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Nervous & Hopeful: Overcoming a Slow Month & Preparing for a Street Fair

In summary, the street fair could be a success if the host can get some bookings. It is important that they smile and be friendly to their customers so that they will want to buy from them.
The past month has been ugly. Bookings are canceling and I don't have enough for it not to hurt. I'm doing a street fair in my city this coming Saturday and I'm a bit scared. I hope that I can get some bookings and that I can turn this around for June. I'm not an agressive person but really want to do good at this or at least recoup the money I paid for the booth.
I understand! Good luck with the street fair. I don't know if it is possible for you to do, but I find that people love to get something for free. Last booth I had, I told everyone that I was giving free shows away. It helped a lot.
Good luck and keep your chin up!
Remember, it's about THEM!

Oh, and smiling doesn't hurt.
Whenever I get nervous and my bookings are down I do a fair or festival and it "saves my business". The key will be in the follow up. You need to give them a good reason to fill out a drawing slip with their info. I usually do a drawing for a small pampered chef product and free kitchen shows. Also -make sure to smile , be friendly and just talk about the business and hosting! It will be great. Update me after the fair with your success story!

I also am down to two shows on my calendar so I am doing a fundraising event in two weeks! Just think in two weeks we both will have successes to share!
I've moved last yr to a new area...no bookings. Idid a fair and got 8 !!!!
I've done a bunch of fairs and thats how I build the biz.
Here's what I offer ...I feel you must offer something.

Book an show TODAY to be held now thur July 30( or what ever date)

THIS is what I have to offer....

1- I will bring the ingredients for your show

2- I will enter your name in for a drawing of (whatever, usually something I have on hand...I have some extra cookware I use that)

3- I will start your show off with $100 in sales for FREE products

ok- here is how the 100 in sales works-

Lets say the host ends up with a $300 show
PC benefits are $40 in free products, 1 item half price & 20% discount.
I will bump her up to the next free product level so I give her $25 in FREE products. I do not honor the 1/2 price nor the discount.

I've attached my letter to hosts to hopefully clarify questions

YES I give alot away... I feel you need to spend a bit to make a bit in the very beginning.

ALSO- I am not agressive at the fairs..BUT I never sit and always say Hi to those who pass. If I have someone pass by in the distnace but I hear them mutter Pampered Chef I always invite them over to my table and enter the drawing for free product and give them a free recipe card.

Here's to Lots of bookings! :thumbsup:


  • letter to host from fair no win prize.doc
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Say a little prayer....ask that people are led to you, and that you are comfy when explaining how YOU feel about PC.

I'm sorry it's been a rough month, but this fair could turn it all around. If you think it.....it will be....

I personally would not offer so much, as it may not be financially feasible nor sound for you. If you are already worried about recouping the fair fee, then you would be at a higher amount by offering more. What about doing little party bags? Colorful with cute PC pics/themes glued on....in them would be dollar store plates, napkins, cups, utensils and use tissue to make it "pretty"....you call it "Party in a Bag", and offer a free "party". They simply provide the friends and ingredients (mention it will be $2 a serving) and you will offer a cooking lesson, the bag of goodies AND host benefits.

Much success, and know that you will be successful....you can do it! Do keep us posted, and let us know what you would do differently and what worked.
Jolie_Paradoxe said:
I personally would not offer so much, .

just want to comment-
Its really not that much-
In reality I bring the ingredients- my recipe choice so I can do a cheap recipe.

That drawing can be optional. So that would cut down on the expense

Lastly when I say I'll add $100 in sales to your show....REALLY I am only giving them $25 but it costs less than 25 because I order it under the host discount and then get the commission So that can translate into about $15-$19. ITs all a play on words! It just sounds better "I'll give you $100 in sales to start your party off, instead of I'll give you $25 in free products. It;s been working for me- The last 2 fairs I did I got a total of 14 bookings. Filled my summer calendar.

Think of all those new hosts. You offer alot at first and then you';ll book future shows off of their show and you 'll be set!

Nancy - I love that play on words - and I will use it at my show next weekend. I really need to get some shows on my summer calendar - so the cost wouldbe small. I think I will bring party bags to visualize the whole summer party thing.

I am also currentlky getting set to do the phone calls for the 24 bookings in 24 hours too - hopefully all this effort will translate into shows.
Ok, Nancy, I'm having a real DUH moment. Can you please spell out exactly how you 'give $100' for less than $20? Also, is not honoring the 1/2 price and discount acceptable to HO, or do you mean this is actually part of the $100?
  • #10
when she submits the show, she isn't adding $100 to the total. She is just giving the hostess benifits of another $100 in sales. So the hostess brings in $350 in sales and she gives them $60, not $40 in FREE products. As she is giving them the benefits of the FREE product value as she stated. HO wouldn't have a say in this because it is not their special, it is hers. She is paying for that portion not home office.

