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Need $115 More in Sales to Get Ss Mon 1

if you have met your goal, do you still need to post more or is it okay to stop posting?I think you should post more to help earn the bonus.
:( Please help!!! I need to find a way to get just $115.00 more in sales by friday in order to get my SS Month 1 bonus. Any advice! I really want this! :confused:
Do you know any school teachers? They could pass the book around and collect orders. Payday is Friday for them. I have one going on right now myself. I let them post date the checks for payday. What about past guests who bought stones. Maybe they would like to add another at 20% off. Hope that helps. $115 is not alot, you can do it. What about calling a past guest and telling them you would like to offer them 20% off anything in the book. You would be forgoing your commission but it will help you earn the bonus. Let us know if you make it. Or shall I say when you make it!!!
Do you have a web site ??If so pop everyone a email and say One Day sale 25% off stoneware , you would have to kick in the 5% , but it may get people to order ! My recruiter did that last week and sold over $300.00 in one day !!! If you do not have a web site still do the email and say something like call me today to place your order last chance at this great sale, you could say something like stock up for christmas ?? Umm... how a bout the first 3 people to place a order will receive a special gift from me. Give them a seasons best or something like that. Nothing to lose so give it a shot !! Good luck you can do it !!!
What if you have your own catalog show? You could pass the book around to your friends or family who haven't had a show or already ordered.
I am in a similar situation - I originally had 5 shows booked for September (it's also my SS month 1) and two cancelled (that's a WHOLE other rant of mine to maybe be posted later). Anyway, I have a show this Friday in which the host invited over 40 people and I did let her know that I would have to close the show THAT evening (I know most of you would advise against this as I could be losing out on orders, but since I lost the other two shows it's the only way I'll be able to qualify for September) Luckily the host is going on vacation Oct. 1 and doesn't want to keep it open. She agreed to get any outside orders BEFORE the show on Friday but I still need over $400 in sales to qualify and I'm not overly confident that I'll get it. I've done everything I can to get some individual orders (I ended up with just enough ind. orders to make it a catalog show so that helped) but I know I'll be SO disappointed if I don't make $1250.

I'm sorry, but people who cancel (especially people who asked ME if I would do a show for them) just STINK.
I hope things go well collecting a few more orders to reach $115 more!! I think all of these suggestions are good. Especially about offering a day where you'll give 20% off a stone or whatever. Even mention it would be 20% MORE off a stone since they're already on sale. I know consultants who send out a "Please help" email to their customers, basically let them know they're so close to a goal and they really need their help to get there. I don't know, you may want to save that type of plea for something you REALLY need, but it's just an idea. I've seen it work for consultants. If someone has been waiting to order or haven't gotten around to it, this may be the final kick in the pants they need.

Make and email a flyer offering a few items at discount until Friday only:

Here's a suggested items:
New entertsining Set and Striped Plater reg $64 sale $59.50
New Insulated Tote reg $39.50 sale $37.00
Woven Round or Rectangle Trays reg $39.00 sale $37.50
Food Chopper reg $28. sale $26.50
Easy Measuring Cups reg, $22.00 Sale $20.50
Rectangle Baker Lid reg $14.50 sale $13.25
Stoneware Storage Rack reg $13.00 sale $11.75
Deep Dish Baker Lid reg. $12.50 sale $11.00
New Bar Board & Knife set reg $8.50 sale $8.00
Round up from Heart Patriotic Heart Stoneware Mold reg $8.50 sale $8.00
Easy Clean Kitchen Brush reg $8.50 sale $7.75

Good Luck
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Thanks:eek: Lots of great ideas. I am busting my but over here trying to get this done. Thanks for the support!
Just Wondering, if you have met your goal! :rolleyes:
I am wondering here too. Please post and let us know. We are all pulling for you. :D
  • #10
I know it can be frustrating when you miss a goal by "this much", but it sounds like you allowed some time to get a few more dollars in. When you think about it, $115 can be spent FAST with PC! I know I could do some damage!

Hope it worked out for you!!

Related to Need $115 More in Sales to Get Ss Mon 1

1. How can I increase my sales to reach the $115 goal?

There are a few different strategies you can try to reach your sales goal. One option is to reach out to friends, family, and acquaintances and offer them a special discount or promotion to encourage them to make a purchase. You can also try hosting a party or event to showcase our products and attract new customers. Additionally, utilizing social media and online marketing techniques can help reach a wider audience and increase sales.

2. Can I combine multiple orders to reach the $115 goal?

Yes, you can combine multiple orders from different customers to reach the $115 goal. As long as the orders are placed during the same sales period, they will count towards your sales total.

3. Is there a deadline for reaching the $115 sales goal?

Yes, the $115 sales goal must be reached by the end of the current sales period. Our sales periods typically run for one month, so it is important to plan and strategize early in the month to ensure you reach your goal in time.

4. What happens if I don't reach the $115 sales goal?

If you do not reach the $115 sales goal, unfortunately you will not qualify for the special promotion or incentive associated with it. However, don't get discouraged - there will be plenty of other opportunities to earn rewards and bonuses in the future!

5. Can I use discounts or special offers towards my sales goal?

Yes, any sales made using discounts or special offers can be counted towards your $115 goal. Just be sure to track these sales separately so you can accurately report your total sales to your supervisor or team leader.

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