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Problems With Support From My Director...

In summary, the director promises to provide support to their consultants, but does not follow through with this promise. The consultant is getting frustrated and is looking for support elsewhere.
Silver Member
For you directors out there...
What kind of support do you provide to your consultants? My director (also my recruiter) of course promised all kinds of support, training, etc., etc., when I signed last June. But since then I could count on one hand the number of times she has emailed/called me WITHOUT me calling first. I am getting REALLY frustrated. She didn't even call when I almost went inactive at the beginning of the year. I have asked her in person TWICE to setup regular calls with her for support (at least one more time in an email), especially after I signed my first recruit in November, but all I get is "Yeah, I need to call you to do that" and then I never hear from her. I know she regularly talks with others in our cluster and they all think she is a great director. I didn't think I should have to beg for support. Thoughts???
(BTW... I asked my recruit what kind of support she needed. She wanted a weekly "check-up" call, so that is what we do... in addition to the one to two emails I send her a week.)
I am interested in hearing information as well. I am working on month 2 (I am almost at the $5,000 goal) and I have heard from my Director once. My recruiter worked with me when I signed up but really has not provided me with support or information - I came across this site by accident and have gotten most of my information and ideas from you guys - thanks BTW.

I just signed my first recruit on Friday and I am with you Katie I have been talking to her almost eveyday (as per her request) trying to get her up to speed so that she can feel comfortable and succeed. It will not be as often (I am sure) when she gets her kit in and starts her shows, but until then I am here for her.
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  • #3
I'm SO glad I'm not the only one! And I just told my husband that I have learned more from this site since I found it a few weeks ago than in all the cluster meetings I have attended for nearly a year!
I am so sorry to hear about your lack of leadership! I wish there was something I could do for you! But in the meantime, if it makes you fel any better, you always have us here!!
I can't complain about my director...she's the best! Is there a way you can find out who your upline director is? Maybe he/she can help you!
I would suggest that you tell her again that you would really like more support from her and be very specific about what you need. I know that I am not very good at following up on the phone (it is something I need to work on) and my recruits didn't get a lot of support from me unless they asked for it. I always felt like I would be bugging them.

Give her the benefit of the doubt and be honest about how you are feeling. I'm sure you will see a change!

Good luck...you can find any answers you need here (and support!).
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  • #6
pcchris said:
I am so sorry to hear about your lack of leadership! I wish there was something I could do for you! But in the meantime, if it makes you fel any better, you always have us here!!
I can't complain about my director...she's the best! Is there a way you can find out who your upline director is? Maybe he/she can help you!

Actually, there are three directors that have their meetings together - my director, another director and THEIR director... so I know my upline... Any time I have asked her something, she has referred me back to my director.
My director is supportive if I contact her or if I remember what she set up, oh, a month or so. She rarely sends reminders and if you miss a call she will not tell you what they discussed. She has made it clear that it is my responsibility to know when she is doing a training. She does call occasionally but has not even invited me to a meeting since she moved back to our area.

She spends very little of her production bonus on us. Well, that's not true - she spends some of it generously on her pets and she has made it clear that her entire paycheck is there to pay their mortgage (her DH is an executive). When we were doing the charm bracelet promotion they were sent to our directors. She lived in another state and only sent them to us (I was a FD) every 3rd month with her newsletter. When I asked her to send them monthly because we were excited about them and the wait cut into the excitement, she commented on the price of postage. I replied that is cost $0.39 and her response was "I will do my business my way." Fair, but I was just asking for $0.39 of the $$ she gets to support me. Around the time I earned my first trip she had a downline visit to us and gave me a soap holder and a travel body wash (under $2) and then that summer at Nat. Conf. she talked about getting a $30 laptop bag from VIP for a fellow director who didn't even come to conference (now, that director got TPC too but I still felt that the difference was too great). Another pet rarely does $500 in sales but she goes on and on about how great she is doing and brings her up on every call. Need I go on??

