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Prayers for My Mom's Heart Surgery in Texas

In summary, my mom is having heart surgery Monday morning in Texas. She is really anxious and I would appreciate your prayers for her to feel God's calming spirit and a successful surgery. Praying for your mom. Praying
Gold Member
My mom is having heart surgery Monday morning in Texas. She is really anxious and I would appreciate your prayers for her to feel God's calming spirit and a successful surgery.
Praying for your mom.
Praying from you Mom from TN too! I know it is hard because "Moms are never supposed to be sick"! HUGS to you too!
Definitely. I'll keep her in my prayers.
A prayer said for a peaceful mind and a healthy heart!
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS for Mom and for you}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

It is hard for Mom to be strong and it is hard for their child to be strong too (no matter what age you are!)

Prayers for the surgeons, your Mom, for you and your family.
I'll be praying for your mom's healing, the doctors' wisdom and skill, and your peace of mind.
Prayers and ((((HUGS)))) to you and your Mom!
Your mom and your family are in my prayers.
  • Thread starter
  • #10
I just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers! My sister called this morning and my mom was out of surgery after only one hour (the surgeon had expected it to be at least two hours)!
  • #11
Yeah! I missed this thread before (on vacation) but I sure am glad she did well!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
My sister just called me back with some news. Apparently when she thought Mom was in recovery before they were actually finishing up the proceedure and getting ready to send her to recovery. Well, before they could get her to recovery she had a reaction to medication so they kept her in the OR to monitor her. While doing this, this surgeon decided that he didn't like the way things looked and the end result was that they went back and did a triple bypass! Thankfully so far her lungs are still looking good (they are weak from pnuemonia in the past) and her kidneys are still functioning (Mom has kidney damage also from too many years of a certain medication). So now she is going to recovery. I pray that ther are no more surprises and that she can begin the healing process. (One extra note, Mom is 67 years old.)
  • #13
Wow! I'm happy things turned out okay! At least they did it all now, versus having to go back for a 2nd time. It sounds like she has a great team working on her!
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Major changes since I posted yesterday morning. Yes, Mom's surgery was a success but she had a major reaction to one of the medications and her blood pressure dropped. The doctor tried everything he could but unfortunately she passed away yesterday evening. My family is heading out in a few hours to travel to Texas. I gotta try for some sleep but I just wanted to let everyone know.
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Major changes since I posted yesterday. Mom's surgery was a success but she had a major reaction to a medication and her blood pressure dropped after the surgery. The doctor tried everything he could think of but unfortunately, Mom passed away yesterday evening. My family and I are heading out for Texas in a few hours so I gotta try for some sleep but I just wanted to let everyone know what happened. Continued pryers please for my family and my sister's family as we try to get through the next few days.
  • #15
I'm so sorry. You and your family are in my prayers.
  • #16
Oh, Penny. What a shock. I am so sorry to hear this. Praying for safe travel and peace for your family.
  • #17
I am so sorry. You and your family will be in my prayers.
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  • #18
Thanks everyone for all the thoughts and prayers. I'm doing okay, hanging in there one day at a time.
  • #19
I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. I lost my Mom 11 years ago last April and my Dad 26 years ago this month. Let the wonderful memories you shared over the years help you to heal. Know she is healthy and happy in Heaven with Jesus!
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Hi Everyone,
I'm finally back home after being gone for about seven weeks emptying out my mom's house and getting it ready to be sold. Thanks for all of the prayers I know they helped my sister and I get through everything that we had to deal with.
  • #21
Wow...what a long time to be gone! I know it's a HUGE job going through an entire household and cleaning and such. I pray that God continues to give you peace and His grace to get through the coming months. I hope you are doing well!

Related to Prayers for My Mom's Heart Surgery in Texas

What is "Prayers for My Mom"?

"Prayers for My Mom" is a collection of heartfelt prayers and blessings specifically designed for mothers. It is a way to express love, gratitude, and ask for guidance and protection for your mom.

Who can use "Prayers for My Mom"?

Anyone can use "Prayers for My Mom" to pray for their own mother, stepmother, mother-in-law, or any other mother figure in their life. It is also a thoughtful gift for others to use for their own mothers.

Do I have to be religious to use "Prayers for My Mom"?

No, "Prayers for My Mom" can be used by people of all faiths or no faith at all. The prayers are meant to be inclusive and can be personalized to fit your own beliefs and relationship with your mother.

Can I customize the prayers in "Prayers for My Mom"?

Yes, "Prayers for My Mom" is designed to be customizable. You can add your own personal touches, memories, and specific requests to make the prayers more meaningful for your mom.

Is "Prayers for My Mom" available in different formats?

Yes, "Prayers for My Mom" is available in a book format, as well as in digital formats such as e-book and audiobook. This allows for easy access and use, no matter where you are or what device you prefer.

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