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Maximizing Super Starter Bonuses: Our Unfortunate Lesson Learned

In summary, Dexheimers had a great month and are looking forward to their SS3 toy. They were told by their director that the shows had to be submitted by the last day of the month, but they were able to get all of their SS bonuses by submitting them on time. They were told by HO that they can submit the shows later in the month, but they don't want to because they want to use the extra days for other promotions. They are asking for advice on how to get the rules changed so that they can submit the late-month shows.
Hey all -

Long time, no chat! Sara and I have been really busy with school and a few shows here and there. I hope everything is going well for all of you!

Here's why we're so uphappy....

November was our 3rd Super Starter month. We had already received the monthly bonus and banked $972 in our plus-bonus bank. We had two shows late in the month and our hosts wanted to wait a few days before submitting them. We submitted one show for $460 today (December 1st). The show was in November and we submitted it for the month of November. So that pushed us over our $1250 bonus bank!

On top of that we are submitting a $1,100 show tomorrow. It was also a November show and we will submit it for the month of November. So that gives us ANOTHER plus-bonus!

RIGHT?? Wrong....according to the lady I talk to on the phone, the shows HAVE to be submitted IN that super starter month. You can't submit the shows one second later. I am really ticked! We are missing out on TWO plus bonuses!!!!

I called and left a message with both a supervisor and my director. There is nothing in the rules that states the shows have to be submitted IN the super starter month. These shows were late in the month (one was the 30th, in fact) and as you well know you rarely submit a show the same day. The hosts wanted more time and we accomodated them.

We get 5 extra days for other promotions in order to submit late-month shows, why not super starter???

Anyone have any comments of advice on our drama??? I will do all I can to see if we can get those plus bonuses. We already received all of the plus bonuses and were looking forward to using these other two as FREE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!!!!

Sorry for the long post!!!!

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I have no advice for you but I am in somewhat of the same predicament as you two. November was also my SS3 and I held a show on the 29th that would earn me another plus bonus but of course the host asked if we could close on Monday. I didn't feel right cutting her show short just so I could benefit so I gave her the extra time. I had just given up on the hope of my plus bonus but after reading this post...I WANT MINE TOO!! Please, post or email me ([email protected]) if you get anywhere with HO on this. Also, if morw complaints about it might help....I'm willing to call and complain about the issue as well.
Glad to hear that everything is ok with you two, we all missed your posts. I don't know what to tell you about your situation, but keep pushing for those items. It sounds like you had an awesome month. Keep up the good work.
November was also my SS3 month. While I never earned enough for a plus bonus, I did manage to get all 3 of the SS bonuses (REALLY looking forward to getting my SS3 toys).

From day 1, I was told by my director (who is also my recruiter) that my shows had to be submitted by 11:59pm on the last day of the month in order for it to count towards that month. So I made sure that all of my first $1250 for each month was submitted on time and then held my last shows of the month over to start off the next month with a little boost.

I'm pretty sure it says somewhere in the RFS book about the submission deadline, but don't ask me where. :D

I do wish, though, that they would give us a few days into the next month to submit those shows. I hope you can get it resolved. If not, hold a show yourself and use your free product value to get those items. ;)
I'm so sorry that happened! I really try to follow up with my recruits during their super starter months to make sure they don't miss the deadlines. I agree that it would be nice if they gave the extra days like they are for the incentives. Good luck getting that resolved.
jentapp said:
I'm pretty sure it says somewhere in the RFS book about the submission deadline, but don't ask me where. :D

Yes, I've read it somewhere, too.
I would call HO again and explain the situation. Tell them that you didn't know and that you would have submitted the shows on time if you knew that it was a rule. Let them know that you were confused between the sellathon deadline and the super starter deadline. Hopefully you will get somewhere or at least get ONE plus bonus!!
gilliandanielle said:
I would call HO again and explain the situation. Tell them that you didn't know and that you would have submitted the shows on time if you knew that it was a rule. Let them know that you were confused between the sellathon deadline and the super starter deadline. Hopefully you will get somewhere or at least get ONE plus bonus!!

They won't budge, it's not even worth the phone call. It is explained in the RFS and PC stands VERY strongly behind the rules - they do NOT make individual exceptions. If you read Doris' book she published last summer there's a story in there about why they don't make individual exceptions.

