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My Husband and I Are About to Loose Everything

In summary, my husband has been out of work since march, we are on the verge of loosing everything. Our morgage is now 2 months behind, or phone bill is over 600 we have not had money to pay it. We are at out wits end:cry:.
My husband has been out of work since march, we are on the verge of loosing everything. Our morgage is now 2 months behind, or phone bill is over 600 we have not had money to pay it. We are at out wits end:cry:
Sorry to hear this. I can relate, and the advice I can give you is to call your mortgage company asap. Let them know your situation, they will want to help you vs trying to take your homes. Also call any credit card companies and see if you have a plan on their to protect in situations like this where your husband lost his job. Call your utility companies as well and let them know, maybe they can put you on a budget plan.

Being in this situation is very stressful so prayers coming your way.
I had no idea that the job market in MD was that bad! I'm so sorry...is there nothing at all that he can do to help bring in extra money? I am sorry- this must be a really scary situation to be in!

I will certainly be praying for you! Prayers of protection over your house, your checkbook... I sent you a message, feel free to PM me if you'd like.

I will pray for you too.
I'm sorry that you're going through this. Pray! Is there anyone you can go to for help? Church, family, close friends.

Get on the phone, preferrably one that won't be charged for making calls. Tell people about the wonderful host plan. Put a smile on your face and be positive sounding rather than desperate. It's okay to sound desperate on CS, though.

May I ask why your phone bill is $600+? Is it because you haven't been able to pay the bill so it's a few bills piled up? Do you have children at home?
Have you and your husband checked out craigslist.org. They have a job posting section. I don't know what skills you both have, but maybe you could find something there to help out.

Like Humble beginning said, call your mortage company first thing Tuesday!
I have been out of work since June 4th myself so I know how scary this is. Also call your local Church or if you don't have one, contact the Salvation Army who can tell you who has food banks in the area to help out. Sending prayers your way!
Honey, breathe...you will get through this.Protect your four walls first--pay your mortgage, pay your utilities, keep yourselves fed, and keep your cars running.Credit card companies can go jump in a creek. They are the last ones to get paid right now.Go over to www.mytotalmoneymakeover.com and sign yourself up for a free 7 day trial of the forums there. You will find lots of help and support--I promise!
So sorry to hear this. I will pray for you and your family.
  • #10
chefmary08 said:
My husband has been out of work since march, we are on the verge of loosing everything. Our morgage is now 2 months behind, or phone bill is over 600 we have not had money to pay it. We are at out wits end:cry:

You're in my prayers. Your situation sounds like my SD's story. Her PC business saved them. She knew she HAD to get shows, so she did. Best wishes to you and your family.
  • #11
DebbieJ said:
Honey, breathe...you will get through this.

Protect your four walls first--pay your mortgage, pay your utilities, keep yourselves fed, and keep your cars running.

Credit card companies can go jump in a creek. They are the last ones to get paid right now.

Go over to www.mytotalmoneymakeover.com and sign yourself up for a free 7 day trial of the forums there. You will find lots of help and support--I promise!

Well said Deb! I agree!
  • #12
So sorry, but listen to what the others have said & keep trying to hold things together.
  • #13
I am so sorry to hear you are having to go through this.
Can he get a job anywhere just to bring in money ( Lowes, Home Depot, grocery store???) I know with men it can be a pride issue, but some money is better than no money. It's hard, I know, my husband has been out of work as well, but we fortunatley have money in savings and he does some contract stuff and real estate stuff that has helped out. He just now got offered a 3 month contract position, but that is only 3 months.
I agree, call your mortgage company, with all the homes in crisis right now, they don't want to have to foreclose, they should work with you. Call the utilty company as well, you'd be surprised, people will work with you. prayers coming your way!
  • #14
Mary...I saw this thread this morning, but had to run out the door to the drs. I wanted to let you know that you and your family have been on my mind and in my prayers this morning.

Many above have given you good advice...I pray that God will surprise you in the ways the He will take care of you and get you all through this!

