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New Consultants Not Returning Calls...

I thought we had a great conversation...I thought she was excited...come to find out she didn't even sign under me...she signed under another consultant and she is in my cluster...my director won't move her because she is inactive...UGH!!In summary, a group of consultants were discussing how to handle new consultants who do not return calls or emails. Some suggestions included leaving messages, trying different times or days, and offering help in a positive and understanding manner. Some consultants shared their own frustrations and experiences with inactive consultants and their attempts to help them become successful.
Just venting...what do you do or how do you handle it when new consultants do not return your calls or emails?? I have 2 consultants in their 30 days..both very excited to start their businesses...one was actually a consultant before...I haven't been able to reach them by phone or email...and I haven't seen anything sumbitted for them either...the 30 days are up today and next tuesday...
Thanks for listening (reading)...I don't know if there are any solutions??
I have the same issue with 2 of my new consultants. I just leave a message that I'm here. I send them the same emails the rest of the team gets.

All you can do is try. If they don't take advantage of your help it's their loss.

You might try calling at different times or on different days. Sometimes OUR best time is their worse...
In deep breathe....bless
out exhale ...release.

Not what I do but I wanted you to be calm.
Personally I have tried banging my head against the desk several times and yelling for them out my office window.

Just kidding, maybe.
I leave the same chipper upbeat message that I usually do and I just add at the end...
"I hope you have been getting your messages, because it is so unlike you to not call me back. I am just a bit worried and hope you're just busy! Please shoot me an email and let me know all is well."
Than I drink. :)

What Beth said is true, you can offer, but some won't hear.
Good job for you on keeping track!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Thanks to both of you.....I have done the above...I always let them know I am here..I think I say it everytime I talk to them, I guess I am just frustrated...I think I will take that drink :) it won't get them to call but I will feel better...:) :)
I do like the part in your message about it is unlike you not to call back etc...I may start using that..
Thanks again!
((HUGS)) back at ya :)
Glad you feel better!
Koolotus said:
In deep breathe....bless
out exhale ...release.

Not what I do but I wanted you to be calm.
Personally I have tried banging my head against the desk several times and yelling for them out my office window.
Just kidding, maybe.
I leave the same chipper upbeat message that I usually do and I just add at the end...
"I hope you have been getting your messages, because it is so unlike you to not call me back. I am just a bit worried and hope you're just busy! Please shoot me an email and let me know all is well."
Than I drink. :)

This is great! Thanks for making me chuckle in self-recognition!
I don't know if you have this system where you live, but in Missouri you can hit *67 then dial the phone number and it comes up on thier caller id as Private or unavailable. Works like a charm.

I have one that was a kitnapper.....didn't do anything. Her mom said she had her same work ethic......doesn't say much for the mom. I have two other, one getting close to his 90 days and only has in 3 shows and $65 away from $1250, won't return calls or e-mails. The other one, I recruited right after conf. and I would get $200 from her and she will not be doing $1000 in her first 30 days. She says she doesn't care about the rebate. Blah....blah.....I DO!!!:cry:
It's probably a little late for one of them but send out a nice card and say that you've been trying to get in touch. Tell them that you want to help them get the most out of their investment and at the very least help them get their kit for free. "I know you can do it because you were very excited about signing up and channeling that excitement is what success is all about. I can help you give it your all when the company has the most to offer you, then if you find it's not for you at least you can say you gave it a shot. Give me a call and let's make the most out of your superstarter period, you will be amazed of what you can accomplish." Maybe they will not do the 30 day thing but maybe you can at least get them qualified.
I am so worried about qualifying for even Level One right now. I just had a new consultant that I tried to work with for the last 3 months. She just e-mailed me and told me that her husband is deploying and with her having a newborn (which is not due for another 4 months) she just didn't see how she could do it.

I have tried to work with her and NOTHING...I went to take her off my consultant e-mail list but then put her back on. I send out a goofy "welcome!" e-mail to the entire team and my director announcing our newest member. I use the dancing letters to spell out welcome with some fireworks on each side of it. Along with giving credit to the recruiter...I share a little about the new consultant.

Our newest consultant's husband will be deploying, she has 3 children...one is nine months:D So I thought before I removed my consultant that is bailing...I would share with her that it could be done.:(

She had a party lined up the day I signed her and some catalogs parties. Then she found out she was pregnant and had terrible morning sickness. The smell of food made her deathly ill. Then it was block leave and no one was home now it has come to this.

I am really down in the dumpster about my business. Conference helped me but I feel myself slipping down back to where I was.
  • #10
Have you been to NDA yet Ann? From what Kris (Leggy) and Linda have been saying it sounds like it could really help you to stimulate your business.
  • #11
baychef said:
I am so worried about qualifying for even Level One right now. I just had a new consultant that I tried to work with for the last 3 months. She just e-mailed me and told me that her husband is deploying and with her having a newborn (which is not due for another 4 months) she just didn't see how she could do it.

I have tried to work with her and NOTHING...I went to take her off my consultant e-mail list but then put her back on. I send out a goofy "welcome!" e-mail to the entire team and my director announcing our newest member. I use the dancing letters to spell out welcome with some fireworks on each side of it. Along with giving credit to the recruiter...I share a little about the new consultant.

Our newest consultant's husband will be deploying, she has 3 children...one is nine months:D So I thought before I removed my consultant that is bailing...I would share with her that it could be done.:(

She had a party lined up the day I signed her and some catalogs parties. Then she found out she was pregnant and had terrible morning sickness. The smell of food made her deathly ill. Then it was block leave and no one was home now it has come to this.

I am really down in the dumpster about my business. Conference helped me but I feel myself slipping down back to where I was.