Sorry about the negativity of this post (I obviously have issues) but here's the positive:

I vowed to treat my team as I would want to be treated. Even before I was a FD I called my recruits and their recruits regularly and offered assistance as they needed and rewarded them. As a director, I "touch" each member of my team at least monthly and the "producers" weekly (and am always there if they need me in between). If someone doesn't make the meeting I am happy to share the training with them (of course I remind them that it is more effective in person). I even check back with the inactives about every other month. I send emails on a very regular basis and keep inactives on it for a very long time (over a year usually) after they stop selling in case they change their mind and want to come back.

I give everyone who attends my meetings an opportunity to get a gift from me for even simple things and I include my long distance consultants in every promotion I offer. I also find something to praise every one of them on - even the hobbyists who just want to stay active.

To be fair to my director, I do now know that there are costs to holding meetings so she does spend some of her production bonus on the team (that is when she actually holds meetings). Some of my PB is used to pay for the snack, coffee or whatever when I meet with the long distance consultants so I am sure that some of my team may not know where I spend the money.
katie0128 said:
For you directors out there...
What kind of support do you provide to your consultants? My director (also my recruiter) of course promised all kinds of support, training, etc., etc., when I signed last June. But since then I could count on one hand the number of times she has emailed/called me WITHOUT me calling first. I am getting REALLY frustrated. She didn't even call when I almost went inactive at the beginning of the year. I have asked her in person TWICE to setup regular calls with her for support (at least one more time in an email), especially after I signed my first recruit in November, but all I get is "Yeah, I need to call you to do that" and then I never hear from her. I know she regularly talks with others in our cluster and they all think she is a great director. I didn't think I should have to beg for support. Thoughts???
(BTW... I asked my recruit what kind of support she needed. She wanted a weekly "check-up" call, so that is what we do... in addition to the one to two emails I send her a week.)

Have you tried calling her and saying (as cheerfully & enthusiastically as you can) "Grab your calendar! I'm really trying to reach my goals and want to set up training calls for the next 2 weeks"????

Why not call PC, consultant services and ask them? Or ask them who is your next person in the upline. Maybe THAT person would be willing to take a more active role in your training (she benefits from your success too) - bet she would want to support you; not all directors are like yours. She might be one who really enjoys motivating others.

Good luck!!! Don't be discouraged. As was said, you have all of us!
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  • #9
Sorry about the negativity of this post (I obviously have issues)...

To be honest, I was so glad to read your "venting" to know that some of the issues I have aren't just my negative feelings or misperceptions... other people have the same issues as well. It is nice to know that other people are in the same boat and to know that I can vent on this site and get the support I need. And I figure if for nothing else, I am learning from this experience and am treating my "team" (my one consultant!) differently!:D
  • #10
I'm in somewhat of a similar situation with a little bit of difference. I "recruited" people to Pampered Chef for several years before the timing was right for me to be a consultant. One of these "recruits" was my roommate (at the time -- now I'm married so I don't live with her anymore). When I was ready to sign up, I called my roommate to sign up under her and she told me that she's really only a hobbiest and drops between inactive and active all the time, so no point in me signing under her since she'd lose me the next time she went inactive. So I called her director (who had been my consultant until I recruited my roommate for her), she gave me all of her contact information to sign up, which I did. Then she called me back and said that she wished I hadn't signed up under her because she'd lost her directorship and PC drive and wanted me to have more support to be active. So we went through a HUGE deal with HO to cancel my contract so that I could sign up under someone in my area who would give me support. (The one benefit to all this mess was that it let me switch to the New Consultant Rewards program). So I FINALLY get signed up under my new director and I met with her once (guested at one of her shows).