  • #15
Mary - we'll be praying for you, but do what you can to save your house. You have to fight for it.Have your husband look for any job to get him through. McDonalds is always hiring - I'm serious there! I have 3 college degrees and if I was in that situation, I'd force myself to work there to protect my family and keep food on the table.I had bad service at a Taco Bell (slow) 3 times in 2 months - only went back 'cause the kids begged me and I wanted a taco. Anyway, they said they had a hard time getting help and were short-staffed... WHAT?!?!?! I'm hearing people all the time complain that they don't have a job.Problem is the jobs don't match the people or the people don't want to "do that work". But a few months there will bring in SOME money and you'll appreciate a better job when you get it.Also see what you can cut back...have cable or satellite - cancel it for awhile and go to dial-up...get a newspaper, go without for a few months. Peruse that budget and do all you can. It will be a sacrifice, but a short-term one.Good luck! We'll be praying for you!
  • #16
Mary I will be praying for you & your family. Don't think there's more I can add to the great advice others have already posted.
  • #17
Mary being in the situation you are in I can completely understand. I called our mortgage company and they were able to work out a repayment plan. We are now only a month and half behind. We also had to borrow $$$ my from in-law's to cover the mortgage this past month.

Do either you or DH have any retirement that you can tap into? Both DH and I did hardship withdrawl's to help. I am also doing a yard sale in a couple of week's to help with this month's mortgage.

I will be praying for you.
  • #18
I agree with what everyone says here. Don't give up.. even when it seems there is no choice. God does not take us to it if he can't get us through it... give it to him.. put it in his hands.. then get on the phone and call every creditor.. so many are in the same boat..even worse. I have been in the same situation..almost ready to lose everything..things did turn around somewhat. Find work anywhere for your hubby.. and then put on your biggest smile..(cause you know God is in control) and call and get shows. You can do 3-4 a week and save the day. This will bring in $ fast. Have fun and focus on building your business. Good luck and keep us posted. Chin up and get busy. It will also pass the time positively..rather than focusing on the temporary problems you are going through. Ask for help. Church..family.. not a time to be too proud!! You can do it!!! Please let us know how you are doing.. use this site to vent!! I know there are businesses who would love to be pampered!! Pamper them too. Bless you and your family.. and your wallet.
  • #19
Oh goodness, I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. I'm sending lots of positive energy to you and your family.
  • #20
I understand where you are coming from. It is hard to go through and keep hope sometimes. I have to pay everything past due by a certain date or foreclosure proceedings are going to begin, and a car payment by this Friday or they will be out for that. Trying to stay above water. Have to keep the kids fed and lights on.
Remember you're not alone. Something will give.
  • #21
Oh I'm so sorry to hear this news. I have been through rough times myself - lost my job of 15 years 7 years ago this month. It was very depressing when right afterward 9/11 hit!

I will be praying for you and your family.
  • #22
The only thing I can add to this, besides prayers, of course, is not to take 'no' for an answer when making those calls. If the first, second, third, etc, person you speak to can't or won't help you, ask for a supervisor. I did this once when my phone was cut-off for non-payment. It took me talking to four people, but the last person listened to me, and said no problem, and had the authority to get the service turned back up!

As I said, I will be praying for you. God is in control, and I thank Him now for the miraculous turn of events you will see.
  • #23
Mary, I'm so sorry you and your DH are going through this. You will be in my prayers to see your way through. A lot of other people have given really good advice; and, as Sarah said, don't take no for an answer. A while back DH and I were going through some tough times and I knew we couldn't make a credit card payment. I called the credit card company, and once I got a supervisor, he was actually really great. He granted 3 months of no payments with no repercussions (of course interest accrued, but there were no penalty or late fees, and no reporting to the credit agencies). We only had to miss one month, but that one month really helped.

Hang in there, and BELIEVE that you will get through this. I know you will!
  • #24
You can do it! Pray hard and keep a stiff upper lip. Book your self up the wazzoo and ask him if he would like to do parties too. Maybe between the two of you and splitting parties, you could make it. I know I am too having a hard time because Pat has been out of work now for a little over two months. He gets some compinsation but we're still running over. We are a lttile over $600 a month short. I am doing what I can with parties and being VERY frugal about groceries and NO EXTRAS! In about two more months, all the medical bills will hit and we will be borrowing ot make our mortgage payment. It is scaring the begeebies out of me. But, I knwo this, if I pray and if I keep up the leg work, God will come through. You won't make it if one of you isn't doing their part though. I learned something from my aunt quite a few years ago, if you don't do the leg work, your prayer will not be answered. So like many said prior, even if it's McDonalds, if he is doing his part and showing God he is serious about making it, you will. Otherwise... I know we will be fine because Pat is working at getting better. He is walking around the house to excersise and he even did the stairs to day in his at home PT! YEAH! He is calling his boss to keep her up to date and to keep her from posting his job, he is working with the credit card companies to see what can be done. So he is doing his part. I am doing mine by working my full time, over booking parties and well, just workin it. And I have faith! So if you truely believe you can do it, and you are both working it, you will.
  • #25
You've gotten some great advice here. So sorry you're going through this...hang in there! I'll be praying for you!