I just read this yesterday and it gave me positive reinforcement (below). We all feel like this from time to time but we have to stop and think of how we can turn it around. Does she work or is she a stay home mom? There are different approaches you can take depending.... Meanwhile read this in the tradition of the Kitchen Guy, it felt like his "this day in history" :) We are not negative people but sometimes certain situations put us in that state of mind, I'm guilty of that.

Is a negative mental attitude barring your way to success? If so, it’s time to change.

The negative-minded person is one who accepts any problem or obstacle as insurmountable. The positive person not only finds ways to overcome obstacles, but actually turns them into stepping stones.

In Louisiana, a large piece of acreage was put up for sale to close an estate. Only two bids were received, one from a man who owned adjoining land. He bid low because much of the ground was covered with bamboo growth which he thought made the land practically worthless.

The other bidder made an offer twice as high. He got the land, cut the bamboo into fishing poles, and sold them for enough money to pay the price of the land!

Thus we see that a positive mind attracts favorable opportunities for success. Negative-mindedness repels opportunities – and doesn’t even take advantage of them when they chance along.

F. W. Woolworth began as a clerk in a hardware store. The annual inventory showed that the store was stocked with thousands of dollars worth of old merchandise that was out of date and practically useless.

“Let’s run a bargain sale” he suggested to the owner, “and sell off all of this old merchandise.”

The owner rejected the idea but Woolworth was persistent as people with a positive mental attitude always are. He kept after the store owner until it was agreed that the plan could be tried out with a few of the very oldest items.

A long table was built down the middle of the store and every item on it was priced at ten cents. The goods went so fast that Woolworth got permission to run a second sale, and it went over with a bang also.

Then he proposed to the owner that they go into partnership in a Five and Ten Cent Store, with Woolworth supplying the management and the store owner supplying the capital.

“No!” shouted the owner, “the plan will never work because you can’t find enough items to sell at a nickel and a dime.”

Woolworth went ahead by himself and piled up a fortune.

In speaking of the transaction years later, Woolworth’s old boss said woefully: “As near as I can figure it, every word I used in turning Woolworth down has cost me about a million dollars.”

A negative mental attitude carries with it many related traits – such as fear, indecision, doubt, procrastination, irritability and anger – which tend to repel people and drive away favorable opportunities.

A positive mental attitude brings with it faith, enthusiasm, personal initiative, self-discipline, imagination and definiteness of purpose which attract people and beneficial opportunities.

How does one maintain a positive mental attitude?

By thinking and acting of the “can do” portion of every plan or purpose, and refusing to accept as insurmountable the “no can do” portion which is to be found in almost every undertaking.

Source: Success Unlimited. April, 1967. Vol. 14, No. 4. Pgs. 33 & 34.
  • #12
I've been thinking about your situation Ann. Why do people sign and not do anything later?? Sometimes they're excited and ready to go then nothing... Well we don't know what happens after. She may share with someone that is not supportive, my mom did that to me when I tried CM. She said "no one has the time or money to spend on that." Someone probably told her that with the baby she wont be able to do it, how it will be hard and she shouldn't have gotten into this. This could be what happened. It could be a mom, a friend, her husband. Keep this in mind when you talk to her. Someone said that it helps to try to reach people in different ways, if the phone calls don't work and the e-mails don't work try something else. Make it about them and make it sound like a friendly reminder without sounding desparate. Some people love getting cards and I have always gotten a positive response when I do that. It says you took the time and they don't feel like cattle but someone important deserving. I had one of my consultants tell me that she's surprised I take the time being that I have soooo many consultants (yeah, how many are active!) So what I'm saying is that not everyone is attracted by the same things, what's important to one may not be to another. Try to make contact with a nice card this time and remind her of how excited she was when she signed and how YOU know she can do this (even with a baby on the way.) Your positive vibes might difusse the negative ones she's gotten from well intentioned family and friends. When she does contact you don't make lite of her worries, say it may not be easy and you understand that it seems overwhelming. Then give her examples of women who have done it and how. For that you may ask for examples on CS, lots of new mommies on there are making it work. When she feels that genuine interest in her situation she will be grateful and give it a try. She will want to be around you and learn from such a positive individual.
  • #13
Addie, what a wonderful way to explain how to positively touch your team!

Related to New Consultants Not Returning Calls...

1. Why are new consultants not returning my calls?

There could be several reasons why new consultants are not returning your calls. They may be busy with personal commitments or other work responsibilities. They may also be feeling overwhelmed or unsure about how to proceed with their new business. It's important to give them some time and space while also gently reminding them about the benefits of joining Pampered Chef.

2. How can I get new consultants to return my calls?

One way to encourage new consultants to return your calls is by reaching out through different methods, such as email or social media messaging. You can also offer them a personalized welcome gift or incentive for responding to your calls. Additionally, make sure to follow up consistently and provide helpful resources and support to show your commitment to their success.

3. What should I do if a new consultant never returns my calls?

If a new consultant doesn't respond to your calls after multiple attempts, it may be best to move on and focus on other potential consultants. You can also reach out to your team leader or mentor for advice on how to handle the situation. Remember to always remain professional and understanding, as everyone has their own priorities and schedules.

4. Is it normal for new consultants to not return calls?

Yes, it is common for new consultants to not return calls as they are still getting acclimated to their new business and may be feeling overwhelmed. It's important to be patient and understanding while also providing support and resources to help them feel more confident and comfortable in their new role.

5. How can I avoid having new consultants not return my calls in the future?

To prevent new consultants from not returning your calls, it's important to establish clear communication and expectations from the beginning. This includes setting up a regular check-in schedule and providing them with all the necessary resources and support to help them succeed. It's also important to maintain a positive and welcoming attitude to make them feel valued and motivated to stay connected.

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