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Friday Night Show Dilemma: Seeking Opinions for April 17th Booking

even if it means missing out on spending time with your husband on your anniversary. If this is your Hobby then you should reevaluate your priorities and whether or not this is something you want to pursue full-time.
Hi Everyone!

Just looking for your opinions here.
Whether its yes, or no I will look at what everyone gives me as their opinion, no hurt feelings so bring it on.LOL!

I have a show booked for April 17th. Now I don't always book shows for Friday nights, because we usually do something with the kids, like take them out for Pizza etc..
So when the host wanted that date I agreed since I didn't have any other bookings for April yet. I now have another, but not until the 26th of April.

Well my husband comes home to tell me of a banquet for April 17th.
And I have a show that night. I always go to this banquet with him, and feel a huge amount of guilt for not going (we always do things together and it is weird when we don't)
Anyway, I called the host and she has that Friday off and that day is easier for her, she also has $300 in outside orders already.
I asked about moving it to the 24th the following Friday and she has to work and then come home to get ready for the party she saids would just be to hard, and one of the friends cannot make it that night(one out 30 invited so far?:confused:)
I asked her about Sat and she likes Fridays because people can come from work, have drinks and relax.
This is my business I know, but I only have 2 shows this month (Disney is looking really unreachable lately) and if I have to reschedule it wouldn't be until May with her.

What do you all think?

Kelly V.
I would keep the show.
I guess it depends on how your husband feels about it.

I scheduled a show on my ANNIVERSARY this month, but I asked him ahead of time if he cared. He knows that I am really trying to ramp up my business this year, so he said that was fine, we will do something the day before.

It looks like you have done whatever you can to try to change the date, so if your husband is ok w/ you doing the show, then do it. If he is opposed, or you really feel guilty about it, I guess you can make it a catalog show?
uggg. How do you make the right decision? I don't know. I know that I always try to check with everyone to make sure that I am not missing something family wise first but sometimes something comes up... If she already has $300 of outside orders could you have it be a catalog show in April and have her host a cooking show on a Friday in May? She could put herself in as a booking and get double May host specials (if she wants them). Just an idea... either way good luck. I hope it works out for you!
It's unfortunate that you now have a conflict because I'm a firm believer that the family comes first however I also follow through on commitments so in this case I would do the show since you committed to that first and already asked her for a couple alternate dates such as a Saturday or the following Friday and those weren't an option.

I wouldn't want to offend her anymore by suggesting a catalogue show and a rebook only because I think it would look to her like she didn't matter and wasn't important enough to you. She could then cancel completely (I had a host do that for an entirely different reason with over $200 in orders already and I have no idea where those orders ever went to) or she could book with someone else.

JMO :)
That's tough! I'm sorry you're in this position...it really stinks! Honestly I'm with Holly I'd probably keep the show! Is it possible you could go to the banquet after your show? I know it's going to stink to miss it but I wouldn't want to give up the opportunity to make money and possibly get more bookings/recruits!
I tend to agree family first, but I would keep the show. You tried to get her change the date, and were unsuccessful. Chalk it up to a lesson learned for both you and your husband. In the future he'll need to let you know once he learns dates like this, and you can make it point to tell when you schedule shows on a different night of the week.
Sorry you even have to make this decision! They are not fun...here's to a $1000 show, several bookings and recruit leads! Good Luck!
At the risk of sounding witchy......
Is this your Business or your Hobby?
If this is your Business then, unfortunately, from a business point of view, you keep the show and bring a dessert to thank the woman for even considering accommodating your personal life.
If this is your Hobby, that's different. You can tell her that this is unfortunately a commitment you cannot get out of but that you would be happy to drop off a display, or have her rebook off herself for may, or whatever makes you happy.
It really just comes down to what this is to you. I know I do this as a business and sometimes it means making sucky choices, or giving away shows or missing things. But that is rare and the flip side is it is always my choice on what I do, not anyone else's .
Hope this was helpful (That is what I was aiming for!)
Can you turn it into a catlaog show a give her the credits for a cooking show?
This is a tough decision. I have turned one show into a catalog show because of a similiar situation but my host was totally coo with it.
Good luck.
  • #10
kcjodih said:
It's unfortunate that you now have a conflict because I'm a firm believer that the family comes first however I also follow through on commitments so in this case I would do the show since you committed to that first and already asked her for a couple alternate dates such as a Saturday or the following Friday and those weren't an option.

I wouldn't want to offend her anymore by suggesting a catalogue show and a rebook only because I think it would look to her like she didn't matter and wasn't important enough to you. She could then cancel completely (I had a host do that for an entirely different reason with over $200 in orders already and I have no idea where those orders ever went to) or she could book with someone else.

JMO :)

I agree with this. You already mentioned other dates to her and she didn't bite, so now it would look like you don't hold to your commitments and she doesn't matter. I know it stinks, but maybe something great will come of it!

However, if your husband is really upset if you don't go and it'll cause friction...maybe it wouldn't sound quite as bad if you blamed it on your husband not telling you until it was too late and that it is a very important occasion that your husband insists you attend with him. If you do that though, I would try really hard to make it up to her. Give her a special gift for rebooking the next month. Or do the catty show now with her orders she has and do the double host special for booking off herself for next month.

But, really I would keep the show if it all possible.
  • #11
Tricky situation - I think I would keep the Show since NO other dates seem to work.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Thank you everyone for your opinions! Everyone was helpful, really!

I am going to do the show. I had email her before I posted this question about changing it and she emailed me back, in a not so happy email, not wanting to do it on a Sat and would have to check with the girls on what other night is good etc....

So I don't want to loose the show or possible bookings. So I am forging ahead and doing it and will just stop at the banquet after. My husband just has to learn that these things need to be written down well in advance!

