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Prayer Request for John Warren: A Miracle Needed

In summary, Brenda's friend John is fighting stage 4 cancer and has been through many challenges. He is currently seeking expert opinions in Houston and/or North Carolina. He refuses to give up and is transitioning to a healthy vegetarian lifestyle. The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship has a Survivor's Toolbox available to cancer survivors that can be helpful.
Gold Member
All, thank you for your time, as I am asking for a miracle here. A dear friend of mine was recently diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer which has metastasized to his bones. He is only 36 precious years old and has a wife and two sons ages 2 and 5. Yesterday he underwent a throat biopsy and received news that the cancer in incurable and inoperable. Right now, we need a miracle and I believe completely in the power of prayer. If you could, please lift John Warren up in your prayers, I would forever be grateful. Thank you.
Praying for John Warren- so sorry to hear of his horrible illness.
I am sending prayers and positive thoughts.
Prayers offered up
Offering prayers....
Agreeing with you for a miracle for John and his family!
Prayers for your friend.
  • #10
Prayers said.
  • #11
Brenda, Keep the faith and stay postive. My husband was diagnoised in mid-October with the same thing...stage 4 spreading to the left hip bone. He tried a trial from Duke University which worked for about 4 months. Last week we discovered that a new mass has formed on the bile duct - the civilian doctor told us it was on the pancreas. Yesterday we discovered that was incorrect (not pancreas cancer) by my husband's NAVY oncologist and there is a treatment. Stage 4 is incurrable and inoperable but not untreatable. If your friends doctor is not comfortable with his current doctor or they are not taking time to answer questions and give comfort & support...FIND A DIFFERENT ONE! It is very important that everyone stay positive and keep the attitude that he WILL kick the cancer's butt. Health eating is also very important - lots of small meals. My husband has dropped 50-60 lbs and did not have those to loose.

Best wishes and lots of prayers for John!

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  • #12
rosecrystalcat said:
Brenda, Keep the faith and stay postive. My husband was diagnoised in mid-October with the same thing...stage 4 spreading to the left hip bone. He tried a trial from Duke University which worked for about 4 months. Last week we discovered that a new mass has formed on the bile duct - the civilian doctor told us it was on the pancreas. Yesterday we discovered that was incorrect (not pancreas cancer) by my husband's NAVY oncologist and there is a treatment. Stage 4 is incurrable and inoperable but not untreatable. If your friends doctor is not comfortable with his current doctor or they are not taking time to answer questions and give comfort & support...FIND A DIFFERENT ONE! It is very important that everyone stay positive and keep the attitude that he WILL kick the cancer's butt. Health eating is also very important - lots of small meals. My husband has dropped 50-60 lbs and did not have those to loose.

Best wishes and lots of prayers for John!


Thank you Beckie! I will pray for your husband as well. My friend John is not giving up by any means. He is going to seek expert opinions in Houston and/or North Carolina. He refuses to put a 'death sentence' on this cancer. I know he just successfully dropped quite a few pounds to reach a goal weight so I know he has transitioned to a healthy, vegetarian lifestyle.
  • #13
Pass this along, Brenda: I'm right there with you, John, keep up the fight. As a survivor myself, I can empathize with you. Experience is not expertise, and I will never pretend to know what the protocols and options are for you, but I can share with you three things that kept me going. One, a positive outlook, two, laughter and three, there is a great resource available to you in the form of…

The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship. Unlike the ACS, which is dedicated to eradicating cancer, NCCS is an advocate for cancer survivors. They have a Survivor's Tool Kit that they will send you at no charge. It is filled with good information about coping, patients' rights and to let you know that you are not alone. If you click on the link below, you'll find the toolbox along with a listing of other resources that will be helpful to you.

Click here to order The Cancer Survivor's Toolbox. I also have a "Cancerversary" page on their website, you can, too. You can see mine by clicking on this link to the http://www.canceradvocacynow.org/goto/thekitchnguy.

A positive outlook is a must, and so is laughter! Watch every comedy you can get your hands on and if you can, read funny books, too!

