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Need a 2005 Flyer for Help Whip Cancer?

In summary, Beth used pictures from the PC website to create her flyer, which she shared with others.
Gold Member
This is revised from one on this site for last year's promotion.


  • help whip05.doc
    154.5 KB · Views: 1,830
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  • #1
Re: HWC flyerSorry, I even converted it to a PDF file and it's still too large. wish I knew how the original author imbedded those pictures! Can anyone help?
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When you have people pre-order these items, is it completed as a catalog show, or just exactly how do you do it? I'm new enough to PC that I missed last May's HWC campaign. Thanks for any advice you can give me.

By the way...great flyer.

  • Thread starter
  • #3
how I'll do the ordersIf someone orders several items I will do that order separately but I expect that mostly it will be someone getting orders from a group of friends so I will put the order in that person's name. I will add these orders to the fundraiser that I am doing in conjunction with this. The amount I added to the cost covers the 7% tax we have here in NC plus a little because I rounded it to the even quarter so that will help cover some of the shipping cost. If there happens to be any cents left in the end I'll just use that to round up but I don't expect any extra.
Help Whip Cancer FlyerWhat a great idea!!!

I love to do my own flyers for each show, makes my hostess feel special. I have problems finding pictures of the products though, where did you get the one you used on this flyer? I know they came off the PC website but all my documents are pdf and I can't copy the graphics.


For some reason I couldn't open that flyer, would you copy and paste it or email it to me?
[email protected]

  • Thread starter
  • #6
sedona said:
What a great idea!!!

I love to do my own flyers for each show, makes my hostess feel special. I have problems finding pictures of the products though, where did you get the one you used on this flyer? I know they came off the PC website but all my documents are pdf and I can't copy the graphics.



If you use the camera icon on the PDF tool bar you can crop whatever part of the doc you want and it goes to a clipboard. I then opened it on a word doc and then copy it into the clip art gallery which makes it a GIF. I can then copy it into the flyer I want. Those pictures aren't totally clear but they are good enough for what I'm after.
Help whip cancer
Beth Brigham said:
If someone orders several items I will do that order separately but I expect that mostly it will be someone getting orders from a group of friends so I will put the order in that person's name. I will add these orders to the fundraiser that I am doing in conjunction with this. The amount I added to the cost covers the 7% tax we have here in NC plus a little because I rounded it to the even quarter so that will help cover some of the shipping cost. If there happens to be any cents left in the end I'll just use that to round up but I don't expect any extra.

Hello my name is Heather and Ive doing this for only 7months now, I was reading what you had done for the help whip cancer, I wanted to know if you can email me and explain how this works. I do a show this sat and I would like to use it there. [email protected]

Thank you for your time.
Beth Brigham said:
This is revised from one on this site for last year's promotion.
Beth, can you send the flyer out in any other form, I cannot open it either.
I appreciate it if you can, if not I understand.
[email protected]
flyerHi Beth,

I would love to see your flyer. I can't open it in the form you sent it. Can you send it another way?

  • #10
Getting pictures for your flyersAnother easy way to get pictures for your flyers is to go to the PC website, point your mouse arrow on the picture you like for a second or two (or right click on the picture). A small block of symbols appears and you can click on the floppy disk symbol, rename then save that picture to My pictures (or where ever) for future use. It works great in the product section, but not so good on the front page of the website where they seem to have pieced together the big picture of the ssbowls/citrus. I have used this for my website pictures and for my email news letters too.
And what an awesome HWC flyer!! Thanks for sharing! I am so going to hand out at my girls dance studio!
Central FL
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Trish29 said:
Another easy way to get pictures for your flyers is to go to the PC website, point your mouse arrow on the picture you like for a second or two (or right click on the picture). A small block of symbols appears and you can click on the floppy disk symbol, rename then save that picture to My pictures (or where ever) for future use. It works great in the product section, but not so good on the front page of the website where they seem to have pieced together the big picture of the ssbowls/citrus. I have used this for my website pictures and for my email news letters too.
And what an awesome HWC flyer!! Thanks for sharing! I am so going to hand out at my girls dance studio!
Central FL

Thanks! I also have downloaded pictures from the website and used them to make cards for my bridal binder but these aren't on the site yet because they won't be available until May. That's why I used the pics from the PDF doc ;)
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  • #12
Giving Credit where credit is due!
Beth Brigham said:
This is revised from one on this site for last year's promotion.