After I'm all signed up, it turns out that my director has just moved to my area, but has her whole cluster about 90 miles away from me and she continues to hold cluster meetings there (which is not feasible for me to attend since they are 2+ hours away with traffic). She's called me once and said she was going to set up weekly calls with me and wanted to know what was good for me - yet we've never had another one. She also asked me if I'd be interested in meeting monthly with the one other consultant she has in this immediate area, possibly at a restaurant and I said yes and even offered my home to have it in. She doesn't reply directly to my emails (I've asked questions that weren't answered). She did have one of her downline directors set up a cluster yahoo group, so I'm tied in that way and has posted my "cheers" emails to the cluster, but hasn't replied to me directly.

The cluster was having an incentive on 3-2-1 where we were supposed to email our director every week the names of our 3 daily contacts (needed to send 15 weekly) and we'd earn a weekly prize -- never have seen or received anything at all from it (even though I did submit). I did ask some questions about it and never got an answer

All that being said, I don't want to complain because I am self-motivated and am getting lots of ideas and support from here. Without the director support I am taking responsibility for running my own business instead of having a "boss" (which I'm done with!!) and I feel that I'm doing well, plus I really don't want to get my director in any trouble by complaining, but should I ever get any recruits I will be offering a much different system of support than I am receiving.
  • #11
Well, I am torn on this issue. I have told everyone of my team members that I am here if they need ANYTHING! Though my phone contact is limited with each of my gals, I do cram their email boxes quite regularly. I have stressed to my team that they can call me any time they need to. Once a month, 100 times a day... its my job to be there for them.

I am a no stress director. I have heard from far too many past consultants who quit their businesses because their directors pushed them to do more shows/sales/recruiting than they wanted to do. My people know that I am comfortable with them doing one show a month, or 10 shows a month. I push training meetings and offer a weekly conference call. Those who attend said meetings and calls are generally my top performers.

I can lead a horse to water, but I certainly cannot make that horse drink. I think as a director, we all face the same frustrations from time to time. We want you all to achieve success, but over time what can happen is some directors, myself included, get to a point of feeling like the only one wanting for her recruits that it gets discouraging. In past years, I cannot tell you how deflated I felt when I prepare for a Cluster meeting to have nobody show up, or prepare for a conference call to be the only one on it! UGH!

As for productivity bonuses and such. I think I am VERY giving with my team. I have dealt with hospitality directors who offer NO incentives to their teams. Saying things like, "A strong business through training is reward enough." Which, yes, that can be true. BUT, isnt it more fun to be able to participate in a challenge with a big item up for grabs? I think so. My upline director is also very giving, so she kind of set the bar on ways to make your team feel special. I am constantly printing materials for each meeting for my team to take home with them. I always make food for our meetings, and I always have a basket of goodies available for accomplishments.
6 shows in a month gets a pick from the goodie basket or the star basket. (Star basket has $5 gc's from all over, and I am constantly stocking my goodie basket with new things for them too.)
I award the top achiever in shows held, sales, show average, and high show with picks from either basket.
Anyone with a $1,000 show or a recruit gets a charm holder and subsequent charms.
And each month that my team reaches $10,000 in sales and 25 shows, I give away a bag for the Bag Challenge. (In June those figures will go up to reflect the teams growth).
Also, twice a year I try to hold a family meeting. We grill out, play games, network, and of course, indulge in the new seasons products. I used to just give away the new products at those meetings, but now I give products according to performance... though everyone on my team does get something.

Also, I do not leave out my hospitality people either. I am constantly sending packages out... so what if it costs me $ for postage... my tag line: "Its all a tax deduction".

