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Maximizing Bookings: Effective Strategies for Contacting Preschool Parents

In summary, Esther suggested an ice cream show as a fundraiser for the parents of the kids in Alison's daughter's preschool class.
:confused: I received a phone list of all the parents in my daughters preschool class at the end of this school season. What do you think the best way to approach these calls? There are 15 names so I think this could be a great opening for potential bookings but I just want to make sure I go about the calls in the right manner. This is my SS1 so I sure could use the confidence boost in making these types of calls from you vetern PCC. Thanks in advance for your replies.
Michigan ;) ;)
An idea for you...Why don't you host your own show and call them and invite them to your show? Say, "I'm just started my own business with the Pampered Chef, and I can't think of a greater way to kick off my business, than by inviting you to my "first" party." Which could be technically true b/c it could be your 1st at home party..hehe...
Just an idea for you..That way it's a little easier than calling and asking them to host their own..you can focus more on that at your show.
Anyways, just my idea...hope it helps.
Yeah, that is a good idea. Host your own show and invite those parents on the call list. Ofcourse tell them you are a kitchen consultant who is just starting out but also state somewhere in the conversation that you think this would be a great way for all the parents to get to know each other. Or have you considered having a kids cooking show for all the kids in your daughter's class? Parents must attend ofcourse, but I think some of the parents would love that! The kids could all meet and be familiar with each other by the time school starts, etc. Good Luck and let us know how it goes.
I agree....since this is a class list with numbers, you should approach it as I am INVITING YOU AND YOUR CHILD to a Cooking with Kids show at my house. Please bring your child and we will learn how to make _____.
I would approach itas a fundraiser. Yes, I'd still do a cooking with kids class, but it would be a great get together for the parents, and you would have a bit of money to donate to the teacher for resources for the year. (Lets say 10 families place orders of $75 - 100, you'd have a $750 - $1000 show). I'm not sure the percentages in the States, but in Canada, that would earn them 15%. I always offer 3-5% incentive on top of that for educational and/or kids programs, but that is your option.

The families can decide if they want to specify the money is for field trips, special snacks, music or craft supplies, but I find that each teacher has something special they would like to offer their class but don't mention it because they know they can't afford to offer it at a reasonable cost to the class. My son's elementary school hasn't had to pay for any bussing for class trips all year because of successful fundraising (including Pampered Chef & other fundraisers), so they were able to take 6-7 trips this year.

Make sure you stress to people that you're not just after their money. You'd love to meet them & get the children together for an informal afternoon...

Good luck!!

I really like Esther idea to approche it as a fundraiser and like Ginger said it's a great way to have a cook with the kids kitchen show. You should go for it.
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Wow I Never Thought Of Inviting Them To My Home!!!! See That's Why I Posted This, That Is A Great Idea No Pressure And Great Way To Show Off A Kids In The Kitchen Show.. Thanks For The Wonderful Ideas.
Alison :)
ice cream showSince the kids are all young, I recommend an ice cream show so that they can come too. Buy the ice cream sandwich maker and ice cream dipper if you don't already have them. Then, use the cheese grater to do chocolate shavings, the chopper to make finely chopped nuts, the egg slice plus for strawberries. You can either buy cookies or make them - just roll the dough out thin (bar pan, pastry roller). In addition, you could do brownies and then cut them like a hamburger bun instead of cookies (rectangular bakers, utility knife). Whatever you pick, just make sure it's a soft food because a hard food would cause the ice cream to escape. You can also do sprinkles. Everything can be put on simple additions (if you have those). I'm doing this at the end of June in my house. I don't have the simple additions stuff, so I'll use something else instead. Good luck.
Or you couldInvite everyone, parents and kids, and include the teacher. Donate all the host benefits to her as a Thank You for the year.
  • #10
pamperedmom2owen said:
Invite everyone, parents and kids, and include the teacher. Donate all the host benefits to her as a Thank You for the year.

I LOVE this idea since I am a teacher. I would LOVE this for a teacher gift!!!
  • #11
Great Idea!I also think this is a great idea. I wish I had all my daughters classmates phone numbers. Her Teacher from this year just got engaged, so I think that would be great. School is out, any ideas on how I can try to contact everyone?

  • #12
Start with the yearbook to make your list of names. Then begin the friend of a friend method. If you know the number of a couple of them, odds are their children go to the daycare with another, or are neighbors, acquantainces, etc. Would definately take some searching, but could be done.

Related to Maximizing Bookings: Effective Strategies for Contacting Preschool Parents

1. What is a "potential booking" with Pampered Chef?

A potential booking with Pampered Chef refers to a future event or party where you, as a consultant, will demonstrate and sell our products to a group of guests.

2. How do I secure a potential booking?

To secure a potential booking, you can reach out to friends, family, and acquaintances and invite them to host a party. You can also attend local events or join online groups to network and find potential hosts for your parties.

3. What are the benefits of hosting a Pampered Chef party?

Hosting a Pampered Chef party comes with several benefits, including earning free and discounted products, learning new cooking techniques and recipes, and having a fun and interactive experience with friends and family.

4. Can I host a party if I have never used Pampered Chef products before?

Absolutely! Our parties are designed for everyone, regardless of their experience with Pampered Chef products. Our consultants will guide you and your guests through the demonstrations and answer any questions you may have.

5. Can I earn rewards for referring potential bookings to other consultants?

Yes, we have a referral program where you can earn rewards for referring potential bookings to other Pampered Chef consultants. Talk to your consultant for more information on how to participate in this program.

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