The original author of this doc (2004 version) was Lorri Kachinovas. Thanks Lori!
  • Thread starter
  • #13
I will email a version - too large to post
pcmama43 said:
Hi Beth,

I would love to see your flyer. I can't open it in the form you sent it. Can you send it another way?


I think it might be something with certain programs because some people can open it and others can't. I do have another version and I will email it to you - it's too large to post here.

  • Thread starter
  • #14
Beth Brigham said:
I think it might be something with certain programs because some people can open it and others can't. I do have another version and I will email it to you - it's too large to post here.


If you send me your email address I will send a different version. It's too large to post on this site ;)

my email address is: [email protected]
  • #15
Beth, I'm a little confused. Please help!!!I don't really understand. I am not doing a fundraiser so I would be ordering the Help Whip Cancer products for my customers on my own. So when people order items on the flyer, do you charge them shipping? If not, do you have the items shipped to you, and you pay for shipping? I'm sorry if I sound ignorant. I am a brand new consultant and am trying to understand this whole idea.

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  • #16
Handling shipping with the HWC flyer
chefsue said:
I don't really understand. I am not doing a fundraiser so I would be ordering the Help Whip Cancer products for my customers on my own. So when people order items on the flyer, do you charge them shipping? If not, do you have the items shipped to you, and you pay for shipping? I'm sorry if I sound ignorant. I am a brand new consultant and am trying to understand this whole idea.


I am handing these flyers out to friends to help spread the word. I will submit them under the name of the person who collects the orders unless someone orders several items themselves. When I figured the price I added the tax and rounded to the next quarter so there's a few cents to work with for shipping and hopefully enough from each set of orders to cover shipping and maybe a little extra for round-up. If not I'll pay the difference - it's for a good cause! You can change the prices to include some shipping if you choose but I wanted to keep the costs down so it looks more attractive to the buyer.

One thing you can do is change the prices on the flyer to the actual PC prices and add a line somewhere that customers need to add $3.25 shipping and whatever your tax is.
  • #17
Hi Beth!!Beth, could you please email me your order flyer as well. I would really appreciate it!!
[email protected]
  • #18
Thanks for the flyer!!I have Office 2003....if you have an older version of Word, that might be why you are having trouble opening it...

I love the flyer, Thank You for sharing it!!
  • #19
Beth Brigham said:
This is revised from one on this site for last year's promotion.

I love your flyer, but I wanted to know where you can purchase the ribbon pin you are offering.


Carol Stair
Orlando, Fl
[email protected]
  • #20
Under Noncommissioned Orders.....9823 Help Whip Cancer Pin (15).
  • #21
Beth Brigham said:
This is revised from one on this site for last year's promotion.
  • Thread starter
  • #22
pins and pricesThe pins are a great deal (order them unser supplies in PP) - 15 for only $2 and $1 goes to American Cancer Society!

I took the price of the guest products and added NC's 7% tax and rounded the totals to the nearest quarter for easier payment. I will send the orders in the names of the people who are getting the orders or if someone orders several in their name. The rounding will help with the dielivery cost. If it is not enough I will pay the difference, if it is more than I need the remainer will be donated too!
  • #23
I need some information...can anyone help?Hey! I am in my first super starter month (well second tomorrow 4/1/5) and I am interested in doing something with HWC. Can anyone help me out with ideas and how it works exactly? If you would please just send it to my email address [email protected]

Laura Edwards

Related to Need a 2005 Flyer for Help Whip Cancer?

What is the Help Whip Cancer 2005 Flyer?

The Help Whip Cancer 2005 Flyer is a promotional flyer created by Pampered Chef to spread awareness and raise funds for breast cancer research and support organizations.

How can I get a copy of the Help Whip Cancer 2005 Flyer?

You can get a copy of the Help Whip Cancer 2005 Flyer by contacting your local Pampered Chef consultant or by visiting the Pampered Chef website.

What products are featured on the Help Whip Cancer 2005 Flyer?

The Help Whip Cancer 2005 Flyer features a selection of Pampered Chef products specially designated to raise funds for breast cancer research and support organizations.

How much of the proceeds from the Help Whip Cancer 2005 Flyer go towards breast cancer organizations?

For every designated product purchased from the Help Whip Cancer 2005 Flyer, Pampered Chef will donate a portion of the proceeds to breast cancer research and support organizations.

Can I host a Help Whip Cancer 2005 party and support breast cancer organizations?

Yes, you can host a Help Whip Cancer 2005 party and support breast cancer organizations by purchasing designated products from the flyer and encouraging your guests to do the same. Your Pampered Chef consultant can also help you organize a fundraiser at your party.

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