So, in short I guess my advice would be to contact your director again and let her know in no uncertain terms what you expect from her. She expects from you each month right? If one of my team came to me and said hey, I need more from you, I would totally accomodate them. That is my job. If you still do not get results, maybe start calling her...I know it is harsh, but you are not the only one on her team, and myself, my director/recruiter constantly sings the praises of another of her directors who is not a good performer, and has gone into relinquishment several times... yes, she has triumphed over issues, but so have I. I take it with a grain of salt. I did not get the start in this business with my recruiters full support, so sometimes showing you are stronger and more willing than your recruiter will only propell you to not only higher standards, but show your true colors. Sometimes relying on others can be a downfall. You now know the kind of director you will be when that time comes.... lead by example and it will take you further than you can possibly imagine!
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  • #12
pchefkristin said:
Well, I am torn on this issue. I have told everyone of my team members that I am here if they need ANYTHING! Though my phone contact is limited with each of my gals, I do cram their email boxes quite regularly. I have stressed to my team that they can call me any time they need to. Once a month, 100 times a day... its my job to be there for them.

Can I move to Michigan and be on your team!;)
  • #13
katie0128 said:
Can I move to Michigan and be on your team!;)

Arent you too sweet?! Hang in there kiddo! You have all our our full support! If I can encourage you at all to do one thing that will ensure a successful business outside of the whole 3-2-1 plan and getting on that phone is to find an accountability partner.

My partner is Kris Madden. She is someone I met at the New Directors breakfast at conferenc one year, and through the years we have motivated each other, wallowed in each others sorrows, prayed for each other and our families, and oddly, been right on track with each other the whole time. (I think her group sales were less than $5,000 away from my team sales last year!)

I think it makes a big difference to have someone who is in the biz, close to your level, to share the experience with. Sometimes being accountable to our own selves can be easily dismissed, but being accountable to someone else makes it more solid.

I also encourage new consultants to ask someone to join their team with them to be their accountablity person... not only are you building a business right off the starting line, but you have someone going through the exact same things you are going through at the exact same times!

Good luck... look forward to seeing more posts from you, and relishing in the support you will receive here!
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  • #14
Wow! I wish I had a support system like you guys are offering!! I was told that it takes alot of time away from my directors own business to support new consultants. And I'm sure it does, but isn't that what the overrides are for?

But, thanks to this awesome site, I can get encouragement and support! Thanks guys/gals!!
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  • #15
amy07 said:
I was told that it takes alot of time away from my directors own business to support new consultants. And I'm sure it does, but isn't that what the overrides are for?

:eek: WHAT!!!!! Isn't part of a director's business supporting new consultants!!!! Even with the lack of support I have gotten, my director has NEVER actually said anything like that!
  • #16
Ugh...I see my own faults in some of these posts and I appreciate everyone's honesty.

I have great team meetings and spend sometimes $50 to $100 at some meetings (Just spent between $50 and $75 yesterday on my next team meeting). I love my team meetings as much as my team does. Unfortunately, those that don't attend miss out. My high acheivers are those who attend.

Now that is all well and good, but I am having a heck of a time supporting new consultants and team members. I work full time at another job, I have earned Level 3 trip 2 years in a row and I am very close to TPC in sales for the 2nd year in a row. My own business is very busy. On top of this, my parents' 2 rental cottages are opening for the season and this just puts the nail in the coffin.

Soon, I will be hiring help for simple tasks such as stamping and stickering materials and making host packets for the months ahead. My house is just literally disgusting. I am too embarassed to hire a cleaning person because it is just too cluttered and disorganized.

Unfortunately, I am losing ground with training and coaching. I am horrible at keeping an on time schedule and terrible with even taking training calls. I do keep in touch via e-mail very frequently and others on the team call each other (probably to talk about me too!!!) I want to train but it seems to never happen and before I know it...weeks and months have rolled by. The guilt is there and I find myself promising training, only to have it all not happen.

I am blessed to have an EXCELLENT upline that reaches out to my team and sends me great material for meetings. There is too much on my plate, but it is what it is for now.

Not looking for sympathy and understand that I know that I am not doing what I am supposed to do. The overrides I receive are not all put back into my team, however, a majority is. I think I just needed to confess my sins. I am tap dancing as fast as I can, but I am getting burnt out too.
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  • #17
WHAT??? Once you achieve directorship, you mean you magically don't get like 10 hours added to your day??? Awww man...