Does that make sense?
  • #11
I forgot to mention that I LOVE your idea Nancy!! Great idea. I may have to steal it!!
  • #12
Love, Love, Love the $100 bonus idea!
Thank you so much!
  • #13
I just got it...wow, am I slow today. So you are bumping them to the next level, not giving them free $100 in products!
  • #14
LOL....I just got it too.....I thought you meant you were offering an ADDITIONAL 100 FPV. Great idea, and thanks for taking the time to break it down for me. = )
  • #15
So I've read this whole deal 5x now. For someone that excelled in math & has multiple business degrees including a masters, I'm still sooo confused...Just goes to show you can be an educated idiot. hehe

I'll blame it on being a newbie. (Makes myself feel better)...going back to read *again*.
  • #16
You are offering to make up the difference in Free Product value that an additional "$100" in sales would have made for the host...and that is how you are offering the host "$100 in sales". You are not offering the half price items and discount of that additional "$100 in sales" though. Be sure to clarify that with the host so that she is not upset when she thinks her $400 show earned the $500 rewards.

Because you are probably covering an additional $25 in FPV, and are using the host's discount, and you will be making commission on it....you will be actually paying less than the $25.

Hope that helped!
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  • #17
Gosh...sorry to cause all the confusion...

I think Chris summed it up for me ...thanks :)

  • #18
Nancy I'll only speak for myself but I don't necessarily think it was you, I think my comprehension of the 'way it works' is just a tad slow. Sunday...day of rest...my brain may be resting. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #19
Ok so the RESULTS.... I got one booking for military family.. Which I think is good. I sold enough stuff to qualify for a show. I shared the booth with a PC friend to help cover the cost. She also had sales of $300+ so I think that is pretty good. I am still hopeful cause we talked with tons of people. Alot of people asked if we were local and many took catalogs and my cards. We offered a raffle for those who booked shows and placed orders. (We used extra stuff we had around for a prize of products valued $125+. I think this business is also a learning experience cause I did not have people fill out slips to gather their infomation.... In the future I will. I saw one of your postings that suggested that a little to late. So I got out there and now people have my info so we'll see what happens.

I used the madoline and the chopper. Every time I was chopping people were turning and coming up to the booth to check it out. Many asked if it was the one they saw on TV..I was like no this one is better and even comes with a 5 year warranty.. But the chopper did cause some excitement.. Although I awas there slicing and chopping for 11 hours I think that anyone who has a booth in the future may want to demo the chopper.

I also like the $100 product value.. I'm gonna use it in the future as well.

Thank you guys for all your wonderful ideas and support.
  • #20
I will second that "follow-up is the key"!!!! I've worked booths in the past and had really, really great intentions on doing my follow up with all of my drawing slips.........and it never happened. Now, with that said, I did a booth last November, DID do my follow-up, got a HUGE bridal show for this past January and from that 1 show alone, I got 4 more bridal shows (2 I just did this past weekend, and on those 2 alone I made over $500!!!), 3 cooking shows and now a recruit lead too!!!!! These are people that were NO WHERE in my circle. Booths/fairs work if you do the follow-up!!!!!
  • #21
of those sales-

how many choopers or mandolines did you guys sell???

and what did you slice/chop??

Related to Nervous & Hopeful: Overcoming a Slow Month & Preparing for a Street Fair

What is "Nervous and Hopeful"?

"Nervous and Hopeful" is a product line of kitchen tools and cookware specifically designed for those who are just starting out in the kitchen or who are nervous about cooking. It includes easy-to-use gadgets and recipes to help build confidence in the kitchen.

What types of products are included in the "Nervous and Hopeful" line?

The "Nervous and Hopeful" line includes a variety of kitchen tools such as measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowls, and basic cooking utensils. It also features cookware like non-stick pans and baking sheets, as well as recipe books with simple and beginner-friendly recipes.

Are the products in the "Nervous and Hopeful" line durable?

Yes, all of the products in the "Nervous and Hopeful" line are made with high-quality materials to ensure durability and longevity. We understand that learning to cook can be a messy process, so our products are designed to withstand frequent use and cleaning.

Can I purchase the "Nervous and Hopeful" products individually or only as a set?

You can purchase the "Nervous and Hopeful" products individually or as a set. We offer a variety of options to fit your needs and budget. You can also mix and match products from the line to create your own customized set.

Do you offer any cooking classes or resources for those using the "Nervous and Hopeful" products?

Yes, we offer virtual cooking classes and online resources for those using the "Nervous and Hopeful" products. Our trained consultants can provide guidance and tips on using the products, as well as offer additional cooking advice and support for those who are new to the kitchen.

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