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Prayers Needed: At the Doctor Today

I don't know if that would help you, but it was something to think about.Leah, I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. Prayers going out to you and your family.I'm glad to hear that you are considering other options. Keep in mind that it may take a while for anything to happen, but that we are here for you.Good luck!
Gold Member
This afternoon I am going to the doctor to find out if I am in fact pregnant. I would really appriacte some prayers and to remeber me today. TIA!!:confused:
Praying for you Leah!
You have my prayers!!
Prayers and blessings on its way to you!
I will be praying and thinking of you today.
Leah - thanks for reminding us - the week flew by.

Either result...God has His plan. Have a good day!
  • Thread starter
  • #8
A week has flew by on me... and I have spent most of the morning stressed out from work.. and in tears... simply becasue I dont' know what's going on.. and I raelly hate the unknown... thanks for thinking of me this day!!

Just take today one step at a time! God DOES have a plan for you, and he already knows what it is, so trust in him.

  • Thread starter
  • #10
I have to keep reminding myself of that today........ and I do have a lot of faith.... But I really appriacte the prayers please keep thinking of me.
  • #11
In stressful times it is always helpful to know that others are praying for you. Jill and I will have you in our prayers.
  • #12
Praying for you.
  • #13
Good luck Leah and whatever the news is we will all be here for you! I'm praying for good news about a baby!!!!!!!
  • #14
how was the dr visit?
  • #15
Good Luck! I hope you get some good news.
  • #16
Praying for you Leah. Any news yet?
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Dr's apt went good...... took yet another Pee test.. came back negative she imediatly ordered blood work... but I wont' have the results until Tuesday sometime.
  • #18
Thanks for the update Leah... I've been thinking about you all night. Will keep thinking about you until we hear next week! Try to get a good night's sleep!
  • #19
Hang in there for those few days still - keep busy and it'll go by fast!
  • #20
I'm sorry you have to wait for Tuesday! It'll be hard, but we'll be thinking of you!
  • #21
Oooohhh, I hate those hurry and wait kind of tests. We'll be praying for you this weekend. Stay focused on Who is the reason for THIS season! It may help you to not stress!

Love, Me :)
  • #22
Hang in there, Leah! Your day will come!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #23
On the up side of the Apt. I have lost 7 pounds..... and my blood pressure is really low! :) all things in do time I have to keep telling myself!!
  • #24
Still praying for you. Let us know when you can.
  • #25
continuing in prayer!
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  • #26
Thank you all.... it means so much to me!!
  • #27

Sorry you are still waiting! Prayers coming your way!
  • #28
OK so you said that the results would be in on Tuesday sometime....Have you heard anything yet? I have been praying for you and your family!
  • Thread starter
  • #29
Sorry I have had a heck of time being able to get on here today... I got my results and sorry to say no baby yet..... so that means more fun for me and DH to have.. not that we dont' have fun or wouldnt' have fun with a baby.. ( oh never mind LOL) thank you for all the kind words of encorgagement and prayers!!!
  • #30
Oh Leah, I'm sorry. There will be a time....

Did your blood tests reveal the cause for your sickness etc.?
  • Thread starter
  • #31
Nope they didn't reveal any of that.... so I dont' know... other than my cycle started two days ago and I am missrable ......
  • #32
I'm SO SORRY!!! You always have the next month though! Remember it is all in God's time not ours! I will keep you and your family in my prayers and hope that yours are answered!
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  • #33
At least someone out their is supporting me. and Dh.. I got a 10 men lecture from my mother that I need to finish school.. and it might be too dangerous to have more children, becasue of my polycystic ovaries, that I cant' handle one child why would I want to have another.. etc etc.... lets jsut say I am not too happy right now.. and my Dh has no idea this conversation has taken place!!
  • #34
Leah I am so sorry to hear all that is happening IMHO I hate it when parents try to say thier kids shouldnt have more it should definitly be up to husband and wife. If my mom told me to stop having kids cause of my heart problems I would be so mad at her.
  • Thread starter
  • #35
My dad said well that is good now would you stop being so emotional I told him probley not..when i told him that it was between DH and I ... he said well take it or leave it!!
  • #36
Talk to your doc about glucophage. I had issues with my cycle about 5 years ago, irregular etc. I was taking preg tests like crazy b/c it was so unreliable. I dropped some weight and it normalized. Now I'm trying this to get everything else normalized. I don't have polycystic ovaries though. Dr. said that was very common not to have the cysts, but to have everything else. :confused:
  • Thread starter
  • #37
I jsut went off the pill in Jan of this year...... I started my cycle on Sunday.... so if it isnt' normal next month then I will talk to her about it.
  • #38
Leah, I'm sorry to hear the news wasn't what you were hoping. Good luck!
  • #39
Leah - I know you parents probably want the best for you (of course what they think is best). At least appreciate their desire for your welfare (right or wrong on the advice) and love them for that.

Our Bible does say in Genesis: "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."

My MIL and FIL were AWESOME on this topic...once engaged, they gave their son the lecture that he was never allowed home without his wife. (Meaning don't come running to us if you have any issues). Of course, if he is in the area without me he can stop in - LOL! They really take the scripture to heart though...they will never comment on how we raise our kids (unless it is positive) or on the decisions we make, etc., etc. I really love and respect them for that! It is awesome!

Leah, I don't know your history or why your parents want to interject their opinions (my mom still does somedays!), but I pray that your parents will come to understand that scripture and your need to make your decisions with your husband for what is best for your family. ...and that when the time is right in God's plan, He will bless you with another...He has the perfect timing.
  • #40

I feel for you! Even though I know you understand everything is in God's hands, it still hurts our hearts when we really want something and it doesn't come through in "our" timing! But, yes, you will look back on this and see God's hand on you, your hubby, and your family!