I am sorry this happened Dex's...a hard lesson leared. :(
PS - but I am sure glad to see you guys back here -- I was beginning to get worried!
  • #10
They will not do anything about it. The same thing happened to me this past summer in my SS3. I went as high up through the ranks at HO as I could. They informed me that that is policy, and they could not change it for one, or they would have to change it for all. I am sorry you are going through this, as I know EXACTLY how you are feeling.
ALL DIRECTORS PLEASE INFORM NEW RECRUITS!!! I can tell you it put a very bad taste in my mouth when it happened to me...I almost stop selling!
  • #11
Sorry to hear you missed it, but consider yourself VERY fortuntate! Most new consultants are lucky to earn just the SS or a few plus. You guys have gone above and beyond and should be proud of that!
  • #12
Sorry that happened, but the others are right; they won't budge. This extension of days for the sell a thon is very rare. It's a shame that your director didn't make this clear to you. I know it's a bummer, that's why I try my hardest to do the majority of my shows at the beginning of the month. Hang in there--you're doing great! At least you'll have that extra comission to do Xmas shopping;)
Glad you're back!
  • #13
I would make sure your recruiter and director know that they didn't mention this to you, maybe they didn't know. So next time they won't forget to mention it. My recruiter and director have both been very good about checking up on my and making sure that I knew everything had to be in before the last day of the month before midnight. I was told so many times it got kinda of annoying, but now I am glad they did. I would let them know that you are upset and would like to make sure they didn't let it happen to someone else (sucks for you though) Sorry!!! Also don't forget that Dec. is your kit enhancement month. You can order anything up to $500 retail value at 40% off. Under PP its in noncommision orders- kit enhancement.
  • #14
I am so sorry that you didn't understand the deadline rules for submission. I try to make sure that my team understands the particular rules for each promotion. Pampered Chef is extremely generous to all of us but they are very strict on their deadlines. The superstarter program is outlined (including deadlines) in the Recipe for Success and in the SS brochure - "Commission and bonuses based on calendar month."

I have missed some too and feel your pain. Don't let it damper your enthusiasm for your business. You have helped a lot of others by posting this.

Always read the "fine print" on every promotion and if it isn't absolutely clear to you contact HO for an explaination. I have noticed that when rules are foggy they send more detailed info on the weekly bytes but we have to tell them we don't understand for them to know.
  • #15
Couple of side notes...Glad you are back, and sorry to hear about your issues. I, too, stay on top of my new SSers to make sure they know about the deadline. In only case did the message not get through, and that was a language barrier, not because I wasn't telling her (she's from Germany originally).

On your thought about our new program where we have until the 5th of the following month to submit to earn an incentive (like the Nov. Sell-A-Thon), one thing to remember is that those are HELD AND SUBMITTED. October sales submitted in November do not count towards this. In your SS months, it's the MONTH SUBMITTED that counts, which allows you to hold shows from one month to earn the next month's bonus. So, if you look back at your other SS months, you may discover that you actually made out pretty good!

I think the SS program is more than fair, and it is laid out very explicitly in many places about the shows needing to be submitted in that particular month.

In the SS brochure, it says (beneath the Monthly Bonus pictures) "Commission and bonuses based on calendar month. Includes all sales submitted during the introductory period, which is the time from the date your Consultant Agreement is received through the end of the first Super Starter Month." [emphasis mine]

On the back (underneath "plan") it says "And remember, you're earning commission while you earn each Bonus. Submit[/b/] $1,250 in commissionable sales in a Super Starter month, and you earn a product bonus and $287.50 in commission." [emphasis mine]

I don't know of any other DS company that provides the opportunity to earn so much free. Look at what you did get for free, and the commission you earned, and the business you started building, instead of what you didn't get for free. That may help!!!

Again, glad you are back! We all experience disappointments with our businesses periodically. Step back for a minute, and don't make any rash decisions, please! We really like having you around!
  • #16
I agree--don't bother calling, they won't budge.

Nov was SS3 for one of my gals as well and I called the HO to clarify for her. She was bummed b/c she was really close to a plus bonus and probably could have earned it if she has those extra 5 days, but she still got the bonus for each month, so she was happy!

If your director is not around to clarify such things for you, I would make it a habit to always read the fine print.
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  • #17
Thanks for all of the posts. It does leave a REALLY bitter taste in our mouths. We worked our butts off this past week and got burned.

  • #18
I wouldn't say you got burned. You made a great commission and learned a hard lesson, which will serve you well in your future growth.
I am glad your business is doing well, which is most important.
Also, I am now absolutely certain you will NEVER forget to explain the Super Starter program correctly and completely!
Great Job!
  • #19
On a positive note, which Sell-a-thon level did you reach or will you reach when you submit that final November show by December 5?
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  • #20
ChefLisa said:
On a positive note, which Sell-a-thon level did you reach or will you reach when you submit that final November show by December 5?

We reached the $3,000 level. When will we get those products? When the new catalog comes out??
  • #21
I think I remember reading that they will be sending the sellathon products we earned by the end of January. Yeah, its kind of a long wait.
  • #22
dexheimers said:
We reached the $3,000 level. When will we get those products? When the new catalog comes out??

The new spring/summer catalog is effective March 1-August 31. The fall/winter catalog is always September 1-February 28/29.
  • #23
Whenever you just barely miss an incentive, try to overcome your disappointment by realizing what the extra push the incentive gave you has done for your business.
  • #24
dexheimers said:
Hey all -

Long time, no chat! Sara and I have been really busy with school and a few shows here and there. I hope everything is going well for all of you!

