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Urgent Prayer Request for a Family Friend

In summary, a family friend is in some trouble. Her husband had an affair, and after awhile, she confronted him. He moved out, but he wants custody of their kids (the oldest is 14). He has 2 of the kids convinced she is lying to them, and that she is demon-possessed and mentally unstable. One child is standing by her. He has the other 2 kids. Yesterday, he somehow managed to have her COMMITTED to a mental institution. The sheriff came with an armored vehicle and escorted her away.
Staff member
I don't normally do this, but my DH and I have a friend who is in some trouble. Her husband had an affair. After awhile, our friend confronted him, and he moved out. But he wants custody of their kids (oldest is 14). He has 2 of them convinced she is lying to them, and that she is demon-possessed and mentally unstable. (Yes...he really is that way!). One child is standing by her. He has the other two kids. He went into her home and took all of her documentation of the affair. and then yesterday, he somehow managed to have her COMMITTED to a mental institution. The sheriff came with an armored vehicle and escorted her away. He was there and said "I am doing this for your own good." She is there until Friday until she stands before a judge to "prove her sanity". He now has all 3 kids, including the one who is on her mother's side. The family fears for her. This man has a very whacked out sense of right/wrong. We lived through this with them 14 years ago. It was VERY SCARY. We had tapes of some messed up mind games he played with his wife....but I've long since gotten rid of them because things had been fine for so long. I so wish I had those now to show the mental mess he played. He's doing it again. And he's known to take things beyond just verbal/mental. But he's SMART too.Please pray - for her, but also the family. That they remain calm and don't do something rash (we've lived this before remember, and it was bad then.) Her family is rallying around her. She and her family are all Christians. Her husband has always claimed it, but it always seemed phony. This is just scary and so surreal. It sounds like a movie on Lifetime, but what happened 14 yrs ago comes flooding back to my mind, so I can only imagine how bad it is right now for them.I know we have alot of prayer warriors on here...and she really needs surrounded right now! Thanks guys.
Bobbi, I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for her & her family- & those KIDS!! It must be truly painful to watch. Many prayers being offered...
WOW! Will be praying...
What an awful situation to be in...my prayers that the truth will be shown and she will be able to get back to some normalcy. It never ceases to amaze me how parents will use their children as pawns in their evil games. My friend recently found out her husband had been cheating for a year...they have a 4 and almost 1 year old. While she hates his very core, she is not allowing that to interfere in his interaction with the kids, or how she acts to him in front of them
oh my goodness!!! will definitely pray!!!!
Sending prayers. Sure hope Karma is watching that SOB!
I can't imagine. Prayers said.
What a mess. We know that the devil is patron of all lies - so my prayers are against the lies and deceit. Possibly there is an ally in the affair person - particularly if it was short-lived, she knows how odd the guy is.

Please have the courage to go to the authorities and get on the record that there were issues 14 years ago, you don't need to go into the detail that there had been tapes "that you don't have anymore", but simply relay some of the kind of mind games the person played.

Get involved with the domestic violence unit or find a shelter and solicit their advice.

An actual boost would be to determine if any Federal laws were broken - crossing state lines, money issues - and get the help of the FBI who would have more means of addressing this than local law enforcement.

Another possiblity would be to find out about mental health assistance. Call children's services and express your concern. This isn't a time to worry about being the busybody, it's a time for courage and to take a stand for what is right. In his right mind, the guy would appreciate you are looking out for the children. In his altered state, he will be against everybody.