I guess I was also worried that it is a very small town we live in and rumors fly like crazy and if I didn't show up with him, I could just hear the rumors in my head! I guess it will give them something to talk about!!!

Thanks to everyone again!
Kelly V.
  • #13
Koolotus said:
At the risk of sounding witchy......
Is this your Business or your Hobby?
If this is your Business then, unfortunately, from a business point of view, you keep the show and bring a dessert to thank the woman for even considering accommodating your personal life.
If this is your Hobby, that's different. You can tell her that this is unfortunately a commitment you cannot get out of but that you would be happy to drop off a display, or have her rebook off herself for may, or whatever makes you happy.
It really just comes down to what this is to you. I know I do this as a business and sometimes it means making sucky choices, or giving away shows or missing things. But that is rare and the flip side is it is always my choice on what I do, not anyone else's .
Hope this was helpful (That is what I was aiming for!)

This is very true!
As I said in my previous post, I am trying to make mine a business, so I scheduled on my anniversary, with the ok of my dh. If it was just a hobby, as been in past years, you wouldn't have caught me doing a show on such a date. I guess it's all about what your priority is to PC. Let us know what you decide!
  • #14
I guess I was also worried that it is a very small town we live in and rumors fly like crazy and if I didn't show up with him, I could just hear the rumors in my head! I guess it will give them something to talk about!!!

Your hubby can tell all those people at the banquet that you are off doing a show for your very successful business! They'll be jealous that you were off having fun and they were at the banquet!

Good Luck with your show. I have one that night too. And like you, I don't usually do shows on Friday nights.
  • #15
I also think that you would need to go ahead with this show. You mentioned that you don't book on Fridays because it was a family night and you did agree to do a Friday show, therefore you need to keep your commitment to the hostess. I had a show booked one time when I was very ill, right before the PC trip to San Fran and I tried everything I could to get out of the show and the hostess just couldn't swing another date. She had 15 people there and it was a 1000+ show. I had to use my inhaler about 35 times (I had bronchitis) and I had a friend come along and prepare the recipe b/c I didn't want to infect anyone, but I did the show. It was my commitment to my hostess. It sucked, especially being sick and having to drive 3 hours round trip to do the show, but I did it and I am glad I did.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
I know I booked a show on a night I normally would not. So that is partly my fault I will except that.
It is just to except not to go since my husband and I don't get much time by ourselves without the kids tagging along and it will be free, so that was part of my problem.

But I am doing the show and she says that she will make sure I still make the banquet. I told her not to worry about it since I was there for her and wanted her to have a great show.

I just will think twice before booking on a weekend again and will ask my husband about his plans in advance!!

Thanks again -
Kelly V.
  • #17
KellyRedHead said:
But I am doing the show and she says that she will make sure I still make the banquet. I told her not to worry about it since I was there for her and wanted her to have a great show.

I just will think twice before booking on a weekend again and will ask my husband about his plans in advance!!

Thanks again -
Kelly V.

Kelly - I would just explain to hubby that all "family" functions need to get put onto your show calendar so something like this doesn't happen again. My hubby has done that to me also. I've told him, sorry, the show was on the calendar first.
  • #18
Kelly - MAKE SURE HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY TO PEOPLE WHEN THEY ASK WHERE YOU ARE! You make darn sure he tells them that you have your own Pampered Chef Business and that you had a commitment to do a party that night before the banquet was announced. Make sure he has business cards too! A lot of these people may not know you do PC.
And good for you. The reprocussions from not doing the party may far outway any rumors someone may start about you not being with your hubby.
Your hubby will know the truth about where you were but you have to remember, it only takes one dissatisfied person to ruin your business. No lie, one person tells all her guests, they tell their friends and so on.
Before long you become the person who is ALWAYS cancelling her own parties. Apparently she does not need us.
  • #19
pampered1224 said:
Kelly - MAKE SURE HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY TO PEOPLE WHEN THEY ASK WHERE YOU ARE! You make darn sure he tells them that you have your own Pampered Chef Business and that you had a commitment to do a party that night before the banquet was announced. Make sure he has business cards too! A lot of these people may not know you do PC.
And good for you. The reprocussions from not doing the party may far outway any rumors someone may start about you not being with your hubby.
Your hubby will know the truth about where you were but you have to remember, it only takes one dissatisfied person to ruin your business. No lie, one person tells all her guests, they tell their friends and so on.
Before long you become the person who is ALWAYS cancelling her own parties. Apparently she does not need us.

I agree with this Kelly!!!! Good for you on your decision!!! MEN!!!AAAHHHH!!! And, do make sure that he has those business cards along!!!! This may be a blessing in disguise!! Maybe he will come home with some business leads for you!!!!!:chef::chef:
  • #20
good answer John, that is exactly what I was going to say.
  • #21
after doing everything to try and change the show and the host won't budge, I say either keep the show and chalk it up as a lesson learned OR find another consultant who is willing to take the show if the banquet really means that much to you. Personally it would feel like I was flaking on a prior commitment if I were to pass on the show. That is just me though.
  • #22
You could start the show as early as possible since the guests will be coming following work. I had a show once where her co-workers came after work and she served drinks and they were ready to party. I kept the demo short. You can have the recipe prepared or baked when you arrive or put together a quick trifle. Do an express type show, go through the catalog and talk about our best product groups, bookings, etc... and without "looking" rushed, make it short and sweet. You could even say you are keeping it short for them so they can visit and enjoy each other, after all it is a Friday night. Take a dish bucket to do your dishes at home and I would take less product so their is less to pack up afterwards.
Hope it is successful for you.

Related to Friday Night Show Dilemma: Seeking Opinions for April 17th Booking

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