine that?!
  • #43
I know of other people that have gone through the exact same situation your in Becky. Why is there always someone in the family like that?? You and your big brother are doing the right thing, your Mom is most important in the situation. She is so vulnerable right now and needs people with the "right" intentions making decisions for her. I feel for you.
  • #44
Hey Becky,

any news or an update? I hope things are OK with you, I feel like you haven't been around much lately... Except I guess last night with the whole Kermit thing going on :)
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  • #45
AnnieBee said:
Hey Becky,any news or an update? I hope things are OK with you, I feel like you haven't been around much lately... Except I guess last night with the whole Kermit thing going on :)
Thanks for thinking of me and asking!We are in a wait and see mode right now. My older brother had to move today to New Orleans (He's a Marine, and will be stationed there for the next year), and my younger brother has just gone active duty again with the Army. So he will also be leaving some time this month. His plan was to leave his DW and her 2 little monsters with my mom, but that isn't going to happen. Sooooo, right now our options are to have my Mom move to Virginia w/ SIL (she and the kids aren't moving to New Orleans because DB, although stationed there, will be traveling 90% of the time, and it's only for a year - and they have a great church and great school where they are now....) OR SIL and kids would move up here and live with Mom. (This is where they planned on moving in a year anyway.) All of this will be decided in a couple weeks. I wish she could just come stay with me - but we live in a tiny 2 bedroom house, and we just don't have the room here. I keep dreaming that Ty and his Extreme Makeover team will knock on my door. :D Mom continues to deteriorate. We though Aricept would be the wonder-drug, but apparently it's not. She doesn't remember from one day to the next....the up side of that is that she can be totally ticked off at me one day, and the next day doesn't even remember it.:rolleyes:It's funny - we aren't a demonstrative family....but now - I tell her all the time how much I love her - and she does the same with me. Wish I'd been doing it all along.It is emotionally, mentally, and physically draining. Thanks for praying!
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  • #46
Oh Becky, my frustrations today pale in comparison to what you are being asked to walk through. I am so sorry. May God continue to hold you up through this. I'll keep praying.
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  • #47
quiverfull7 said:
Oh Becky, my frustrations today pale in comparison to what you are being asked to walk through. I am so sorry. May God continue to hold you up through this. I'll keep praying.

Thanks Di! We pray for each other....that's how it works!:love:
  • #48
Hey Becky,

Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and praying for you. My DH and I are going through an eerily similar situation with his father right now; we're just taking it a day at a time. I'm sure it's much more difficult when it's your own mother. I'll continue to keep praying for your family!

Related to Quick Prayer for My Frame of Mind Tonight....

1. How can I pray for you today?

Thank you for asking! Today has been a very emotional and difficult day for me as I have been dealing with my mom's Alzheimer's. If you could pray for peace and strength for me as I have a show tonight, I would greatly appreciate it.

2. What specific challenges are you facing today?

I have spent most of the day dealing with family decisions regarding my mom's care, which has caused a lot of emotions and stress. My younger brother and sister-in-law are also upset, which has made it difficult for me to explain things to my mom who has Alzheimer's. I have a show tonight and I'm having a hard time getting in the right frame of mind for it.

3. How is your family coping with your mom's Alzheimer's?

It's been a challenging journey for all of us. Today, my brother and I had to make some tough decisions and it has caused some tension within our family. My younger brother and sister-in-law are upset and it has been difficult to communicate with my mom due to her illness.

4. How are you feeling about your show tonight?

I'm honestly struggling to get in the right mindset for my show tonight. It has been a very emotional and stressful day, and I'm worried that it will affect my performance. I could really use some prayer for peace and strength.

5. What specifically can we pray for you tonight?

Please pray for me to have a peaceful mind and that I will have the physical and emotional strength to get through my show tonight. I have to leave in an hour and I'm feeling overwhelmed and unprepared. Pray for God's peace to fill me and for His strength to sustain me throughout the evening.

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