I will also pray for your courage and your protection. Heavenly Father, look down on your servant and guide her footsteps, give her wise and quick counsel, and work together to get these children safe and the mom out of harm's way. Bind the works of evil away from this family and bring health and salvation to them. Amen!
Great advice Scott! I would have also contacted her family members, her attorney-her doctors need to know what is going on to counter how he got her committed and I would recommend that her family seek getting a court appointed Ad Litem Attorney for those children so that they can get to the bottom of this for their sakes as well.
Prayers for all!!! Please keep us informed.
Your documentation of everything you do know will go a long way in helping this family and reaching out to help.
  • #10
They're right Bobbi! The bad part is that anything you say is just hearsay. Do you recall if any calls were made to the police during those days 14 years ago? That may be able to document anything you say. Also, check with anyone else who may have known them back then. See if they have anything concrete as evidence as well. Make sure if you need to as her family may not have thought about this, yes, yes, yes, make sure there is a court appointed lawyer for those kids. There has to be something that you all have forgotten about that can point a finger at him as the freak. There is always something. Maybe home movies or a camcorder or computer files, anything. I will pray for them as hard as I can. That is awful. My EX-uncle Peter was a psychologist who hypnotized his own girls to get them away from their mother. AND FIND THE PERSON HE HAD THE AFFAIR WITH!!!
  • #11
The supportive family members should definitely go to the courts and ask for intervention. If he's the only one saying she's crazy & the judge is looking at a whole slew of people saying he's retaliating, they just might be able to get her released to someone's custody.(((Hugs))) to all of them. I really dislike hearing about people who use the children as a pawn to get back at the other parent. :(
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  • #12
Yes. Her family is there, a sister and her husband, her mom and stepfather, and now her brother and his wife are in town. We leave half way across the country and haven't had much contact with them in the last 12 years, other than occasional visits when they've been in town. But I keep in touch with the sister via email. I do know they have gotten an attorney for her....but that's a good suggestion about the kids having one too. We were just floored that under the circumstances of the separation due to infidelity that the sheriff would even COMMIT her to a mental facility...but knowing how he operates, we wouldn't be surprised at all if he set her up some way and recorded her and then got her upset and arguing (that's his M.O.) on camera/tape. She was able to call her family either from the sheriff car, station or the mental hospital. I pray that the doctors there figure out that she's not crazy- just a woman who's been screwed over big time. I pray also she can remain calm and not let her emotions get the best of her....that wouldn't look too good I'm sure.And yes, there was quite a bit of police involvement years ago. So a lot of things would be on record, and I'm positive will come up again since the family will be all over this.Best thing we can do from here is pray to the one who has it in His hands...for whatever purpose he's made her to endure.Thanks guys. Friday 10am central time. That's going to feel like an eternity to her and her family right now. I pray that she gets a sympathetic judge (maybe a female judge who's seen battered women before and doesn't buy into his load of C**P).
  • #13
And they say that women are master manipulators! They have not seen this guy apparently! The really bad part is she and her kids and family will have a hard fight. If this guy was good enough to make sure she got locked up, they will have a really hard time proving otherwise. He will not stop. The part that scares me, and this is something you Bobbi can suggest to the family, is to get those kids a lawyer and get them away from him some how. Her family can put in a, I am not sure what it would be called, a petition maybe, to take custody of the kids. He sounds like he may be capable of the unthinkable. And I hope her family realizes that. He is not thinking of them as people but rather possessions or pawns he is using to manipulate his wife and the situation. He is a sick person and there is no telling what he may be capable of.
  • #14
If she can get cell phone bills it might have the girlfriend's phone number.
  • #15
Or was he (or girlfriend) dumb enough to post stuff on social media?
  • #16
What's happening with this? Praying.
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  • #17
I haven't heard anything new. I think my friend (the sister) is in the main town where this is occurring, so she's not home where she has internet, etc. But the court date is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10am central. I do appreciate your prayers for her- whether it be it for this to 'go away' or for God to help her get through it for whatever purpose he has for her and the family.

Related to Prayer Request for a Family Friend

1. How can I submit a prayer request for a family friend?

To submit a prayer request for a family friend, you can contact our customer service team at 1-800-342-2434 or email us at [email protected]. We also have a prayer request form on our website that you can fill out.

2. Will my prayer request be kept confidential?

Yes, at Pampered Chef, we take confidentiality very seriously. Your prayer request will only be shared with our prayer team and will not be shared with anyone else without your consent.

3. How long will it take for my prayer request to be answered?

Our prayer team meets weekly to pray over all the requests we receive. We strive to answer all prayer requests within 7 days, but please understand that it may take longer depending on the volume of requests we receive.

4. Can I request prayers for a specific need or situation?

Yes, you can specify the need or situation in your prayer request. Our prayer team will pray specifically for that need and trust in God's perfect plan for your family friend.

5. Can I receive updates on my prayer request?

Yes, if you would like to receive updates on your prayer request, please let our team know when you submit your request. We will be happy to keep you updated on any progress or answered prayers for your family friend.

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