Norman Cousins was the one who discovered laughter is an incredible tool to fight illness and wrote about it in Anatomy of an Illness. He was diagnosed with an incurable disease in the mid 1950s and given six months to get his affairs in order. Instead, he rented a projector and watched the Marx Brothers. "I made the joyous discovery that ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep."

Cousins lived until 1990 and died from heart disease at the age of 75, after living 36 years with his "fatal" illness. He once said, "Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors."

The first time I went for chemotherapy, The Kat Lady walked over to the bookstore and came back with Calvin and Hobbs, a couple of Erma Bombeck titles, and a little gem called Not Now, I'm Having a No Hair Day by Christine Clifford. While I sat there with tubes and bags and machines and all the other crap that goes along with chemo, I read Calvin and Hobbs, roaring with laughter. A young lady was there with an elderly lady, probably her grandmother, who was also undergoing chemo, and she didn't realize that I could hear her every word. She leaned over to the lady and said, "What is wrong with those people? All they do is laugh! Don't they know this is serious?"

Nothing is so deadly serious that it can't be laughed at. Keep up the fight, and laugh John, laugh!

Because I cannot say it any better myself, I leave you with one more quote from Norman Cousins. "Your heaviest artillery will be your will to live. Keep that big gun going."

Footnote: There was a thread up here a couple of years ago about surviving cancer, called Tonsil cancer & treatment. Click on the title to see the thread.
  • #14
Praying for John Warren and Beckie's husband, and all the families. God please wash your cleansing hands over them and rid them of the illness that they were diagnosed with. We are asking in your name for a miracle. Please cleanse them and renew their faith in you. In Jesus name, Amen!
  • #15
Praying........please keep us updated.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
John received his chemo port and stomach feeding tube last Friday and will receive his first chemo treatment this Thursday. His radiation treatments have worn him out and weakened him somewhat. I've been passing your prayers on to him for additional strength. This will be a long battle and I appreciate all of your love. Please keep him in your thoughts and I will keep you updated.
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  • #17
Prognosis, not good I'm afraid. How could this strong and vibrant 36 year old man deteriorate so quickly? Just two weeks ago he was standing in front of my desk cracking jokes and being his beautiful, sarcastic self and now he can barely walk because he is so weak. I can only imagine what he's feeling as he doesn't want any visitors. Thank you for letting me 'vent' here because I am a person of positive energy and faith. I just needed to let it out that I am genuinely concerned and ask for an extra dose of love and prayers for him and his beautiful family.
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  • #18
It is with heavy heart that I report John Warren passed away late Saturday night. Please keep his wife, Gina and two young children (Elias and Isaac) in your prayers. I'm sad that he's gone but thankful he is no longer suffering with pain.
  • #19
I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. How sad for his family and friends. May they find comfort and peace in the upcoming sad days.
  • #20
So sorry to hear that; prayers for healing for the family.
  • #21
Brenda, I am so sorry for your loss.

I HATE it when the bastard wins.

Related to Prayer Request for John Warren: A Miracle Needed

1. Can you provide more information about John Warren and his situation?

John Warren is a 10-year-old boy who was recently diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. He is currently undergoing treatment, but his family is asking for prayers for a miracle as his condition has worsened.

2. How can I submit a prayer request for John Warren?

If you would like to submit a prayer request for John Warren, you can do so through our website or by contacting our customer service team. We will make sure that your request is included in our prayers for John and his family.

3. How can I help support John and his family during this difficult time?

There are a few ways to support John and his family. You can pray for them, submit a prayer request, or make a donation to help with medical expenses. You can also show your support by sending them words of encouragement or a thoughtful card.

4. Are there any updates on John's condition?

John's family is regularly providing updates on his condition on their social media pages. You can follow them on Facebook or Instagram to stay updated on his progress and continue to offer your support and prayers.

5. Can I purchase any Pampered Chef products to support John and his family?

Yes, you can! Pampered Chef has partnered with John's family to create a special limited-time product where a portion of the sales will go towards supporting his medical expenses. You can also host a virtual fundraiser or make a direct donation through our website.

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