{{{{{{{{{HUGS to you!!}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  • #41
Praying for you....take care.
  • #42
Leah, check out www.pcos-info.com. it has some very helpful info. I too suffer from pcos as well as endometriosis. I definitely pray for future success for you. I have truly learned that only God gets to decide when and if for us.
just keep your faith and all will be well.
  • #43
Leah, I'm so sorry to hear the results were negative. The ups and downs when trying to be pregnant can be quite stressful. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Our faith can help us so much through disappointments. Something that helps me is to read psalms which can have a very comforting affect.

Know that we are all here for you.
  • Thread starter
  • #44
Thank you so much for all of your support and prayers... my husband and I are so overwhelmed with support... I am finding that if I staying close to scriputres the lord will bless me and right now I truly need that!!
  • #45
It could be because you just went off your pills in january, and your body needs to just get back in the rythm it needs to make a baby. I will pray for you though. I only wish you all the best. I know it must be so hard wanting something so bad. Good Luck.
  • #46
I completely understand what you are going through Leah. I also have pcos. I went to a fertility specialist and that is how I found out. He had me start taking glucophase, as someone mentioned earlier. It is mostly for people with diabetes, but one of the side affects, is that is make women ovulate. The other thing, my DH and I found out, was once we stopped trying, it happened. We tried for a year and then just stopped. The next thing we knew I was pregnant.

You also need to give your body time to adjust being off the pill. Hang in there and remember everything does happen for a reason and GOD only gives what we can handle.
  • #47
So much wisdom!I felt drawn to read through this entire thread, and I am struck by the outpouring of concern and wise counsel sent your way! As others have said, keep faith!!!! God sometimes puts us in the refiners' fire to skim off our impurities. As impossible as it always is to see at the time, He is always "right" in the end, and in your 20/20 hindsight, you can see how things did work out in your best interest.

I have PCOS and I was 200 pounds overweight eleven years ago when I got married. It was a long road built over a river of tears, but I thank God and praise Him for every one of those tears!!

I had gastric bypass surgery 6.5 years ago... Matthew is five... Kaylee is four... and (God is REALLY funny!) I just found out last Friday that Baby #3 will arrive on or about November 30!! I am 37 (ancient, if you ask me) and really went through the proverbial ringer medically, but here we are - soon to be a family of five!!!

Pray and let go. Just enjoy your marriage (especially because it sounds like a really fun one!!) and live your life to the fullest!! Take care of your health and let God take care of your family. He knows your heart's desire, and He ALWAYS - WITHOUT EXCEPTION - wants the best for His children. If it is a good thing for you and your husband to be blessed with a child, it WILL happen!!!

Cling to His promises - He has kept them for thousands of years!!!!!!

God Bless You!!!
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  • #48
My husband and I have been richly bless by the pressence of the Lord in our lives, I sit and think about all the thing that the lord has blessed us with, and you know what truly amazes me is that his children our his most prised possession of them all, My Dh and I have my daughter (she is from my 1st marriage) she will be six in June, She is one of the greatest joys in my life. I know that the Lord will bless us with another child when HE thinks it is the right time, I think sometimes I get alittle impacient with things that I forget that it isn't in my time it is in his time. My DH and I have only been married four months, and let me tell you their four months that I will tressure forever. I found out five years ago that I have PCOS , which would explain my weight gain and loss over the past few years. I have 15 more pounds to go and I will be under two hundred pounds. Which the I think the Lord is telling me that I really need to get that extra weight off, My Dh and I had a long conversation the other night about the "baby" and we decided that Iwould stay off the pill and have fun, but in the mean time we would start walking nightly and getting some excerise so we were healthy when the Lord blesses us with another beauiful heavnly spirit. I truly blieve that everything happens for a reason and the only person's who know what those reasons are our God and Jesus Christ and I feel that both of them at my side at all times, even through the past week of feeling up's and downs wheather I am with child or not. Warmly, ~ Leah~
  • #49
Totally on the right track!!Leah - that is the attitude to pray for!!!

Revel in the Blessings you already enjoy...
Be a good steward of the life you have been given... (take care of your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being)
Have fun every day!!!
Remember God's promises!!

As much as you delight in your daughter's face when you surprise her with something (big or small) that fills her heart's desire, so much more your Father in Heaven delights in your joy when you receive your heart's desire!! He loves to say "YES!" Like all good parents though, sometimes the answer must be "no" or "not now." (Like when your daughter really wants chocolate marshmallow ice cream 2 minutes before bed... The dentist and pediatric fitness counselors would love you for your business :D !)

Patience stinks... I know!!! HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!

  • #50
Congrats Rebecca!! We are going to have to start a preggo group at Jana's meetings because I bet 75% of the meeting-goers are pregnant!!

Related to Prayers Needed: At the Doctor Today

1. What is the reason for the doctor's appointment?

The individual is going to the doctor to find out if they are pregnant.

2. Why are prayers needed for this appointment?

The individual is asking for prayers to help them stay calm and have a positive outcome from the doctor's appointment.

3. How can I show support for the individual?

You can show your support by sending positive thoughts and well-wishes, and by remembering them in your prayers.

4. When is the appointment taking place?

The appointment is scheduled for this afternoon.

5. What does TIA mean in this context?

TIA stands for "thanks in advance," and is a way for the individual to express their gratitude for any prayers or support they receive.

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