Congrats on the level 3 trip... that is a lot of hard work. But, do you "confess your sins" (as you put it) to your team? Honestly, if you were my director, I may not be thrilled that I couldn't get as much support as I want, but I would be MUCH more understanding if you were honest with me. Your post has given me the rational in my mind to give my director "one more chance"... who knows, maybe she is struggling like you are and just isn't comfortable reaching out. When I felt like she was just ignoring me, I was really mad and didn't feel like initiating one more call. But now I have the image in my head of her struggling to get through each day and I feel like I need to make at least one or two more attempts.

Thanks for being willing to share (at least with us) that you are not perfect. It really helps to hear that...
  • #18
baychef said:
Ugh...I see my own faults in some of these posts and I appreciate everyone's honesty.

I have great team meetings and spend sometimes $50 to $100 at some meetings (Just spent between $50 and $75 yesterday on my next team meeting). I love my team meetings as much as my team does. Unfortunately, those that don't attend miss out. My high acheivers are those who attend.

Now that is all well and good, but I am having a heck of a time supporting new consultants and team members. I work full time at another job, I have earned Level 3 trip 2 years in a row and I am very close to TPC in sales for the 2nd year in a row. My own business is very busy. On top of this, my parents' 2 rental cottages are opening for the season and this just puts the nail in the coffin.

Soon, I will be hiring help for simple tasks such as stamping and stickering materials and making host packets for the months ahead. My house is just literally disgusting. I am too embarassed to hire a cleaning person because it is just too cluttered and disorganized.

Unfortunately, I am losing ground with training and coaching. I am horrible at keeping an on time schedule and terrible with even taking training calls. I do keep in touch via e-mail very frequently and others on the team call each other (probably to talk about me too!!!) I want to train but it seems to never happen and before I know it...weeks and months have rolled by. The guilt is there and I find myself promising training, only to have it all not happen.

I am blessed to have an EXCELLENT upline that reaches out to my team and sends me great material for meetings. There is too much on my plate, but it is what it is for now.

Not looking for sympathy and understand that I know that I am not doing what I am supposed to do. The overrides I receive are not all put back into my team, however, a majority is. I think I just needed to confess my sins. I am tap dancing as fast as I can, but I am getting burnt out too.

I so appreciate your willingness to be transparent and open - even with the stuff that isn't so pretty!:p It actually gives me hope that I don't have to be perfect to be successful!:D
  • #19
ChefBeckyD said:
It actually gives me hope that I don't have to be perfect to be successful!:D

I'll second that!

Related to Problems With Support From My Director...

1. How can I address a lack of support from my director?

If you are experiencing a lack of support from your director, it is important to first try and have an open and honest conversation with them. Express your concerns and ask for specific ways in which they can support you better. If this does not improve the situation, you can reach out to your regional or national director for assistance.

2. What should I do if my director is not responsive to my needs?

If your director is not responsive to your needs, it may be helpful to document your interactions and reach out to your regional or national director for support. They may be able to intervene and help improve the communication and support between you and your director.

3. How can I handle conflicts with my director in a professional manner?

When facing conflicts with your director, it is important to remain calm and professional. Try to address the issue directly and respectfully with your director. If the conflict cannot be resolved, you can seek guidance from your regional or national director for assistance in finding a resolution.

4. What resources are available to help me with problems with my director?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of resources for consultants experiencing problems with their director. These include reaching out to your regional or national director, attending training and leadership development events, and utilizing online resources such as the Pampered Chef Consultant Support Center.

5. How can I ensure that I have a positive and supportive relationship with my director?

To foster a positive and supportive relationship with your director, it is important to communicate openly and honestly, set clear expectations, and provide regular updates on your progress. It may also be helpful to attend training and development events together and seek feedback and guidance from your director on a regular basis.

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