Here's why we're so uphappy....

November was our 3rd Super Starter month. We had already received the monthly bonus and banked $972 in our plus-bonus bank. We had two shows late in the month and our hosts wanted to wait a few days before submitting them. We submitted one show for $460 today (December 1st). The show was in November and we submitted it for the month of November. So that pushed us over our $1250 bonus bank!

On top of that we are submitting a $1,100 show tomorrow. It was also a November show and we will submit it for the month of November. So that gives us ANOTHER plus-bonus!

RIGHT?? Wrong....according to the lady I talk to on the phone, the shows HAVE to be submitted IN that super starter month. You can't submit the shows one second later. I am really ticked! We are missing out on TWO plus bonuses!!!!

I called and left a message with both a supervisor and my director. There is nothing in the rules that states the shows have to be submitted IN the super starter month. These shows were late in the month (one was the 30th, in fact) and as you well know you rarely submit a show the same day. The hosts wanted more time and we accomodated them.

We get 5 extra days for other promotions in order to submit late-month shows, why not super starter???

Anyone have any comments of advice on our drama??? I will do all I can to see if we can get those plus bonuses. We already received all of the plus bonuses and were looking forward to using these other two as FREE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!!!!

Sorry for the long post!!!!

That's terrible. I would keep on trying. My grandmother's deep dish Vanilla stoneware pie plate broke. I figured since it was nothing to do with her breaking it and PC backs their products that PC would pay the shipping. I was told no twice and emailed again and called again. The phone call didn't help but my last email helped. I explained that my Grandma is 83 yrs old, relocated all the way from NOrthern OH to extreme S. TX and purchased almost all of the stoneware so since she spent sooooo much money and the item broke with nothing she did to make it break that PC should be liable for the shipping. They're sending us a prepaid postage for the shipping and sending her the new pie plate. (I have an excrutiating headache, but am looking for much needed answers here, so if things are mis spelled you'll know why!!) Anyways, they wanted me to ship the entire plate back and I said I had heard you only had to send a piece back or shipping would cost too much and then they agreed to that as well.

GOOD LUCK, I"m sure glad I was persistant!!!

  • #25
YOu guys are doing really great!!! The times I really try and sell my sales barely meet minimums and when I just go and have shows and don't put forth much effort is when I do very well. My past few shows ( very time consuming) have been where guests pretty much understand me, can understand little English but can only speak Spanish, and the translation takes forever. I surely can't wait for my recruit to sign on as she's bilingula!!! Please excuse any spelling errors I've had a terrible headache all wkend but tonite is abou tthe worst, off to bed shortly!!
  • Thread starter
  • #26
Thanks for the encouragement Elizabeth. After reading all of the posts on here I am pretty much sure nothing will come of my trying to get it straightened out. I talked to my director today and she gave me the same line as HO did.

Thanks to everyone for their comments. It really helps when you are as discouraged as we are!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #27
cat said:
The new spring/summer catalog is effective March 1-August 31. The fall/winter catalog is always September 1-February 28/29.

Janel said January and I hope she's right!
  • #28
The spring catalog takes over March 1. CN said sellathon will ship for delivery by Jan 25. So plenty of time to play and preview before the new catalog. Congrats!
  • #29
CONGRATULATIONS on reaching Level 2 of the Sell-a-thon!!!

You will love getting the new products over a month before they go on sale! Does your Director have a January kickoff planned? That is when most Directors like to announce the new products so you can see what you are going to get. You will also learn the new incentive trips. It is my favorite meeting of the year!

Sorry about the Super Starter month, but HOORAY for Level 2!


Related to Maximizing Super Starter Bonuses: Our Unfortunate Lesson Learned

1. What is "We're Back!...And Unhappy" about?

"We're Back!...And Unhappy" is a cookbook that focuses on quick and easy meals for busy families. It includes over 100 recipes that can be prepared in 30 minutes or less, making it perfect for weeknight dinners.

2. Are the recipes in "We're Back!...And Unhappy" healthy?

Yes, the recipes in "We're Back!...And Unhappy" are designed to be both quick and healthy. They use fresh ingredients and include options for different dietary restrictions such as gluten-free, vegetarian, and low-carb.

3. Do I need to have Pampered Chef products to make the recipes?

No, you do not need to have any specific Pampered Chef products to make the recipes in "We're Back!...And Unhappy". However, some recipes may suggest the use of certain tools to make the cooking process easier.

4. Can I purchase "We're Back!...And Unhappy" in stores?

No, "We're Back!...And Unhappy" is exclusively sold through Pampered Chef consultants. You can find a consultant near you or purchase the cookbook directly from the Pampered Chef website.

5. Are there any vegetarian or vegan recipes in "We're Back!...And Unhappy"?

Yes, "We're Back!...And Unhappy" includes a variety of vegetarian and vegan recipes. These are clearly marked in the cookbook and there is also a section dedicated to vegetarian and vegan options.

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