  • #26
I don't know about where you live, but if you have children or senior citizens living with you, the utility company cannot turn off your services. I would check into it.

I know this is tough... we are in the same situation. We threw everything into our business and left very little. All of our bills are behind and we have no money left over for anything. I know some people say they are broke, but we really are. Asking for help is tough, but people who love you would want to help. It does make you feel better when you get a little breathing room.

I don't know if you believe in this, but repeat to yourself, "Money flows to me in a safe and healthy manner" several times a day. Visualize finances and life in general getting better. It will work. When you put that out to the universe, it will come back to you.

I am sending good thoughts your way.
  • #27
I was just check in on Chef Mary to see how her family is doing? Has anyone heard from her at all?
  • #28
No I have not heard- Been praying, though!!
  • #29
I have been praying too and wondering how she is doing.
  • #30
Sending you big hugs! I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this situation.

American marketing has taught people to buy now & pay later. As a result, there are lots of people in your situation. Many Americans (I used to be one of them) live paycheck-to-paycheck with nothing in savings and no plan to fall back on in this type of situation. Don't feel bad, you are certainly not alone. My parents never learned financial literacy. Neither did my in-laws. Therefore, it was never passed down to us. Brian & I had to go out & learn it on our own.

Here's my advice:

Don't let the bank/mortgage company take your house. If you are down to the wire & there's no way that you can see to stop foreclosure call an investor. There are LOTS of companies out there (like "We Buy Houses") who are trained to deal with the mortgage company/bank and purchase the house at a discount in lieu of it going into foreclosure and ruining your credit. Some private investors will even pay you some money in hand to walk away which can help you with the basic essentials for a while. If you are going to be forced to leave anyway, do it on YOUR terms where it doesn't completely ruin your credit. KWIM?

I agree though, pride needs to be pushed aside & you two need to do what it takes to find ANY (legal) source of income to help you through this.

Once you get some money rolling in, if you want help on how to budget & start paying off the bills so you can eventually be debt free, PM me. I'll be happy to look over your detailed finances & get you on the right path ... free of charge, of course! ;)

Financial Lesson #1 (compliments of Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad): "Your wealth is not determined by where you live, what you drive or what you wear. Your wealth is determined by how long you could live if you lost your income today."
  • #31
I am so sorry about your debt. HAve you tried looking up your government site for state of MD. My state has finacial help for mortgage payments. Maybe you would qualifiy.

Good luck.
  • #32
The advice here is good. You might be able to check with your city's housing authority. If they have one, sometimes they can help in desperate situations. Also, area churches might have discretionary funds to help you out...even talking to the utility companies, they too have plans for people who have trouble paying their bills. On the job hunt front. check out indeed.com. It is a compilation of job hunting websites that you can narrow down to within miles of your home.

Good luck. I will pray that God helps you too.

Trish in Texas
Independent Consultant

Related to My Husband and I Are About to Loose Everything

1. How can Pampered Chef help with our financial situation?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of flexible work opportunities for individuals looking to make extra income or even start their own business. We have a low start-up cost and provide training and support to help you succeed. You can also host a cooking show and earn free products to help with your household expenses.

2. Can we still keep our home if we join Pampered Chef?

Joining Pampered Chef does not guarantee that you will be able to keep your home, but it can provide you with the opportunity to earn income and potentially catch up on your mortgage payments. We recommend reaching out to a financial advisor to discuss your specific situation and create a plan.

3. How soon can we start making money with Pampered Chef?

The amount of time it takes to start making money with Pampered Chef varies for every individual. Some people see results in a matter of weeks, while others may take a few months. It depends on your dedication, work ethic, and willingness to learn and grow your business. We provide resources and support to help you get started on the right track.

4. Will joining Pampered Chef require a lot of time and effort?

Like any business, success with Pampered Chef requires time and effort. However, it is up to you to decide how much time and effort you are able to dedicate. You can work as little or as much as you want, and we have a variety of resources to help you manage your time effectively.

5. Can Pampered Chef help us with our other bills besides our mortgage?

Pampered Chef can provide you with an additional source of income, which can help with any financial obligations you may have. However, we recommend creating a budget and prioritizing your bills to ensure you are able to meet your financial obligations. We also offer a variety of products and tools to help you save money on your household expenses.

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